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@flawr Zwei has posted in CJam
code golf: I should probably look at a few but the only one I've used is CJam.

actual: I have flip-flopped quite a bit. I started with python then learned web stuff then java then C derivatives. I also learned lua at one point. Currently I use python for quick tests and experiments, and C++ for more serious or large projects.
my profile isn't fleshed out very much and I have very little activity because I am fairly new to SE as a whole.
oh ok, well I hope we see you around here every now and then=)
so does anyone have some feedback on soundcloud.com/orlp/twelve-tone-melody ?
sounds nice
@orlp I like it. I don't really understand the electronic tag though, sounds more jazzy to me.
the first 5 seconds land right at the bottom of the uncanny valley for me with the constantly changing pace.
its good
@Zwei you mean due to sloppy play or just the rhythm?
oh, this wasn't synthesized?
you know, synthesizers are usually played by humans :P
shows you how much I know about how music is played
Hm, if there are synthesizers there should also be analyzers.
Noun: Wikipedia
  1. synthesizer ‎(plural synthesizers)
  2. (music) An electronic instrument that creates its sounds with electronics and has a keyboard.
  3. (music) An electronic instrument module that creates its sounds with electronics and does not have any keyboard.
  4. (electronics) An electronic circuit that generates an electronic signal oscillation with accurate timing from a reference oscillator.
  5. (electronics) An electronic device that generates electronic signal patterns to test an electronic circuit.
I visualize music being made as people looking at a DAW laying out notes for a song. The DAW then makes artificial instrument sounds to match the laid out track
@AlexA. Thanks. I build it mainly because I had some connection problems with the online compiler at the time. Compiling a code offline was a lot faster and than compiling it online. Also invested a bit of time in a few features like supporting testsuites and a better doc search, which the online compiler didn't had back then.
But since than, the online compiler got a lot better.
Haven't use the IDE in months.
@Zwei the vast majority of music is played on instruments
@Jakube Ah, okay. Well I still think it's cool. :P
The only feature that I miss is the automatically codegolf-template generator. .
@orlp TIL.
The tone actually feels less akward and uncanny the more I listen to it
the reason why it's slightly awkward shouldn't be the rhythm
it's the fact that it uses all twelve tones in one melody
it's incredibly rare to do that
yeah, it wasn't the rythm thinking back
@orlp you should call it "the quick brown fox"
Or alternatively in german das komplett verwahrloste Taxi
(the completely bedraggled taxi)
@orlp also, the first bar (or maybe 2 bars?) sounds like Chopin - youtube.com/watch?v=wTSu1jjKpgI
@aditsu if that's the waltz op 64 no 2, then well spotted
(clicks link)
first two chords are the same
@aditsu do you have absolute pitch?
@flawr it's about relative pitch here
I think I do, but it's not always accurate, so maybe not really absolute :p
i - II7 sounds glorious
@orlp I know, but these two seem to match quite exact if you compare=)
@flawr that's because C# minor is a convenient key for pianists :)
it has a lot of black keys
I'm off by 1 semitone sometimes, possibly even more (rarely)
Black keys = convenient?
@flawr yes
not for beginners
@aditsu What instruments do you play?
@flawr piano, and a little guitar
Oh, well then=)
I prefer rubinstein's version btw
I like Horowitz's version of everything Chopin :)
Looks like I came in at a musical time.
@orlp oh.. i remember that from piano tiles 2
@PhiNotPi oh you missed my latest creation
twelve tone melody
with an interesting chord progression
sounds a bit random/alien imo
@aditsu that's twelve tone melodies for you :)
The part from 7-10 seconds sounds the best, IMO.
you have to use every tone in one melody
you can't play 'in key'
can't you just go wild with the chromatic scale?
@aditsu but then it's not harmonic
@AlexA. how do I add two strings in Julia, "a" + "b" doesn't work
my melody has some chromatic walks
but it's still harmonic
@Downgoat *
or just walk the circle of fifths
@AlexA. wat.
julia> "a" * "b"
@aditsu that'd be an incredibly boring chord progression
originally I didn't intend to make a 12-tone melody
it sounded a bit more familiar
but it already used 10/12 notes
@orlp Very nice!
so I figured, why not 12?
@orlp etude op 10 no 2 still sounds kinda harmonic
Music talk on 19B? Great! :-)
@LuisMendo Are you a musician?
@AlexA. Amateur, yes. Here's a sample :-)
And you?
@orlp This reminded me of one of César Francks pieces: youtube.com/watch?v=qOUBl11wUbk
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

apsillersParse a binary string into the largest sorted list Given a binary sequence, separate the bits into little-endian binary values such that the series of values is sorted in strictly ascending order. That is, given a binary sequence like... 11011100101 ...separate the sequence into binary numbe...

@LuisMendo Oh cool, please link to your soundcloud in your profile=)
Wanna be able to find it again=)
@flawr Haha. Do you think it's a good idea? That's not very programming-related...
@LuisMendo so what?
You are right. Besides, I also have a link to Twitter, which is also unrelated.
I'm slowly starting to feel like an idiot surrounded by musical geniouses.
2 hourssssssssss
So am I. So much classical stuff... :-)
@LuisMendo Nice=)
Well now I that we've sorted that out: I really need to go to bed.
sec let me record this other melody I was working on
@LuisMendo This is nice! :D Which instrument(s) do you play?
@AlexA. Guitar. Mainly electric, also some acoustic (Spanish guitar actually). I also use Matlab ocasionally for composing drum parts and synthetic bass parts, from samples of other songs
Oh and thanks :-)
You use Matlab for the drums? o_O
i have so many questions...
Living the geek dream....
@AlexA. Yup. You get to say "I need to recompile the drum part". Pretty cool
That's super cool. Holy crap.
Lack of an actual drum set stirs your imagination
I had no idea Matlab could rock the skins like that
Plus, the timing is always perfect
Too perfect in a way
@AlexA. You just read the "notes" in a convenient notation, and for each add an audio part read from a wav file. So it's just adding displaced versions of wav files, basically
Oh interesting
One for the crash cymbal, one for the snare drum, the bass drum, etc
My university is hosting an AI programming contest this weekend.
There's about a 50/50 chance I'll attend.
Why wouldn't you?
at the contest or in you
@poi830 :-D
@PhiNotPi get well soon :-s
It appears that they are going to use this as the basis for the contest: vindinium.org
that's a melody I've been composing for a while now
not sure how to make a song out of it though
@orlp Since you like programming and that type of music, you should really read "Gödel, Escher, Bach", if you haven't already
@LuisMendo I have
@orlp and? Did you like it? I did, a lot
Although some parts were a little boring
I liked it but in the end it felt a bit pointless and empty
also it was slow at points
Yes, exactly. Some chapters I wanted to skip
But definitely worth reading
@LuisMendo Forgot to answer this. Yes, sort of. I've been playing the guitar for about 15 years and I used to practice often and play in bands and things like that (I've even recorded a couple albums) but I haven't been playing much lately. :/
@orlp I don't have much intuition for classical-like music :-)
Q: Substitution cipher

MassimoA substitution cipher is an encoding method where each letter in the alphabet is replaced with a fixed, different one; for example, given the following substitution map: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz || qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm The phrase "we all love cryptography" would be encoded ...

@AlexA. Hey! Bands! Albums! Any links?
@LuisMendo Haha the only stuff that used to be online was taken down a while back. It was on the band's SoundCloud but they took it down when they changed their sound a bit after I left.
The majority of the stuff I've recorded was before I understood how to use the Internet so it never made its way online. :P
@AlexA. Well, you should! What style? Any reference bands?
What do you mean reference bands?
The bands I was in when I was younger were metal
I mean bands you like, to have an idea what yours sounded like
Ah, metal, ok
The most recent band that was on SoundCloud was some kind of rock...
in pyth how do you get a number corresponding to a letter
@poi830 The ASCII code? I think C?
No idea about Pyth(on), sorry :-(
i cant find it on the thing
@poi830 if you mean ascii code it's C
C  <str>                  Convert A to int using base 256 and code points.
This is surely a duplicate?
6 mins ago, by New Main Posts
Q: Substitution cipher

MassimoA substitution cipher is an encoding method where each letter in the alphabet is replaced with a fixed, different one; for example, given the following substitution map: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz || qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm The phrase "we all love cryptography" would be encoded ...

@aditsu @flawr @PhiNotPi no comments? :( soundcloud.com/orlp/unfinished-counterpoint
not bad, but I'm not a great fan of baroque
if any of you have played rocket league this language is great
@poi830 Did you make?
i didnt
my friend did
@mbomb007 you're not, you're just getting an empty match after every non-empty match because your regex allows it, and that empty match is replaced by a zero.
@orlp I was away.
@orlp some comments....
actually, are you looking for some (arbitrary) criticism?
because I can be specific about which parts I liked.
@poi830 Check out my Pyth solution too :)
i saw :(
The input format on that challenge is nasty.
There actually isn't a way to take all input in 05AB1E
@PhiNotPi just tell me what you think
for whatever you think is relevant
Jolf would tie pyth, except I incorrectly implemented by transliterate command :(
@poi830 @Q0 -> hQ
@poi830 I further golfed your code to 29 bytes: VtQVNp?&<JCH123>J96@hQ-J97H)k
@KennyLau BTW Do you know Kevin Lau?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I don't think I do.
Hm. He's also on this site
Okay, the first 1/3 definitely sounds promising (as in, you can definitely build additional counterpoint off of it). The middle 1/3 sounded too repetitive IMO (I know that is probably kinda hypocritical if you've heard my stuff). The last 1/3 (with 2 voices) sounded pretty good. (The penultimate note sounded kinda weird, though.)
@poi830 27 bytes by using map (you should learn using map): jmsm?&<JCk123>J96@hQ-J97kdt
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I see.
@KennyLau yeah, im pretty new to pyth
@poi830 So an example of map: mhd[1 3 5 7) -> [2,4,6,8]
@KennyLau You see...na? You're John Cena?!
i see
@poi830 m<expression using d><list> means a list of the results of applying the expression to each item in list.
oh ok its a lambda with d
@poi830 So the basics in arrays: hQ = @Q0, eQ = @QlQ, tQ = >Q1, PQ = <1Q
@poi830 Have fun in Pyth-golfing! :)
@poi830 You can find me here if you have any questions
@KennyLau yeah most of what i learned has been from talking to doorknob because i know him irl
I see
thats also how i got to ppcg
2M  Is prime; pops a and pushes a!.
2$M Is composite; pops a and pushes Γ(a).
3M  Nth prime; pops a and pushes 1 if a is prime, 0 otherwise.
3$M Nth composite; pops a and pushes 1 if a is composite, 1 otherwise.
@El'endiaStarman Is this a typo?
I see
"also also, you have been imprisoned >:​D once you join ppcg, there is no escape" - doorknob
'tis true
convenient timing
@Doorknob played much nethack today. died much in nethack today..
@poi830 really?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ trade you: Will start playing TF2 again if you play nethack more.
@QPaysTaxes cool!
but what is ICBINBF?
YES. After several days of working on the same thing at work and staying late yesterday and today to try to finish it, I've finally finished it.
@EasterlyIrk I don't think it's worth it >_>
@AlexA. Nice!
@EasterlyIrk I can't believe it's not Büttner's fleece
@QPaysTaxes Compiling a dataset of electrocardiogram (ECG) results for a clinical trial
54 secs ago, by QPaysTaxes
@AlexA. What is it?
@EasterlyIrk I know doorknobs irl. My house is full of them.
I'll stick to coding instead of trying to know what that meant :P
@QPaysTaxes I thought it was electrocardiogram
@HelkaHomba same
@QPaysTaxes It's electrocardiogram. I'm an idiot.
iz okai
I should know this considering I've done this shit for years now. >:|
@AlexA. hahaha ninja'd
What's the clinical word for "liver"?
Alex is still wrong :)
@HelkaHomba as a prefix, hepa[to]-
wait @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ is tf2 free?
@EasterlyIrk yes
@EasterlyIrk Yes.
It's been free for almost 5 years
I just realized I've been working so long on this without stopping that I haven't eaten since breakfast.
It's 5pm
@QPaysTaxes That's also true, except for some parts of russia.
@AlexA. what did you have for breakfast

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