> Essentially, what this code does is keep a running total with +1 for each [ and -1 for each ], keeping track of the maximum value reached, outputting that maximum at the end.
or something to that effect. IDK I saw it on the internet once.
I am fine with recurssion. Ill check out your answers.
Normally I attempt the challenge myself before looking at the really good answers because otherwise I feel like I cheated. This time though I'm lost so I'll give yours a look.
I wrote a doge meme generator in racket some time ago, mainly as a joke, and I would like some criticism about the general style and what could be improved.
Here is how the program output looks :
plainDoge.jpg refers to a plain image for the doge meme (700 * 525)
#lang racket
(require rack...
Golf Me a Random Dubstep of the Day List
Aside of nursing my child, Vitsy, and dabbling in the art of code golf, I also am an avid dubstep fan, listening to all the new dubstep that Monstercat puts out as regularly as I can. I also share a random dubstep of the day, thou...
oh okay here salt and pepper with punctuation as you will to suit your preferences ......,,,,,,,,;;;;;;;;;;;;"""""""""""""""""""""""""::::::::?????????
Aside of nursing my child, Vitsy, and dabbling in the art of code golf, I also am an avid dubstep fan, listening to all the new dubstep that Monstercat puts out as regularly as I can. I also share a random dubstep of the day, though not regularly, in the Nineteenth Byte. This last bit is what thi...
Here is my first attempt at a cops and robbers post (which is why I'm using the sandbox).
Cops - Golfed recursion
You must select a language that satisfies the following criteria:
Functions - It must be possible to create a function with any number of integer input values and a single integ...
What's the difference anyway?
code-golf sequence
Let's take a simple sequence, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4...
Now lets get that same sequence but in base 2 (binary) 0, 1, 10, 11...
How different are these numbers? Well the difference between 1 and 10 is twice that between 0 and 1. 2 bits have changed rathe...
I've started to have some doubt when I saw the size of my files : 1ko for the one generated, vs 512 octet for the one I wrote (with the same content)... And the program that had to read them only detected mine >_<
> Have you learned anything new?
> What have you learned?
I ' m not sure what you mean
> Can you say anything different than before?
I ' m not sure what you mean
> Ok, well I think you might be getting a bit better, but you still need more training.
I ' m not sure how to do that
> Just leave that to me.
I ' m not sure what you mean
> ^
> What is ten plus ten?
I ' m not sure what you mean
> Is 13 a prime number?
> Is 15 a prime number?
> No, 15 is not prime.
I ' m not sure what you mean
This challenge is similar to this other, however I made a restriction (see bold text below) that I think would made it much diffent and (I hope) fun either.
The Challenge
Write a program or a function in any programming language that takes as input the English name of a positive integer n not ...
@Doorknob Would you be interested in making a "Implement vim!" challenge? I kinda wanted to do it (it's a good idea, no?), but I don't know vim well enough.
@VoteToClose I don't know if it's just the timing. I can't figure out what the "fun/interesting" part of the challenge is supposed to be, tbh. If it's fetching and parsing html, then it's been done. If it's shuffling without builtins, it's been done. If it's formatting the links in the output, it's been done. It just feels like a task to me, with too many disparate steps to be fun.
Not trying to speak for everyone, obviously. Just figured I'd give some feedback.
@MartinBüttner an empty from pattern in Retina (e.g. T``abc`.) is a NOP? it might be useful to include all chars in that case. Alsohow would you define any char ([\s\S]) in the from or to part of the transliterate mode?
I'm used to the SEGMENTATION FAULT in C... From the moment I started using pointers, each time I tried to use array the "normal" way, it was printing "SEG_FAULT"...
So I kept using pointers like int*** in the end...
> It sure is a nice day.
I ' m not sure how to do that
> I didn't ask you to do anything.
I ' m not sure how to do that
> Quit acting childish.
> Not sure if trolling
> Do you know what trolling is?
I ' m not sure how to do it
> I think you do.
I ' m not sure how to do that
> Why do you keep saying that? Do you know what it means?
I ' m not sure how to do that
> I'll take that as a no.
I ' m not sure how to do that
> Ok, that's all for now.
: D
@trichoplax Yes, it's at step 19400, perplexity 31.
The original dataset/program I stole the idea from used 22M phrases and 340k steps (to get single-digit perplexity), so it's interesting seeing incremental progress.
Oh, it won't "terminate" really. It saves a checkpoint every 50 steps. So to see where it's at, you just run it with the latest checkpoint data. It will keep going until you terminate it yourself.
I don't know the format of the data, though, so I'd have to reverse engineer the checkpoints to get anything useful.
Yea, I can let it run for a week or two if I want to. My computer isn't usually heavily tasked, so it runs quite fine in the background.
Of course, anyone here with a stack of GPUs lying around could do it much faster. I didn't think my integrated graphics chip would help much, so I built it without GPU support at all. Gotta work those cores somehow.
I just spent a half hour trying to figure out how to return the name of a variable and put it in a printf statement before I looked on S/O and saw that you can't do that
Here's the method I have: System.out.printf("Information about the robot XXX \nLocation: (%d, %d) \nFacing: %s \nBeepers: %d", xCoordinate, yCoordinate, currentDirection, beeperCount); and I'm trying to replace XXX with the name of the robot, which would be defined in the constructor Robot foo = new Robot( \* *\ );
:D I made an extension for karel2 that made it interactive once.
@Eridan I never expected to see that package again. :D I used it last year in my Java Programming course, and jokingly wondered if you were in my high school.
Lol, I'm trying to write a golfing language that will be visualized with Karel. Putting beepers on spaces on the plane can easily substitute for stacks
@Calvin'sHobbies To me, fries are thin and crispy, whereas chips are two or three times as thick and softer inside. You may call them steak fries or chunky fries.
So, having a model with 30 perplexity (IDK what you've managed to get yours down to) is similar to a model that makes a uniformly random choice from 30 options.