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Aww, end of disc one. sniff
Please insert the floppy disk 2/2084
Yay, my interpreter can run the Labyrinth quine! :D
@MartinBüttner My earlier comment was relevant to the question you posted a few minutes ago ;)
@feersum Just because that input would always be falsy doesn't mean it's not valid input.
Oh, you meant the other input.
It's not always falsy though.
0* should be allowed.
oh right
so yes, in any case I'm still talking about the input for the regex, not the regex itself
I've got a solution for Snails that I'm trying to test right now
I wonder what the best way is to generate some cases.
seems like a slightly dodgy workaround for the no-regex rule ;)
The 10 simple cases I've tried so far worked.
There is no way that this crap is right on the first try though.
how long is it?
hm, I'm not even sure how I'd solve it with Retina if it was allowed
Hi guys.
Oh, hi Mr Legendary.
And of course Mr (fear + fear + fear +...+fear)
@flawr "fear" vs "feer"
vs "fere"
feer -> one who charges fees?
@TimmyD Hi Mr C
@MartinBüttner Favorite color?
I have a feeling this is a trap
It's an elaborate ruse!
I don't actually know though... there are a lot of nice colours...
"I'm thankful to live in a world where simple questions appear to be traps."
Can we make it a requirement that people actually explain their code in ????
And how exactly are you going to enforce that?
Dennis notoriously posts answers without any explanation....
With rigorous physical punishment.
And has more rep than most people on the site. Whose fault is that?
@flawr Dennis notoriously adds that explanation when he knows he's done golfing.
@flawr That's just for purposes. He usually goes back and adds the explanation once done.
His. Because he constantly posts unfinished answers for harvesting upvotes.
A simple comment, "-1 no explanation", would suffice IMO.
Dennis notoriously forgets, so his years old posts still say "explanation to come..." ;)
I'd say Dennis notoriously posts explanations that are so long no one could ever read them :P.
@Geobits No, those are mine.
Is text compression a Standard Loophole or is it typically permitted?
@VoteToClose afaik it's allowed
But really, whenever I see him answering a question with code and no further comment, usually one of the first answers I cannot help but think he's just doing that for gaining extra reps...
> as far as I know
@VoteToClose as far as I know
Ah. Makes sense.
@flawr accusations!
Okie, thanks. :P I didn't see it before.
@MartinBüttner Nope, just expressing what is going throu my mind?
@VoteToClose wait, how long have you been using the internet? :P
2 minutes?
Wait, no.
googles what you call the length of the universe
AFAIK, it's been longer than two minutes.
Internet Internet Relay Chat?
Side note: Mac considers "googles" a word.
@flawr if i remember correctly
@VoteToClose Who doesn't by now?
I think it means integrated reporting...?
International Integrated Reporting Council*
IANAL is one of the better acronyms IMO.
@flawr I don't know... I do the same all the time. 90% of the time, I find some improvement (sometimes substantial) after posting the answer, and rewriting one of those CJam explanation is a massive pain.
Simple solution: Don't use CJam
@Geobits New product from Apple. Buy now and get 60% off!
gets detected by spam alarm D:
@Geobits It's not much different in any other language if the algorithm itself needs an explanation.
@MartinBüttner I'm not saying it is not allowed, I am just saying what impression I get whenever I see this.
I didn't say it was the best solution ;)
@flawr I agree with this. And most FGITW solutions follow a similar-looking pattern.
I don't write an explanation fairly often, when I think no one will read it and if they did it would be quite boring.
@anOKsquirrel one of Timwi's babies
@VoteToClose FGITW?
fastest gun in the west
Although it's proper form is F^ITW - fastest carrot in the west.
It's a common complaint on most SE sites, but there's no real way to prevent it, even if the powers-that-be wanted to.
How about flag->delete? This would certainly prevent some of those.
If it answers the question successfully, why would they delete it?
deletion is not for "flawr doesn't like this kind of answer"
Because the whole system runs on rep, and you simply can't prevent people from trying to accumulate it. If you deleted fast answers, people would just leave.
if you think it's a bad answer, downvote it
that's what they're for
What sense does an answer make that does not exlpain what it is doing?
Then make a new account and downvote more. c:
Even if it does it correctly.
I give up on trying to find bugs with this regex replacement. I'm just gonna post it :P
@MartinBüttner I can only star this once :(
@flawr You do realize that your latest two answers do not come with an explanation, yes?
@Geobits I can star it multiple times. given I unstar it soon enough
So it turns out that Martin actually is Legendary.
user image
@Rainbolt sweet :D
@Dennis As long as you can read the code you can at least guess what it does. But no, my latest two answers contain explanations.
@Rainbolt "I'm thankful that I have PPCG to distract me literally every second of every day."
(you could have told me that my choice of colour was limited to those 5... that would have made it easier)
/me hops on the thankful for train.
@MartinBüttner I was going to pick the closest one.
You choose salmon, I pick red. Etc etc.
Just make him an artifact then.
@flawr whether that code is readable surely depends on the reader?
@MartinBüttner Not if it is CJam =)
CJam users can read CJam.
I can definitely read Dennis's CJam answers more easily than that Brainfuck and probably more easily than that Matlab/Java mix.
Thats exactly what the explanations are good for.
That's the problem. "Readable" is subjective. Subjective issues are downvote-worthy. Deletion is for blatantly bad, harmful, or not-an-answer answers.
Q: Help me manage my time.

GamrCorpsI have been recently told to read an entire physics textbook by the new year (true story, unfortunately). I need your help to determine what chapters I should read each day. This is where you come in. Input Two dates, in any format. The second date will always be later than the first. A list...

Q: Drawing Lewis Structures of Alkanes

Thomas OltmannI just had a lesson in school about alkanes and figured it would probably make for a great code golf challenge! Don't worry, it isn't as complicated as it may look! A Quick Rehash (Please Note: To keep this brief, not all information is 100% accurate.) Alkanes are strings of carbon and hydroge...

@NewMainPosts Whoa, whoa, slow down there, sparky.
@Geobits I mean I am not actually suggesting deleting those answers, and I am not even downvoting them, I just usually want to see how others solve the problem.
Ah, I thought your "flag->delete" comment was a suggestion ;)
@TimmyD it's literally asking for time managerment
@Geobits A very serious one.
If we're offering suggestions here, I have something that I need a suggestion for. As an English assignment, I need to write a short speech "which argues that [some thing] is better than [some other thing]". No topic restrictions, funny/sarcastic speeches welcome (often encouraged), and it is the world's most casual environment. What should I do?
So you're suggesting deleting them, but not suggesting deleting them...?
@PhiNotPi MTG is better than Pokemon
@Rainbolt Maybe the card game, but not the franchise as a whole.
@Rainbolt but is it better than Duel Masters?
@PhiNotPi I remember giving a speech in favour of 48-hour days for either a German or English assignment, can't remember.
@PhiNotPi Java is better than C++
@PhiNotPi Windows VS IOs
@PhiNotPi Spaces are better than tabs
Smooth is better than chunky
@flawr Why will you compare Windows with Input Output speeds?
@Geobits flags as offensive
@PhiNotPi Pi is better than Phi
QWERTY is better than DVORAK
@PhiNotPi PPCG chat is better than boring english assignments
Up is better than down
Left is better than up
@flawr I'm perfectly fluent in CJam, so for 9/10 CJam answers I don't need an explanation to understand them. I find MATLAB, Java and especially Brainfuck a lot harder to read, since I'm not fluent in any of those. Even with the quick overview you've included in the two answers, I still don't have the slightest clue what they do.
@Geobits I did not expect that from you=)
@Geobits I'm surprised you think this. I see you as a down kind o' guy.
Best is better than good.
@flawr if Tao is better then Pi and pi is Better then Phi, is Tao better then Phi?
@flawr its a trap for stars
Doge vs. Mr Skeltal?
CJam is better than Pyth.
@flawr In most cases. Voting is a different beast.
@anOKsquirrel truth.
Dupe-check: Outputting system time by any form possible including errors and standard loopholes?
@MartinBüttner betterer is better than better
@MartinBüttner exactly.
Tall is better than short
Dark elves are better than forest elves
@PhiNotPi Are we being helpful? :)
Spacetime is better than either space or time
GTG cya
I could do "pen is mightier than the sword" but in a literal combat situation.
@PhiNotPi YES
Loved and lost is better than never having loved
A thousand words is actually better than a picture
@VoteToClose print"5" because my system is in MargaritaVille
A rose by its actual name is better than one by any other
2 is better than 1
@Geobits A thousand pictures is better than one word
@JimmyJazzx +1 for effort.
@Dennis As I said that is why I like explanations. You said you cannot read matlab and I say exactly the same about cjam. Thats why I think it would be nice to have some explanations even if people fluent in the language can read what it is doing.
I'm asking if it's already been asked.
@DigitalTrauma Well yea, that's like a million words :P
My dog is better than your dog
Wrong is better than Alex
@Optimizer Error - Alex is better than Alex does not compile.
That's past
infinity is better than infinity
@DigitalTrauma Given there are different types of infinity, sure
A fist to the face is better than a knee to the groin
NaN > Inf
Alex is infinitely wrong?
∞ > ∞ for ∞ input.
recursion is better than recursion
P > NP
C++ > C
C > C--
ಠ_ಠ is better than AlexA.
C+++ > C++
@flawr that is actually false. post fix increments later on
2 mins ago, by VoteToClose
@Optimizer Error - Alex is better than Alex does not compile.
@Optimizer That is an "is greater than" sign.
var C = 1;
C++ > C
> false
@Optimizer You evaluate in the wrong AlexA. direction.
@flawr its not me, I ran it in JS
and I think C also does the same. IIRC
><> > ><>
@Optimizer Perhaps you ran it in SJ?=)
didn't get it
I don't understand why it wouldn't be false (in most any language that uses that operator). C increments after the first, so it would be comparing 1 > 2
@TimmyD Fish is greater then fish?
@Optimizer JS backwards.
@JimmyJazzx The first one is plural.
@Geobits I think I heard once that many languages evaluate in the other direction. But it might be wrong.
@flawr no
@flawr even if it does, then both LHS and RHS are equal, still false
as ++ will kick in only after the usage
@Optimizer touché
lol, its still false, how is that a valid place for touche?
C > --C
@Geobits Is this brainfuck?
It is valid BF.
2 hours ago, by TimmyD
10 secs ago, by VoteToClose
@flawr This is testing something. Do not respond.
@VoteToClose Can I?
@VoteToClose What are you testing?
Self-quoting, apparently.
Seeing if self-quoting still pushes the notification.
I usually feel silly when writing explanations.
I'm sure that this, for example, is complete gibberish to anyone besides me.
@feersum I understand some of those words.
@TimmyD :O which ones??
Is there a tag for standard loopholes allowed?
@feersum But still I get an impression of what is going on. If there is gibberish code (as golfed code usually is) but there is no hint of what is going on you could as well just write #Mylanguage, 999bytes without posting the code.
> If we had to search for partial matches rather than matching only the full input, then it would be very easy.
Mini-chat-challenge: What's (2040-1624)/12 ?
I see posting answers as showing off what you were able to do but at the same time providing something others can learn from. But if you have no idea what is going on, you cannot really learn from it.
In my opinion you do not have to explain every detail of the code, but just the rough idea.
Vote accordingly :)
PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> (2040-1624)/12 outputs 34.6666666666667
TimmyD wins!
Why is my code not coding ...
Markdown doesn't work right with multi-line. Add four spaces to each line or Ctrl-k it all.
Or that
@feersum say, regex 01 ... how come the !(l.) generated by the 1 doesn't cause this to fail unconditionally?
Unicode character 1624 breaks Vitsy. -.-
Always happy to help.
@MartinBüttner Because it's impossible to match for a second time a cell that you have already gone over.
oh, that's useful
(in this case)
PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> ([decimal]2014-[decimal]1624)/[decimal]12
@feersum Still slightly questionable interpretation of the no-regex rule :P (especially considering the trivial translation without anchors)
Overall the language is much different from a regex, but the subset used here is mostly the same.
@TimmyD Only thirteen sixths off :/
@feersum But yeah, as I said, I don't even think I could beat this with Retina
What does Retina do by default if there is 1 line and no backtick instructions?
2014 ╘ 2014
count matches
the problem is the anchors
^ I can do with balancing groups, but I'm not sure about about $
There is no unmatched brackets trick in Retina, so yeah, it would be tough
well you can leave {} unmatched which makes them literals
(I think)
(or that might only be ECMAScript)
no, works in .NET too
Is soliciting for Mathematica evaluations allowed? :P
@user2958652 Is it about this? If so, you should probably golf in a language you can test yourself. If you only have Maxima, just find something that works there and post it as such.
Yes, yes it is about that, heh.
@feersum I think this might work:
that's 70
I have no idea what balancing group does so yeah
wait that's wrong
> You are alone in a room. You don't know how you got here or why, but what you do know is that you about to get attacked by a team of ninja samurai warriors, and you are running out of time. In front of you is a table, and on it lie two weapons. On the left is a two-handed sword, 58 inches total length, 4 pounds weight, 42 inch blade, steel. On the right is a ballpoint pen, 5 inches, 2 caliber, retractable, tungsten carbide and plastic. Which do you choose?
@TheDoctor is that a selfie?
(possible intro for my speech)
@PhiNotPi How is a pen 2 caliber?
The width of the line, about 0.5 mm = 0.019"
Ah. I was not familiar with that aspect of pens.
@PhiNotPi Pen. I have a chance to stab with that, at least. I doubt I'd be able to accomplish anything at all with a sword in close quarters.
But someone who did know how to use a sword might grab both and slip the pen in a pocket for backup use.
Though a 16 inch handle seems excessive for a sword that size.
I think that handle (40cm) seems reasonable when you cosider the length of the whole sword is about 1.45m
<- not a sword expert
what was the story behind all those colored mazes
@MartinBüttner Currently trying to port it to Retina.
@PhiNotPi Well, I've heard that one of those weapons is mightier than the other, but I'm probably not the most skilled person to test the theory.
@Dennis just commented with a port
Perfect timing. :)
@MartinBüttner That was exactly what I had tried. Unsuccessfully, I might add. Turns out I just had to update Retina.
yeah, mixing mode types wasn't possible until recently
you could be really cheeky and say that file 1 and 4 are the same, so that you count the fourth file as 1 byte (for a non-arbitrary file name), but I'm not sure if that's going too far :P
How could you add a file without at least 2 bytes? One for a space between filenames and one for a name.
@feersum well there is always one byte for each additional file
@MartinBüttner What do you mean?
A: Counting bytes for multi-file programs

Martin BüttnerThis proposal is trying to close all of these loopholes with two policy changes. Add 1 byte or character for each file after the first. This means that you can still split up your code into multiple files and even make the distribution into files significant for your program, but it's going to ...

Did you make this rule specifically for Retian?
sort of
before this rule, Retina basically got free bytes
and I figured if we didn't have a ruling on it there, we could get a Unary derivative where the source code consists of N empty files
@PeterTaylor You said the regex compilation challenge was trivial in Retina, right? I'm really curious how you'd solve it.
@MartinBüttner With no discussion in the comment section about this topic, I'd say the current consensus is to count the file twice. :/
probably... still the shortest answer so far
Who wouldn't like million of empty files in his code folder?
@Optimizer Windows?
4 mins ago, by Martin Büttner
and I figured if we didn't have a ruling on it there, we could get a Unary derivative where the source code consists of N empty files
and that unary programs easily reach million 0
Right ... and you asked who wouldn't like that ... Windows would not like that.
well, any OS would not like that
Explorer tends to get sluggish around 15,000 files in a folder
@MartinBüttner Your scoring method for codes involving file reuse cannot be right.
so does ls
It allows arbitrarily large amounts of information to be encoded in 1 "byte".
@feersum reencoded. Just like you store a code in a string and eval multiple times
@Optimizer That's not what I mean.
nvm then
Technically, NTFS only allows 2^32 -1 files per volume, so we've hit upon an upper bound of a unary program using that file structure.
Say you have used 500 files. If you reuse one of them, then you have 500 choices for the next file.
You shouldn't have more than 256 choices for one byte.
I would say that if files are reused, then you must count the entire command line in the byte count.
As well as the file names of files used.
@feersum well, names of 500 files cannot be covered in a single byte anyways
so in cases where a single byte is not able to hold all file names, yes, it should count the exact size of file name
In the scheme describe here the files' names are not counted in any way.
care to comment to that answer?
I'm an idiot
But it is dark outside?
Why is it that you seem to be the only one using this Vitsy language?
For the same reason I'm the only person using ShapeScript.
Oh, ViTSee = VTC
But ShapeScript != Dennis? =)
You did something wrong when naming your language=)
I'm not sure what AKAVSMoACE is supposed to mean though.
Dennis = ShapeScript
also known as very spoopy monster of awesomely concentrated evil
@flawr I'm actually a changeling, so it's all good.
Well I feel like I'm the only one around here that uses VBA but I didn't create it.... to the best of my memory....
@feersum yes, that's true, my rule assumes that the file names fit into one byte
(which makes for a lot less than 256 different files because of file name restrictions)
A: Create a programming language that only appears to be unusable

DennisChangeling (safe) ShapeScript ShapeScript is a naturally occurring programming language. Shape shifters (or Changelings, as they prefer to be called) can transform into a set of instructions that allows them to process data. ShapeScript is a stack-based language with a relatively simple syntax...

A: Shortest ><> numbers

VoteToCloseVitsy, 30 Bytes Method shamelessly given by DanTheMan's solution. Db/)[N;]Df1+/)[a-'a'+O;]d3*D{Z Db/)[N;] If the number is less than 10, output its decimal representation and exit. Df1+/)[a-'a'+O;] If the number is less than 16, output its hexadecimal repre...

Okay. Fixed. :D
I'm gonna be pwned by languages with greater than/less than support and hexadecimal output, but, eh.
Am I the only one who thinks 1 byte (for code golf scoring) should not be able to contain more than 8 bits of entropy?
does anyone know that there is a theme song for WYSIWYG ?
@feersum @Optimizer No.
Whoa, nice distributed answering.
@feersum since we almost never make use of the full 256 values in any programming language, I don't think that log 257/log 256 is worth the trouble of any more complicated rule.
Could you explain what an offending phrase looks like? @CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ
Anything in TNR.
I do not think we have ever done a challenge about linear regression, did we?
@trichoplax hey, maybe too late but i thought if you add a bonus score to this challenge when number isnt converted to binary but since the bounty ended it doesnt matter
Didn't we have a catalogue tag or somethign similar?
Hm I would have bet we had one...
@MartinBüttner its wierd the world we live in where human words cant reach their meaning more than mechanical key words can do, i didnt understand sum-free challenge quiet well until i had been debugging your c code
but cant do much since, with couple of nice solutions there i dont think i can beat them

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