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@MartinBüttner I sincerely doubt that you have to worry about that...
No more ugly >s. \o/ matl.tryitonline.net/…
@MartinBüttner I'm working on the weekdays retina golf for more than an hour :D
you don't need the leading T's here: Tu(W|T). -> T$1
other than that 1 saved like 1 byte total :D
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ \o/
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You broke the sequence!
@randomra oh right
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ No, it's a comparison. I think so.
@randomra cc @DigitalTrauma
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Is it factorial(1+1) == 2 ?
1 min ago, by Cᴏɴᴏʀ O'Bʀɪᴇɴ
Of course I knew this :P
It looks like a comparison operator is all. Bad joke on my part :P
I quickly got that part, after seeing some of Dennis' Jelly answers
I was interested in how it actually works though
Jelly is really just an XML parser.
Now I can't read XML without thinking about Welbog...
The final version of most basic math in Jelly
0/10 works as expected
@Dennis can't put a mark lower than 1.0/10 or higher than 10/10
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I just added some usage examples.
@zyabin101 11/10 sure I can
@Dennis can't put a mark higher than 10/10 or lower than 1.0/10
AUGH! ~~@Dennis
hello all.. I think I may have asked my least popular question ever!
does no one want at least want to beat the sample code ! I would hate to give the bounty to myself :) codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/69154/…
hi @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ
I may remove the type declaration in favor of using let. e.g. let x = 5 vs numI = 5
thank you for the upvote someone!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ as a math person you must like Hadamard circulant matrices :)
@MartinBüttner 88 bytes:

the person you need to ping is @DigitalTrauma :P
@DigitalTrauma ^^
it seemed like you were golfing the code :)
that's pretty cool
and hopefully correct
I was but I'm not going to edit the post :P
it was a nice logic problem
one shame about ppcg is there seems limited scope for what you might call programming challenges... :) This is because everything has to be suitable for 20+ different languages and all platforms
@randomra what does this answer?
and I think I can golf further, but now I have to go :)
A: Compressed days of the week

Digital TraumaRetina, 152 95 Massively golfed with @Martin's help! Thanks Martin! ^ SuMoTuWeThFrSa ([A-Z].)(?!.*\1) Tu(W|T). T$1 T`\oer WTh WT Su\B|\BSa S ^MTWTF$ D SS E .{7} A Try it online. A couple of the lines start with m` with this online interpreter link. This is so the program works with multip...

in any case.. if anyone wants the bounty just implement the sample solution in something that isn't python :)
I... I won the challenge?
A: Stop Internet Warming!

FlagAsSpamVitsy, 8 bytes, 8 distinct character, ∞ programs (score 0) This is a simple proof in another stack-based language of Mego's comment. 'Drd3*Z1 ' rd3*Z Standard quine formula D 1 Increase the number of ones every output (output 1 will have 11, 2: 111, 3: 1111, etc.)

(even though it's on a closed question that was kinda terrible and broken.)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Is the language simple enough?
@FlagAsSpam In a closed challenge. That's like beating up a baby.
@Mego ...we've all done it. right?
I have reached a problem.

With my current setup for the language, there is no way to run a program on empty input. Arguments have to be passed in for it to trigger instructions.
@quintopia Won a closed challenge or beat up a baby?
@Mego Yes.
@FlagAsSpam Had I submitted my solution rather than VTC'ing the challenge, I would've won harder, with 9/inf instead of 64/inf
@Cyoce ?
@Mego Oh, I thought the fact that we've all done it is what they had in common...so both, right?
@Mego ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@quintopia No, they're similar in that neither is particularly impressive, given the lack of difficulty
@JAtkin I'm making a language. It's 2 dimensional, with instructions denoting where data goes to. With this setup, I can't figure out how to insert a constant
to everyone: of the golf challenges for which you currently have the shortest solution posted, and which have had no activity for at least a month, what percentage would you say have accepted your answer?
@Mego No no, that couldn't be the metaphor. If you've ever played Psychonauts, you know that beating up a baby isn't THAT easy.
@quintopia 50% (wild guess)
@Dennis Of course. And THANK YOUUUU as I said in the comment. That's great!! I'll be aroud in a couple of hours. OR do you prefer email?
@quintopia 100% or 0%, depending on how you look at it (I never have the shortest solution)
@Mego lrn2jelly :P
@Dennis how goes support for string builtins?
@Lembik Yes, I do :)
@LuisMendo Chat is quicker. I only have a few questions, most related to security. When you have some free time, please ping me.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ great :)
@JAtkin Seems pretty simple.
@quintopia I'd rather just work on Seriously more. It's almost to the point where it's a major competitor in most challenges.
@Lembik I'll work on an answer when I get home, probably.
@quintopia 100%. I only have one submission that is the shortest.
@quintopia Well, Jelly has join now. That's the only new string atom though. Not exactly exciting...
I'm quite curious how well Jelly will be suited for string manipulation. APL and J are quite bad at it. I'm not sure if that is due to some intrinsic flaw or just lack of built-ins.
@Dennis do arithmetic builtins like * and + work with strings?
I have languages suited to most genres of tasks on this site :P
@quintopia Only in the testing branch, which is severely outdated. At the very least, I should implement that before the week is over.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ thanks!!
@Mego I can't see it ever outcompeting Pyth on a regular basis. Pyth's data model is just inherently more concise.
@Lembik My pleasure! I'm getting Mathematica soon, so maybe I could use that :P
Q: Nested Header List

wnnmawThe goal of this challenge is to complete a list of consecutive nested header numbers when given a start and an end. When given 1.1.1 and 1.1.5 you should generate 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4, 1.1.5 Specific Rules Your entry must take in a start, end, and multiple optional range parameters. P...

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ raspberry pi?
Probably on the computer
CountOrthagonalCirculantMatrices[] is probably a builtin :P
If you have too much money, just give it to me. No need to buy Mathematica.
how about a Mathematica-based golfing language, where every built-in is renamed using three bytes or less :D
@Dennis I would, but you used to instead of too. :P
@Dennis They certainly have very few built-ins for that. And I still don't know how to handle newlines.
@quintopia That's what I'm planning on doing ;)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Sounds like the easiest road to victory :D
That's what I'm hoping ^~^
I have much loftier goals >,_>
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ [citation-needed]
@Dennis wait you deleted the message history? O_O
That would be mod abuse. I'd never do that.
@quintopia Maybe. But I'm still gonna try.
@MartinBüttner thanks. nice job. I like that you incorporated my example numbering into your input :P
I guess that extra code is for removing it
@Dennis can you beat it?
A: Triangular Grids: Simply Connected Polyiamonds

Martin BüttnerCJam, 101 bytes qN/_z,f{' e]}{S2*f+W%z}4*:eeee::f+:~{_(aL{+_{_2,.+1$2,.-Y$_2<:+2%!2*(a.+}%2${a1$&},\;@1$-@@}h;\;-}2*! Try it online. I finally overcame my fear of implementing a flood fill in CJam. It's about as ugly as I expected, and it can most definitely be golfed. The general idea is to...

@Lembik I want to answer your question in TI-BASIC just for kicks :P
Whats the opinion of approving edits such as this codegolf.stackexchange.com/review/suggested-edits/27063 ?
They're just adding test cases
I would say "no".
They might (a) be wrong and (b) are not by the author and "significantly" change the content of the post.
Even if it is the asker of question? I approved it because of that
I mean test suite to answer
hi @El'endiaStarman
@quintopia Maybe, but most certainly not with Jelly.
@muddyfish imo it'd be better as a comment so the answerer could add it in themselves, but I don't see much harm in suggesting the edit
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ go ahead :) But also a fast solution too :)
@Lembik I'll do as fast as I can on a handheld calculator XD
But in all seriousness, I'll work on one in... Java.
I will learn Java. Am I making a mistake?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Yes
java is worth learning
sadly :)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ learn Java as it is genuinely useful and then Scala because it is lovely :)
@Mego What'd you suggest instead?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Java is the least bad programming language in my view. It's main downside is that it is in no way fun and is not designed for quick 10 line scripts
if you are used to python then Java seems a bit.. awkward
but if you want a job it's very useful indeed!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Something more sane and easier to work with. A magnetized needle is a good start.
Oh shit polyiamonds is a problem that's solvable with snails
basically Java is not too slow, manages memory for you and has libraries
How did I miss that one!
@feersum :)
@Mego I'll use butterflies.
Wow ... my PowerShell code is slowly devolving into semi-readable Perl ...
powershell is perl is alex
@TimmyD Does not compute
@TimmyD s/d//
@TimmyD but... readable perl... is impossible...
A: Compute the multinomial coefficient

TimmyDPowerShell, 91 74 bytes Woo! My 100th answer on PPCG! param($n,$k)(1..$n-join'*'|iex)/(($k|%{$n-=$_;1..$_})+(1..$n)-join'*'|iex) Whew. Not going to win shortest-code, that's for sure. Uses a couple neat tricks with ranges, though. And this is probably complete gibberish to anyone not familiar...

Sadly, that doesn't work at all with Pash. :(
@Dennis Wow ... my PowerShell coe is slowly devolving into semi-readable Perl
Ah, dammit.
s/ d// would work
@Dennis No, it doesn't. Pash is like PowerShell v0.5 and is missing a bunch of necessary features
@TimmyD Since I can't test: Does 55, [28] return the proper value?
PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> .\compute-the-multinomial-coefficient.ps1 55 @(28)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

MegaTomking-of-the-hilljavascript City Life A cellular automation war game. Each player will control group of cites on a grid. Each city takes up one cell, and all cells with no city are "wilderness", and have no owner. The board will start with one city controlled by each player. The game will consi...

@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ @Lembik is right in that learning (and getting good at) Java will be useful for getting a job later in life. However, I'd suggest you learn C# instead for that purpose. Both are popular enterprise software programming languages. That said, I believe that websites are the future, but do also consider that you'll have a lot more competition for web-oriented jobs.
@El'endiaStarman :D Thanks for the advice! I really appreciate it.
It'd probably be good to learn either Java or C# for the sole purpose of being familiar with their...methodology, so to speak.
Learn Python, burn the heretics
tiobe.com/index.php/content/paperinfo/tpci/index.html Java is way more popular than C# according to that table and if that means anything useful :)
There aren't quite that many Python jobs, unfortunately...
@quintopia it is
@Lembik Java is much older.
I have a question, what category of math best describes this problem. Does it count as topology? codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/69354/…
Much of the purpose of C# is to be a better, more sensible Java.
it's the toilet paper one
@El'endiaStarman yes .. which makes it pretty amazing to be at number 1 again
@El'endiaStarman it depends if you live in windows land too
@El'endiaStarman I am prejudiced as I don't own a copy of windows :)
@Lembik Java is higher because C# has only recently started climbing.
@TimmyD I think it should print 3824345300380220. At least Pash can represent that value exactly.
@Mego are you sure. We need a graph for that :)
@Lembik Windows land is...well...the biggest land of the three...(Windows, Mac, Linux).
@El'endiaStarman that is true
quite different shapes!
you might guess from those graphs that C# is on the wane having had its peak in 2012
The TIOBE index is not a very rigorous index of popularity of programming languages
It only counts search engine hits
@randomra Fantastic! Mind if I use it?
There is a clear downwards trend for Java, and a clear upwards trend for C#.
@Mego I can imagine.. these things are never very reliable
Which has only a weak correlation to actual industry usage
@El'endiaStarman I don't see that! C# goes up and then down
Plus, both start in 2002. When was Java created?
@El'endiaStarman 1996 for java?
@Dennis It has to do with PowerShell's ... desire ... to truncate output to significant digits. The value is represented exactly in the actual variable, just that when Double.ToString() gets called in the background during output, the parsing algorithms inside .NET move it to scientific notation.
@Lembik Ending point is higher than starting point.
@El'endiaStarman :)
that's not the definition of an upward trend!
@Lembik Yup. So Java had a whole 8 years to get started.
@El'endiaStarman yes
It's not necessary to ping someone literally every message
the interesting question is if c# is past its prime
that I can't answer as I don't use windows :)
It's not
I really don't think so.
And you don't need Windows
I think php is on the way down
The .NET framework is open source now, and Mono has existed for a while
@Mego you mean mono? It's not very nice to use
Isn't it?
I've never had issues with Mono
where visual basic just keeps on growing! :)
Oh, okay. I haven't used it much.
Sounds like PEBKAC
:) do you enjoy using it?
I does work.. I just don't enjoy using it
@TimmyD Well, I'll admit that I don't fully understand your code. All I know is that computing all factorials as Doubles, then performing division, yields 3824345300380220.5 in JavaScript.
I don't enjoy using any .NET stuff, so I'm very biased
ah ok :)
in any case.. we should all program in scala :)
Programming languages tend to have very long tails
I feel there should be a bonus for using rare languages .. like "surge pricing" in Uber
"Past its prime" would be like 30+ years after creation
by rare I mean languages that haven't been used much recently in PPCG
@Lembik ...that's...uh, not unbiased...
@El'endiaStarman what do you mean?
As far as random sampling a population goes, PPCG is not the place for that. :P
PPCG writes very little production quality code.
@El'endiaStarman oh right.. I meant a bonus for rep in PPCG
to encourage a broader range of language use
this is nothing to do with the outside world :)
Ah, whoops, I was still thinking of the earlier discussion.
@quintopia Your challenge's prevision requirements are quite hard to satisfy. Strictly speaking, I'd say even the current submissions in languages with arbitrary precision integers are invalid. Python won't compute the factorial of numbers that cannot be cast to int...
> By default, the return value only contains 15 digits of precision although a maximum of 17 digits is maintained internally. If the value of this instance has greater than 15 digits, ToString returns PositiveInfinitySymbol or NegativeInfinitySymbol instead of the expected number.
> If you require more precision, specify format with the "G17" format specification, which always returns 17 digits of precision, or "R", which returns 15 digits if the number can be represented with that precision or 17 digits if the number can only be represented with maximum precision.
Encapsulating the equation in () and tacking .ToString('G17') on the end yields 3824345300380220.5
@El'endiaStarman I actually used codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/65989/42963 earlier today
@Doorknob remember when you were surprised because i was disappointed at how long my brainfuck program was? this is what a brainfuck answer i'm proud of looks like:
A: Spoonerise words

undergroundmonorailbrainfuck, 238 bytes ,[[<+<+>>-]-[<<-->>-----]<<+++++[----[----[------[------>>]]]]>[>>]>,]<+++++[<++++++>-]<[<[-<<]>>[>>]>+<<-]<--[<<--]>>[++>>]>[<<<[+<<]<<[+<<]>>[>>]>>[>>]>-]<<<[<<]----[<+++++>--]<->>[>.>]<[<<]<<[<<]>[>>]>[.>>]<.<[<<]>[>.>]>[>>]>[>>]>[.>>] Requires , to return 0 on EOF, 8-b...

@TimmyD That's pretty much my point. Since 3824345300380220 can be represented exactly, the rules (as currently written) seem to require an exact result here. I think this makes the challenge unnecessarily hard, @quintopia.
@TimmyD Well that's pretty cool.
Still, I did say "very little", not "none". :P
Does anyone remember the policy on using bugfixes made after the challenge was posted?
The language is defined by the interpreter, not the spec
So if it only works in a newer interpreter it's invalid
A: What's the policy on interpreter bugs?

DoorknobThe interpreter(/compiler) defines the language A spec is not a language. For the purposes of PPCG, a programming language is defined by its implementation. If the interpreter is fixed after the challenge is posted, the answer must be marked as non-competing—just like any other answer in a lang...

All right thanks
Q: Make a simple pretty-comment tool

Michael KleinChallenge: Some ascii-art is a pain to make, but makes code comments easier to read, especially when the code is dense. The challenge is to make a simple tool that converts comments to simple ascii-art with arrows. The comments to modify are delimited by empty comments. For example, supposing H...

Q: Attraction Between Words

geokavelNewton's theory of gravitation says that the gravitational force between two point masses is F=(Gm1m2)/ r2 Where G is the gravitational constant: 6.674×10−11 N · (m/kg)2 m1 is the mass of the first object m2 is the mass of the second object r is the distance between their centers of mass ...

@Dennis How does that correspond with "If the final result can fit within the natively supported integer types, then the result must be accurate. If it cannot, there is no restriction on what may be output."? 3824345300380220 >> 2^32
@TimmyD Huh, I thought PowerShell had 64-bit longs?
@geokavel the links at the end of that challenge seem entirely unrelated, apart from being fairly obvious self-promotion.
Q: A New Code License: The MIT, this time with Attribution Required

samthebrand TLDR: This is a follow-up to our initial proposal for transitioning to a more user-friendly code license. The purpose of this post is to address the concern expressed most frequently in response to the initial proposal: no attribution requirement. Also, we want to make sure everyone has ample ...

I was kinda shocked at the terrible reception this got.
Whoa! The last time I checked, it was at -40.
@El'endiaStarman I'm not really. The top voted answer summarizes my thoughts perfectly.
Well, the shock for me was the magnitude, so to speak.
hey speaking of magnitude
I saw a lot of negativity in the previous post on the subject, but the question had a positive score overall. This one has twice as many downvotes as upvotes.
i always thought that for a complex number a+bi, sqrt(a^2 + b^2) was called the magnitude
@undergroundmonorail We cannot repel firepower of that magnitude!
Maybe the silent majority wants to copy and paste teh codez without attribution :P
my professor taught me yesterday that it's called the modulus
Q: Finite State Machine validity

AskirkelaI've been around for a while, watching you golf and I really enjoy it. I came up with a challenge for you all so let's begin! Challenge I assume that everyone knows what Finite State Machine (FSM) is, I will edit the the description if needed. Your program will take only one input consisting ...

@El'endiaStarman Well, SE made it clear that they took upvotes as positive feedback.
That probably contributed, yeah.
I upvoted the original proposal in an attempt to draw more attention to it. I didn't think they'd assume I thought that BS was a good idea. :(
> Unlike normal Stack Exchange sites, Meta invites the community to discuss, debate and propose changes to the way the community itself behaves, as well as how the software itself works. On posts tagged feature-request, voting indicates agreement or disagreement with the proposed change rather than just the quality or usefulness of the post itself.
I never post on the main SE site, so I can't even downvote there
@flawr Thanks for the help too, @flawr
@Dennis I'm here!
@Dennis Ray told me that the online compiler reads from the Github repo directly, right? So it automatically gets the new version (perhaps with some delay, of course)
@DigitalTrauma go ahead!
@LuisMendo Great! First and foremost: Does MATL have file access, web access or ways to execute user-supplied Octave code? That would be a security risk for my setup, and I'd have to disable it somehow.
@randomra Done - thanks!
@Dennis Do you not sandbox the interpreters?
@feersum No, not yet. Mainly because I don't really know how to accomplish that.
@DigitalTrauma you have two extra m`'s in
@Dennis It does have file access, yes. User can supply a file to be read. It also has a urlread function. As for executing arbitrary code, I'm pretty sure it can't. I took special measures for that (a regex check). Octave's str2num actually calls eval. But I put a regexp to control the literal contents to avoid it contains functions
@Dennis If needed, I can prepare a version of the compiler without the file read and urlread functions
@randomra Thanks - fixed. I left these in the TryItOnine so multi-line input may be tested, but they are not necessary for single line input

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