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@KennyLau "Better" is an ambiguous term. Stack-based languages have a major advantage over traditional languages in terms of code golf.
@Mego How so?
@KennyLau With traditional languages, there's a lot of infix notation, which requires an order of operations and some notation for associativity/grouping (usually parentheses). Stack-based languages (and Pyth, though it's not stack-based) do away with that by being either postfix (more common) or prefix. With those, you just read off data and instructions and execute them in order. (1*2)+(3*4) is longer than 12*34*+ (postfix) or +*12*34 (prefix).
@mego In that case, I'm comparing, you know Pyth, and Actually, in terms of using stacks or not
Because the items in stacks are often disposed after one use
so you frequently need to duplicate them
And also in traditional stacks, you can't look further down than the third item
The underlying data structure in Seriously and Actually is a random-access list, but all the commands (except for a few special ones) get their arguments by popping and return their results by pushing
And yes, while there is a need to duplicate items because popping is a destructive operation, if it wasn't destructive, then there would be a lot more explicit discarding than there is duplicating with the destructive pop
@Mego and in non-stacks, this dilemma is resolved: you neither "duplicate then destroy" nor "not duplicate then discard".
because the operations in stack-based languages (SBLs) only apply to the first 2 items.
@KennyLau That's only true if you limit the language to unary and binary operations.
@Mego Well, take + as an example.
How would you add the 2nd and the 3rd item in your beautiful stack?
It depends - how do you want the stack to look after the operation?
I just want to keep the 1st item. I don't care about the other details
@KennyLau You mean top 2
Do you want it to still be top of stack after the operation?
@MarsUltor I'm not seeing the difference.
If so, then in Seriously/Actually, it's )+(
@KennyLau It's usually stored as the last two
oh ok
@Mego For example, I would like to calculate A*(B+C) in Actually
@KennyLau )+*
What about A+B*(C+D)?
And what if I Actually™ have 5 items in the stack?
Oh wait
That's for <s>
@KennyLau That code works as long as there are at least 4 items on the stack, and the top 4 are numerics
Actually TM
@KennyLau Windows?
@MarsUltor ?
Are you on windows?
@Mego How does it work?
Actually I messed it up
Pyth: +*+CDBA (7 bytes)
) pops the top item off and pushes it to the bottom of the stack, ( does the reverse
so we're even xd
What about A + (B * (C + (D * E)))?
fsymbols.com/keyboard/windows/layouts may make it easier to type weird symbols
a inverts the stack
@MarsUltor Thanks xd
@Mego Again, it is assumed that I have 100 items in the stack
In that case, 5╟Ri+*+* will work, but I'm not sure that it's the shortest way
5╟ takes the top 5 elements and pushes a list containing those elements, R reverses the list, and i flattens the list (pushes each element from the list)
let's compare it with the version in Pyth...
Pyth: +A*B+C*DE (9 bytes)
looks like you won :)
So it's 1 shorter than Pyth :P
You see, the point of me making Seriously and Actually wasn't to try to make a language which had the shortest solution to every code golf challenge. I just wanted to make a golfing language that I liked, that made sense to me, and that did moderately well on code golf challenges.
It was more of a learning exercise than anything else
By the way, all the characters beyond \u80 looks the same to me here: raw.githubusercontent.com/Mego/Seriously/master/commands.txt
(they all got rendered as \uFFFD, even when I switch to different encodings)
That would be because GitHub thinks it's UTF-8 when it's actually CP437. Look at the v2 branch's version
Would you consider adding commands like "prime factor" and "factor" xd
Look at w
And y
But no 20 -> [1,2,4,5,10,20]?
Now that Actually is released, I have to search existing Seriously answers and mention if they work with Actually.
I could add that. The equivalent code would be ";╗R;╜%Y@░" (can't do backticks in code formatting)
If they don't, I get more work making it work with Actually.
@zyabin101 Almost all of them will. Only cases where unprintables or one of the few commands that got reassigned are used will have issues.
@Mego How do I do "while len(stack): A"?
@KennyLau example
@KennyLau ` WXA `
(spaces are important and should be there)
it implicitly executes?
What do you mean?
I thought it would just push a function onto the stack
without executing it
@zyabin101 what time is it for you?
While loops are basically the only part of the language that doesn't fit with the rest
@EasterlyIrk 11:38 here.
@zyabin101 Please don't go through and leave comments on all of my Seriously answers about how they'd be shorter in Actually. I'm very aware. They are two different languages, though.
@KennyLau The backticks weren't part of the code
Note that the 0 at the end is because the last len(stack) never gets removed
Space pushes len(stack). The W...W part runs the inside code while the top of the stack is truthy. It doesn't pop from the stack, though, so you need X to get rid of the condition value.
Could you translate "<space>WX WX" to any traditional language?
while stack.peek():
And "<space>WXX"?
while stack.peek():
Well, but in " WX WX" aren't you only popping the length each time?
Yes, hence why you would put the code you want run each loop between the first X and the second space
Like ` WX. WX`
I see.
Well, the standard golfed version would not be " WXX WX", but... (drumroll)
@zyabin101 am or pm?
@EasterlyIrk AM.
é, kX, and ` WXX WX` all work
1:50am here. :P
wtf am i doing
@Mego How would you pop the entire stack save the top?
3:50 AM, have to be up in ~4.5 hours
go to bed
10/10 genius idea
@KennyLau ╗é╜
@EasterlyIrk Insomnia's a bitch
@Mego ikr
brb getting caffeine to crash hard on
will chug and go to bed
bai for the night!
That's not how caffeine works
If i come back tell me to go to sleep. BAI
I'm also gonna try to go to sleep
@Mego for me yeah. I had so much today more will push me over. :P
@Mego night
@KennyLau If you want to discuss Seriously and Actually more, leave some questions in the Seriously chat room and I'll answer them when I can
Yesterday I slept early (for me, that's 12pm) to make sure I didn't miss GCJ
Because of a closed pull request, I lost my Seriously fork's v2 branch X(
@AlexA. Just got Christmas in the mail. It's like Christmas=)
The newest Windows 10 build keeps installing Candy Crush without asking. >:(
> Many users have spotted that Windows 10 downloads and installs some games and apps automatically. Without the user even opening the Store, or asking for his or her permission, the operating system installs some apps like Candy Crush Soda Saga, Minecraft: Windows 10 edition, Flipboard, Twitter and some other apps. This is definitely unwanted behavior for most users because they never requested these apps.
Unwanted bloatware seems to be a disease spreading in the current generation of consumer electronics.
The funny thing is that I'm using Windows 10 Enterprise. Why would you want to have Candy Crush on your work PC? It's a terrible game, too!
@mınxomaτ These apps would never be able to be deleted, I think.
@zyabin101 No, of course you can uninstall them
@mınxomaτ But they will eventually return.
@mınxomaτ Well they want the employees to refrain from playing games.
@zyabin101 Not if you disable "CloudConnect" in Windows.
@mınxomaτ \o/
> No thanks to Black Sabbath for stealin our shit!
Are they serious?
@Mego What will Seriously v3 be called?
2 hours later…
@zyabin101 Super Seriously?
@PhiNotPi Absolutely.
(That's a name.)
But obviously not Obviously, because I allocated that name first for my esolang.
> obviously not Obviously
lol, a pun.
Does that even count as a pun?
> Yeah let's allocate every english word as a name for a future esolang.
So, I was looking over the rules for the AI programming competition today...
Reading up on Go, it has a defer keyword, which defers the execution of a function until after the function returns
And I found a very vague phrase on the website
that's way cool
@NathanMerrill what does that mean?
> You are welcome to run several instances of your bots at the same time, and more generally to use any measure you see fit to achieve leaderboard domination. Fight!
^ the phrase I was talking about
    f = file.open();
    defer f.close();
    do other stuff;
Okay, neat. I was thinking the two uses of the word "function" were referring to the same thing.
when myFunc returns, f will automatically close
ah :)
If I were to go "full PPCG" on that AI competition, I could probably win.
@PhiNotPi Oh! I've seen that website.
I'm currently viewing a game.
It's two bots zuborg vs two bots MiniMe.
@PhiNotPi I'm not sure if the "multiple instances" makes things hackable
And I think one of zuborg will win.
because game sizes are fixed
Right now, I'm at move 295, and I don't know how to load more moves.
@zyabin101 If it freezes after a certain number of moves, then I think there's not any more.
Found this question on the History of Science and Mathematics. Anyone here got an answer?
Q: What was the first programming language that implemented hash maps / dictionaries as a base type?

fu9arI'm having a discussion elsewhere about this. I suspect that it was Perl, with the hash maps, but that is because I don't know much about older languages rather than any exhaustive research on the matter. The wikipedia article says that the data structure was invented in 1953, so it is plausible ...

@MarsUltor Why is there an untitled document in github.com/somebody1234/GCJ?
Q: MOST obfuscated INFINITE loop!

Mukul KumarSIMPLE RULES : write a code that goes in an INFINITE LOOP. The code should be OBFUSCATED. This is a popularity-contest. Also disclose and proof the secret obfuscation with these

I'm pretty sure it was Perl but I could be wrong.
@NewMainPosts Technically I don't give any vtc-plz but NO CAPS SOLVE ANY PROBLEMS WITH QUESTIONS.
Well, let the community decide.
Congrats on 10k, @Adnan!!
10k in 5 months
The little ones grow up so fast. ;-;
Five months? I hadn't noticed that
Adnan posted his/her first question in November I think.
Meanwhile I've gotten 6k in 6 months. I should pick up the pace
@quartata son
How would I find out the chatroom of a community in stackexchange?
Go to the site, hit StackExchange -> chat and pick the one that says general discussion for....
TNB is dangerously distracting. I just almost poured orange juice instead of milk in my cereal
@quartata Still yummy.
I wonder what that would taste like, actually.
I like it.
try it, you'll totally like it,
avocad is better
I would totally drink avocado juice if I could acquire some.
you just have to juic it
easier said than done
and no drink avocado juic drink avocad juic
(in reality, I kinda dislike avocados)
I'm noticing a trend here of only west coast people actually liking avocados
avocad is amazing all should liek
guacamole is not bad, in small quantities
You live in Hong Kong, right? Probably difficult to get good avocados
Don't avocados grow in the tropics?
not that difficult
Getting "jus alpukat" is reasonably easy in Indonesia
@aditsu You live in Hong Kong?!
The Indonesian drink "jus alpukat" literally translates to avocado juice, by the way. Other fruit juices are similar. Guess what "jus stroberi" is? :P
The world is small
Kenny are you in Hong Kong as well
@Sherlock9 is it apple juice? ^_^
@Sherlock9 Juice strawberry.
@aditsu Maybe
@Sherlock9 Yes. I am also from Hong Kong.
@zyabin101 Yes
@KennyLau Hong Kong is big...
in Cantonese they pronounce it something like si-to-be-lei
@aditsu So you are from Hong Kong as well..
I'm not from HK, but I live here
I come from Romania
@aditsu Sounds about right :D Spoken fast it sounds good
@aditsu I see. But you understand Cantonese?
@KennyLau siu-siu
He's asking if you can tonese
@Sherlock9 :p
@aditsu I see
@Sherlock9 I can't onese.
@aditsu So your native language is Romanian?
@MartinBüttner :D
@MartinBüttner :p
@KennyLau yep
My first language is English, which is not quite helpful when trying to communicate with Indonesians here
@aditsu Well, I know a few Romance languages, but Romanian's spelling is too different from them xd
@aditsu Comprendes tú español escrito?
@LuisMendo Thank you!! :)
@KennyLau I mostly understand stuff due to similarity, but many words are different
And some of the other students at the university come from parts of Indonesia where their first language is the local one and they sort of learned Bahasa Indonesia in school. So I speak mostly English, and they could speak mostly Manadonese, but we have to fumble through Indonesian
@aditsu Romanian is technically a Romance language, but it has been heavily influenced by Slavic languages...
@Sherlock9 rofl
@Sherlock9 well, Cantonese is a tonal language, so maybe you can call it "tonese" :p
@aditsu XD
@aditsu Do you use a word similar to "comprender" or "entender" for "understand"?
@KennyLau it's still similar to Latin in many ways, perhaps more than some other Romance languages
so si-to-be-lei is actualy si_ to` be` lei/
@aditsu How do you say "understand"?
@KennyLau not normally, but we have words like "incomprehensibil"
@KennyLau to understand = a înțelege
Romanian doesn't have a word for "understand"?
Anybody wanna register ninja.ninja?
The diversity of cultures in Indonesia is like if the US had English as the main language of the nation, but each region had their own separate language, (rather than just a dialect)
@aditsu I see. intellegere... completely not used in Spanish or French.
@KennyLau it does, but it's not similar to those
Must have been borrowed from Latin
for one domain name....
Like if the Southwest, California and Texas still (to a larger extent) spoke Spanish, or sections of the Northeast and the Louisiana Purchase spoke French, or if even a few of the thousands of Native American languages were still being widely spoken (which is probably the most like what it's like in Indonesia)
@aditsu But the soundshift from t to ț is interesting enough
In English it only happens before an r. In French and Spanish it doesn't happen at all...
We have words in Indonesian like "mengerti" or "understand", where we don't use the "root" word, or one does not exist in the formal language. We just change the prefixes and suffixes
Ah, my example was faulty. The root word exists, "erti", but I have never heard that used before
what would "meng" mean? Between?
"me" is the verb form. Changes it into a verb
and "ng"?
"pe" at the beginning and "an" at the end changes it to a group noun. "pengertian" is something like "knowledge"
funny enough, one Cantonese word for "understand" sounds like "meng"
@KennyLau Bridges the prefix and the root
@aditsu ming-baak :)
"memahami" from "paham" also meaning understand
@aditsu Or the one-word form ming
@KennyLau right, similar
"melatih" directly from "latihan" or practice
@Sherlock9 me+nasal...
*menpaham -> memahami or the like
*menerti -> mengerti or the like
Right, but it usually starts with "me" and works from there
I see
@EasterlyIrk ninja.ninja is a premium domain. 8 580 000 roubles for just one domain name facepalm
sorry I'm just too interested in linguistics xd
sad to see the linguistics chatroom is literally abandoned
8580000 roubles equals $129910.64, by the way.
This is a page of the official dictionary. Obviously it's all in Indonesian, but look at all the affixes :D kbbi.web.id/atur
"atur" means "arrange"
@zyabin101 ikr
I see
woah it's over 9000 roubles
and almost over 9000K roubles
Over $90000 ---(O_O)---
@Sherlock9 Well I don't understand a word xd
"atur", "beratur", "beraturan", "mengatur", "mengaturkan", "teratur", "keteraturan", "aturan", "peraturan", "pengatur", "pengaturan"
first two are "arrange neatly", then "in a neat arrangement", "arrange neatly" again, "to arrange neatly", "clean", "an activity of cleaning or arranging neatly", "the results of said arranging", "rules or laws", "they who arrange", "process of arranging"
majik wurds
Basically lots of grammar
That I did not translate nearly well enough
Sorry about that :$
So basically peN is the noun-former
meN is the verb-former
terN is an adjective-former, I believe
-an is gerund (action of verb)
Why the N?
does it affect other verbs as well xd
@EasterlyIrk Most name mesh ninjas were all sold. Most of them remaining were in the Mix section.
@KennyLau You said N, I was following your syntax
meN then peN, then I used terN
@Sherlock9 I see. The N says that it makes the following sounds like n (like p -> m)
so historically it should have an "n" there
Ah, that I thought that was a placeholder for the rest of the word
I like analyzing languages
I just learned that @aditsu used SQL (among many other languages) for the qualification round of google code jam.
@EasterlyIrk ninjenga.com is available! Source
Also, does someone here know where Mars Ultor went? He didn't reply to my pings.
@Sherlock9 Any more word with ter-?
I don't get codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/71172/… :( Why does it remove "Hello" from the integer testcase, and why is "5"not counted as an int, but the only string cases is fine?
@TheNumberOne not my first time to use SQL, but it was my first time to use Haskell
@KennyLau so, I live in Tai Po, what about you?
@aditsu Tsing Yi
quite far
@RenderSettings "Hello" and "5" are technically strings
We need to filter those out first
\o/ @RenderSettings you're back!
@EasterlyIrk You around?
@quartata I around.
@quartata yeah
@Adnan But you're also supposed to sort strings, no? Do you only sort strings if the list is /only/ strings?
@EasterlyIrk Did you install TF2?
@RenderSettings you can italicize with *text*, ala text.
@quartata you has tf2 craving?
also, I suck much bad
@RenderSettings As far as I can tell the strings are completely ignored
@quartata There's the case for ["1" "2" "3" "4" "5"] -> 1 5, which now that I think obout it should probably be -> "1" "5"

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