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that's ossm ^
No one ran though
> I was serious! -23m ago by Alex A.
A: Bernoulli Numbers

TanMathPython, 180 bytes This is based on Mego's example implementation, except golfed further. import math def n(n,r): f = math.factorial return f(n)/f(r)/f(n-r) def B(m): if m == 0: return 1 else: t = 0 for k in range(0,m): t+=n(m, k)*B(k)/(m-k+1.0) return 1-t Try it here (on the Int...

@CSᵠ I starred them all via CTRL+F "henceforth"
my new (and working answer)
Alex is going to build a giant wall on the border of the Nineteenth Byte.
@Sherlock9 rolf!
@TanMath I predict people will complain at you for not just editing your old answer
@quartata Donal Trump?
That'll keep out us filthy code-golfers.
@Calvin'sHobbies but I just asked you guys!
To keep out the Code Reviewers
Then he'll put five star restaurants all across the wall, so you can eat and laugh at all the filthy PPCG users that can't get across
@TanMath shave some byte for some of the idented lines, puth them on the previous line separated by ;
nopythonic, but hey,,, codegolf
Laughing at PPCG: SE's favorite past-time
@TanMath Sherlock's advice was not necessarily the best
i bet somewhere in the internet universe, there's a bet to how fast this room gets 10k starred msgs
@CSᵠ That was passed a longgg time ago I believe.
8525 now
Oh. Hm.
@Calvin'sHobbies so you should have said something!
wth is that number
18k in room info
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

quartataGrocery Store Micromanagement You are an employee at the hip new grocery store Half Foods, and it's the day before Thanksgiving. Since the store will be packed with customers rushing to get their turkeys, pumpkin pies and/or lentil loaves, the store needs a traffic manager to send everyone to th...

@CSᵠ Is that the total message count, maybe?
@Calvin'sHobbies Well, even in its unrefined state, it's better than my solution in byte count
ok so... 18.3k are the stars, but the starred messages are 8.5k
@quartata any day now, at this rate
@Sherlock9 Right, but new answers should not be advised for things that are only updates to existing answers
@CSᵠ I meant on my challenge
But yeah I'm sure we'll hit that soon
what is that chlng?
Which I just noticed a big mistake in
grocery store?
@CSᵠ Yes.
@quartata K.
@Mego Your new avatar is way better=)
@flawr No it's not
I miss the frustrated penguin
I do not.
anybody here to help me? My bernoulli code does not work for cases 5 and 9
it needs to round to zero
@Mego Actually 1.1e-16 was correct. It's close to 0, at least within 6 digits
@Mego: 1.1102230246251565e-16 basically is 0.
For the record, my code produces that too.
@Calvin'sHobbies Any thoughts on my grocery store challenge?
@Mego so @TanMath is correct. It's just badly golfed
@TanMath Come up with your own code rather than stealing the reference implementation? Actually test your code before posting?
@El'endiaStarman 6 decimal places would be 1.110223e-16
Though I can see where that might be confusing
@Mego i tested it for most cases
....which is 0.000000000000000111...
@El'endiaStarman so your code is wrong too!
@Mego I thought decimal places was from the decimal point?
wait, is my code bad or not?!
@quartata seems compleicated, not my cup o` tea
@Mego Since it's 0.000000000000000110223..., that's within the parameters
@Mego Besides, I get the exact same thing
@TanMath It's poorly golfed, but correct, I believe.
@Mego so what, it is golfed, and not exactly yours, I take out the factorial part and use math module! is that not fine with you?
Meh, that's not what I intended when I wrote it, but it's too late to fix it
>>> b(20) [1.0, 0.5, 0.16666666666666674, 0.0, -0.03333333333333344, 1.1102230246251565e-16, 0.023809523809523836, 0.0, -0.0333333333333341, 2.220446049250313e-15, 0.07575757575757303, 3.3306690738754696e-16, -0.2531135531135502, 1.3322676295501878e-15, 1.1666666666666505, 1.7763568394002505e-14, -7.092156862745085, 8.526512829121202e-14, 54.97117794486164, -7.958078640513122e-13, -529.1242424242307]
@El'endiaStarman it is? ok...
then i guess @Mego's downvote is still justified by the fact that it is poorly golfed
The totality of your "golfing" was changing the function names and importing math
What's going on?
@TanMath I think Mego's also ticked at you for not coming up with your solution independently and basically copying the reference implementation. Which I do agree is in poor taste.
@quartata @TanMath posted an extremely-poorly-golfed Python answer that is a copy of another solution. So, the usual.
the only thing I copied was the bernoulli part.. the nCr is different as well!
@Mego Yeah, after golfing his solution some more, I got 136 bytes. Though I won't post it here @TanMath
do all the questions(challenges) need to be passed by sandbox first?
i probably would independently derive the same answer anyway
@CSᵠ It's a good idea to
@CSᵠ It's a very good rule of thumb, not not strictly necessary.
@TanMath Your ideone link was broken, I fixed it and also changed a few things with it
Added print B(input()) so that you can do stuff with it
@TanMath No you would probably independently write nonfunctional code and beg for help in chat for days, based on prior behavior.
@CSᵠ I have done it once, and almost did it twice, but I forgot to finish that second post.
@quartata that wasn't in the original code
@TanMath Yeah, but you can't try it online otherwise...
You also had a syntax error that wasn't in the original code
@quartata weird.. oh well!
Turns out my byte counter was weird
I need to go through my old answers to check the byte counts again
But I now have less bytes than @TanMath. Good golfing, sir or madam or other
B(31) = 0.000013 according to @TanMath's solution
So it's invalid
I....I beat Julia! :D
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import math
import functools
def n(n,r):
 f = math.factorial
 return f(n)/f(r)/f(n-r)

def B(m):
 if m == 0:
  return 1
  t = 0
  for k in range(0,m):
   t+=n(m, k)*B(k)/(m-k+1.0)
 return 1-t

for i in range(60+1):
    print(i, "%0.6f"%B(i))
I added cacheing so that it had a chance of finishing this year
0 1.000000
1 0.500000
2 0.166667
3 0.000000
4 -0.033333
5 0.000000
6 0.023810
7 0.000000
8 -0.033333
9 0.000000
10 0.075758
11 0.000000
12 -0.253114
13 0.000000
14 1.166667
15 0.000000
16 -7.092157
17 0.000000
18 54.971178
19 -0.000000
20 -529.124242
21 -0.000000
22 6192.123188
23 0.000000
24 -86580.253114
25 -0.000000
26 1425517.166667
27 -0.000000
28 -27298231.067816
29 0.000000
30 601580873.900637
31 0.000013
32 -15116315767.092148
33 0.000641
34 429614643061.159058
35 0.013672
36 -13711655205088.136719
@Mego Good idea
Now I just gotta wait for Pyth or CJam to beat me... :(
@Mego Huh. Why does that happen?
@Mego wrong! B(31)!=0.0013
Seems strange.
@TanMath Right, and that's your code.
@quartata Floating point rounding errors
@quartata oh yeah!
@quartata Really it's my code :P
so I guess I wasted so much time for this... oh well
@Sherlock9 mothereff.in/byte-counter is what I use for byte counts for normal languages
@Mego Darn it, my own Python solution broke at b(29)
me too ^
@Mego Yeah.
But why at 31 specifically?
Stupid floating precision
@quartata Because IEEE
Right then. Now to import Fractions -____-
I feel discriminated.. All the other answers have all the same errors, but they have so much upvotes...
I cannot emphasize this enough: test your solutions before submitting them
@Mego test from 1-9, which is what you put!!!
@Mego In his defense, it would take a while to test that high.
I'd probably only go up to 20 for verification.
> Your answer must give correct output for all inputs up to and including 60
@quartata Laziness is not a defense
Just slapping memoization/cacheing on it makes it finish nearly instantly
But I can see why he would, since if you don't get your answer in early here you basically don't get an upvotes.
@Mego it is not laziness, but it is just that it takes time for the program to run anyway
@TanMath For the solutions that I have tested, I have voted accordingly, based on whether or not they work. I haven't tested every solution yet - I expect the posters to test them also, which is not an unreasonable expectation.
1 min ago, by Mego
Just slapping memoization/cacheing on it makes it finish nearly instantly
real    0m0.098s
user    0m0.062s
sys     0m0.030s
@Mego Oh, I wasn't really aware of this.
@Mego what is memoization
@TanMath Means you store the results of function calls for re-use.
@Mego so by that logic, Starman's and Sherlock9's answer is wrong so you should downvote!
@TanMath ?
@quartata their answers are wrong, so @Mego should downvote, correct? After all he said "I have voted accordingly, based on whether or not they work" And he is definitely now aware Starman's and Sherlock's answers don't work
@TanMath I did downvote Sherlock9's. I haven't tested Starman's yet.
@Mego it is wrong too
@Mego B(31) prints 1.3e-5 or so
And now I have, so now I have downvoted
@TanMath It got posted 13 minutes ago...
@quartata yeah, so?
You can't exactly blame him for not having tested it yet.
He isn't omniscient.
@quartata Hey now don't make claims you can't back up
@Mego Oh, sorry.
@Mego so my code only doesn't work for odd numbers?
@Mego Working on it, but it's going slowly. IDLE's debugger doesn't like Fractions
@TanMath As far as I can tell, yes
@Sherlock9 ew IDLE
Use print statements pls
@Mego a) Mego is mortal. b) All mortals are not omniscient. Therefore, Mego is omniscient or non omniscient
The odds were the first issue I noticed
@quartata Yes well
1 min ago, by Mego
@quartata Hey now don't make claims you can't back up
@Mego can it return plain zero?
@Mego ._. a ∨ ¬a is always true
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ The flaw is that you assumed he was mortal.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Your first premise has an issue
@TanMath For odds, yes
So? I don't use it.
Nor did I say it was a premise
@Mego good, fixed it, do you want a link right now?
@TanMath If you provide a link please use ideone's fork feature so we can edit the input.
Just hit "fork" then provide the fork link
Is there an easy way to run Matlab code?
@Mego Yes Octave
That doesn't involve going through MathWorks?
I added a statement to check if it is odd and not 1
why on earth does ideone have support for Whitespace?
@phase Because.
It's actually up there with Brainfuck as one of the more notorious esolangs.
@Mego i do not think so
SO has a tag for it
does this code work?
@quartata you mean PPCG?
Edited @Mego ideone.com/fSgUFX for testing
@quartata it's hard to see the grid when it's all spaces. Maybe use .?
i guess since @Mego is not responding, it does not work
ooh, what a heated competition with you @Sherlock9
I gota go now, so if it does work, I authorize permission to anybody to correct my answer with the code I posted on ideone and the byte count is 184 BTW
And I am pretty sure nobody cares but dibs on Pyth for the bernoulli numbers!
@TanMath I don't think you can call dibs
@TanMath Also, that almost guarantees that someone else will now try Pyth
@quartata Better yet (unless I'm really misunderstanding something) just put # everywhere a shopper can't go. That makes it easier to tell whats going on visually
Oh, I only need 22 rep to get 200 today
And I have 8 minutes
#    Y    #
# ## ### ##
#s## ###s##
Some other day, perhaps
@Sherlock9 you sure?
check your account!
11:55pm utc
@TanMath Thanks a bunch, @TanMath
@Sherlock9 Are you @ 200? :3
@Sherlock9 you are welcome
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ And thank you
@quartata I don't see the need for the last row. Where do shoppers go if two lines are equal?
oh, so close to 500!
@Calvin'sHobbies To the third line
@Calvin'sHobbies And thanks to you as well, if you upvoted as well

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