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@Quill Avocadolex Avocado.?
@Quill Is an avocado an avocad? NO IT ISN'T!
@AlexA. i like turtles
I'm so used to seeing "avocado" purposefully misspelled that it looks weird when spelled correctly.
@Quill ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Just a random question, who uses golfing langs for serious things?
chrome is borked
@Adnan Martin uses CJam for stuff.
^ Our new logo
@AlexA. Is he the only one?
@Adnan Probably. :P
I always use Retina when idiots mess up the formatting
well I'm sure the golf language creators use the languages to boost their profiles
@mınxomaτ Dju maek dis?
@AlexA. No.
@mınxomaτ o o k
Any Ruby users here?
that bird is nearly as bloated as Java code
@Quill kinda true :p
@Zgarb @Doorknob, you're needed
oh good god
@AlexA. I don't see what's wrong with my output...?
Angry Avocadobirds :D
@mınxomaτ pls maek dis
@VoteToClose For 2, there are too few Us across the bottom. For 3, there's too much space between the part that corresponds to > and the part that corresponds to :.
@mınxomaτ I think this one is kinda cute actually
[19:06:58] Skarian : .................oo................................................................................./[O]\
[19:07:02] Skarian : DANG IT
[19:07:07] Skarian : Tried to make a face ._.
[19:07:17] Skarian : Wtf, where did all those periods come from
out of context is best context
2 hours ago, by mınxomaτ
user image
Yay, all fixed.
You can also test 2 as well, I fixed that one.
@VoteToClose Nope
2 works now though
@AlexA. What about it exactly is wrong? Example and difference?
It's printing the time underneath. Is that intended?
@AlexA. Just so I can see the debug. ;P I'll turn off debug when I'm done. (it's the option at the top)
The first is your output for 3, the second is the expected output
@Dennis All of the duck answers so far have links to TIO. That (coupled with the fact that I only have to test 4 inputs) makes my life so easy. THANK YOU.
@AlexA. >:D
Oh, wait, dammit.
Well, my moment of joy has been crushed by a 108-byte answer.
Time to make an other compressor
@Adnan Bijective base 96 is very good general compressor.
someone link me to that duck thing I am inundated with tabs
The problem with dictionary and shoco of course is that they're optimized for english :P
I was thinking about a 1-9 char compressor
@VoteToClose Looks good!
But that would take some time to program that into Osabie, so I'll do that another time

Chatgoat thinks I shouldn't run for mod :(

1 min ago, 30 seconds total – 5 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 5 secs ago by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ

Lol, @AlexA. those changes golfed off 8 bytes.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You're going to run?
I'm thinking about it.
@VoteToClose Nice! :D
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I recommend reading A Theory of Moderation, and the election questions asked to election candidates
Jeff Atwood on May 18, 2009
We believe deeply in community moderation. That's why we appoint Pro Tempore Moderators and, ideally, democratically elected community moderators for every site in our network. But what do community moderators do? The short answer is, as little as possible!
> We believe deeply in community moderation. That's why we appoint Pro Tempore Moderators and, ideally, democratically elected community moderators for every site in our network. But what do community moderators do? The short answer is, as little as possible!
This job sounds appealing. :P
except they don't get paid
@AlexA. Indeed! Quack!
Thank you so much for this question @AlexA., this shows off a really important part of my language that doesn't get used often enough.
@VoteToClose :)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ this was our election questions at CR, some of them are site specific, but nonetheless, good to read and get a idea of your opinion on the answers
@Quill Thanks! :)
I can't find a meta for the ones that aren't site specific, though
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Moderating PPCG is a little different. How we've set up our policies, the moderators arguably do more work than on other sites because we encourage flagging things that don't follow our very site-specific rules.
First: does anyone have a strong objection to me being a mod? :/
@AlexA. Ah, I see. noted
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Trust me, that'll come out during the election
@Quill Okai. it's not a bad idea to get a general feel tho
anyone know how to tell Atom to use a specific highlighting style for a certain file extension?
There's a language highlighting dropdown in the bottom right
but I have to reset it every time I close and re-open the file
For file extensions, uh, one sec
@AlexA. intersite comparisons are pointless remarks to make, every site is different in how they're moderated
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ the small caps make you hard to ping ;P
@Quill I'm saying we're different than Jeff's "mods should do as little as possible."
@Maltysen ... I am not givin' up ma small caps.
@AlexA. That's fair, just comparing yourselves to mods on SO, or mods on programmers, or mods on lifehacks aren't fair comparisons in either direction
> But what do community moderators do? The short answer is, as little as possible!
@Quill I never intended to make such a comparison.
The user base here is pretty good
We're all friends here! <3
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Not to be insulting, but the immediate things I see about your PPCG profile is your lack of edits, flags and meta use
@Quill I'm not insulted ;) Define meta use?
Meta questions & answers
"Lack of" meaning not enough?
yeah, something like that
That made me laugh more than it should.
@mınxomaτ My god.
you know, you can't get into a channel in Discord from a channel link, only from an invite link
@Quill Are you trying to join the PPCG Discord thing?
I tried to the first day, but I forgot to mention it until now
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Do you see how many method statements there are in that? x.x
@AlexA. this is true
@RikerW ok one second
@Zgarb yes
@Doorknob Now I forgot what I meant to ask...
Give me a minute.
haha, sure
Oh yeah, this answer
I'm not sure how to call the function/program/something.
It's a proc.
hmm, looks like he's saying you have to call w[l[foo]]
Is anyone familiar with the SE data explorer?
@Downgoat yes
Pick me!
How do I count the amount of votes a user has?
don't need data.SE for that
You realize that you can just go to their profile for that too, right?
SELECT Reputation FROM users
@Doorknob Ok, so it's not a function or program as we define them? I'll leave a comment.
that's what I have so far
@Downgoat ...
Side note: Can some more of you post on Code Review so I can get the bronze badge
@Doorknob I know I'm just trying to make an "Activity Score"
Wait, how many votes a user has given, or received?
@Downgoat a what?
Guys, I'm 54 rep away from 5000. c:
Just wait... I have a query you might like :)
@VoteToClose I'm 19 from 200 :D
@Doorknob a score which sums up the activity of a given user
Define activity.
I'm only 964,880 away from a million ;(
like a score which is the sum of all actions performed by a user where:
(Posting a question: 20, Posting an answer: 10, Voting: 1, Commenting: 2)
what's the point?
2 mins ago, by Downgoat
How do I count the amount of votes a user has?
I'll write one!
This will totally turn out great...
Let me figure out what these words mean...
nvermind I figured it out
nevermind I didn't
Q: Reimplement the wc coreutil

DoorknobThis challenge is similar to this old one, but with some unclear parts of the spec hammered out and less strict I/O requirements. Given an input of a string consisting of only printable ASCII and newlines, output its various metrics (byte, word, line count). The metrics that you must output a...

Tabs or spaces?
@AlexA. thank for fix of itty bitty typeroni i apreshate
@Doorknob i like typeroni on pizza
pineapple :)
pineapple is delicious but pineapple on pizza is a really weird idea
@NewMainPosts For some reason, I read that as War Council
@Downgoat use jQuery
@AquaTart ಠ_ಠ
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ (SO meme)
I have come out of hiding to ಠ_ಠ.
@Downgoat In what sense?
@Downgoat cells?
A: Add two variables using jquery

DowngoatDefinitely use jQuery Because the power of jQuery is obviously unparalleled, here is how to do with with 100% jQuery: var a = 1; var b = 2; $("<script>c=+("+a+")+ +("+b+")</script>").appendTo($(document)); Now c will hold your result and you used nothing but jQuery! As you can see jQuery is r...

@Quill see the link
... +
have you tried... anything?
I have tried asking on the nineteenth byte
@Doorknob I... never knew that/
UpVotes + DownVotes as [TotalVotes]
You can add?
I can see that the power of jquery is still alive.
How do you make stuff like variables?
@Downgoat -1 no freehand circles and no jquery
Is that even possible?
you suck
@Zizouz212 ... yes
@Doorknob how would I put that in a variable
30 secs ago, by Quill
UpVotes + DownVotes as [TotalVotes]
Oh god.
I should stop blaming sql for the world's problems.
15 mins ago, by Doorknob
what's the point?
@Downgoat SET
@AquaTart uhhh
SET @var = 'needs more freehand circles'
oh okay
Why the @?
@Doorknob Does your wc actually space the output like that?
wait I don't even know what flavor of sql this is lmao
@Dennis yeah
@AquaTart SEDE sql
@AquaTart T-SQL
llama@llama:~$ cat /dev/urandom | tr -cd 'A-Za-z \n' | head -90 > example.txt
llama@llama:~$ wc example.txt
  90  165 5501 example.txt
Oh I presumed that you already had declared the variable...
Wait. What's the difference between declare and set? Didn't you peeps just say it was set to make a var?
@Dennis this was just copy/pasted from my shell
DECLARE declares a variable
SET sets a variable
Too confusing.
@Zizouz212 The literal definition differences
@Quill But it's not in a variable
I take my earlier point back. sql is the leading problem for the world.
@Zizouz212 No, JS is.
SQL is fine.
we should just use JavaScript to interact with databases
@Downgoat OK I know we're all kidding here, but that's just not even funny.
@AquaTart D:
SQL.js, coming up!
@Downgoat You can just access the column
@Quill I'm sorry I'm an idiot
what does that mean
@Downgoat Well, yeah
Q: Is there a "not equal" operator in Python?

Aj EntityHow would you say does not equal? Like if hi == hi: print "hi" elif hi (does not equal) bye: print "no hi" Is there a replacement for == that means "not equal"?

@Doorknob Hm, weird. I get the same output with actual files. Yet:
$ wc <(echo hola)
      1       1       5 /dev/fd/63
Mongo and MySql are available in Node
@AquaTart require.js, then
No not that
@Dennis yeah, I tried that too first and got different spacing than when I ran it on a real file. That's why I had to send STDOUT to example.txt and then wc it
Just the fact that you even mentioned those fatal words
Node JS
How do I get up votes a person has given in seed?
Don't ever say Node JS ever again
@Zizouz212 SELECT UpVotes FROM Users
@AquaTart yu watch yur fillthey mouth
Don't say Node JS ever again.
You can't put the N in MEAN without Node.js
My Electric Artistic Node?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴπe product representation of a number Futzing around on my calculator, I noticed that there are some numbers that have a surprisingly accurate representation as a series of πs and es multiplied. For example, 31 is really close to πππ, or π3, i.e. 31.006276680299816. That is, the πe representati...

insert? table? What is this?
Nah, who needs sql.
Are flag counts available in SEDE?
>Use SQL with XML
I've... seen things you people wouldn't believe
TEXT fields filled with XML off the shoulder of Orion
Anybody want to help me with some AppleScript debugging? I'm having an interesting problem. D:
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ This link takes me to the meta question but I don't see your comment...
oh I deleted it
The twitter bot I set up in 2011 and sort of forgot about for a few years, just recently tweeted it's 500,000th tweet and posted almost 30,000 photos. I really wonder why twitter hasn't banned it yet.
Relating to my challenge about a straw poll, I discovered an interesting type of "mean":
DECLARE @UID int = ##UserId##

SELECT TotalVotes, Challenges
  SELECT UpVotes + DownVotes as TotalVotes FROM Users WHERE Id = @UID
) Votes
  SELECT COUNT(*) as Challenges FROM Posts WHERE Id = @UID and PostTypeId < 3
) Questions
^ thats my code
@Quill that's the wrong version
Apparently my Twitter bot had a long conversation with Samsung support over the past couple days. https://twitter.com/chriseng_ebooks/status/693609623388065792
According to this equation, the mean of [100,50,1,1] is about 74.93094
@Quill haha that's awesome
@Quill Wow...
It's evident that the strategy is almost "vote up every option below the mean"
the question is simply "what kind of mean"
I believe my expression above is the "correct" mean to use.
@Doorknob Oh god how???
It helps explain the edge case [100,50,1,1] -> [0,1,1,1] where the 50 is above the arithmetic mean, but it should still be voted for because it is below the "whatever-the-name" mean.
@RikerW because he's a Vim master, hardened in the Temples of Terminal
@RikerW :h :com
@Doorknob that wc question...
how do I join 2 SELECTS?
You give me stress over a retina answer :/
Q: I Got... Nothing!

star2wars3The Challenge Create a program that prints out "0" or '0' Example (Coded in C++) template <class Dim> class dim { public: Dim d[]; int main() { dim<dim<int> > e; e.d[4].d[-5] = 10; cout << "anything between the last line and the next will set e.d[4].d[-5] to 0"; ...

@Doorknob i conduse pls halp
@Zizouz212 doesn't work in the SEDE
left join?
right join?
outer join?
inner join?
@RikerW that's literally a help page
I hate joins!?
@NewMainPosts lol
@Zizouz212 join the club
DECLARE @UID int = ##UserId##

SELECT TotalVotes
  SELECT UpVotes + DownVotes as TotalVotes FROM Users WHERE Id = @UID
  SELECT COUNT(*) as NoQs FROM Posts WHERE Id = @UID and PostTypeId = 2
) scores
> Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'join'.
> Incorrect syntax near ')'.
English Language Learners apparently got a design.
@Doorknob I know.
Not the icon, though
what do you mean, not the icon?
They graduated on 10 Sep 15, so that gives a rough estimate of the design time.
BTW, you typed avodad not avocad.
I spelled it correctly
avodad=avocad in most dictionaries.
It works for me :P
As in the chat icon that replaces the link in chat
Must be caching, because I still see the old one.
@Downgoat Because that's not really how you do joins
DECLARE @UID int = ##UserId##

SELECT TotalVotes
SELECT UpVotes + DownVotes as TotalVotes FROM Users WHERE Id = @UID
SELECT COUNT(*) as NoQs FROM Posts WHERE Id = @UID and PostTypeId = 2
that doesn't work either
48 secs ago, by Quill
@Downgoat Because that's not really how you do joins
t-sql+join sounds like terrible math
I'd rather have the sql minus the t.
SQL as confusing as hell
well, yeah, when you don't bother to learn basic things like how to add two numbers
Why do that in SQL when you have jQuery?
I learned that Vitsy has problems with newlines. D:
Still don't see the new ELL icon in chat, but that's a nice design.
DECLARE @UID int = ##UserId##

SELECT TotalVotes
SELECT UpVotes + DownVotes as TotalVotes FROM Users WHERE Id = @UID T1
SELECT COUNT(*) as NoQs FROM Posts WHERE Id = @UID and PostTypeId = 2 T2
ON T1.TotalVotes = T2.TotalVotes
that also doesn't work :(

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