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They typically use postfix notation
It wouldn't make much sense as anything other than RPN.
Random Polish Nanny?
Really Pious Nuns
Rough, Porous Nostrils
Rubbish Perl Noise
A: "Hello, World!"

ןnɟuɐɯɹɐןoɯ𝔼𝕊𝕄𝕚𝕟, 12 chars / 32 bytes ɘ㤀邦͡འ㐀䁵栉숁〡む# Try it here (Firefox only). I love how 𝔼𝕊𝕄𝕚𝕟 submissions' byte counts are usually twice as long as their respective char counts.

Just plain old "Hello, World!" is less bytes. — quartata 43 secs ago
@PhiNotPi No option for both?
Java 100%
I voted for Perl and it appears I am alone ;(
because, ya know, Java
I actually have a test in my Java class tomorrow. For and while loops o_O
@PhiNotPi Or for "neither"?
@Doorknob You are not.
I can't believe you forced me to make a decision between my two all-time favorite languages @PhiNotPi
@Doorknob Why would you do this
But I chose Perl because no one else likes it.
@quartata You should learn better languages
59 secs ago, by Doorknob
because, ya know, Java
> fastest golfer in the wilson's yard
@Calvin'sHobbies scarfed european all the way
@AlexA. lost it at that
@Calvin'sHobbies rofl
Who's mute Australian?
No votes for the wrong bird lame
@Eridan gnibbler
@Eridan gnibbler, I guess
I misclicked on that poll, so one of the votes for [redacted] is not valid and should be moved to [redacted].
Wow, no votes for the wrong bird is reminiscent of how there were no votes for Alex is right.
Not a good day for me in the polls
@AlexA. ..
I would have voted for you but scarfed european is just too good
@AlexA. Did even you not vote for yourself as right? o_O
I misclicked the poll, too D:
@Geobits no...
I can't believe fastest golfer in the wilson's yard only got one vote
@PhiNotPi nice meme
I wonder how many people got that.
The damn dress
I know what the "correct" answer is but I still went with what I know in my heart is the true truth of fact.
hate that damn dress
...none of the above...
The dress, also known as Dressgate and associated with the hashtags #thedress, #whiteandgold, and #blackandblue, is a viral photo and meme which became popular on 26 February 2015. The meme originated from a washed-out photograph of a dress posted on the social networking service Tumblr, and a dispute over whether the dress pictured was blue and black, or white and gold. In the first week after the surfacing of the image alone, more than 10 million tweets mentioned the dress. Although the dress colour was confirmed to be blue and black, the image prompted discussions surrounding the matter across...
What exactly is a domerator, anyway?
@Geobits Maintains the DOM of all webpages
Please don't be reminding me about that dress.
Ooooh, I thought it was supposed to be dome-rater. That makes more sense :P
it was blue and black! >:O
@AlexA. burrito all the way
that was ez
Wow, 50% @scarfy
@AlexA. He actually is right.
@AlexA. Don't say that! That makes him right.
@Calvin'sHobbies Who are you trying to ping with "@scarfy"? :P
downvoting is winning :D
@AlexA. Not sure if you are trolling, but it actually was blue and black.
You guys aren't optimistic today.
what the hell someone voted for upvoting
@Doorknob Of course it is. People love downvoting. Most just don't admit it so freely ;)
@quartata That's what my girlfriend says too. You're all wrong.
@AlexA. lrn2rdstlthpng
Of course I voted for upvoting.
The upvoting vote better not have been Geobits
@BrainSteel TRAITOR! :P
@Calvin'sHobbies Domerators?
3 mins ago, by Doorknob
Ah, OK.
@quartata Betchya tacos wins at 75%
Math is tacos
@AlexA. Yas.
Oh goody, Dennis is on. @Dennis 3 months later I decided to fix up the arrays tutorial and add your suggestions in :D
I'm gonna be boring and vote for "good"
@Doorknob wtf no it's tacos
@Doorknob >:O Good answer
This was supposed to be easy.
~calculus is tacos.
@AlexA. A disk in the shape of a parabola o_o
@PhiNotPi Voted for @ I bet @Doorknob knows why
Aside from it being fun to draw obviously
hey I literally went through the same thought process as you :D
@Doorknob yay!
also it looks like a doorknob
@Sp3000 There's no time like the present.
No interrobang‽
- is the best character, but only because there's no ASCII downward triangle.
3 months later and I'm not even up to blocks yet. Woo speedy tutorial writing.
@BrainSteel that's not ASCII
I know...
But I can dream.
ok wat how did everything get 1 vote
@Doorknob bcos of me!
@Doorknob on what
I voted for several
on the ASCII thing
But not all of them
Divided we stand
ohhh I didn't know you could vote on multiple things
that makes a lot more sense
Depends on the poll, you can set it either way.
@PhiNotPi Technically this isn't all the ASCII chars
The others are nobody's favorite.
No one voted for not not be outgolfed
@quartata I know. They didn't fit.
nobody likes 0x04 EOT (end of transmission) :P
@quartata Because that implies he can be outgolfed, which he cannot.
I'd have chosen ASCII bell if it was somehow there.
@Geobits My favorite ASCII char is actually 0x06
Oh and 0x11
0x32 > 0x11
@Calvin'sHobbies lmao
@Calvin'sHobbies Haha wtf
wait I think I can't number
@Doorknob The number 2?
neeeever mind that was octal :/
ASCII seventy-f
and decimal...
wait how did I mess this up so badly
I used literally every base except the right one
I don't even know what you were going for.
I interpreted 11 as octal -> tab
and tried to say spaces are better
but 32 is decimal for space
Mindless-challenge: Honestly answer the http://strawpoll.me/[your PPCG user id number] poll and explain your rationale.
@Doorknob See, it's impossible for even you to clearly say spaces are better.
@Calvin'sHobbies huehue
Pretty easy. Option 4 because it's flooding PPCG chat with noise :P
This is actually really really difficult.
Mine is Deman v Kobe. Chose Kobe: strawpoll.me/14215/r Rationale being I don't know or care enough about either.
Mine is about Runescape
I vote no to strawpoll.me/26997/r because I don't use twitch chat
Had to vote EternalEnvy.
I'm sorry to anyone out there who likes him.
@Sp3000 I've only even heard of one of them
As a bonus I'll do Thatha's poll too.
@Geobits Who versus what now?
Jeez this is very out of context
It's about Dota 2 though so I'm answering bulba because why not.
@El'endiaStarman The Orange of course
Why are all of the polls I'm getting about Dota 2
@AlexA. Google suggests it has something to do with LoL casters.
@El'endiaStarman I don't understand this at all so I went with Thai because I love Thai food
@Geobits LoL casters... is that a misspelling of lolcats?
Then what are LoL casters?
No one is laughing at my dota 2 polls
People who cast teh LOLz upon others?
@AlexA. League of Legends...
@AlexA. People who narrate matches of League
@quartata I have no interest in Dota
Either that or it should be lollercoasters.
@El'endiaStarman Thai Dota 2 players
@AlexA. Your poll may be nsfc..
Mith is better fyi
I thought of a perfect challenge.
@Calvin'sHobbies Hah good call, it is not
Write a program that goes through every strawpoll and determines if it has something to do with dota 2 by googling the answer choices and searching for the words dota
@VoteToClose this whole Minecraft thing is turing out to be much, much harder than I thought....
-1 primarily opinion based
Fixed output - DOWNVOTE
@Eridan ey ey ey
iz gud idea
@Sp3000 What why
How do you decide based on the search result whether you got a positive or a negative?
@Sp3000 Just look for the words "Dota 2"
I didn't say it had to be that smart.
Okay, two is-this-a-dupe questions: 1) distance, including around corners (like a propagating wave), and 2) given one leg of a Pythagorean triple, output the possible choices for the other.
@El'endiaStarman 2 is
Or at least I think it is
@El'endiaStarman is (1) just maze solving?
@quartata So we'd need to google every answer from every strawpoll? I don't really feel like being rate limited by google today.
@Geobits Oh, I guess I didn't realize that.
Does DuckDuckGo have rate limiting?
@quartata Broad spectrum of relatedness to DOTA: "Do you like DOTA?" -> "Do you like e-sports?" -> "Do you like RTS games?" -> "Do you like video games?" -> "Do you like doing things on your computer?"
274 consecutive days on the site. o_o what has my life become
@Calvin'sHobbies Pretty related, I think. But I was thinking with some way to distinguish [dis]similar distances, like color.
@AlexA. I haven't missed a single day on this site so far.
I'm going to ensure that I never break my consecutive day streak by whatever means necessary
@El'endiaStarman A color-the-maze-based-on-distance-to-end challenge would be neat
@quartata There are millions of polls... even not considering rate limits, it's just not neighborly.
@Calvin'sHobbies That's pretty much it. Not necessarily a maze, though.
STDIN is the poll number, Truthy/Falsy if it's about DOTA 2
@quartata This is definitely closely related, but I don't know if it's necessarily a duplicate.
@Eridan That would probably be better I suppose
But it would be so much cooler if we got an actual percent
@El'endiaStarman Like just some image with black and white pixels? It'd still be cool, just make the distance hue based!
@quartata Random sampling?
@Calvin'sHobbies Yup!
(or I'll make the challenge if you don't :D)
@El'endiaStarman We could do a random sample of 500 but it still wouldn't be that neighborly
...sandboxing now! ....after I finish this bullet challenge sandbox post.
I don't have my NSpire handy but a sample of 500 to test a population of millions doesn't seem like it would be very accurate.
Especially since the DOTA polls are probably temporally bunched (as I assume other topics would be also).
@Geobits Better point
We can't really figure out what time corresponds to what poll number range
No, but they seem sequential at least, judging from our poll spree earlier.
@Eridan Oh, I didn't think it was millions.
Someone said it was
Well my poll is numbered 6 million so yeah guess it is.
@quartata In the six millions
This one confuses me
No different than one that asks "Which is better? Tabs or Tabs?"
We need a sample size of 2400 (95% +/-2 CI).
But to an outsider, a poll with "Alex is..." and choices "Wrong" and "Wrong" would make no sense, but to us, it makes perfect sense.
@Geobits Yeah, both options are wrong
Says the wrong bird.
What are you talking about? I'm totally a scarfed European.
@AlexA. You're more likely to be a socks-with-sandaled Washingtonian
Socks with sandals is a line I dare not cross
Though most of the other Washingtonian stereotypes fit me pretty well.
Sparkly vampire? Or was that Oregon?
@Geobits Ugh, Forks. About as northwest as you can get in the lower 48
@AlexA. Twilight books
Ohhhhh okay. Yeah I think it's Forks, WA.
Or maybe he's a werewolf. I hear they have those there too.
Wolves? Where?
He's a fish thrower
We've got mullet tossers here, and it's just as strange as it sounds.
Q: Programming in LabVIEW - how to measure program size?

kgullInspired by this question, how would a LabVIEW program be scored? As one of the only graphical languages in common use today, LabVIEW is a bit of an outsider. As odd as it is, LabVIEW is a serious language that is used everyday. And yet, it is rarely seen on StackOverflow and never on PPCG. Is ...

Good night y'all
@Calvin'sHobbies No, I keep them in the water
@Calvin'sHobbies Floridian for the moment.
I'm making pudding does anyone want some
Sure. Fax it on over.
@Geobits Move to Washington you know you want to
@Geobits I imagine that to mean head banging, no?
@Geobits ok
@Geobits So you're an alligator then.
@Calvin'sHobbies :D No, it's a competition to see who can throw a fish the farthest. Held at small-town fairs and such, and strange to watch.
I'm surprised they don't have that in Washington
@Geobits One day we will have 3d food printers with faxable flavors! (I hope)
> faxable flavors
@Calvin'sHobbies mm
Sounds good except for the fax part.
Code golf challenge: 3D print a meringue
Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.
Fax machines are making a comeback.
@Geobits You send someone the chemical makeup of the flavor and their printer prints it
@El'endiaStarman saw your pi continued fraction challenge
golfing now
Sure, but why by fax?
To relevant CJam'ing parties: anyone want to look over the arrays tutorial?
@quartata Oy. :P
I don't think it is confusing at all btw (at least not for me)
I don't even know how I'd actually fax something if I needed to today. I haven't even needed a printer at home in the last couple years.
1 min ago, by Alex A.
Fax machines are making a comeback.
Then again I already knew about half the stuff in the challenge text
You need someone who can't math good
Like @Doorknob maybe
@Calvin'sHobbies Sure, but Alex is wrong ;)
@quartata yeah
@Geobits Eventually you could fax a fox.
@quartata hao duz math gud
with acovad
@Doorknob hue hue
@Calvin'sHobbies Or a fax! .... wait...
i dont math hao gud duz wat melp dilbert
I will not fax it with a fox, I will not fax it on a box.
I will not fax it here or there, I will not fax it anywhere.
bacon gud duz math melp dog knot ham trees math gud melp melp
@Geobits Good idea.
@Geobits .replace('x','p')
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

El'endia StarmanHeter-destructing bullets This challenge is based off a riddle I read in some book a while ago, which I found again here. It is about bullets fired from a gun once per second at varying speeds that travel in a straight line forever. When one bullet hits another, both are destroyed completely. (F...

@Calvin'sHobbies ...
Never apologize for that.
Unless you're talking to your mom or something.
I will not - ohhhh
I mean sorry for the "bop"
Fop became a pejorative term for a foolish man overly concerned with his appearance and clothes in 17th-century England. Some of the very many similar alternative terms are: "coxcomb", fribble, "popinjay" (meaning "parrot"), fashion-monger, and "ninny". "Macaroni" was another term, of the 18th century, more specifically concerned with fashion. A modern-day fop may also be a reference to a foolish person who is overly concerned about his clothing, luxuries, minor details, refined language and leisurely hobbies. He is generally incapable of engaging in conversations, activities or thoughts without...
That's just rude, man.
Foxes are people too.
@Calvin'sHobbies Kidz Bop?
Dude. That's just wrong.
It was that music thing from the 90s.
Hi people
No, I know that. But considering the topic at hand, I'm not sure bringing kids into it is a great idea ;)
hi omeg
My computer wanted to be a jet engine so I had to fix it
you mean the fan?
@Mego It believed it could fly?

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