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@Geobits D:
@quartata Heat and noise
The joke
Something was making the system process use a gig of memory and max out all 4 cores
print '|'x1000000
Your head
I understood the joke
@Mego Seriously?
A proper jet or a turbojet? I mostly worked with turbojets, so I may be of some help there.
I chose not to acknowledge it
@Mego OK. Phew.
@Calvin'sHobbies ಠ_ಠ
@Calvin'sHobbies lal
@Geobits Improper jet, one side went to infinity and beyond
(no one noticed that little bit of perl code)
(...maybe it can just slip by undetected)
@Mego Just one side? Yea, that's pretty improper.
Ew. Perl
(but secretly it will burrow itself into their subconscious)
Hey guys. Guys. Aubergine is super fun to golf in: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/63402/47050
(and bring them to the dark side)
@quartata Like your joke, I noticed it, but elected to ignore it
@Eridan D:
@Geobits It didn't even have the decency to converge
@Mego I hate it when stuff doesn't converge.
It's just so.. rude and improper.
It's like the numbers hate me.
Was improper a pun?
@Eridan Yes it was.
@Eridan No why would I ever make a pun
A very mathy pun.
In calculus, an improper integral is the limit of a definite integral as an endpoint of the interval(s) of integration approaches either a specified real number or or or, in some cases, as both endpoints approach limits. Such an integral is often written symbolically just like a standard definite integral, perhaps with infinity as a limit of integration. Specifically, an improper integral is a limit of the form or of the form in which one takes a limit in one or the other (or sometimes both) endpoints (Apostol 1967, §10.23). When a function is undefined at finitely many interior points of an...
An improper pun
Or similar such stuff
Puns don't integrate well with this site.
It's not like they diverge from the usual topic though....
@AlexA. As long as you can differentiate the puns with respect to the text, it's not so bad
Tbh I don't like improper integrals because you can just say f(infinity) in your scratch work and get the same answer. It's annoying to write the limit all the time
I'm almost certain the newest main post is a dup but I can't find it...
@Doorknob me too
Me three
Found it
... the dup? or something else?
Though it's not a cut-and-dry dupe
Q: Align the text to a block

ZeregesTask Your task is to write whole program, which will align given input to a block of given size. Input: 40 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco labo...

Q: Layout Text in Columns

intrepidcoderWrite a program or function that given some text, a number of columns, and the column width, formats the text into columns. This is plain text typography. Rules Input The text will be a string of printable ASCII and may contain newlines and spaces (but not tabs). The number of columns will be...

Hm. Related but sufficiently different IMO
Fitting into one box I think is different than trying to divide it into columns
That's the one I remember, anyway
If my pudding doesn't set, I'll be pissed.
What if it bags?
@AlexA. gross
@Mego What?
@AlexA. Or lists
@Calvin'sHobbies Dude pudding is the shit
@Mego My pudding is an array and I'm not casting it to anything.
Dude pudding? Ew.
@Geobits Dude pudding >? dude soup
@Geobits ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@AlexA. tree pudding
@Mego Dude Soup live was fun
@AlexA. I like their gameplay videos better than Dude Soup. Their podcast style just doesn't interest me.
Oh no! I missed a calculus pun discussion?
@BrainSteel Yep. Don't be sad though, no need to curl up in the corner
@Mego My girlfriend and I both like Funhaus. She likes it because she loves video games and I like it because I appreciate the inane humor.
So the podcast does just fine for me in that respect. :P
@Mego That would be quite the dirac-stic reaction.
@BrainSteel It's ok. We won't be jerks about it.
@AlexA. Their humor is great. The Kerbal Space Program video with Geoff and Michael make my side hurt for days.
Haha that was a good one
I'm just not a fan of the hybrid gameplay and discussion format.
For the same reason, I'm not that big on AH's Sunday Driving show (that hasn't had a new episode in months)
Yeah I wasn't really interested in that either
I lost a lot of interest in AH after Ray departed.
It's gotten better lately with Jeremy. He's filling in the void that Ray left
Though tbh Ray left long before Ray actually left
Yeah I know what you mean
The negatower Minecraft LP really sucked because he didn't want to be there
I don't remember that one very well
Fair warning for anyone unfamiliar with AH: Their primary audience is 16-25 year old males. That should tell you what to expect.
Oh, okay. Yeah I remember that one now.
Also the Call of Duty LP (Ghost? MW3?) where Ray decides to go knife-only in the second game and still wins
I don't usually watch the CoD ones
I actually haven't watched pretty much any AH since Funhaus came about.
I watched that one a lot later, after seeing a link in a reddit thread discussing just how bad the others were at video games compared to Ray
I think everyone is bad at video games compared to Ray.
idk who Ray is but I bet he's bad at Nethack
Everyone is bad at Nethack compared to Doorknob.
actually, no :P
Well, Geoff explained it pretty well in a recent video - it's really hard to be good at a video game and provide interesting, funny commentary at the same time. Watching someone be good at a video game but boring is, well, boring. It's more entertaining to focus on being entertaining, even if you suck more as a result.
Nethack barely counts as a video game IMO. It's like if someone was narrating D&D while watching their keyboard glitch out.
I wonder what you would get if you recorded Doorknob's keypresses while playing Nethack and ran them as Seriously code
@Doorknob |:D
@Mego next time I play Nethack I'll run a keylogger or something and find out :P
@Doorknob Turn that frown upside-down! ):< ...that looks like a depressed bull
@Doorknob Please don't run it in the online IDE
@Doorknob Please run it in the online IDE I want to see why Mego doesn't want you to
yeah that's what I was gonna say...
@AlexA. Two bad things will happen. The less bad thing is that it'll crap out after like 30 seconds of execution. The more bad thing is that the permalink will be like a bajillion characters long.
Who cares how long the permalink would be?
As long as it can fit in the clipboard you can use a URL shortener
Us, when he posts it in chat
I'm reasonably certain a bajillion characters won't fit in the clipboard
Get a bigger clipboard
I'd have to download more ram first
Wow, ninja'd that joke
On a more serious note, has anyone here ever tried juicing an avocado?
@AlexA. why
a.) am I asking,
b.) do I want to, or
c.) would someone ever do that?
d.) all of the above
It's sad that question counts as "a more serious note"
Sep 22 at 3:19, by Alex A.
@PhiNotPi hello i have quetions how does juice an avocado i have try for thirtee minut and no juic
"A more serious note" wasn't intended to be taken seriously
@AlexA. ಠ_ಠ
If I'm talking about moderation stuff then I'm all fo realz but otherwise I'm about 30/70 serious/not.
I'd say 30 is a bit high
@Calv question for you
I accep
Should you decide to add a "t" to "accept," I was wondering what your opinion of this is, given your PPCG seniority.
@Geobits My pudding is almost complete. Ready your fax machine.
@AlexA. Pudding can be eaten warm
I know, but I'm making it with soy milk which doesn't work as well for pudding as regular milk. The last time I made it, it didn't set at all. I'm hoping that keeping it in the fridge for the requisite 90 minutes will help.
Why soy milk?
Lactose intolerance, brosky
@AlexA. I think it's fine, though it shouldn't be the norm. A plain code-golf should almost always accept the shortest answer since that's the major point of golf. But there are many possible scenarios where having multiple winners is totally legit.
@AlexA. Gross
@Mego Soy milk is good
@Mego Haha it's only gross if I eat dairy
@Calvin'sHobbies Fact
But udder milk is good as well
I prefer the udders of soy beans.
Almond udders can secrete some tasty fluids as well.
Almond milk is pretty good, and I'm not even lactose intolerant
@Calvin'sHobbies I agree that it shouldn't be the norm and that it's fine in some cases. But I'm of the opinion that those cases are quite few (and largely limited to "catalogs")
@Mego I usually only use almond milk for baking. That and coconut milk.
@AlexA. Coconut milk pudding sounds good
Sounds too rich.
Coconut milk on its own is quite thick and rich. I can't imagine it thickened and sweetened...
No, I can
I make whipped cream out of it
@AlexA. Glad you got through that
It was a struggle
I feel for those with pudding intolerance
If you get coconut milk that doesn't have a lot of emulsifiers in it, you can put it in the fridge overnight, pierce the bottom, drain out the liquid, and keep the solids in the can. Then open the can, scoop the solids into a mixing bowl, add powdered sugar, powdered vanilla, and a hint of cardamom, then use an electric mixer thingy to make whipped cream. Keep refridgerated.
@Calvin'sHobbies You feel for them in that you're sorry for them or you feel for them in that you share their intolerance for pudding?
Lactose intolerance must suck
No, it's fine.
That's a lot more complicated than making real whipped cream
@AlexA. I feel for them in the dark.
Heavy whipping cream and sugar in a 4:1 ratio, add enough vanilla extract that you smell it. Whip until whipped.
@Mego Tastes super taste-tastic though. And actually the only more complicated part is separating the solids.
@Calvin'sHobbies Careful grabbing around in the dark. You never know what's in there.
I haven't had flan in well over 10 years I think.
I don't eat eggs either so I end up not having that many custardy desserts.
@Calvin'sHobbies Giga pudding is winning
> also yes
Everyone but the Polish is winning
Gross, who picked jello?
I picked all 3
Jello is alright. Flan is great. Pudding is the shit.
Do you like oatmeal?
I feel like pudding and oatmeal are divisive foods due to their consistency
I like both.
Oatmeal is great
In fact, I plan on having some for breakfast in the morning
So 2/4 of the mods like oatmeal
There's no oatmeal in Nethack so I don't think Doorknob will like it
Which leaves just Martin
(there are 5 mods on this site...)
@Mego @Martin likes coats, therefore he likes oats
Infallible logic
@Mego What do you put in said oatmeal?
But what about boats? Does he eat his oats on boats while wearing coats? And are the boats where he eats oats and wears coats on moats? And what about the goats?
@AlexA. Oats, milk, cinnamon, small amount of sugar
Good answer
I like brown sugar rather than white in oatmeal
I use brown sugar if I have any handy, definitely
It's just not something I typically have on hand, since that's really the only thing I use it for
@Calvin'sHobbies It was never explicitly stated that @Martin likes coats. He might be in the coat in his profile picture against his will.
@Mego He wears stoat coats on moat floating boats, eating oats with goats, gloating till he bloats.
that was legit
feel free to take notes
@El'endiaStarman Yes
@El'endiaStarman Did you sandbox the colormaze one yet?
@Calvin'sHobbies Working on a reference implementation.
I.e., to generate an example image.
@El'endiaStarman -1 no zoom out
You're the messenger. Tradition dictates we shoot you.
@El'endiaStarman reference implementation smechfrence shmimplementation
@Calvin'sHobbies @Mego My pudding is pretty good
@AlexA. Share?
When a challenge says "Gets a number (either 0 or 1) from STDIN" is it reasonable to assume that inputs of either "0"/"1" or "0\n"/"1\n" are acceptable? Is there a meta post on this subject, possibly in a more broad context?
@Sparr I'd say that's an acceptable assumption
@Mego I can fax it to you
@Sparr That's acceptable - many languages require newlines to end inputs
@AlexA. plz do
Q: Who is this chatbot?

PlarsenObjective: The task is to create a chatbot with whom you can spend your time discussing your deepest thoughts with. Create a chatbot with an AI that learns from your input. Your bot should inspire you to releave your darkest inner truths. Inspiration: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chatte...

@Sparr What Calvin and Mego said.
That's a neat challenge
Reminds me of an IRC bot I worked on ages ago
@Sparr I would recommend having the fully-golfed version at the top, and the (current) less-golfed version below for clarity
@Mego many tiny esolangs, perhaps. Python can do unbuffered input, and thus so can Pyth.
@Mego why post the golfed version at all, in this instance?
the golfing is literally "remove padding"
also, for my curiosity, in what way do you use the site that you ran into my solution so soon after me posting it?
@Sparr To make it easier to manually count the bytes and verify the score
@Sparr 1 question with new activity click "Truth Machine" "oh that's why he asked"
I actually do post golfed marbelous scripts when some of the padding is necessary
this is a rare instance where all the padding is superfluous
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

El'endia StarmanHue, Hue Everywhere code-golf or popularity-contest The Task Given an image that has only black and white pixels and an (x,y) location that's a white pixel, color the white pixels connected to the start based on their distance from the start, bending around corners as needed, and rotating thro...

@Calvin'sHobbies: Ta-da!
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

El'endia StarmanHue, Hue Everywhere code-golf or popularity-contest The Task Given an image that has only black and white pixels and an (x,y) location that's a white pixel, color the white pixels connected to the start based on their distance from the start, bending around corners as needed, and rotating thro...

@El'endiaStarman If you get rid of the "output must be pretty" req, it's suitable for code golf
If you want popcon, you'll need some suggestions on what criteria to vote for
Alright, two people have said it should be . It shall be so!
some languages with built in graphics-to-array and pathfinding algorithms are going to be VERY good at this. I predict a 100 byte mathematica solution, 80 bytes of which will be function names. — Sparr 19 secs ago
^ pun intended?
@El'endiaStarman Maybe make it so there's only one hue cycle (or a tiny bit less). Like the pixel on the input point would be exactly red and the pixel and the pixel farthest away would be exactly purple.
maybe make the distance metric euclidean rather than manhattan
@Sparr But thats harder to measure around corners and such
@Sparr I did manhattan distance because that's significantly easier. I don't have to do any edge tracing.
the marbelous truth machine is the first time I've made a small loop to input a single character
I am retroactively not-sad at the way the stdin operator ended up working
With one hue cycle then it's clear which points are equidustant away, which I think is a very interesting attribute
good point
Working on that now.
I should slap memoization on some of the more computationally-expensive functions in Seriously
Especially primality testing
no reason not to make it universal
But it's in Python 2 so I can't just do @functools.LRU_cache() :(
@Sparr There's a memory/time tradeoff to be considered. Some functions are very quick and used often, so the extra memory cost wouldn't offset the negligible time saved
oh, heh, sorry
got caught in the marbelous mindset
with 8 bit ints, the memory consumption isn't a concern
I memoize all 0/1/2-parameter functions by default
With bignums, lists, strings, and other objects, the memory consumption absolutely is
Makes a full cycle from red to red. I do like it this way a lot more.
I'm having a hard time thinking of an example of a 0-param function where memoization would help
0-param functions should be O(1) by definition, since they take no inputs
They might act on global variables/memory though...
@El'endiaStarman Can we see the other image like that?
Like r for reversing the stack.
well, if my memoization worked right, it would include stdout from the function, which 0-param functions might have, or exceptions, and return values.
I guess that might get out of control with 32bit int parameters, let alone strings and floats.
so, you can have a 0-param function that just prints a bunch of stuff to stdout, which you want to memoize because it involves a bunch of calculations.
If they act on globals, then they aren't really 0-param then, are they?
To the user, they are.
I'm not referring to globals
That was @El'endiaStarman
print_asciichart():for c in 0..255 print str(c)+chr(c);
slightly shorter than print".......ABCDE.....abcde....{}..."
@El'endiaStarman How about at (0,0). (Or can I just have the code :P)
Memoization only works for return values, not side effects, unless you're doing it weirdly
For print_alphabet:
I do plan to memoize side effects.
particularly stdout
no reason not to, for little cost it increases the range of functions that can be memoized greatly
But memoization is specifically getting the return value from a lookup table of previous inputs
@Calvin'sHobbies Pastebin. It's Blitz 2D (a.k.a. Blitz Basic) code. Windows-only. Good luck. :P
@El'endiaStarman Blitz Basic was my first programming language! Though I haven't used it in years
Woah really?! AWESOME!
@Mego you say "return value", wikipedia says "results"...
@Sparr potato potahto
@Mego in the same way that python has an implicit (self) in every method param list, we could just pretend that every marbelous function returns [return value, "stdout string"] and memoize THAT
2 days ago, by Mego
stop golfing your interpreter
which is actually what I do :)
Marbelous is actually ridiculously slow to execute with the existing interpreters, so memoizing as much as possible is important
What that actually sounds like is lazy evaluation - you run the code once, the first time it is called, to generate the output, and then you just return the output after that
Which memoization is a subset of
Marbelous is actually ridiculously slow to execute with the existing interpreters, so memoizing as much as possible is important
the 128 bit counter I wrote for that count-up-forever challenge runs at about 5Hz on my laptop, with memoization for all the logic functions, compared to 2Hz without
Why the double message?
crappy network connection confusing the SE chat interface about which messages need to be retried
Hmm, interesting thought for a discussion:
We require that you use a language version that existed prior to the challenge, which is defined by the compiler/interpreter/whatever, and not the spec
What about using a newer version that is identical to the older version in functionality, but has speed/memory optimizations?
that's immaterial if the contest is code golf or runtime complexity or memory complexity. we rarely have challenges that rely on absolute speed between different languages
Well, consider challenges that require the code to run in under X time
that's so rarely a factor
and again, even more rarely between languages
If the core language is the same but a newer version has optimizations that would allow it to run in under X time
Then it would be a factor
can you give an example of such a challenge?
There's no harm in considering the situation in case it does come up in the future
if the change affects all programs in the language equally, it doesn't change the results in a meaningful way
if it makes some entries in a language run faster but not others... that might matter?
This is theoretical - we have had non-fastest-code challenges with a time limit, but I'm too lazy to look for one right now
I think most of the time limit challenges were "do as much of the work as you can within the limit"
like, generate the most digits of pi you can in 100 seconds or something
Those are fastest-code
well, find some examples, or make up some hypotheticals, and make a meta post
Q: Calculate 500 digits of pi

Thomas OWrite a program to calculate the first 500 digits of pi, meeting the rules below: It must be less than 500 characters in length. It cannot include "pi", "math.pi" or similar pi constants, nor may it call a library function to calculate pi. It may not use the digits "3", "1" and "4" consecutivel...

"under one minute"
[fastest-code] usually involves specifying the place it's being run, e.g. the OP's computer, where they will naturally use the same interpreter for all submissions anyway
@Mego But yes, this a potential issue here, and I guess code optimizations shouldn't be allowed
(though switching to an existing compiler that happens to be faster should be ok)
ok, so, to make this discussion interesting, I'll posit three solutions to the problem in language X. solution A runs in 30 seconds and is 100 bytes. solution B runs in 59 seconds and is 99 bytes. solution C runs in 61 seconds and is 98 bytes. right now, solution B wins.
if a new compiler or interpreter for X is released that speeds up solution C, does it become the new winner?
@El'endiaStarman purdy
@Calvin'sHobbies To me, the point of the rule is to disallow adding a one-byte command to a language that solves the challenge and post "lol 1 byte I win"
that's definitely the main point of that rule
but it has had many other side effects over time
@Sparr That's an important consideration for , and the author is expected to define which version(s) they will be using for scoring
right, and if they do that, then your question is moot
But suppose this happens:
@El'endiaStarman Wonder how much it would change if the black spirals met in their middles
Series of events:
@Calvin'sHobbies You mean where they spiral in?
I actually fixed it from what it used to be.
yeah, if the arms were connected in the middle
the arms appear connected in the middle in one spot
That is what it's like when they're connected in each of the three centers. It wasn't that way and didn't look as good.
Language X v1.0 is made, with a compiler/interpreter/whatever -> challenge C is posted with a time req -> X v1.0.1 is released with optimizations only -> Answer A is posted in X, which would not qualify under v1.0 but would under v1.0.1
@El'endiaStarman Oh, ok. I'm just not looking close enough >.<

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