Filk music is a musical culture, genre, and community tied to science fiction/fantasy fandom and a type of fan labor. The genre has been active since the early 1950s, and played primarily since the mid-1970s. The term (originally a typographical error) predates 1955.
== Etymology and definitions ==
As Interfilk's What it is? page demonstrates, there is no consensus on the definition of filk. Attempts have been made to define filk based on various criteria.
=== Style and content ===
Filk has been defined as folk music, usually with a science fiction or fantasy theme, but this definition ...
When my girlfriend first moved in with me years ago, she asked what the router password was. I didn't know. Turns out (at the time) it was "password." :|
I changed something to a bunch of random hex values and out popped the garbage texture for the ground, while the dark blue thing is Amy with a new palette.
@El'endiaStarman Each side of the triangle cuts the plane in 2 halves. A point within the triangle will be in the "inner" half-plane of each side. Use dot-product's sign to detect which side of the side it is on.
It's similar to how you detect what faces of a shape to render in 3D. If the normal's dot product with the vector from your "eye" is positive, you don't render the face.
Add a feature to your favourite regex flavour! popularity-contest
Create a program that will take in a regex (in string form) and a string to match, and output a truthy value if it matched or a falsy value if it didn't. But here's the catch: your program should implement a new useful feature to...
The proper way to do this is by calculating the barycentric coordinates of the fourth point given the three points of your triangle. The formula to compute them is given at the end of the section "Converting to barycentric coordinates", but I hope to provide a less mathematics-intense explanatio...
Take the average of the three given points. This new point P4 will always lie inside the triangle.
Now check if P and P4 lie on the same side of each of the three lines P1P2 P2P3 and P3P1. You can do this by checking the signs of the cross products (P -> P1) x (P -> P2) and (P4 -> P1) x (P4 -> P...
Cross products are so ugly. Maybe my engineering courses just made me hate them, but as beautiful as they may be conceptually, calculating one is a pain in the ass.