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@WadCheber Then when did he find out about Leia?
@WadCheber but then what about when palpatine says about luke?
@Sherlock9 What was the best Sherlock Holmes novel?
@TanMath "give me the code" is not a question
checking again, the only thing in Ep IV that comes close to Vader noticing Luke was the famous "The Force is strong with this one!" line at the end
@Sherlock9 During Luke's final fight with Vader.
@TanMath Palpatine isn't in the first movie.
@Calvin'sHobbies The Hound of the Baskervilles. But there are only 4 novels. The real question is what was the best short story.
He says that in episode V
@Ixrec yes, I mean that one
Did I come to the wrong chat?
@WadCheber i know
@randal'thor Those are harder
I'm only here because @randal'thor linked this place in Mos Eisley
@Calvin'sHobbies I am a massive fan that hasn't read all the Sherlock Holmes stories haha, but I would say... The Sign of Four
@randal'thor y u do dis
@TanMath You people have broken Mos Eisley and made it off-topic :-/
Sounds familiar
@randal'thor You broke 19th Byte first.
@randal'thor R.I.P. Mos Eisley
@randal'thor Mos Eisley has never not been off topic.
This used to be a haven for code golf and dank memes
your mod friends are going to kill you!
And then you brought your nerddom here
@randal'thor @Calvin'sHobbies Note that I only say Sign of Four from the two SH novels I have read, the other being Study in Scarlet
@Mego I didn't. Blame Wad and TanMath, not the whole of SFF chat.
I really must read Hound
@randal'thor I'm joking btw :P in case it wasn't clear
@Sherlock9 yeah, you should
You know, the programming language ~ATH would be an excellent topic of conversation right now because it's a programming language but it's also from a sci-fi webcomic.
@Ixrec Dumb thing is, one of my programming assignments is to parse Hound into separate words
You'd think I'd take that opportunity to actually read it
@Sherlock9 During the final fight between Vader and Luke, Vader reads Luke's mind while Luke is thinking about Leia, and threatens to go after her. That's what motivates Luke to defeat Vader, and Vader didn't know about Leia until that moment.
@Sherlock9 is that as trivial as it sounds? (book.split(" "))
@Ixrec periods et
@randal'thor You were here first, mr. Teflon.
My GOD is this internet poor.
@WadCheber But I didn't start talking about SFF in here!
Also, you told me what room it was. All your fault.
@Ixrec Parse it, count how many times it appears, sort the words, take an input word, take an input edit distance, print every word within the input distance and its count
@Maltysen Welcome to Mos Eisley
Indirectly, Star Wars ruined Mos Eisley.
Hey while you people are here
@randal'thor Says the guy who brought up HP
it is! and then he threatens to kick us out!
@Ixrec I skipped over a few steps
Nov 12 at 22:26, by Doorknob
okay seriously stop abusing stars
@randal'thor False. You mentioned HP.
Star the linked message
@Mego Alright. Mini-challenge: Given positive int N, print an N by N checkerboard. e.g. N = 5:
time to code golf!
Use any two distinct chars
@WadCheber I only referred to HP. I didn't start discussing it as a fan.
@Calvin'sHobbies N can be even or odd?
@randal'thor You're flailing now. It's unbecoming.
@Doorknob Yes, could be either
@WadCheber Donkeys are unbecoming.
Did you that there's a whole chat room for scifi?
and why do the donkeys keep showing up? =)
@randal'thor I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of your donkey braying.

 The Nineteenth Byte

The Nineteenth Byte: General discussion for codegolf.stackexc...
Maybe if you took that bucket off your head...
@AlexA. More like ten whole chatrooms.
@AlexA. no
it was more like five real chats and a sequence of five equally short-lived replacements for that first chat
@WadCheber HEE!
@WadCheber HAW!
Idk what even is going on
anyway, I am not getting answers to any of my questions, might as well get my butt outa here!
@Ixrec We still have the DW chat, the SW chat, the TWD chat, the AoN chat, and probably a few others.
But I blame TanMath for attracting our lovely SFF nerd friends here
I thought we answered all your questions already
@randal'thor yep, that makes exactly five
anyone else actually doing calvin's challenge?
Can anyone even come close to deciphering the latest challenge on main? Because I can't, and I want to make sure before closehammering as unclear.
@anOKsquirrel me
@Maltysen languae?
@randal'thor the only others are temp chats and chats I do not understand the purpose of
@anOKsquirrel Which one?
@Doorknob Which one?
@Sherlock9 checkerboard
@Sherlock9 The latest post.
@Ixrec Plus some others.
Wait for the RSS bot to post it...
Twelve in total (minus frozen/deleted rooms)
5 mins ago, by Calvin's Hobbies
@Mego Alright. Mini-challenge: Given positive int N, print an N by N checkerboard. e.g. N = 5:
@Doorknob if my opinion counts, and you mean the stenographer one, I can get the gist of what it's about but it seems not at all clear what the expected inputs and outputs are, I can't even tell if he wants a decoder or an encoder
def f(n):print("ab"[sum(i,j)%2]for i in range(n)for i in range(n))
@Calvin'sHobbies CJam r~_2#,{2%}%\/N*
Pyth 17 bytes: j<Q*Qmjk<Q*Qd_BU2
Q: Encode the steganographic encoder in a steganographic package

EndingBeginningCyclesUnicode homoglyphs steganography (with NON BINARY MAPPING) What is Steganography? What are Homoglyphs? Ϝοr you whο are rеаdіng thеsе lines dіdn't you rеalize soⅿеthing that lοoks like a key іn tһe kеyһole, thаt suѕрiϲiouѕ Ϝ? These linеs аren't јuѕt οrdinary tехt but а 'package' full of unіco...

@Sherlock9 Surely (i+j) is shorter than a call to sum?
(Also, the second thingy in the list comprehension should be a j. You typo'd it and used i twice)
@Calvin'sHobbies Vitsy, 25 bytes: V" X"V\[V\[DO{]aOV2M1+\{]
Mostly because I had to deal with the even/odd.
@Doorknob Yep, fixing now
mine is 15 bytes because CJam always wins
@Alex's arrows have been getting ninja'd by unrelated messages like mad today. :P
@Doorknob *carrots
oh right
Mini-challenge: Bake a pastry and mail it to me.
CJam, 4 bytes: "no"
... only when run as root. Otherwise output What? Bake it yourself.
+400 bounty
@anOKsquirrel when did I say "give me the code"!!!!!
@Calvin'sHobbies Okay. Address?
Pyth 15 bytes: jjLkc%R2sM^UQ2Q
@TanMath Well, when did you just ask a question? All you ever ask is specific coed
@AlexA. Earth (roughly)
@Calvin'sHobbies Okay, sent.
@anOKsquirrel I asked whether there is a way to repeat a code block in Seriously n times
Mail Calvin A Pastry, 0 bytes:
@Calvin'sHobbies Harmless (mostly)
is that "give me the code!"?
@TanMath how long did you try first? did you ask again?
def f(n):print("\n".join(" ".join("ab"[i%2]for i in range(j,n+j))for j in range(n)))
@randal'thor why are you still here?!
@randal'thor Okay, Ford Prefect.
@TanMath He's welcome to be here if he wants to be
@ThomasKwa Does that work for even inputs?
Anyone is welcome
@AlexA. it was a joke...
@Zgarb No, it doesn't
@AlexA. Even Alex B.?
they kicked us out, so I tried to do the same... a joke
@Calvin'sHobbies Alex C. as well
@TanMath Too hostile-sounding. Maybe work on your tone a bit, is all
@Sherlock9 what?
@Sherlock9 Wrong reply...?
@Sherlock9 No.
@anOKsquirrel I asked again one time i think...
@Calvin'sHobbies J, 16 bytes, works for even and odd inputs: 'X.'{~2&|@+/~@i.
I think he meant to reply to TanMath
Pyth 14 bytes: jcQsm`%sd2^UQ2 beating CJam
Sherlock got my Python answer
I have edited it now
@TanMath can we stop this? it's finally getting peaceful againn
We all know that he's trying to send the subliminal message that APL is the most unfriendly of the languages due to its non-ASCII characters
@TanMath Lurking to spook the PPCG crowd :->
@randal'thor Boo?
@randal'thor Best programming language is...?
Can someone post the link to the Dam Son picture?
@VoteToClose VTC for booing ;-)
@Eridan Sorry dude
Nah it's good. Mine had more whitespace in it anyways. My golfing skills are pretty meh
@Calvin'sHobbies APL, 18 bytes and actually works: {'X.'[1+2|∘.+⍨⍳⍵]}
Thanks. :D Needed to send it to a friend.
Mini CG challenge: Given an integer input n, output the nth time Alex has been wrong in chat
def f(n):print("\n".join(" ".join("ab"[i%2]for i in range(j,n+j))for j in range(n))) is 85 bytes in Python 3
@randal'thor You could've just said "for booing". The reply takes care of the rest.
@anOKsquirrel Infinity is not a number
@Eridan Only needs to work for finite outputs
@Maltysen if we're allowed to output using 1 and 0, then Zgarb's J wins.
@VoteToClose Dangerous username you've got there.
@ThomasKwa which one? Mine is 14 bytes.
I bet you don't have many open questions.
It's especially fun to see reopen votes cast by VoteToClose.
6 mins ago, by Zgarb
@Calvin'sHobbies J, 16 bytes, works for even and odd inputs: 'X.'{~2&|@+/~@i.
The 'X.'{ is unnecessary for output of 0 or 1
ah I see
@randal'thor Playing with fire is what I do. ;)
@randal'thor 4, to be exact. :D
@ThomasKwa But there are spaces between the columns.
@Zgarb Wait, there are
t00t :D Already a favorite challenge. — VoteToClose 9 secs ago
I don't actually know why Alex is wrong, but I just know that Alex is most definitely wrong.
{⍪,/⍕¨2|∘.+⍨⍳⍵} works for APL
Unfortunately that's 15 bytes
@Calvin'sHobbies Do we need spaces between the columns?
any tips on golfing r~_2#,{2%}%\/N* ?
@Sherlock9 no
@anOKsquirrel Sorry, I don't CJam
@ThomasKwa whaaaaat?
Or whatever that language is
CJam is in Java, not C. I feel tricked.
def f(n):print("\n".join("".join(str((i+j)%2)for i in range(n))for j in range(n))) 82 bytes, Python 3
It should me JCam.
@anOKsquirrel Pyth is much more clearer about its name. You should come to Pyth. ;P
@anOKsquirrel Square your shoulders, knees bent, breathe in during the backswing
@Maltysen but I want to go to heaven
@AlexA. kthxbai
If there's one place I'm definitely not going, it's heaven.
is there a place for people who aren't bad, just wrong?
Non-AP level classes
Now at 14 bytes: 'X.'{~2|+/~@i.
@Zgarb which lang?
APL, 12: ,/∘⍕¨2|⍳∘.+⍳
Hey guys
Hello Dr. Jedi
@SuperJedi224 lol
Found it while sorting through the ash of a large soup
> ash of a large soup
J, 11 bytes: 1":2|+/~@i.
@AlexA. A "soup" is a large random input, the "ash" of a pattern is what's left over when it stabilizes
Oh, okay. What's the context?
@anOKsquirrel Code Golf and Old Ladies?
@AlexA. yes.
My grandma makes good soup
@SuperJedi224 how do you make Golly count gliders blinkers etc
There may be a script for it, but I don't have one
so I am working on the Seriously code @quintopia gave me: [1,2,3]RdXR
Unfortunately, I have to do it manually
@SuperJedi224 you showed my a count didn't you?
now I want to do [1,2,3][2:] which means i need a while loop, but that is hard to set up in a stack based language...how do i proceed?
@TanMath hmmmm
use CJam instead
@anOKsquirrel hmmm?
@TanMath Stack-based? o-o Vitsy does it in one character. Well, a starting character and an ending character.
@anOKsquirrel i will later
@VoteToClose how?
While true: [1]
And technically, if you want a loop, you can also do this:
Where you call 1m and put the loopy stuff in the line with <.
> the loopy stuff
Note: loopy is informally crazy.
@anOKsquirrel How does using _ instead of n help?
@Calvin'sHobbies You wouldn't have to declare that. I forgot, it's only for Python shell
so instead of x=input() it could be input()
but I'm dumb and it doesn't work
Anyone want a challenge race? I'll spot you an idea for a challenge
challenge race?
We both have 1 hour (or 2 maybe) to write a challenge and the one with the most eventual upvotes wins
but no
No one ever accepts D: But I usually only snarkily ask when I've already got an idea ready :D
@Calvin'sHobbies That's probably half the trouble
I think a really simple challenge would win
@Calvin'sHobbies The checkerboard mini-challenge should be an actual question, if it's not a dupe.
@VoteToClose Shhhhhhh ;)
Are we still being raided by SFF?
idea: make the size of the checkerboard squares an input
@ThomasKwa I'm not sure, but I don't think J has visual representations of trains.
@VoteToClose The stack snippet would only have to connect to the backend for this, which would require no modification except for a HTTP reader that allows cross-origin requests. However, I'm not sure if the new features I'm planning to implement are going to change how frontend and backend communicate.
@Dennis Too bad. I mostly write my APL trains by looking at the diagrams.
@anOKsquirrel Cellular automatons in general too
The whole family can enjoy soup
I think we need a Conway's Game of Life challenge, since the old one was closed.
@Dennis It'd be really cool to have a simple javascript line or two to automatically connect to tryitonline.
how bad of an answer is this:
Should I sandbox a spec?
I don't know why I decided it was a good idea to manually search through 200,000 cells worth of ash patterns.
A: Count sums of two squares

TanMathPython, 133 129 bytes from itertools import* n=input() l=[];s=0 for i in range(-n,n+1):l.append(i**2) for j in product(l,l): if sum(j)==n:s+=1 print s This demonstrates the use of itertools cartesian product. Try it online

@Dennis You can do 9!:3 (4), which switches on tree display.
                   ┌─ ~ ─── /:
            ┌─ @ ──┴─ ~.
      ┌─ @ ─┴─ ,
      │            ┌─ ~ ─── / ─── *
── @ ─┤     ┌─ @: ─┴─ >:
      └─ @ ─┴─ i.
@ThomasKwa What language is that?
@SuperJedi224 That's J.
Okay, I give up on the formatting
@TanMath It's a concise use of itertools... I guess.
@ThomasKwa spiffy
@Zgarb Oh, nice!
@VoteToClose how could i possibly golf it? i took Mego's tips, i cannot think of more unfortunately
@VoteToClose That's pretty much what the frontend does. The part of the actual HTTP request that connects to the backend is quite short. If StackSnippets allow external JavaScript, I could create a script that can be excluded in external webpages. I'll think about it.
@Dennis Shall we raise it with Meta?
Do any of you have an extra life I can have? I really need one.
hmm, my minecraft doesn't seem to be setting my spawn point... :/
Don't place your bed on air or transparent blocks. :P
no it's a map
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TanMathWhat day of the week is Christmas? Christmas is coming quickly, which leads to the question, what day of the week is Christmas this year? But what day of the week is Christmas for any year? Write a program that can do this. This is code golf, so the shortest code wins! However, there is a major...

Check out my newest challenge. I plan to post it in a week or so
@anOKsquirrel hmmmm?
@TanMath you play minecraft?
@anOKsquirrel no...why?
just a question
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

TanMathWhat day of the week is Christmas? Christmas is coming quickly, which leads to the question, what day of the week is Christmas this year? But what day of the week is Christmas for any year? Write a program that can do this. This is code golf, so the shortest code wins! However, there is a major...

@TanMath Probably a dupe of other day of the week challenges
@TanMath For the bonus - I'd use a static bonus of -(10 + length of the string used).
@VoteToClose not percent based?
yeah, not percent based
My new Q may be a dupe
which one
Q: Very Simple Grid Marks

Calvin's HobbiesWrite a program or function that takes in three positive integers, W, H, and N. Print or return a W×H grid of .'s where every Nth . in normal English reading order is replaced with an X. For example, given W = 7, H = 3, N = 3, the grid is 7 characters wide and 3 high, and every third character r...

Seems likely to have been done before, but maybe not
Is input H, W, N okay? @Calvin'sHobbies
Yeah, just mention that thats the order in your answer
Can anyone identify this still life?
it's a still life
"the 46th most common still life" how do they measure that?
Q: Very Simple Grid Marks

Calvin's HobbiesWrite a program or function that takes in three positive integers, W, H, and N. Print or return a W×H grid of .'s where every Nth . in normal English reading order is replaced with an X. For example, given W = 7, H = 3, N = 3, the grid is 7 characters wide and 3 high, and every third character r...

@Maltysen Some guy did an experiment once with a large number of 1024x1024 toroidal soups
that's so cool ^.^

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