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Q: Biplex: an important useless operator

trichoplaxYou may choose to use any base for input and output (including binary and unary), provided they are both in the same base. Input A list of between 1 and 255 positive integers (inclusive), each in the range 1 to 232 - 1 (inclusive). Input without leading zeroes is required to be accepted. Input...

@MartinBüttner Are you trying the quine challenge?
@Sp3000 Was going to do a simple CJam solution but had to head out for lunch. Since there still isn't one, I might try now.
but first biplex
Tell me how you go and I'll compare :P
... or not
@MartinBüttner I thought you did that days ago :P
yeah I know, but I had to post it :P
@AlexA. yes
@Sp3000 first pass is 28
Hm... I've got 30, but trying to get rid of an expensive bit in the middle
you know there is actually a pending feature request for making ArrayList * work with negative numbers and floats which would make this a breeze :D
@aditsu hint
@Sp3000 do you mind if I post mine?
Go for it
oh wait, 10 %
Ahaha, yeah I dunno why that rule is there... (I have 29 now)
Okay yours is... nowhere like mine :P Might post mine after a bit
... actually no it is like mine but you're using a block
And I think that's a lot shorter
you did a string quine? interesting :)
.... string is expensive :/
Here's me redoing with block: {`"_~"+rd_z25*i,\g@%f=}_~
(feel free to take)
Actually... is this hanging on 0?
Oh, I can't use 0g% :/
Oh that's why you have 1|, riiight
Actually, float , works doesn't it? Maybe {`"_~"+rd_z26*,\g1|@%f=}_~ then?
the , and f=is pretty clever
mine can't use floats because of <
feel free to post it yourself, I think it's sufficiently different.
it definitely wouldn't have occurred to me
1| wouldn't have occured to me :P dibs on collab answer
eh, I'm sure 1e| would have occurred to you and leaving out the e isn't too much of a leap ;)
Oi :P
What page do you guys use for cjam reference? I couldn't find one on the sourceforge page
Oh, I had readthedocs page open
aditsu's been going through and writing more thorough docs lately, hence some actual links on the operators page now
And I still asked :P
To be fair, I never finished the readthedocs one :P
Going to look at the other one, didn't see anything on the b operator
(I still have most of the next tutorial written, but I just never got around to fixing it due to small quirks which I got wrong myself)
Always feel free to ask in chat :P
Nope, still just says "base conversion"
17 5 b pushes [3 2] since 17 is 32 in base 5
how do I use the b operator?
And [3 2] 5 b, well, pushes 17
O okay, thanks
Hey guys
So how would I use that to convert a binary string input to an array?
Array of... 1s and 0s?
:~ to eval each element
Oh, okay thanks
Are you doing the invert a binary string challenge?
@Sp3000 cheeky.
Ah, right :)
@MartinBüttner :D
hey @trichoplax
I can't comment (not 50 rep D:) so I have a question about the Biplex challenge
Go for it (hopefully you'll have the rep once you post...)
Does the input need to be an array like in martin's answer, or can it just be space-seperated?
Any reasonable input format is fine (as long as it isn't precalculated in any way)
I have to go eat, bye
So space separated, newline separated, comma separated...
Bye :)
@anOKsquirrel Just upvoted your answer
Someone should do a browser extension that disables all comments on all news sites.
I like reading them
Sometimes the comments are more informative than the articles
In amongst all the pointless ranting
@trichoplax If that's the case you should switch news sites.
@mınxomaτ That's going to happen no matter what news site you read
@mınxomaτ Depends on the subject matter. For topics with sparse coverage the comments can be the best source of accurate info
No it isn't.
(From my experience)
A desert temple
Buried almost entirely under the sand
Oh, nice!
I have pocket edition though D:
Found it last night
I need the PC version
If I do this right, I might beat martin on codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/62713/…
Okay, I'm almost at the village
Which would mark the furthest in this direction I've gone so far in this save
And beyond the village is... still more desert
I think I see something off to the left
I want PC version :P
Well, I found a savana
Also, there's a building on the biome boundary I'd like to check out
I'll let you know what it is
Cool :D
It's just a well
oooo, alephalpha used Hexagony :)
for what question?
Darnit, I totally misinterpreted biplex
I lost a lot of time :P
But what I did do is write a binary XOR program
hi all
I keep on feeling really proud my question has 39 answers and then unproud when I see how many some other questions have
I think this rock formation means that I'm almost at the west edge of the desert
My house is a short distance northeast of the east end
When you are playing PE with your friend...
Within 10 minutes we both found melons, pumpkins, cocoa, and more
And I still haven't found either
I have yet to find melons or cocoa.
I do have a large quantity of pumpkins though
I made a farm with the 3 I found
I have like a stack or two?
@Rainbolt looks like the first wrapping happens on day 10
There's a little bit more desert on the other side, a bit to the north
there's a bug though, which doesn't move the O closer to home if it's North of home, let me fix that
@Rainbolt fixed: goo.gl/WXWKJr
@Rainbolt and here is a nicer version which just spits out all intermediate results up to N: goo.gl/fosKCS
I have to go now, bye
Just found another desert temple and this one isn't almost entirely buried
Is this a minecraft landscape photography museum?
@anOKsquirrel Is the misunderstanding something I could clarify in the question to save anyone else hitting the same problem?
I think he left
Hopefully the ping will show up for later
@trichoplax I left a comment on your question
@trichoplax BLUE?
@flawr It's what everyone's wearing in here nowadays...
@flawr (Mine's only for Computer Graphics though - not here)
Not me=)
I just turned blue so I'm still clueless at the moment :)
Oh nice to see that CG is now realized too!
Yes I'm delighted too
Let's see, perhaps I'm going to hang out over there every now and then=)
You're very welcome. Chat is quiet so far but there are lots of questions needing answers and lots of interesting existing answers
Building a minecart track to go the full 2k+ blocks from one end of the desert to the other would probably be a waste of materials.
Well, bye for now.
@SuperJedi224 You'd be better off build a portal at both ends. The walking/riding distance in the Nether would only be 250 blocks instead of 2000.
Wow I am really having trouble figuring out what room I am in now
I have to keep looking at the room description to be sure, because this room is suddenly all about Minecraft too
Hmph those doctors aren't gentle when they fit the bionic limbs :P
@trichoplax Why don't you test out your new powers by refreshing my avatar for the chat?
Not for my personal benefit of course
Oh christ another diamond?!
This is just ridiculous :D
@Rainbolt That's very generous of you :P Now to figure out how...
@trichoplax never done it, but I think you can go to his chat profile, moderation tools, refresh
Oh and congrats @tricho
You're the most successful turtle on the SE network ;)
@MartinBüttner Thanks - it worked!
@trichoplax indeed :)
@Rainbolt I hope you don't mind the side-effect of personal benefit. You're showing as an autumn tree now on my screen - hopefully on yours too...
Oh dang, it is severely cut off lol
@BetaDecay Thanks :)
Thanks @trichoplax
Yes it really puts the emphasis on the block rather than the tree...
That's okay with me I guess
I assumed it was intentional - hopefully everyone else will too
I'm less happy with the unbalanced whitespace
Maybe it would all fit in if you rotate it 45 degrees
@Rainbolt Clever Idea
So, start from my main nether-side portal, go 250 blocks west, and build another one?
@quartata Now I'm wondering whether a one-byte truth machine is possible.
It would have to be a builtin, and that's a weird thing to have a builtin for.
Unless its one of those languages that's powered by a handful of weird builtins and not much else.
It could be something like "output the register, and peek the stack; if stack top is truthy loop"
where input goes on both register and stack implicitly
but that does sound implausible
I'm currently trying to implement rainbolt's suggestion
But the terrain in the nether is making it hard
Really hard
@SuperJedi224 I'm pretty sure that if you get a maxed Efficiency pick and a bucket, you can slice through the Nether like butter
I think you want to build both portals in the overworld first, and then connect them
If you spawn an overworld portal from the Nether it may end up in a really crappy place
A: Quine multiple times

VoteToCloseVitsy, 32 Bytes Woo. My Physics teacher reminded me I had power functions to help me with this. Go figure. 'rVd3*V2^12/^DvV/1+(rvl1-*\[DO{] ' Start recording as a string - this grabs everything and pushes it to the stack as a string. r ...

Vitsy is proving to be more useful than I originally anticipated.
Does the Vitsy answer work for negative float input? (e.g. -0.3)
@Rainbolt Okay
Goodbye for now guys
Yes. Floor of (float*length).
k, just checking :P (too lazy to DL interpreter)
It's all good. :D
Hmm 30. Expensive.
Interestingly, if you don't put in input, it repeats it 39 times. '
What a weird choice of number
Wait. Not 39. o-o
Q: Multiplying substrings

EridanWrite a program that takes two integers as an input; the first can be any integer and the second is less than or equal to the number of characters in the first number. Let these numbers be a and b respectively. The program will do the following Concatenate a minimal number of 1s to the end of ...

@VoteToClose Is there a rational explanation?
Yes - It's the ] character, which is the last string part recorded.
wait, trichoplax is room owner now?
He's just too fancy.
wait, he's a mod too ? ::O
Are the test cases at the bottom of my sandbox post understandable? I made them horizontal instead of vertical to avoid adding 25 lines of length to my post.
Yeah, for Computer Graphics.
If nobody complains I'm going to go ahead and post it
Looks good, @Rainbolt. :D
@Optimizer I'm not owner of this room, but I do have joint ownership of The Cornell Box
Do you know its showing a blue color with a diamond for you here too?
@Optimizer Yes - lots of people show blue here but they aren't all PPCG mods :)
@VoteToClose Thanks for looking
@trichoplax like?
El'endia Starman is a mod but not a PPCG mod
he's a mod of at least one SE site
but you are saying you are just owner of a chat room, right?
trichoplax yes
Sorry I left :P
@VoteToClose Actually... does your answer work for 0? It looks like it might do 0/0...
@Optimizer Oh I see - no I've also just become a mod of Computer Graphics.SE.
(also I'm having trouble figuring why I'm only ahead by a few bytes despite having a builtin for abs o_O)
@Sp3000 Ah - it does not. I'll add in a fix for that. Thanks!
@anOKsquirrel I can't remember what that yes is an answer to. You can link answers to previous comments by pressing on the little arrow to the far right of the previous comment when you hover over it
@Optimizer room owners are shown in italics. blue is only for mods.
@anOKsquirrel No that's fine - that was meant to sound helpful not accusatory :)
I meant the question about space-seperated input on biplex
@anOKsquirrel I remember - I've edited the input section to say that the input format doesn't need to match the test cases. Is there anything else that would make it clearer?
I don't think so.
@Sp3000 Interestingly, it didn't throw an error - it just printed out one character and quit. O.o
I have a new goal:
Use a new programming language every day
@anOKsquirrel Awesome, let me help you get started :)
@Sp3000 Wow, thanks! /s
Q: The Traveling O

RainboltThe world is a five by five array of cells. It wraps on all sides. It can be visualized like... XXXXX XXXXX XXOXX XXXXX XXXXX You are an O. You love to travel the world, and you do so according to the following rules (let C be the current day): On prime days, you feel nostalgic. Return to w...

I think I'll do python next.
I love our unusual tagging system. Someone just added to my challenge
66 questions. ZERO followers.
Q: Programming in Minecraft (Redstone) - how to measure program size?

mbomb007Since programs may be created in vanilla (un-modded) Minecraft using redstone to create logic gates (and more), someone could create such a program for a challenge on this site. How would such an entry be scored? Some possible scoring methods: Blocks used (placed redstone counts as a block) R...

@Rainbolt Do people use the follow feature?
I do. I follow code-golf and koth challenges
I ignore performance challenges because I know I can't compete or don't want to
Well, I used to follow koth anyway
I guess I removed it
@Sp3000 I like how you keep projecting your own desire to master the language onto others because you're not quite confident you want to embark on this mad task. :P
Alright I think the truth machine catalog is ready
(At least that's my amateurish psychological judgement of the situation. :P)
It's only my favourite language to not learn
@MartinBüttner I wasn't planning on calling it a catalog in the title. It was just there in the Sandbox so people would know
@quartata I just remembered you pinged me about that last night... let me have another look.
Maybe someone should post a challenge based on it and trick lots of unsuspecting users into learning it
@Sp3000 I was going to write an answer in it for "random 0 or 1", but then I tried.
Does my spec have the depth, o Sweet Genius?
I follow mtg and chess on board and card games, java on stackoverflow, etc. I use it to filter stuff I want to see
Ah, I admire your attempt :)
This site has two kinds of tags. The kind people might filter by, and then the kind of tags that exist purely because people like to categorize things. It must make people feel better.
Back when I was new to the world of Code Golf...
@Rainbolt I do use tags as helpful search filters.
@MartinBüttner That's true. I keep forgetting about that
@quartata Unfortunately, "Truth Machine" is a few characters short. I guess "Implement a Truth Machine" would do nicely.
@quartata Made one nitpicky change. Otherwise it looks good to me.
The sandbox user is close to having more gold badges on meta than I. :D
@Rainbolt codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/62728/… very good question... I didn't even consider wrapping for determining distance and direction for odd numbers. was that your intention?
Wow super ninja
I didn't consider it either, but the way it's worded, it matters
@VoteToClose I think this simulator would probably do fine for most programs.
@Rainbolt since there is no answer yet, you can still clarify that you meant that wrapping should not be considered.
but if you don't want to do that I can fix up the code I guess.
Man, I should be sleeping but mbomb's question has got me doing a lot of writing up/research
@VoteToClose I'm pretty sure there's one out there with pistons, too, though.
@Sp3000 which one?
@MartinBüttner I edited to favor North and West over South and East. Then I realized that invalidates all of the test cases I pulled from your reference implementation, so I just said to ignore wrapping
The Minecraft scoring one
@mbomb007 I'll look for it. I got a lot on my plate I'm very lazy, but I'm pretty sure I've seen one too.
@Rainbolt your latest edit isn't correct
you can move south on odd days, just after wrapping
(and the reference implementation does that)
How do you move south on odd days?
"Spec: see Martin's answer"
I'm flustered that the post has 12 upvotes within minutes of being posted and is wrong despite being sandboxed for four days :(
@Rainbolt even day: move too far south, wrap to the top such that you're in rows 0 or 1. following odd day: moving closer to home means moving south.
Oh, I see. I'll fix
Okay, I just removed a sentence.
What's the fastest way to update a profile change here?
Ask a mod
Otherwise, you have only one option: wait
Crap I totally forgot to incorporate zombies before posting
@VoteToClose Did that work?
@Rainbolt Too late now... :c
@trichoplax it did
:D Yes.
@VoteToClose Is that some specific fractal or just an artwork?
@VoteToClose Yay! Thank Rainbolt for providing the chance to learn how to do that earlier today...
It's a fractal - How it was generated, I don't know.
So... Artwork. :D
Why do mods even have the power to refresh profiles lol
Seems like such a useless tool in the spirit of maintaining order and discipline
I assume it's a perk so mods can gain popularity before making unpopular decisions
@trichoplax You have a wonderful way of viewing the tools provided to you.
Perform this action again in sixty seconds what
When I've refreshed enough profiles I can do something drastic
Lemme post my answer dammit
Q: Implement a Truth Machine

quartataA truth machine (credits goes to dis guy for coming up with it) is a very simple program designed to demonstrate the I/O and control flow of a language. Here's what a truth machine does: Gets a number (either 0 or 1) from STDIN. If that number is 0, print out 0 and terminate. If that number is ...

Two answers within a minute of one another?
Oh, you are the question author. That makes sense
Two answers from other people too
@quartata Oh, one important thing you should definitely mention: does it have to be the characters 0 or 1 (character codes 48 and 49)? Because by default, things like unary representation and more importantly byte values would also be allowed.
@MartinBüttner uh oh the snippet isn't working
If you don't want that (which might make sense) you should probably mention that explicitly.
@quartata works fine for me
Oh wait I'm on a bad browser one second
Works fine for me as well
I was using Midori apparently which has issues with Stack Snippets
@MartinBüttner Hmm. I think I'm OK with that.
Seriously? Nobody said anything about this?
- On even days, you feel adventurous. Move C / 2 steps south.
- On square days, you feel adventurous. Move as far east as possible.
everyone scrams to go do the Truth Machine
@quartata Really? I can understand byte values, but unary seems weird because it means input can be empty or 1 and output would be empty or a stream of 1s
o-o I assume people disregarded it.
@MartinBüttner Oh....
Lemme change that.
sorry for not spotting that earlier
@Rainbolt Was that not deliberate?
No. You feel adventurous on two different days :-/
that can't be right! :D
Is that better?
Oh boy, the answers are rolling in
oh, now you've disallowed byte values as well.
I guess that's fine.
@MartinBüttner Brainfuck users will cry
A: Implement a Truth Machine

SuperJedi224Microscript, 3 bytes i{p (Filler text here)

I already posted this...
What should I do?
A: Implement a Truth Machine

quartataMicroscript, 3 bytes i{p The shortest one I know.

@quartata I'm sure there must be a BF implementation that reads/writes numeric input.
@quartata Nothing now, but in the future, leave a comment. ;)
@MartinBüttner NumberFuck!
Also, any better tags for this?
I couldn't think of any...
I wonder if a deadfish one is possible
@Rainbolt Is that the Mi Yodeya tree?
@quartata Should we have a tag?
I more than halved my Vitsy answer. :D
@BetaDecay Oh crap if it is I need to find another tree. I Googled "Autumn tree" and picked the first one that looked like it would cut and paste well. I definitely don't want to offend a bunch of people
@Rainbolt Haha I have no idea
Nah, this is the Mi Yodeya tree: cdn.sstatic.net/judaism/img/…
Q: Who's that probability distribution?

ZgarbIntroduction In this challenge, you are given a list of nonnegative floating point numbers drawn independently from some probability distribution. Your task is to infer that distribution from the numbers. To make the challenge feasible, you only have five distributions to choose from. U, the u...

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