@VoteToClose For 2, there are too few Us across the bottom. For 3, there's too much space between the part that corresponds to > and the part that corresponds to :.
[19:06:58] Skarian : .................oo................................................................................./[O]\
[19:07:02] Skarian : DANG IT
[19:07:07] Skarian : Tried to make a face ._.
[19:07:17] Skarian : Wtf, where did all those periods come from
The first is your output for 3, the second is the expected output
@Dennis All of the duck answers so far have links to TIO. That (coupled with the fact that I only have to test 4 inputs) makes my life so easy. THANK YOU.
We believe deeply in community moderation. That's why we appoint Pro Tempore Moderators and, ideally, democratically elected community moderators for every site in our network. But what do community moderators do? The short answer is, as little as possible!
> We believe deeply in community moderation. That's why we appoint Pro Tempore Moderators and, ideally, democratically elected community moderators for every site in our network. But what do community moderators do? The short answer is, as little as possible!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ this was our election questions at CR, some of them are site specific, but nonetheless, good to read and get a idea of your opinion on the answers
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Moderating PPCG is a little different. How we've set up our policies, the moderators arguably do more work than on other sites because we encourage flagging things that don't follow our very site-specific rules.
This challenge is similar to this old
one, but with some unclear
parts of the spec hammered out and less strict I/O requirements.
Given an input of a string consisting of only printable ASCII and newlines,
output its various metrics (byte, word, line count).
The metrics that you must output a...
Definitely use jQuery
Because the power of jQuery is obviously unparalleled, here is how to do with with 100% jQuery:
var a = 1;
var b = 2;
$("<script>c=+("+a+")+ +("+b+")</script>").appendTo($(document));
Now c will hold your result and you used nothing but jQuery! As you can see jQuery is r...
How would you say does not equal?
if hi == hi:
print "hi"
elif hi (does not equal) bye:
print "no hi"
Is there a replacement for == that means "not equal"?
@Dennis yeah, I tried that too first and got different spacing than when I ran it on a real file. That's why I had to send STDOUT to example.txt and then wc it
πe product representation of a number
Futzing around on my calculator, I noticed that there are some numbers that have a surprisingly accurate representation as a series of πs and es multiplied. For example, 31 is really close to πππ, or π3, i.e. 31.006276680299816.
That is, the πe representati...
The twitter bot I set up in 2011 and sort of forgot about for a few years, just recently tweeted it's 500,000th tweet and posted almost 30,000 photos. I really wonder why twitter hasn't banned it yet.
DECLARE @UID int = ##UserId##
SELECT TotalVotes, Challenges
SELECT UpVotes + DownVotes as TotalVotes FROM Users WHERE Id = @UID
) Votes
SELECT COUNT(*) as Challenges FROM Posts WHERE Id = @UID and PostTypeId < 3
) Questions
Apparently my Twitter bot had a long conversation with Samsung support over the past couple days. https://twitter.com/chriseng_ebooks/status/693609623388065792
It helps explain the edge case [100,50,1,1] -> [0,1,1,1] where the 50 is above the arithmetic mean, but it should still be voted for because it is below the "whatever-the-name" mean.
The Challenge
Create a program that prints out "0" or '0'
Example (Coded in C++)
template <class Dim>
class dim
Dim d[];
int main()
dim<dim<int> > e;
e.d[4].d[-5] = 10;
cout << "anything between the last line and the next will set e.d[4].d[-5] to 0";
DECLARE @UID int = ##UserId##
SELECT TotalVotes
SELECT UpVotes + DownVotes as TotalVotes FROM Users WHERE Id = @UID
SELECT COUNT(*) as NoQs FROM Posts WHERE Id = @UID and PostTypeId = 2
) scores
> Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'join'. > Incorrect syntax near ')'.
DECLARE @UID int = ##UserId##
SELECT TotalVotes
SELECT UpVotes + DownVotes as TotalVotes FROM Users WHERE Id = @UID
SELECT COUNT(*) as NoQs FROM Posts WHERE Id = @UID and PostTypeId = 2
DECLARE @UID int = ##UserId##
SELECT TotalVotes
SELECT UpVotes + DownVotes as TotalVotes FROM Users WHERE Id = @UID T1
SELECT COUNT(*) as NoQs FROM Posts WHERE Id = @UID and PostTypeId = 2 T2
ON T1.TotalVotes = T2.TotalVotes