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@EasterlyIrk right click on my face, open image in new tab
> Republic of Congo Domain Registration Time Frame: 6 - 8 Weeks
wowe ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
bad meme joke is bad?
@Quill 10/10 no facial hair
Little known fact about time: Whenever you see 2 weeks, you multiply it by 3-4 sqrt(weeks).
hey there @Alex
oh hey while I have a captive audience True:
You know how you all like to stickybeak at flags and chat drama?
well now you can do that without having to be a speedy mcninja
PopcornSE - a flag retainer/viewer
@Quill golfier: oh hey while 1:
Removed comments and shortened truthy value.
ohai @PinCrash!!!!
@Quill Summon more code reviewers, we need more souls.
@EasterlyIrk monking!
monking to you.
@PinCrash what time is it for you though?? 16:10 here.
Any csgo fans here?
@Quill ^
he is?
@GamrCorps wassup
Cyoce and quartata also are I know.
@AlexA. do you play CS?
Did you watch the Liquid/Fanatic game?
@EasterlyIrk 19:10 here
@PinCrash so not monking, nighing.
@GamrCorps oh, I don't watch the games anymore
I think cyoce does tho
in The 2nd Monitor, Jan 29 '15 at 23:50, by Mat's Mug
It's always monking somewhere in the world...
@Quill Liquid just beat Fnatic.. first time a NA team beat a good EU team in over 10 years
@PinCrash okai
@EasterlyIrk Not often
But sometimes
I played with quartater tots a while back
@Quill Your code looks so nice I can almost read it (and I don't JS very well)
Clearly unacceptable here
thanks :)
2 days ago, by Alex A.
Hello @Zgarb and welcome back to JavaScript Bashing Central.
I don't really understand where localStorage comes from though, since I don't see it declared anywhere
PSA: Don't mention JS unless you want your head code bashed.
@PinCrash It's monking somewhere else
@GamrCorps Wait, Liquid won?
@PinCrash it's a browser thing, it's attached to the global scope
That's... a surprise for sure
@quartata Yep 22-19 OT2
Ah, ok
I think I found a bones file in nethack?
@quartata does amounts of gold over 1000 occur naturally?
@EasterlyIrk Okay what's the point of playing Nethack if you're going to do it in a browser
So I flagged a comment saying "halp how does ask challenge", as "not constructive", and it got declined. It really constructive?
No but it also isn't hurting anything
@Doorknob s/if.*//
and ^^^
@AlexA. but it's "not constructive" and non-constructive comments should be deleted... SE comment sections aren't for jokes
@EasterlyIrk don't remember
1647 seems like a lot.
plus I found a camera and hawaiian shirt.
Yeah unless it was a vault that's probably not natural
@EasterlyIrk definitely the bones file of a tourist then
@AlexA. it's obviously hurting @Downgoat
Unless you're just extremely lucky
@Downgoat There are a lot of comments that are jokes all over the site.
@Downgoat Where?
@quartata okai cool
@AlexA. that doesn't mean they should be explicitly kept...
@MartinBüttner halp how does ask challenge — Alex A. ♦ Feb 18 at 20:14
@Downgoat I'm not saying they should be
@Downgoat Ah, meta...
Meta is the one place where "we hate fun" applies the least
I thought it applied the most
I don't know, I've always thought of site metas as being the super-serious place for policy discussions and what not.
@Doorknob That's Meta SE which is a different story
fair enough :P
fun on MSE is another way to say "this will be locked in a few days/weeks"
@Doorknob we don't hate fun, but if an pointless comment is flagged, it shouldn't be declined
when a core language maintainer (for a non-esolang) gives you golfing tips :)
@Downgoat trying to micro-manage harmless comments is a waste of time for everyone involved
but that's not a good reason to decline it
why not?
Note that we don't have the option to mark a comment flag as helpful but do nothing. It's either delete/helpful or dismiss/decline.
because it was a frivolous comment on a serious post...
I think he means that even if it was not too important, it still could be useful.
One of the default decline reasons is "Flags should only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their intervention." (Emphasis mine.)
@Downgoat was it actively doing any harm by existing?
I'm not going to complain that my flag was denied, but I asked so I could get a explanation besides "why not?"... but then, what should I flag as non-constructive, that comment seems like a prime-example of non-constructive comments
@Doorknob "we hate fun" has ended up being one of those memes which lost its origin story, I suspect.
I mean, for years the site FAQ ended with "have fun"
@Shog9 it was that blog post, wasn't it?
@Doorknob right
Jeff Atwood on January 4, 2010
I noticed that the Stack Overflow question Strangest language feature has been closed and reopened several times now. The text of the question is brief:
> I should clarify that we absolutely do not want the site overrun with "fun" questions. There's no way we're sacrificing our core Q&A; mission to turn into a brainless LOL-fest like Reddit or Digg. But, there is a certain balance we're trying to achieve. A world without fun is like a world without waffles and ponies. And what kind of monster would want that?
Oh god that picture
> Is Jon Skeet
Fairly certain @JonSkeet doesn't have that, so .
Well, duh, what else could that tag mean?
No, read my other message.
@Shog9 heh, Markdown fail with the list items there... yeah, it's a phrase that people use now to mean different things I guess
@Doorknob right. At the time, it was simply... "Hey, we have a Topic here and Q&A should be about that topic."
Not discussions, not polls, not endless lists of favorite things, not funky games that people made up when bored... At least, not in excess.
Anyway, meta was supposed to be sort of an escape for the stuff that folks wanted to talk about but which didn't belong on the site. Before chat existed, some folks used meta for... Pretty much whatever they could get away with, which overlapped considerably with what chat is used for now.
Q: Joke list question got to Hot Network Questions but looks like it should be closed

PimgdWhat are some good economics jokes? This question, if asked on any other site on StackExchange that I participate in, ("what are some good programming jokes", etc), would get downvoted and closed so hard. But here, it has gotten upvotes and is apparently being tolerated. Since this completely...

@Shog9 so essentially distinguishing the Q&A format of SE from the traditional format of forums and such?
@Downgoat See here
"but the jokes are about programming, and stack overflow is for programming questions, right? that makes it okay, right?"
What's the best way to come up with a programming joke while on a boat?
@Doorknob right
@Doorknob (╯°□°)╯︵ ƃuᴉɯɯɐɹƃoɹd ʇɐoq
forums are for conversations, not for q and a
how are you even supposed to tell which one was helpful
45 pages of noise for 8 answers
Remember, at the time that was written, folks were still sorta coming to grips with the notion that tags couldn't be seen quite the same way that channels or subforums were in other systems; efforts to carve out spaces for [subjective] questions, [poll]s and, heck, things like [code-golf] were falling apart as any real success meant tons of attention for threads from folks who were struggling to make a go of it in [r] or [winapi].
yeah, that's evident with the residual locked questions like "favorite programmer cartoon"
I need a programming project! Sugest something fellow nerds....
I'm bored :(
closed:1 sort by highest score
@AshwinGupta add-on for Data Explorer that does stacked area graphs
@AshwinGupta um project euler
@Doorknob favorite programmer cartoon is hilarious...
@AshwinGupta implement a red-black tree
@Quill the ones I'm referring to are the locked ones (but yeah, they have hundreds of votes :P)
@AshwinGupta Make an IDE for CJam
Okay I better backup, im 14. I know java, and am willing to learn a new lang. I know the basics. Written stuff like pong or hangman (w/ graphics of course)
@Doorknob I thought there was a way to search for locked questions
@AlexA. not even sure how I would do that?
I don't think they show up in search without explicitly requesting them
@AshwinGupta I think epicTCK's suggestion of Project Euler is a good one. And of course there are challenges here you could participate in. ;)
Okay this seems cool (Euler)
@AshwinGupta That was mostly a joke. (Though it would be cool if you did. It'd probably be crazy hard though.)
@AlexA. oh thoguht you were serious, I'm guessing the challenges are super hard?
Implementing a red-black tree would satisfy your need to program permanently
google searching that now
@Quill I meant how do we know you won't Rick roll us all at some future point? — PyRulez 2 mins ago
I actually use the shortcut though
@AshwinGupta I wasn't serious about the CJam IDE, but I do think Project Euler is a good idea. Not all of their challenges are hard but some are.
@AlexA. okay I will give that a shot.

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