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Hey, just wondering would you all consider this question relatively hard, easy, or sort of in between: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/71476/…
Like in terms of programming a working solution
not about the golfing
@AshwinGupta On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say it's a 2. Maybe a 3, depending on the language.
this is just embarassing. I spent like 1/2 hour on an answer then just gave up.
I couldn't figure it out.
Don't be embarassed!
Just the logic part of it.
Not even the code part, I just couldn't get the logic. Couldn't wrap my head around it.
@AlexA. thanks. Its just that I feel like I should be able to do that.
> Essentially, what this code does is keep a running total with +1 for each [ and -1 for each ], keeping track of the maximum value reached, outputting that maximum at the end.
Oh well, its late, I'll try again tomorrow. Maybe I'll have better luck then.
^^ explanation for my Minkolang answer to the question.
@AshwinGupta That happens to the best of us. There are some challenges that I don't even attempt because I just can't comprehend it.
@El'endiaStarman intresting, I actually was doing exactly that but I wasn't decrementing for each ], I was resetting to 0
@AlexA. yeah but the ones that you don't comprehend are probably like super-complex.
Anyway I think I know what I did wrong now thanks to Starman
If you're comfortable with recursion, I thought my original approach to the problem was fairly easy to understand as well
Well you know what they say: to learn recurssion, you must first understand recursion.
or something to that effect. IDK I saw it on the internet once.
I am fine with recurssion. Ill check out your answers.
Normally I attempt the challenge myself before looking at the really good answers because otherwise I feel like I cheated. This time though I'm lost so I'll give yours a look.
Okay goodnight everyone
I don't consider it cheating. Often there are lots of good ways to approach a problem.
Good night!
@El'endiaStarman thanks for explaining the logic I think I get it
You're welcome. :)
@AlexA. thanks for the encouragement!
Any time :)
@Optimizer y u no post on main enemoar ;_;
I want to be the Genos to your Saitama
[Googles] oooh
@El'endiaStarman That type(l)!=int
Best piece of code ever, amiright?!
(Switching the two around is -1, but better is probably "A"<str(l))
lemme test that
Looks like that works.
(If I remember my ASCII table right, -0123456789 should be far below [])
2 hours later…
Q: Doge meme generator in Racket

Hello_worldI wrote a doge meme generator in racket some time ago, mainly as a joke, and I would like some criticism about the general style and what could be improved. Here is how the program output looks : plainDoge.jpg refers to a plain image for the doge meme (700 * 525) #lang racket (require rack...

1 hour later…
Getting ready to post this, any last comments?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

VoteToCloseGolf Me a Random Dubstep of the Day List code-golfinternetrandom Aside of nursing my child, Vitsy, and dabbling in the art of code golf, I also am an avid dubstep fan, listening to all the new dubstep that Monstercat puts out as regularly as I can. I also share a random dubstep of the day, thou...

@VoteToClose taking a look
nevermind, connection unstable...
sounds good ^^
Will you really be using outside this challenge? ^^
Anyone knows why this challenge got that much upvotes, besides "memes"?
Cause it's basically this challenge with a much simpler dataset
am I what I once thought I was it's all the same it's all the same
@quintopia Pretty hard to read without commas ^^
oh okay here salt and pepper with punctuation as you will to suit your preferences ......,,,,,,,,;;;;;;;;;;;;"""""""""""""""""""""""""::::::::?????????
Q: Golf Me a Random Dubstep of the Day List

VoteToCloseAside of nursing my child, Vitsy, and dabbling in the art of code golf, I also am an avid dubstep fan, listening to all the new dubstep that Monstercat puts out as regularly as I can. I also share a random dubstep of the day, though not regularly, in the Nineteenth Byte. This last bit is what thi...

i include some semicolons in case you need to write some java, and some colons in case you need to write some python
@quintopia How do I do if I want to write some conditions? I lack a "not"
i never promised a complete collection
punctuation ain't free.
@AlexA. "genos to your saitama" sounds so cheesy and sexual :D
that dot and apostrophe cost me five bucks
!!!!!!!!&&&&&&&&&&&&||||||||||||||======= <- enough?
@AlexA. and this is how I function. I loose interest in things after a while. On top of that, being too busy lately in office.
@quintopia I now understand why softwares are so expensive !
@somebody thanks a lot, I hope it will
If anyone sorts out how to golf (code) for a living, please ping me in chat. Asking for a friend... — Martin Büttner ♦ yesterday
Whatever happened to that random xckd data poll btw.?
I mean this:
i seem to have temporarily lost interest in golfing code
@quintopia it happens, juste take some time doing other things on your free time, and only come back when you'll want to do some golfing :)
Forcing you is the best way to never regain interest in something
@quintopia DDDDDD:
@quintopia heresy!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ghosts_in_the_codeHere is my first attempt at a cops and robbers post (which is why I'm using the sandbox). Cops - Golfed recursion You must select a language that satisfies the following criteria: Functions - It must be possible to create a function with any number of integer input values and a single integ...

pastebin.com/uwxW18BW <- draft for @VoteToClose 's challenge (probably gonna port to teascript/japt or something)
no shuffle yet though :(
@VoteToClose are you aware that it's incredibly annoying to include the last 9 items because they're hidden behind a "load more" AJAX button? ._.
depends, if you use js just do a .click()
@Doorknob Yes. :D
ugh, just noticed the arbitrary restriction of no shuffle builtins. ಠ_ಠ @VoteToClose
fisher-yates isn't that hard to do
I've got 197 bytes of Bash to get the unsorted list
Do you people know why the sandbox have 2 downvotes?
@Doorknob It's not arbitrary.
Implementing the shuffle is part of the challenge.
@Katenkyo Haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate it up.
@VoteToClose Still doesn't change the fact that I badly want to know
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

muddyfishWhat's the difference anyway? code-golf sequence Let's take a simple sequence, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4... Now lets get that same sequence but in base 2 (binary) 0, 1, 10, 11... How different are these numbers? Well the difference between 1 and 10 is twice that between 0 and 1. 2 bits have changed rathe...

@Doorknob it's still shorter than just compressing the string with all items yeah?
I've lost the last 2 days trying to fix something aaaaand... it was just the encoding that had to be forced to UTF8...
@somebody Why are you making a user script?
This is specific to the playlist I provided.
I'll bounty it if you put the user script in, though. c:
I know those can be difficult.
@Katenkyo i know the feel.
^ That's happened to me a while ago
It's a relief to see I'm not alone !
I've started to have some doubt when I saw the size of my files : 1ko for the one generated, vs 512 octet for the one I wrote (with the same content)... And the program that had to read them only detected mine >_<
I'm not even sure what happened with mine. I just screwed with encoding until I fixed it.
@anOKsquirrel I feel like most of an informatician's job is playing with parameters until it works...
I feel like a monkey with a keyboard D:
time to figure out how to use my old code golf language \:D/
figured it out the command to run it is py -3 scg.py test.sg
time to figure out how to program in it \:D/
what's its name?
I know, but it usually isn't recognized by the name CP-1252 — Ismael Miguel 23 mins ago
Is this true?
I call it CP-1252, not windows 1252.
Me too, but now I'm not sure which is better
CP-1252 is better. :P
> Have you learned anything new?
> What have you learned?
I ' m not sure what you mean
> Can you say anything different than before?
I ' m not sure what you mean
> Ok, well I think you might be getting a bit better, but you still need more training.
I ' m not sure how to do that
> Just leave that to me.
I ' m not sure what you mean
> ^
> What is ten plus ten?
I ' m not sure what you mean
> Is 13 a prime number?
> Is 15 a prime number?
> No, 15 is not prime.
I ' m not sure what you mean
Your language looks cool :D
Getting a bit better I guess.
what is it? chatbot?
Pretty much, yea. It's training on our chat transcript.
Gee that's a great place to train it on.
@Geobits it's still not sure of what it's supposed to do ^^
(by the way, I almost choked to death on the other transcript)
@Katenkyo I ' m not sure what you mean
you'll have much of them by searching "_UNK" @anOKsquirrel
Apparently my language is missing a length function but i'm not sure because I forgot how to use it.
be happy, it could lack flow control :p
It does.
By the way, length isn't mandatory, look at C ! :D
I think?
anOkQuirrel : "I ' m not sure if it does."
> anOkQuirrel
@anOKsquirrel what's the format for quotes?
@Katenkyo > quote
> thanks
> > What are you sure of?
@Katenkyo standard library functions totally count!
@Katenkyo which is to say, for arrays of integers in the range 0<x<256, you can find its length with strlen()!
@quintopia I didn't know about that Oo
is it because it assumes that integers can be used to encode some string on more than one byte/char?
@Katenkyo basically it starts at the given char * pointer and goes byte by byte looking for a 0, and returns its index.
@quintopia Wait, wouldn't it stop at the second byte then?
so just make sure your array ends with a zero and you're good
If your first integer is 20, the next three bytes will be 0, right?
Assuming LSB >_>
...it needs to be a byte array man
11 mins ago, by quintopia
@Katenkyo which is to say, for arrays of integers in the range 0<x<256, you can find its length with strlen()!
integers in the mathematical sense. not int_t
I took that as int_t, sorry ^_^'
Then yeah, that'll work =)
Right, strlen won't work with an array of int >_<
@Roujo I assumed it was int_t too
Or maybe it will. It's been a while.
it won't
I knew for the byte array, because the difference with a char is only semantic
anyway, i think there are libraries out there that implement arrays which track their own length. right?
@quintopia technically, as Lua can be pretty much used as a c library, of course
but I think there's thing dedicated to do it, yes
@Katenkyo so lightweight!
@quintopia It has a very small compiler :p
you can do it easily yourself with a handful of macros and a struct
it sure is shorter than importing 23k lines of code ^^
hell, if you make the array the first element of the struct, you can even use normal array indexing on it
these trader joe's soft lady fingers are much less crunchy than real lady's fingers
Q: Convert English to a number (but all by your own)

BobThis challenge is similar to this other, however I made a restriction (see bold text below) that I think would made it much diffent and (I hope) fun either. The Challenge Write a program or a function in any programming language that takes as input the English name of a positive integer n not ...

I only got one up vote on my YouTube thing. D: I posted this at a very wrong time.
@Doorknob Would you be interested in making a "Implement vim!" challenge? I kinda wanted to do it (it's a good idea, no?), but I don't know vim well enough.
@VoteToClose I don't know if it's just the timing. I can't figure out what the "fun/interesting" part of the challenge is supposed to be, tbh. If it's fetching and parsing html, then it's been done. If it's shuffling without builtins, it's been done. If it's formatting the links in the output, it's been done. It just feels like a task to me, with too many disparate steps to be fun.
Not trying to speak for everyone, obviously. Just figured I'd give some feedback.
> Most bugs fall in to one of two categories: buffer overruns, off-by-one errors, and SEGMENTATION FAULT
Heh, nice ^^
I knew this variant:
There are two hard things in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-one errors.
@MartinBüttner an empty from pattern in Retina (e.g. T``abc`.) is a NOP? it might be useful to include all chars in that case. Alsohow would you define any char ([\s\S]) in the from or to part of the transliterate mode?
I'm used to the SEGMENTATION FAULT in C... From the moment I started using pointers, each time I tried to use array the "normal" way, it was printing "SEG_FAULT"...
So I kept using pointers like int*** in the end...
I'm starting to think I'm raising a trollbot.
> It sure is a nice day.
I ' m not sure how to do that
> I didn't ask you to do anything.
I ' m not sure how to do that
> Quit acting childish.
> Not sure if trolling
> Do you know what trolling is?
I ' m not sure how to do it
> I think you do.
I ' m not sure how to do that
> Why do you keep saying that? Do you know what it means?
I ' m not sure how to do that
> I'll take that as a no.
I ' m not sure how to do that
> Ok, that's all for now.
: D
@Geobits we could make a webcomics with these transcripts x)
But, why does it always start by "I'm not sure ..."? Did you feed him only sentences of this type?
It's interesting to me that when it's confused, it chooses something that clearly indicates confusion. Not sure what that means, if anything.
@Katenkyo No, it has the full chat transcript (~500k messages), minus anything with links.
I like that it carroted my trolling comment though. Nice touch :D
@Geobits so it evolved to not be sure of anything until it will be able to understand it? Oo
And gave you a smily face when you said you were leaving him alone ^^
Dunno. It could be a big, really stable coincidence. I have no idea why it says that so often.
@Geobits Thanks for keeping us updated. Is this part way through processing still?
@trichoplax Yes, it's at step 19400, perplexity 31.
The original dataset/program I stole the idea from used 22M phrases and 340k steps (to get single-digit perplexity), so it's interesting seeing incremental progress.
@Geobits Maybe when it will have termintated the process, we will be able to understand how it decided to keep that
Oh, it won't "terminate" really. It saves a checkpoint every 50 steps. So to see where it's at, you just run it with the latest checkpoint data. It will keep going until you terminate it yourself.
I don't know the format of the data, though, so I'd have to reverse engineer the checkpoints to get anything useful.
Oh, so 40k is just what you're aiming to let it run for, not a final goal?
I wonder if it will get to a point where you can run it against itself...
Yea, I can let it run for a week or two if I want to. My computer isn't usually heavily tasked, so it runs quite fine in the background.
Of course, anyone here with a stack of GPUs lying around could do it much faster. I didn't think my integrated graphics chip would help much, so I built it without GPU support at all. Gotta work those cores somehow.
Have we graduated yet?
@Calvin'sHobbies Not yet, but we might soon
@Geobits Some answers will choose to use the YouTube API, which we haven't done before.
I just spent a half hour trying to figure out how to return the name of a variable and put it in a printf statement before I looked on S/O and saw that you can't do that
^ Done that.
@Eridan What language? =)
@Roujo Java
Specifically for Java, because I didn't want to declare a .getName() method and a name string.
@Eridan A couple of days ago, someone asked how to do this in Python.
@Eridan Ah, okay. Been there too. ^^
@Zgarb Consensus was "what are you doing"
@Eridan I think Java 8 has some libs for this. Lemme look up where I can fill in the required [citation-needed].
I think it was a legit use case in the end, though
@Roujo But there was a partial answer eventually.
Something horrible with globals.
Come to think of it, I'm not sure when you'd not know the name of the variable you're using.
@Roujo Print it to the command line. ;P
String foo = "";
String fooName = "foo";
problem solved.
@VoteToClose Can you give me a snippet example? I'm just seeing this in my head:
It's either duplication of code or reflection, and I choose duplication of code
var foo = 2;
Console.WriteLine("Value of {0}: {1}", foo.Name, foo);
At which point you pretty much know that the name of the variable is "foo"
I'm trying to write a class with no tester that returns the name of the object, which isn't working
So why not just inline it.
I'm probably missing something =P
Why wouldn't you just write Console.WriteLine("Value of foo: {0}", foo);?
Because it can be any object passed to this class
he's trying to do a generic method I think
Who cares? As soon as you pass a variable, it changes names
@Katenkyo Can you do it the other way around? Can you get the object from the string name?
Is it possible to search for an object of a specific type by passing the name of the object as a parameter to a method?
@trichoplax in Java, yes
So you'd want to know the name of the variable before it was passed into your method?
@Roujo Don't you usually know that? print(x) <- I know my variable is called x
using reflection, you can even use strings to do everything (even running a method in a class you created during run time)
@Roujo No just brute force all possible names until it matches the variable you passed in.
This is for a golf, right??
@Calvin'sHobbies if I iterate over lots of variables, the name it isn't relevent
This sounds like a classic XY problem. There's surely a better way to get to the ultimate goal.
Here's the method I have: System.out.printf("Information about the robot XXX \nLocation: (%d, %d) \nFacing: %s \nBeepers: %d", xCoordinate, yCoordinate, currentDirection, beeperCount); and I'm trying to replace XXX with the name of the robot, which would be defined in the constructor Robot foo = new Robot( \* *\ );
anyway, Have to leave, good luck :)
@Calvin'sHobbies Well yes, that's my point.
Then give your robot a name string and use that.
It'll be faster than using reflection, too.
Most probably
Could just be a random string or its mem address
So an example would be Robot foo = new Robot("foo", /* */);?
Robot foo = new Robot("Foo", /* */);
Who names their Robot anything other than rob?
Then you can call foo.Name, and you'll get the robot's name! =)
Any old id string would work. If you have a bunch of robots, some sort of integer id would work well as well.
If Java had macros (maybe it has nowadays?) you could define makeRobot(foo, ...) to expand to Robot foo = new Robot("foo", ...)
@Zgarb You could just put a static method in Robot to do that.
So I'll just write a getRobotName method. ok, thanks
@Geobits Even the variable declaration?
@Geobits I don't think so -- you'd run into "foo isn't a valid identifier"
@Eridan ...you are using the karel2 package.
Do I know you?
Oh right, I see what you're saying.
I read it as makeRobot("foo", ...)
Yeah, that'd work ^^
Twin Carrot: Best Carrot ^^
Doesn't that mean "two lines up"?
@VoteToClose Yeah I'm using karel
Of course, you'd need to name it Robot.robotFactoryBuilderFromANamedString("foo", ...) ;)
@Roujo But you can never tell whether it's a reference or an emoticon.
What do you mean "Do I know you"?
:D I made an extension for karel2 that made it interactive once.
@Eridan I never expected to see that package again. :D I used it last year in my Java Programming course, and jokingly wondered if you were in my high school.
@Zgarb I never use ^^ for references, although I can see why someone would.
@VoteToClose inb4 he's your neighbor
You can always do ^.^ or ^-^ to avoid confusion.
Lol, I'm trying to write a golfing language that will be visualized with Karel. Putting beepers on spaces on the plane can easily substitute for stacks
@VoteToClose Right, I'll do that ^_^
o-o That's a brilliant idea. That's practically Vitsy's method, actually.
Holy flags, Ubuntu.
@VoteToClose I started Monday night, but you can see my progress making Karel easier to work with here or on a similar Code Review question
Lemme pull up KARELi, one sec.
Ugh I forgot to do Roman brackets in my last commit. I feel scrubby now
Can you send me the link to the karel2 jar again? I lost it months ago. D:
@Geobits Ubuntu has a flag, now?
It had many.
@VoteToClose My comp sci period in school just ended so I have to go. Please remind me tonight
Aw, man.
Haskell is outgolfing Perl at a string challenge.
This makes me feel like a scrub
I'm not starring that...
@VoteToClose No, I am.
@Calvin'sHobbies ASCII art in the source - nice :)
I wonder if we'll actually get all of the special features Martin and co. brought up on the we're not a Q&A site post
I mean, I hope we do, but I wonder what the odds are that they'll actually pay attention to them and do them.
I don't think we're important enough to get that kind of developer attention
@quartata As long as we mention them all, we won't miss out on one's we guessed were impossible but are actually available
@VoteToClose You have no idea how complicated vim is.
@quartata I really, really don't.
Start with something simple like emacs
@trichoplax emacs wanted me to download 177 MiB of libraries. D:
Vim is like an onion. It has layers
So like a parfait?
mmm parfaits
Everyone likes parfaits.
Or an ogre.
What's a parfait?
@trichoplax you're one of today's lucky 10,000
Ooh nice
yes it's truly delicious
and healthy too (usually)
Not the way I make 'em :P
@Geobits How do you make them?
I almost kept searching for another picture that wasn't so healthy looking, but figured I'd be ninja'd if I did.
> In the United Kingdom, parfait refers to a very smooth meat paste (or pâté), usually made from liver (chicken or duck) and flavoured with liqueurs
Crazy Brits.
That doesn't sound nearly as good
This is why America had a Revolution.
I'm in the UK and had never heard of this version either...
@quartata More dairy goodness, less grainy crunch.
I guess traditional French parafaits are made with ice cream
If chips are fries, what are chips?
@Calvin'sHobbies Crisps
@Calvin'sHobbies crisps
@quartata Yea, I usually use ice cream.
I've never seen a parafait with ice cream
Even tortilla chips?
You're missing out.
Always yogurt
@Calvin'sHobbies No they're tortilla chips, rather than potato crisps
> forcey fun time
> rooty tooty point-n-shooty
@trichoplax Wood crisps then?
@Calvin'sHobbies To me, fries are thin and crispy, whereas chips are two or three times as thick and softer inside. You may call them steak fries or chunky fries.
@TwistingPlankhandle Can we change your name by vote?
My country may still have a Queen has a head of state, but I'll still call them chips thank you very much =P
@Geobits I'm not sure how much you've read about perplexity, but it is basically defined as 2^entropy.
I've read roughly that much.
Machine learning makes my brain hurt in several areas.
So you can get down to negative entropy without the perplexity going zero
> negative entropy
That sounds nice
Hmm. So single digits would be pretty damn good, really. Entropy < 4 can't be all that bad.
So, having a model with 30 perplexity (IDK what you've managed to get yours down to) is similar to a model that makes a uniformly random choice from 30 options.
It's at 30.08 right now, fluctuating +- .25 per 50 steps. It's slowed down a lot, as you'd expect.
As the entropy drops, is your computer giving off more and more heat?
Huh. @Eridan's karel seems different from the one I used. Like somebody decompiled the source, edited bits, and repackaged everything.
It's been pretty steady :P
That's horrifying.
It's been like that for a bit over 25 hrs now ;)
At least it's winter so the increase in your electricity bill can be offset by the decrease in your heating bill

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