One of the default decline reasons is "Flags should only be used to make moderators aware of content that requires their intervention." (Emphasis mine.)
I'm not going to complain that my flag was denied, but I asked so I could get a explanation besides "why not?"... but then, what should I flag as non-constructive, that comment seems like a prime-example of non-constructive comments
I noticed that the Stack Overflow question Strangest language feature has been closed and reopened several times now. The text of the question is brief:
> I should clarify that we absolutely do not want the site overrun with "fun" questions. There's no way we're sacrificing our core Q&A; mission to turn into a brainless LOL-fest like Reddit or Digg. But, there is a certain balance we're trying to achieve. A world without fun is like a world without waffles and ponies. And what kind of monster would want that?
@Doorknob right. At the time, it was simply... "Hey, we have a Topic here and Q&A should be about that topic."
Not discussions, not polls, not endless lists of favorite things, not funky games that people made up when bored... At least, not in excess.
Anyway, meta was supposed to be sort of an escape for the stuff that folks wanted to talk about but which didn't belong on the site. Before chat existed, some folks used meta for... Pretty much whatever they could get away with, which overlapped considerably with what chat is used for now.
What are some good economics jokes?
This question, if asked on any other site on StackExchange that I participate in, ("what are some good programming jokes", etc), would get downvoted and closed so hard. But here, it has gotten upvotes and is apparently being tolerated.
Since this completely...
Remember, at the time that was written, folks were still sorta coming to grips with the notion that tags couldn't be seen quite the same way that channels or subforums were in other systems; efforts to carve out spaces for [subjective] questions, [poll]s and, heck, things like [code-golf] were falling apart as any real success meant tons of attention for threads from folks who were struggling to make a go of it in [r] or [winapi].
Okay I better backup, im 14. I know java, and am willing to learn a new lang. I know the basics. Written stuff like pong or hangman (w/ graphics of course)