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and two variables of the same type can only be assigned if the assignee has a stricter set of conditions
Depending on what sort of conditions you allow I wonder if this is even computable.
@ChrisJester-Young That's neat! Good luck with the entrepreneurship!
well, fundamentally, they'd simply be stored as native datatypes
so, for the integer example, I'd have a "min" int, and a "max" int.
and then it would have some sort of "assignable" function, which would basically say "other.min >= this.min && other.max <= this.max"
@Mego Thank you!! (It's also the same reason I've withdrawn my nomination---running my company is going to take up all of my time!)
so, typing is turing complete, similar to C++
Should multiline strings be the default string literal type?
C++ has so many turing complete sublanguages :D
and should I add regex literals?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I have added an example to langlib.
It seems that this got a spec:
Q: javascript left-pad golf

m0saIn the wake of the left-pad npm package fallout, let's have a code golf for implementing left-pad. Your code should take 3 inputs: string, padlength, and padstring. If padstring doesn't exist, it defaults to a space. The task is to pad string on the left to padlength with copies of padstring. T...

But many answers fail on that now
It's also not entirely accurate, since one of the padstrings in the examples isn't a string.
Hmm, I agree. I asked for a new test case.
One more candidate out
@quartata s/>/\?/
@ChrisJester-Young What company?
\o/ got strings to work in cheddar!
> new CheddarStringTok(String.raw`"a\"b"c`, 0).exec()
CheddarStringTok { Code: '"a\\"b"c', Index: 6, _Tokens: [ 'a"b' ] }
@Downgoat avocadOS will support C, ASM, JS, jQuery, Python, and Cheddar.
@EasterlyIrk +1
if we use V8 with avocadOS it will be able to run Cheddar
@EasterlyIrk I don't have a website launched yet or anything. But here's the mission: wslk.io/jLKsW
Seriously, that needs to be all of the supported languages.
Coding as education (ie learn to code) or as in code while you learn math?
nvm googled
and sure.
@EasterlyIrk The former. I want to see many, many more coders (even for people who don't intend to work professionally as one) in our digital day and age.
nothing to see here
@ChrisJester-Young cool.
I would help, but I am 13, and can't really have a job. >.< But good luck!
@Downgoat Lets do that.
nevermind, now that I've thought about it, they'd be a pain in the ass to implement
Q: Count rectangle intersections

DenkerAffeThe Challenge Given an arbitrary amount of rectangles, output the total count of intersections of those when drawn in a 2D plane. Example Each rectangle here is denoted by a 2-tuple with the coordinates of the upper left corner first and the coordinates of the bottom right corner second. [(-...

what should a print operator return?
Its value, or the status
Do you have exceptions?
@Downgoat gross. the best programming is exception-less programming
No exceptions?
I think they are messy
@NathanMerrill whhy?
well I haven't added them yet but I was planning too...
@Downgoat The bytes written. If the count is 0, you have an error. Use negative returns for different errors.
@Downgoat Exceptional Scrying
should print be a prefix-unary operator (e.g. - or sqrt) or a command (e.g. if)?
@Downgoat its your language, so take what I say with a grain of salt :P
@Downgoat Operator.
everything is a prefix operator
@NathanMerrill I don't think ifs and whiles should be operators...
oh no, I totally forgot about implementing ternary...
why not? it takes two parameters
first is a boolean statement, the other a statement
@NathanMerrill currently I've designed it so prefix operators can only be unary
ah, there's your problem :P
Use exceptions correctly
should ifs require parenthesis or not?
I/O failure, malloc failures, and whatever else is never supposed to happen
@Downgoat that largely depends on the rest of your syntax
I'm going to say no. that way I can just match if <expression> <code block>
but what's the separator between the two?
I'll look for a { to signify a code block
gross gross gross
what if I want to do
if cond1 && cond2
that would work fine. cond1 && cond2 would be parsed as the expression
@NathanMerrill You realize that this is valid code for many languages? All Basic dialects for example (If 1 > 0 And 10 = 2 * 5 Then ...).
@mınxomaτ but "Then" is the seperator
oh, I see no I don't
@NathanMerrill And in this case it would be a token break (vertical whitespace) or a code block ({)
Example: if a && b foobar();. Since the token foobar breaks the expression, the expr parser stops there.
The parser needs to step back, which is a slight inconvenience, but the code is parse-able.
@Downgoat don't "look for" anything
LALR(1) ftw. Embrace one-pass parsing!
I think I shouldn't allow if's without braces
using if's without braces causes many code bugs
without no braces, this eliminates that problem
Fair. Then removes the parens around the if.
Perl 6-style!
@Downgoat Why not both optional?
@mınxomaτ not sure how I would parse that. If you can find some example grammar which does that, please link me.
@Downgoat See my pastebin link.
TL;DR: The same way you parser has to handle balanced parens, use balanced conditional expressions. If the next token un-balances the expr., the expr. has ended.
Is that a Rick Rolled link?
Maybe SE chat needs a really tiny poll feature
hm, because an expression like this is valid: 3(5)3 (outputs 3*5*3), so is: a(b)c, and so is a(b), so I don't think that can work
@Downgoat Yeah, but that's your fault :D
@Dennis I also tried to fix the left-pad challenge
though I could redo the expression parser...
> provided parser is not a CheddarLexer
this is going to be the funnest error message to say...
@AandN The last test case would have to get eliminated (not a char), but it's looking good otherwise.
Oh yes sorry, that was a leftover
@ChrisJester-Young .......I don't suppose you're looking to hire? :P
@AandN The strings in the last two test cases aren't strings. Also what should happen for left_pad("abc", 1)?
I'm OK if the behavior is undefined. It just has to be stated.
Oh, I misworded that :p
It's under ###Task
OK, reopened.
@ChrisJester-Young Interesting response, but I could only read part of it before wiselike hid it behind a timed log in wall. Just letting you know in case you weren't already.
Hey @AlexA., what do you think about this? The argument is basically that the extreme income inequality in the USA is problematic not so much because of the difference in wealth, but because wealth is too closely connected with power.
@El'endiaStarman Do you want to be a tutor? I'm not hiring any at the moment, but if that's what you want to be, I'll keep you in mind.
@trichoplax I'll probably have to post a more comprehensive mission in a Medium post sometime.
@trichoplax I didn't encounter that myself. Either because I read it too fast, or because I have Adblock.
@ChrisJester-Young I was kinda half-joking, but I love the idea of improving coding education. So, being a tutor is definitely a possibility, and I could potentially help with software and/or website.
@El'endiaStarman Coders cost a lot more than tutors, so I would be very sparing with coder hiring (unless I get investment). And being a coder myself, I can get a lot of coding done myself. :-)
@ChrisJester-Young Yeah, I figured you were doing much/most of the coding work at this stage. Is it just you and like one or two other people at the moment?
@El'endiaStarman Thank you for believing in my mission! I love hearing that. :-)
@El'endiaStarman I don't have any ad blockers - just blocking Flash and using Firefox's reading mode is enough for me generally - doesn't give me the option in this case though.
@El'endiaStarman Right now it's just my wife and me, but I'm open to bringing on a cofounder if we really click.
@ChrisJester-Young Cool. I look forward to seeing where you are in a year or two. :)
@El'endiaStarman It seems to rest on the oft-used "people don't take risks if the taxes are high" argument, which is a bit contradicted by many periods of high taxation throughout history.
@El'endiaStarman World domination, hopefully. :-P Thank you for your support!
@Geobits That came to mind for me too. I've done some research on whether high taxes => strong economy, and the evidence seems to be mixed with conclusions depending more on what you believe than the actual evidence.
It could just be that the economy is too complex for a single variable to have that much effect over so long a span.
Haha, that's definitely an issue.
Economic charts trying to prove it (either way) are some of the worst I've seen as far as cherry picking goes :P
@El'endiaStarman Turns out I can read it just by opening the link in a private window so it doesn't know I've already spent time reading the first half.
TIL that these essays I'm reading were written by a guy who started a company to fund startups, including Reddit.
I think I'm going to make a new KOTH.
Maybe something similar to CodeBots (some kind of "virtually-physical" interaction of bots written in a special-purpose language).
I was about to make a separate chat message for each of my KOTH proposals, but then realized it would fill up the entire screen.
@ChrisJester-Young Alex will do that long before you do. :P
With all his socks, he can do anything.
@PhiNotPi I've been thinking about doing that for a while, but the hardest thing would be bots copying each other.
^ any of those seem appealing?
@PhiNotPi gimme a mo, there kinda are a lot.
You can see all of my sandbox proposals here: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/…
Nope actually.
user:me gives my proposals... :P
@PhiNotPi The bubble tanks one is a great idea.
@EasterlyIrk I thought it would fill in my own UID when searching, but I guess it doesn't. Link fixed.
@PhiNotPi I think I'd go for Elevator Control. Super Smash Bots would be very cool and very hard/involved.
A: Code Golf: Happy Easter!

Mama Fun Roll𝔼𝕊𝕄𝕚𝕟, 72 chars / 209 bytes `Эć훼쎧漤詼媰਀㻆僚픈耊Ⓢኍ⋱쬝ᇑ덆䖇䂊՛樥첾㨭쯠ཁ톇:덱螟醮䖉⥊覂削ꇉ漈涹႘챘ඕ꼳⁒᭷Ừ䒕鶀놜㆝〢ﱱꎀ쎴䋈㗂䅉Ⴄቀ쳵菨ⶩ∉툲耀 Try it here (Firefox only). Well, at least the char count is great, but we can't use the custom code page. It's just an LZString-decompression. I'm also working on another solution - more...

I haven't used compression in awhile...
My browser does not like that.
The Unicode I mean.
@mınxomaτ Hehe...
Gotta love that compression.
Oh yeah, just won my second hackathon! github.com/molarmanful/procalc
A: Interpret Brainfuck

CyoceCy (non-competing), 272 bytes This is mind-numbingly slow, but I guess that's what I get for interpreting an ineffiicent language in an interpreted interpreted language. Thanks to this answer, Cy is my first language to be proven Turing-complete! [0 &=d,] =C {$C $d ::} =c ("+" " $C $d ::++" : ...

that was a nightmare
@El'endiaStarman I think I can get Elevator Control knocked out pretty quick, actually.
I like them all.
@Cyoce :(
Nice work though.
So church easter celebration got interrupted by drunk people throwing empty beer bottles and screaming "FAGGOTS AND JEWS". WTF?????
@EasterlyIrk ¯\(ツ)/¯
@EasterlyIrk Sure beats getting thrown to the lions. :P
@El'endiaStarman let's not rule that out quite yet. the night is young
But He is risen, and the pastor also got back up after getting hit in the head.
At least no one got hurt.
Currently deliberating over whether to use runic characters for my conlang's alphabet.
Because... they Look Fancy™.
ELI5 conlang?
@Doorknob All squares to me
@EasterlyIrk constructed language
@HelkaHomba :(
@EasterlyIrk conlang = con- ninja'd.
@Doorknob I too see only squares.
@DoorknobTheMod what to do with this? He really needs a better measure of length.
I see runes.
Well for half at least.
@Doorknob The Armenian alphabet is cool and can actually be seen
I agree with @quartata, armenian is better.
@EasterlyIrk pro tip: when pinging people, actually ping them so they see your message. >_>
@Doorknob You were right there, so I figured you would see? >.<
I was going to use armenian for pl's code page but it's not like I'll ever do that anyways
@EasterlyIrk fixed
@Doorknob I Don't Think You Can Trademark That™
@Doorknob thankee
dangit ninja'ed
@HelkaHomba Trade™mark©® Abuse™©
Most of my ideas for pl are slowly trickling into 05AB1E
@quartata fancy
@HelkaHomba What says he trademarked himself? ®e©™
@quartata On purpose or as a coincedence?
Hi @©ono®
@Doorknob yeh I like it
@EasterlyIrk ®e©™
@EasterlyIrk On purpose since I'm helping Adnan with it
suggestion incorporated.
@quartata can you see Cherokee?
@Doorknob I can't see the last ~10.
@AandN was your name anagrammed? I can't keep track anymore..
@EasterlyIrk Neither can I ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@HelkaHomba Adnan.
and yeah
I am keeping this name.
@Doorknob I can see all but the last 11.
Okay, I only need... counts... 27.
Hi! Could you tell the people of TNB that I am suspended and cannot talk in chat? Thanks! (Not the place, but I cannot contact you guys any other way.) — Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ 1 min ago
On my meta post... WTF?
Actually, a system with diacritics based on only a few actual characters might be interesting.
@EasterlyIrk uh
Think he deleted now.
I told him too, bc that would just get flagged.
I wonder why?
@Conor If you will send each of us $10, make no response.
@EasterlyIrk Why what?
He got chat suspended. Why did that happen?
@quartata I used Armenian once for my username, but some people said they only saw boxes.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ if it was a chat flag, it should be gone in 30 min.
@EasterlyIrk Private information, but you can get a clue from the message on his profile page.
@MamaFunRoll I did a poll and people said they could see it. I think it was some other letters in your username that they couldn't see
> This account is temporarily suspended for voting irregularities. The suspension period ends in 7 days.
Welp, @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ wanna play minecraft later?
He can't reply, but he can log on. :P
voting irregularities = serial voting
I don't think he would have done that on purpose though.
@quartata Not necessarily. Anyway, no point in speculating.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ if you can read this:
> We've noticed that you've been conversing with other users by abusing the comment feature of the Stack Exchange platform. This is circumventing your current chat suspension. ...
That can happen, so no more comments.
Wait, does a suspension take away your rep?
@quartata okay.
@quartata Conor never should have upvoted cooking.stackexchange.com/q/64588
wait what
people actually think that?
I mean, people eat oatmeal hot. It isn't that absurd of a question.
@quartata people eat oatmeal cold?
Some people eat it cold.
like horses
I prefer it lukewarm

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