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@MartinBüttner The 10 questions per day criterion means that quantity determines graduation and nothing else. It doesn't matter if many of those posts are puzzles that are broken, unsolvable, unclear, unclosed dupes, off-topic, or otherwise poor, which happens with an alarming fraction of the puzzles.
@xnor why is graduating such a big deal?
@Sparr SE is putting a label on the site that says it considers it a mature, quality site. Which it's not.
I treat SE like reddit. Separate sites have nothing to do with each other, and the network itself is mostly transparent.
Puzzling faces a bigger difficulty that we do with the SE model that because a puzzle's solution is unknown when it's posted, it's impossible to judge if it's good or even on-topic.
^ But when Doorknob et al. tried to curb those posts the site kind of exploded... Yeah I wouldn't say puzzling is ready either.
@FryAmTheEggman To people's credit, the site is a lot better than it was when mods proposed banning challenges. It was basically Yahoo answers level.
@El'endiaStarman looks like worldbuilding will also get a neat main/meta pair. here's the latest update: meta.worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/q/3353/234
@xnor It is because the new posts are generally better, or because the community is better at weeding out the bad ones?
@MartinBüttner Ah yusss. Those are clever too.
I still really kinda want a β incorporated into our design somewhere. :)
I mean, I've not been here even a year yet, but it still seems like this site was in beta forever.
@Zgarb I think both. The HNQ-sposion from the early days is less extreme, and there's more community willingness to remove blatant crap. Still, there aren't real quality standards now.
βrogramming βuzzles and Coβe Golf
@Zgarb Also, I think the threat of banning all challenges, while misguided, spurred people to shape the site up a bit.
> Brogramming
half B half P
sometimes I feel weird about the way I use websites
that you can only use them with one hand?
Challenge: Program FizzBuzz in the smallest byte count while getting buzzed from a keg stand.
you guys talk about the HNQ list a lot. I don't think I've ever looked at it without being prompted to by this room
@Optimizer That would be an R
@Dennis Would you care to produce a retina example for me?
@HelkaHomba oh shuddap
Having a hard time figuring it out.
@HelkaHomba I was playing "Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes" and a new player described a symbol as an "upside down backwards nine".
@KennyLau what exactly are you trying to do?
replace "a" with "b"
@Sparr That's funny, I kinda use the HNQ the way Reddit is meant to be used. "Oh, that looks interesting. [click]"
You need to use T then, not R.
What does R do?
R activates replace mode and is generally unnecessary
@Sparr I really want to play that some day. It looks like a ton of fun.
What is the a\nb?
@KennyLau Statistics, mostly. ;)
(because replace mode is the default, unless you've got a single stage left at the end, which would instead default to match mode)
@KennyLau it defines a replace stage. replace a with b.
Wait, since when did Puzzling have 15.2 questions per day??
Last time I checked on them they had 3 questions per day.
what if I want to replace a with b and then c with d?
Replace mod? Is Martin hinting at something?
(don't give me Tabcd please)
@HelkaHomba Well, Digital Trauma is slowly gaining on Alex...
@HelkaHomba I don't know what you're talking about
@MartinBüttner uh huh
@KennyLau T\`ab\`cd ==> T`ab`cd
what on earth
@zyabin101 yeah that won't work
@KennyLau retina.tryitonline.net/#code=VGBhY2BiXGQ&input=YWJjZA ... you need to escape the d, otherwise it's 0123456789
@KennyLau there's only a single like, so it defaults to match mode
@MartinBüttner Maybe we should pick the site we like most and campaign to get the same designer working on our design...
(and counts the matches of zero, and there are none)
What would the 0 in 0`zero mean?
I see
integers in front of the backtick set limits, but 0 deactivates the limit (so it doesn't do anything)
Is there array in retina so I could do something like a->"abc", b->"def"?
or 1->"abc", 2->"def"?
you can use two replace stages
but you'll have to make sure they don't interfere with each other since they're applied sequentially
thank you very much
I will mention you in my solution
when was retina created?
January 2015, I think
but the latest version is only a couple of weeks old or so
oh... then I can't use it
so if you want to answer an old challenge, then some feature might not have existed
wow, retina is over a year old
how time flies
which challenge?
(and what features do you want to use?)
oh I misred it as 2016
@xnor yeah, I missed its birthday :(
well, if you want to use a new lang on an old challenge, then you have to tag it as non-competing
right, but if the challenge is just older than the latest version (as opposed to the language itself), then your code might have worked back then
I see
The initial commit was on February 12, 2015, happy belated birthday, Retina :)
oh February...
> What mail server on Windows? There are several well-done server packages. And also Exchange. -- from a mail-ops list I'm on
@FryAmTheEggman Someone should make a Retina answer on the happy birthday question!
One thing: how to make Retina print a string?
Substitute the empty string with your string
@zyabin101 in the middle of execution?
you can use the : option on a stage to print an intermediate result, but its not yet possible to print a string that isn't the result of a stage
(which is a bit annoying, but I'm planning to add something like a print stage in the next release to rectify that)
A: Sing Happy Birthday to your favourite programming language

TimwiRetina, 47 49 50 52 bytes The program is encoded as ISO-8559-1 (which the official interpreter accepts). The leading newline is significant. ¶¶x¶ Happy Birthday to You .{27}u Dear Retina Try it online. Explanation Step 1: Replace the (empty) input with “newline, newline, x, newline”. Step...

TIL - Microsoft migrated Hotmail from FreeBSD to Windows back in 2000.
@MartinBüttner Welp.
@MartinBüttner How to use limit1 in T?
just put a number into the stage configuration (e.g. after the T)
how to configure which matches to process?
which ones do you want to process?
the letters followed by a digit
for example
oh, that's not what limits are for
you just do that via an actual regex
e.g. T`a`b`.\d
that only performs the substitution within matches of .\d
I see
I should make a language called donot and convince Dennis to add it to his website.
Mmm ... donuts ...
@flawr Then I take the name Do.
@TimmyD Donut try this at home!
+20 / -11 on the "Open browser to PPCG" question
Can someone confirm that, on elections where the primaries are skipped, the questionnaire goes live at the same time as the final voting?
hm, yeah, seems like that was the case on Aviation
In what cases are the primaries skipped?
If there are only <= 10 nominees?
@flawr Yes.
I hope you're kidding...
you can never know with this guy...
right, I haven't posted a plane crash in a while...
@flawr Knew what it was before I clicked. :P
The guardian has even an own category: theguardian.com/world/plane-crashes
@MartinBüttner Can you receive the ping?
That ping? Yes.
A: Element names above 118

Kenny LauRetina, 206 193 bytes (Try it online) Thanks to @MartinBüttner (http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/users/8478/martin-b%C3%BCttner) for teaching me this language. T`d`nubtq\p\hs\oe (.+) $1, $1 (?<=,.*)n nil (?<=,.*)en? enn (?<=,.*)u un (?<=,.*)b bi (?<=,.*)t tri (?<=,.*)q quad (?<=,.*)p pent (?<=...

the ping here
no, you can't ping someone in an answer
@quartata :)
is it possible to link to a comment on an election nomination?
Yeah, but you have to get the ID manually
What happened to @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ?
I didn't even know that was a thing that could happen.
Uh-oh, apparently SE handles Markdown and one-boxes server side and just sends the HTML
@Doorknob how do I do that? (I want the link to DT's second comment on his nomination)
@quartata Yeah. All messages are cached.
Uh that's really problematic
@quartata why?
@Doorknob thanks:
@quartata ohh, you're doing a terminal chat client thing?
Q: Improve election schedule with respect to the questionnaire

Martin BüttnerThe questionnaire is a great part of the election process, but during my first (first-hand) experience with an election, over on Code Golf, I've found that the timing of the questionnaire is a bit unfortunate. Others have noted that too in the election chat, so I'm quite surprised that this hasn'...

@Doorknob GUI but yes
does Shoes not do HTML
@MartinBüttner +1
@Doorknob not as far as I'm aware
also what's going on with the scrollbar lmao
So... nobody knows what happened to Conor?
@quartata neat
@Doorknob Yeah except for the HTML escapes everywhere
@quartata scrollbar? I don't see a scrollbar.
@CoolestVeto It says on his profile, banned for voting irregularities
@quartata haha. Even if it were Markdown... how would you have rendered it anyway?
@Doorknob See how wording looks super weird? That's the scrollbar masking it
@Doorknob Shoes has bold and italic
@HelkaHomba Yeah, but whyyyyy? He constantly up votes as-is.
I was just going to parse it myself
@quartata O_o
@quartata you can still do that with HTML, no?
@CoolestVeto idk, maybe that's the problem?
@Doorknob Sure but look what a onebox looks like:
@HelkaHomba He's been doing that for as long as he's been around, though.
@NathanMerrill @El'endiaStarman Sorry, I'm just now getting back.
@CoolestVeto Ask him in minecraft, if he gets on
@MartinBüttner I created a meta account just to +1 that
@PhiNotPi I knew you'd see the message later. No worries. :)
@CoolestVeto Speculating about why people were suspended beyond the reason given on the page isn't a great idea IMO.
@CoolestVeto Out of respect for suspended users, we typically do not discuss suspensions in public because the user being discussed can't participate in the conversation.
@Doorknob o oki
>^ <
He told me through cloud9. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess I'll ask him through that, haven't been on that in... a while.
I don't think ZZZFZZZFH would work.
If you're reading this @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ, I don't think any less of you for being suspended.
@PhiNotPi Why wouldn't it? As I understand it, the caret bot would be pushed to the side, and the three bots on the right would execute the zap chain just like the ones on the left.
Wow, the Music design is really nice.
Actually, it would work if I allowed unlimited pushing.
@Doorknob Meh. I like The Workplace.
Right now I just have a limit of 1 object pushed at a time
Oh, so like one object pushed per turn?
@mınxomaτ You mean their design? That happened ages ago. :P
@Doorknob So?
1 object pushed per movement
Like, there's a "strength limit" to the bots.
@mınxomaτ Oh, I was mentioning it because Music's design is new (it was just launched today).
So I'm working on this challenge, and is there a way to determine what the highest value produced would be without iterating through them? Maybe some bitwise magic?
Right, yes, that makes sense.
I could allow unlimited pushing, which would open the door to building complicated machines.
Shoes is also being super weird about scrolling in general
It's not letting me scroll all the way down
@Doorknob Damn that's a sexy design
@Cyoce Looks like it's a number of the form 2^n-1, if that helps
I'm considering replacing BACKWARDS with an unconditional jump of some kind.
@Cyoce From playing with the snippet in edc's answer, I think it's 2n-1 where n is the highest power of 2 less than or equal to the input
For example, a JUMP command that goes to the command immediately after the next HALT.
There would be any way to make looping/conditionals with it, but I think what it does is enables the bot program to be "modular"
It wouldn't affect program flow in itself, but it would allow the bot controller to switch between two complex behaviours with a single turn by changing that one jump
right,right,halt,forward,grab can be readily changed to jump,right,right,halt,forward,grab
OK something is going super super wrong here and I have no idea what
yes - this seems to work in favour of a balance between complex programming and controller intervention
if you're happy and you know it clap your hands
1 hour ago, by Martin Büttner
oh, I totally missed Music's shiny new colours
_/\_ _/\_ _/\_ _/\_
you're as slow as I am, apparently
I might remove BACKWARDS (just as a simplification)
@PhiNotPi I've not kept up to date so I didn't know about BACKWARDS
It just moves the bot backwards 1 square
they could have used better upvote/downvote icons
like musical notes
@MartinBüttner Not quite. You posted that message just 30 minutes after the design went live...
oh, really?
but the favicon is nice
I thought it went live a week ago
based on the meta post
They always do a meta post before launching the actual design to get feedback
(like they did for Puzzling)
BACKWARDS is in the original game as a special instruction, meaning that there's a limit of one BACKWARDs token in the game.
Oh MOVE_BACKWARDS - just reread the spec. I was thinking of reading the code backwards so I thought it was something new (and was trying to imagine how it would work...)
ELL looks cool now
@Doorknob yeah, I know, but I thought usually they post a new one when the design actually goes live instead of just editing the post
@MartinBüttner er they did
I must be blind
TBH, there's not much reason to move backwards unless you get caught in an un-pushable 3-sided dead end
Can bots see each other's facing direction?
Yes, I think they will.
so BACKWARDS makes them a little less predictable to each other
(which may be good or bad depending on what sort of strategies you want to see...)
I think it's okay to keep it in.
OK, got this working much better. Was doing something weird with threads
Unfornately the messages seem to be 5 minutes behind....
Guess I have to use the websocket instead of /events
Should I name it JUMP, SKIP, BRANCH, NEXT, etc.?
As long as they are unambiguous I don't think it matters too much. Having unique single letter abbreviations for ease of discussion in chat is nice :)
So maybe change BRANCH or BACKWARDS to something other than B?
What are the instructions so far?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PhiNotPiMeta Code Bots I'm just giving this a "code bots" title because that's the most similar previous KOTH. This version is based on the Twin Tin Bots board game, and will probably be given a better name before posting. On a far away planet, dozens of small mining robots compete for resources in the...

forward, turn right, turn left, backwards, grab, drop, zap, halt
So pink and blue in here .-.
you're not helping.
Am I helping?
@MartinBüttner Neither are you, Mr Mod.
I'm like 90% of the pink (and I think it's closer to purple)
@MartinBüttner I'm red, orange, and yellow ...oh
@HelkaHomba Well, I'm yellow! :D
RIP Calvin you had some hobbies... :P
Actually aren't you blue and red? (and have a jetpack?)
Hrmm I think you had it when you posted codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/37959/31625 I think that was the first question of yours that I read.
@PhiNotPi Definitely purple
I remember I almost posted about how I thought pretty much any answer would have the "cannot be played on music player X problem", but decided it was probably too pedantic :P
I updated my spec to add the J instruction.
Should there be special functionality for "Z,J"?
Maybe Z,J,H,F should work the same as Z,F
As of right now, the jump "consumes" the zap, so the jump is performed but the next action isn't being zapped.
As of right now, Z,J,H,F works the same as J,H,F
Also, I received a jury duty summons today.
This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.
Wear your headphones - some NSFW language.
ew facebook link
@mınxomaτ Sorry. Here it is on youtube youtube.com/watch?v=ttVhzzaPd_k
Trying to write callback-style programs hurts my brain
in The 2nd Monitor, 2 hours ago, by Mat's Mug
buckle up: this year April fools is a Friday
rickroll/friday as many people as you can on April Fools
Ah yes, I remember when Friday went viral.
so this spells the end of the world?
okay, we need a seriousness check.
I mean, if someone April Fools us, what are we gonna do?
Can someone who knows how snippets work please fix the spacing in this snippet?
@Solver cry really hard
@Quill helpful advice O_o
@mbomb007 It means that somebody used an invalid language name.
@AlexA. how to open browser in julia?
@EasterlyIrk umm, I don't think Alex is here... :/
@SomeoneWhoKnowsJuliia how to open browser in julia?
@Solver eh.
He'll respond eventually.
@EasterlyIrk haha :)
in the words of alex:
Oct 29 '15 at 4:27, by Alex A.
:D duplicate things to alexify it!
h = 0
a = 1
so 1 + 4 + 16 + 64
so 85
Actually pasted that into R to evaluate, 85.
Alternatively, 10101010 -> 170.
Hi, @NathanMerrill
@PhiNotPi still a bit confused as to what would happen with ZZZFR;
@El'endiaStarman What if Alex was really encoding secret messages into what he said?
on turn one, its easy, its a 3 jump zap forward
@NathanMerrill oh no don't get me started on indecipherable jargon.
on turn two, is it a 2 jump zap forward, forward, or right?
@Solver read the sandbox
Wait, what's the bot setup?
doesn't really matter, its a question of how the instruction pointer moves
I was under the impression that the whole instruction tape is read starting from the beginning every turn.
this link seems to freeze on my computer. wtf
which one?
it's a link to an answer
@Solver are you UK?
and night!
what r u
California, USA.
Cool. :)
I need sugestions
Me and a friend are writing a program as a joke where users enter 2 names, and the program returns how "compatible" they are as bf/gf.
What should we do to determine, how comatible they are
Maybe like syllable breaks?
Or matching vowels
@NathanMerrill I think you're confused.
The entire program is executed every turn. But... stuff like JUMP or HALT controls the steps of execution in a single turn.
@AshwinGupta How similar the lojban translations are to each other.
@AshwinGupta Absolute difference of their Erdős numbers.
I'm googling both of those things now
@Doorknob lojban newbie help him induct him into your cult
Oy ye trolls... (@EasterlyIrk and @Dennis)
@AshwinGupta do you play nethack?
@EasterlyIrk no
@El'endiaStarman dude, it makes perfect sense?
@AshwinGupta D:
One the first turn, ZZZFR causes another robot (the 4th one) to move forward and then the original robot to turn right.
Assuming we don't edit the program, it will do the same thing the next turn.
@AshwinGupta imagine the girl with the guys last name and output if it sounds good...
@El'endiaStarman Me? Troll? Never.
That is the link to @Dennis's troll.
Nice try.
@EasterlyIrk As far as I know there isn't a way to do it directly. You could make a system call, but it'd be shorter to just use the native system call as your submission.
Just wondering if julia had a builtin for it.
@AlexA. How to run code in terminal from julia?
I'm assuming buying an even smaller domain to use is a loophole? — Quill 17 secs ago
@Quill Nope, because other people can use it too. Feel free to do it! — CrazyPython 14 secs ago
@Quill pls just pick a nice looking name though.
Or don't buy another..
it was a joke
@EasterlyIrk nicely done.... and how does that work?
@epicTCK IDK. @Optimizer
> >Acting like Code Golf isn't more important
whose side are you on
pic or it didn't happen
pic of what
@epicTCK @Quill's face.

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