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@Doorknob Like me? :D
@Doorknob Are you sure you know the difference? >_>
@AlienG lemme reword that: the only person who I've met, actually in person :P
@Doorknob You never know... I could be anyone O_O
Oooh, creepy :D
@Geobits pretty sure I can recognize how bad this code is:
Oct 2 at 1:35, by Doorknob
 var n = 5;
var a = n;
function thing() {
  if (!!!a) return n;
  a -= 1;
  n = n * a;
@Doorknob Why !!! ?
why !
I'm very confused right now
Really, everyone knows that:
Oct 2 at 2:06, by Geobits
The best factorial function recursively builds a string of numbers to multiply, then evals it for the base case.
@Doorknob This actually made me laugh.
What did I miss, at any rate?
You were gone?
@quartata Me failing and code day talk.
nothing interesting, by the standards of PPCG chat at least
@Geobits Having dinner (miso)
miso hungry
I tried explaining recursive functions to a friend of mine. I ended up going over the same concept over and over again--I must have done something wrong...
Not homemade nor at a restaurant so not actually that lucky
Tastes decent though
Can you get the screen width/length in cjam?
You mean soup, or something else?
@Geobits Yes
Ah, ok. Most places don't mess up miso soup too bad ;)
@Doorknob What is?
I did use to lick raw miso off the packet but those days are long past. I haven't done that since Friday
Alright. Someone give me a motivating reason to work on my Simplex interpreter. I'm too tired to convince myself
@Doorknob Oh damn son, there's one in Seattle
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You can do it
I was actually introduced to CodeDay by a fellow SE user
@quartata If you decide to cook it instead of eating it raw, it's good on pork and beef at least :P
I believe in you
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ this cake, if you succeed
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I'll downvote every post of yours until it's done? Or, umm, something like that.
@Geobits Working on it now.
@Doorknob And XD *You've AND OMG *Congratulations
Note: I'm not saying I won't still do it once you're done ;)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ so there's nothing wrong with "congration?" :P
@Geobits will be @Geobits
@Geobits o-o
thanks y'all :D
i know what you've done ^
s/Alexander the Great/@AlexA./g would make this boring history textbook so much more interesting right now
@Doorknob :D
I'll make history spicy. B)
> AlexA. died in Babylon in 323 BC, the city he planned to establish as his capital.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Perfect
@quartata bows thankies
@Geobits Oh... Oh god.
Also replace Darius III with Dennis
s/Darius III/Dennis/gi if you want
wasn't he that guy that kept running away from battles? >_<
And s/G(.+?)\b/Geobits/g
That'll make it much more interesting. The epic battle between Alex and Dennis!
@Doorknob Yeah
@quartata so why doesn't Dennis get to be Darius I, the great Achaemenid admininstrator?
I misspelled Achemmmeniiddnowhatever didn't I
@Doorknob Would you rather be Darius III?
uhhh... no >.<
s/Darius I+/Dennis/g It has been reconciled
I mean there are only two moderators with names beginning with D
Not a whole lot of options
so who does Martin get to be?
Minos? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Martin Luther, and I'm John Calvin, we've discussed this...
I don't know but we could name Macedonia Martonia
Keep it in the same time period
ok sure
@AlexA. of @Martin onia
Hmm who does that leave
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Cyrus \o/
@quartata Darius I/III were Achaemenid...
I'm an idiot
But hey at least now chat knows you are paying attention
I just killed chat again
And someone starred my message so it isn't 4 stars and the joke isn't funny anymore
@Doorknob Conor is me of Martin land? ...?
@Doorknob Pretty good option, I'd say...
Call me dumb but I don't have all of our current mods memorized
One second
I wonder if I do.
Alex, Doorknob, Martin...uh...
@quartata I don't almost any of them...
There are only 4+1
@El'endiaStarman You can be... uhh...
/me tries to think of historical figure whose name begins with E and who lived in the same general era
@Calvin'sHobbies Dennis Doorknob Alex Martin are the only ones?
I keep thinking El'endia is one lol
@quartata actually no
Well, I am, just not on PPCG... :P
Who's that?
Well I'm not sure how to fit gnibbler in the history
@El'endiaStarman He's been a mod here longer than any of the rest of us.
@El'endiaStarman one of the original protems from waaay back
Also, I note that he was appointed in 2011 and the others in 2014/2015.
along with dmckee (no longer a mod, but still on Physics) and CJY (now a SE core dev)
I figured.
Ahh, so there were two others that aren't PPCG mods anymore. Gotcha.
@Doorknob For some reason "Epiminedes" comes to mind. Lemme look that up.
1 min ago, by Doorknob
along with dmckee (no longer a mod, but still on Physics) and CJY (now a SE core dev)
@Doorknob I can has read
@El'endiaStarman well, he did live in the same general... time period :P
OH, I know why I had that name in mind: Paul (the apostle) quotes him in one of his letters: Titus. He quoted specifically the part where Epimenides says something to the effect of "All Cretans are liars".
-100 from me
@AlienG Anyone with blue text for their username in chat is a mod somewhere
:25018896 My name is in blue, which means I'm either a mod or a Stack Exchange employee.
@El'endiaStarman That could be a challenge. "Generate a word that sounds like the name of a Greek Philosopher" -> Eripidres, Artimeredes, Antalides, Imagreekades...
Well, rip.
@AlienG banned lel
If I were to get banned for not knowing who the mods are I wouldn't want to be a part of that site anyway :P
Though, it would be a good idea.
Yay more stars
psssst @AlexA. should we ban him
@AlexA. Can you give me Geobits veto power if I trade in some medals?
@Calvin'sHobbies Yes
Hopefully the question I just posted isn't as terrible.
@Doorknob >:D
(Calls stackexchange)
Me: "Mods are abusing their power"
Them: "Too bad."
Me: ;_ ;
Q: Remove repeated words from a string

Alien GRemove all repeating words from an inputted sentence. Input will be something like cat dog cat dog bird dog Snake snake Snake and the output should be cat dog bird Snake snake. You don't need to handle punctuation but capital letter handling is required.

Doesn't Pyth have like a built in for this
Like split the string
Then remove dupe elements from the array
@quartata Yeah, so does java and c# and....
Minkolang doesn't. >_>
Is that really not a duplicate of anything?
@AlexA. No, that's why I posted it. (I'm surprised too)
Ah well I've got to go
I'll leave that easy answer for someone else
huzzah I did something in CJam
@quartata Ouch.
this is... what, my 3rd CJam program ever?
@Doorknob Probably de_stroyed everyone.. (+1 for getting the reference)
@AlienG I like this challenge, and the length of my python solution will depend on the answer to my comment
Now I have to do the longer regex solution
I'm really tempted to try this in Macaroni
meh, I have homework and stuff and a Macaroni answer will probably take half an hour to write
Oh wait I can do it without regex
@Doorknob Doesn't print...?
yes it does...
did you try it? -_-
@Doorknob Yeah...?
It is in cjam, right?
Worked for me
@Calvin'sHobbies guess @GamrCorps sent me a bad cjam interpreter...
@Doorknob Well, sorry for doubting you. +10
A: Remove repeated words from a string

MegoPython 3, 87 80 bytes turns out the full program version is shorter s=input().split(' ') print(' '.join(e for i,e in enumerate(s)if e not in s[:i])) Did it without regex, I am happy

Fastest pythonista in the west
Damn, you guys are fast...
If it wasn't for the requirement that output had to be in the same order, lambda s:' '.join(set(s.split(' '))) would win Python at 36
@Mego >:D
ehhh whatever I'll add a Ruby answer too
@AlienG :c
@Mego I did that just to make you loose. :3
@AlienG It'll take a few drinks to make me loose
I am slow and I feel bad about myself
@NewMainPosts slowest bot in the west
Now I wanna do the C solution
Just because nobody else will
@Sp3000, wanna attempt a solution in [Gol]><>? :P
Well, bye all.
We need a language called Go><>!
That combines the best of Go and ><>
Bye Alien!
nobody's doing Pyth, which probably has, like, a 3 char solution?
@Mego First thing that came to mind was actually that it would be based off of the card game.
@El'endiaStarman Even better
ah, Pyth is 9 (?)
Trying to do array element search in C sucks though... Maybe I'll do C++
@Doorknob I'm working on Pyth now
@AlexA. Maltysen already has a Pyth answer
Yeah, just saw. :/
/me needs to learn CJam and Pyth and APL and Julia and Go and...
/me continues working on/with Minkolang because it's more fun. ^_^
Snowman and Macaroni are basically finished... I want to make a new esolang that has more novel ideas, but I can't think of any
What are we attempting solutions for?
@Sp3000 latest main post
@AlexA. >:(
@Doorknob Fluid dynamics language? :P
too complicated :P
Random walk?
I was thinking of one that was based entirely on forced chess moves, but that would be hopelessly verbose even for an esolang
That also sounds fairly challenging to even program in.
Gol><> wouldn't be too bad at it, so Minko should be fine too
Well, if you're trying to engineer a position that has forced moves for both sides a couple of moves deep, it's actually not too hard. :P
The real problem is that a chess move has very little... entropy?
So you'd have to have hundreds of boards per program.
@Sp3000 Yeah, I just don't really want to tackle it at this moment... :P
@Doorknob: ever played Bughouse chess?
no, but I've heard of it on multiple occasions and it sounds really fun :D
it is
But anyway, maybe you could use the capture of pieces to perform various actions.
Like taking a pawn outputs the top of stack (say).
Yeah. Now that I think about it, a language based on antichess would probably be much easier
(if you're not familiar, in antichess the goal is to lose all your pieces, and if you are able to make a capture, you're forced to)
And because this is Bughouse, you wouldn't necessarily run out of pieces.
ahh, gotcha
yeah, that'd be easier
It has much more forced moves. (For example, 1.d3 is an insta-lose for white)
Posting my C++ solution to the repeated strings question - don't think I've seen a C++ solution before
I was actually thinking about a fluid dynamics language ths morning
My telepathy powers grow stronger
I decided to try and dssign a language based on NetHack commands instead
Basically the idea is there are infinite dungeon levels and you "drop" numbers on tiles
... huh.
Well you got DoorKnob's attention
Oh hey @quartata, you're supposed to be working on your Simplex interpreter now, right? :P
Oh I never started that
You know what to do, @Geobits
Thanks for reminding me
I'll see if I can turn off the serial vote detector just for you. :P
nu nuuuuu
I'm sorry I have 5 projects and I've never been good about finishing stuff
I've never been god either
@quartata and on the 7th day he said "ehh whatever"
@Doorknob Thank God... >_> :P
fixed jeez my o key is breaking stop
@El'endiaStarman You're welcome!
(decided to try it out right now. Not bad)
Today I learned that if an astronaut is in orbit 10 meters (about 30 yards) away from the Space Shuttle and Jupiter and Earth are at their closest, then the force of gravity on the astronaut from Jupiter is SIX TIMES STRONGER than the force of gravity on the astronaut from the Shuttle. O_O
But seriously what do you think of my nethack thing
if you make it definitely ping me :D
Me? Or Doorknob?
Adding is just dropping two nums on the same tile. Multiplication is done with nethacks repet thingy. Division can be done by eating.
Nethack has a repeat thingy?
Make it interactive!
Do you mean giving a count to a command?
Got my C++ answer under 300 bytes, I feel accomplished
oh ok
# is input. Look/farlook could be output
# is sink/corridor/clouds/tree...
I think I could actually finish this since it is fairly simple
I have to sleep soon, but if you do, put it on Github or something and ping me with a link :)
Now it is on the starboard, and you can feel the shame when you don't finish it
ok why did someone star that
Famous last words :P
# is extended commands where you can type whatever that is why I picked it
ahh right
What about string manipulation?
Treat it as a character array, dropping and picking up characters?
It would have to be like BF-not at all
aw come on who starred "oh"
bonus points: have a command that executes whatever character is on the floor beneath you
(or stack of characters if there are multiples)
....so wait....this would be a 3D language? Huh. :P
With layers? Hmm...
Gee, that sounds familiar. :P
...I just had an idea: make a time-based language where the time part actually is time. That is, have at least two concurrent pointers that have the ability to rollback the other.
It's always fun looking back at my older answers and realizing I can make improvements
A: How many three-fruit pies can you make?

MegoPython, general solution, 128 74 bytes -54 bytes from @xnor, you da real mvp lambda l,k:-(-1in l)or-~g(map(sum,zip(sorted(l),[0]*(len(l)-k)+[-1]*k)),k) def g(a,k):b=[i for i in a if i];return 0if len(b)<k;c=sorted(b,reverse=True);return 1+g([c[i]-(k-1>i)for i in range(len(c))],k) This work...

I'm still sad that, even though this won the bounty and is shorter than the other python solution, the other python solution is voted higher :(
(shorter despite being a general-case answer)
^ already has my vote.
And your bounty :P
Hm? No, that was xnor's
My bounty, which no one ever claimed, was for a proof of the generalization of the closed form from my answer
Oh right, you were just commenting on it
Floor thing?
Oh right
My solution should be equivalent to that for n,k=5,3
In other news, implementing the shunting-yard algorithm in TI-BASIC, a language without stacks, queues, or even lists of strings, is very painful.
> I don't think I've seen a C++ answer on this site before.
@Mego Seriously? ^
@AlexA. I could be wrong, but my brain is returning null
We have a ton of them.
Pretty much every challenge that attracts enough attention gets a C++ answer.
I've even done one.
vv Incoming duplicate pretending not to be a duplicate
> [not a duplicate] [duplicate]
@AlexA. Having a ton does not mean I've seen one or remember seeing one - my memory is often not so great
I'll change the wording if you prefer
@Mego I'm just amazed that you haven't seen one. A search for C++ answers brings up 312 pages (with plenty of false positives, granted).
@AlexA. I don't remember seeing one - big difference :P
(also remember I've been around for less than a month)
You've been around for less than a month?
I've been around for not much longer than that and still I saw some C++ answers.
Q: Happy Birthday to you! [not a duplicate]

Anirudh BalajiHappy birthday, <language>! The goal is to print this exact text here: Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear <language>, happy birthday to you! with <language> being the language you're writing it in (e.g. Python, Node.js, etc.) Rules You may not use any part of...

o dam son
Oh, huh, my first answer dates from Aug 3.
Then I didn't post any until my Befunge answer to the Beatles Songs and Hexagons question.
That's still my top-voted answer and I'm proud of it. ^_^
Yeah, 22x as long is "not much longer" :P
@Mego I only voted before Aug 3.
But yeah...I might've seen some C++ answers in that time... :P
But really, I'm fairly sure I saw at least one in the last month or so. Then again, I do occasionally look through the answers of old/popular questions.
@El'endiaStarman I wasn't a member of any SE community before 23 days ago :P
4+ years for me. :P
4 years, 5 months on Math.SE. :D
4 years, 2 months on Christianity.SE. Which is how old that site is. :P
Oh, apparently I asked a question on SO last year
And then never used any SE site other than reading SO answers when they came up in Google
I joined this site as soon as I found out it existed, 23 days ago :P
ha, nice
And I've been rep-farming ever since, claming bounties :P
2 mins ago, by Alex A.
Q: Find amount of heads and tails from percentages

GamrCorpsGiven two numbers (which are multiples of 0.5) representing heads-percentage and tails-percentage from a series of coin-flipping, output the minimum amounts of heads and tails to produce percentages such as those. Examples: Input: 25 75 (25% heads, 75% tails) Output: 1 3 (an output of 25 75 is...

30% heads, 75% tails what — undergroundmonorail 13 mins ago
Just posted a non-sandbox post. Let's see how long it takes to show up.
(I'll bet 6-8 minutes.)
@NewMainPosts A question I can do with Minkolang! Yay! :P
Finally over 200 code golf answers! Now I just need 237 more upvotes on those answers and I'll get a gold badge! :P
Q: Should "Code the Huffman!" remain closed as a duplicate of a very old question?

El'endia StarmanTl;dr: I think my question on Huffman coding was wrongly closed as duplicate and should be re-opened. Early this week, I had the idea of posting a challenge based on Huffman coding. I found a very old question that was based on Huffman coding at the core, but the execution was different: Huffm...

16 minutes. Wow.

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