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Okay, shuffling away...
Up to 400,000 iterations....now.
I'm up to 20 million random perm guesses (some could be duplicates but still :P)
Well okay then.
1 million for me now.
Your computer must be a lot faster than mine. :P
I have a bug: only 2 results for N=3 :P
Okay, this is what I'm going to do for the build-up-the-grid idea: start off with the first row and first column filled, as well as the (1,1) place. Then every subsequent spot is uniquely determined.
Bug fixed: Needed permutations not combinations
ahhhh lolz
3 million shuffles and nothing. Ctrl+C!
I got 376 instantly, but now I realise I have bugs for larger grids oops
The height of my career as a code-golfer will be to create such wonderful, practical nonsense. I think that time is almost here: i**{KJR1>?[L*LARpR&]}L~Vo solves this, AFAIK
What's N = 2 btw? 24?
Should be, as all perms are valid
Told you so
At this rate this'll be done in, er, half an hour
Oh right, PyPy
20352 maybe?
@Sp3000 Hmm?
N = 4
That many solutions?
How do you know?
Not-so-good source code for perusal (pretty similar to El'endia's 1st row/column thing, except as you go)
Actually what the heck am I doing with the else at the end there, that's totally unnecessary
Slightly better (edited ideone code)
Where's that meta post where people made a TI-BASIC interpreter?
Note to self: NEVER evaluate a generator with way too many elements.
Had to shut down my computer. And lost all tabs and windows of Chrome. >_<
@El'endiaStarman What language?
Heh, like the time Dyalog was using 99.8% CPU because I tested my own infinite loop code.
Did it parallelize your infinite empty loop?
I don't know what Dyalog does when I'm not looking.
All I know is that I quit Dyalog but my fan was going nuts so I checked Activity Monitor and saw a Dyalog process with 99.8% CPU.
That's when I learned that closing Dyalog doesn't terminate the system process if the code is still executing.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Python.
itertools.permutations() generates permutations.
@El'endiaStarman Python on Chrome??????
Oct 14 at 5:49, by Calvin's Hobbies
Python I think
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ No. Making a list of uh, something like 10**9 elements froze my computer. Had to shut down. For some reason, Chrome's restore tabs didn't work as usual.
@El'endiaStarman Ohhhh haha
This is why you should never use Python or Chrome.
ducks to avoid flying knives
[uses a shotgun]
I once made a similar mistake of running someone's brute-force searching Python golf answer and having everything crash.
I'm hesitating to throw my dagger, because you never should really use Chrome, but Python is amazing.
(Why shouldn't you use Chrome? I use it at work.)
I use Chrome all the time.
I use it at work because it's that, Firefox for Windows, or Internet Explorer.
Firefox for Windows. Do it.
And never do IE. It's like bad drugs.
Invalid comparison for me; I've never done drugs, let alone bad drugs. :P
IE = Intravenous Ecstasy.
I've never done drugs either, lets be sure ^_^
....what's the LD50 for a bird, I wonder...?
00 03 04 07
12 15 08 11
01 02 05 06
13 14 09 10
(sum = 30)
@El'endiaStarman About a milligram of anything except seeds and water.
what is this grid supposed to represent?
^ N = 4 solution, using my own version of Elendia's grid complete thingy
I must be the only person that at least tries to catch up with the chat transcript.
solution to what?
@feersum A map of Calvin's house.
@feersum Grid numbered 0 to 15 and all the 2x2 groups sum to the same value
@El'endiaStarman Sometimes I catch up, sometimes I choose to ignore it.
Trying to verify @Sp3000's solutions number now but slow
This should be checkable pretty quickly since you have early outs whenever a subgrid doesn't have the right sum
I bet it takes less than 1 second in C.
Let's find out.
So, we're onto day 2 and the sys recursion answer for unusable language just got a bunch of upvotes overnight despite two comments showing it's invalid. I'm confused.
I get 20352 solutions.
@Sp3000 link?
Let us rain downvotes upon our enemies.
@feersum Awesome, that's what I got :)
It took 61 ms if anyone cares.
Nice! :D
Hopefully this wasn't supposed to be a fastest code challenge or something :P
I don't think so - just a chat minichallenge or something :P
...pretty sure my Python code won't run quickly enough to count all those solutions. :P
@Sp3000 Well, Calvin was considering making an actual challenge based off of it.
Oh? nvm then
@El'endiaStarman Mine is steadily chugging along. I'm about 6% done at maybe 2% per minute.
@AlexA. I missed this comment earlier, but let me find my megalaser...
Anyone want to try a N=5 solution?
My program says there aren't any.
Surely there should be more...
It assumes the numbers are 0-24.
If I allow negative numbers, my program found one immediately. However, to bring everything up into the positive range, the maximum number would be 36.
oops, I think I hardcoded one of the numbers.
At the rate mine's going, see you next hour
I feel like there must be a paper or something on this, I'm just not sure what to google..
2x2 submatrix/sublock equal sum?
No google, not sunblock.
Shuffling da numbers now...
I get 11520 for 5x5 permutations of 0-24, with 2x2 equal block sum
A lower number seems counterintuitive to me o_O
Ah, that's.....less.
Y'know, we can submit a sequence to OEIS...
I mean, 24, 376, 20352 ... 11520?
Both that sequence and the sequence divided by 8 (takes out rotation/reflection duplicates).
I only got 56 for 3x3.
@feersum That's wrong
We all got 376 (list here)
...hey wait, it should be possible to write a system of equations for the numbers in the grid given the initial conditions of the top row and left column, plus grid[1][1].
My program's still shuffling. No 5x5 solution found yet.
@feersum Can your program give a sample 5x5?
 0 24  1 23  2
 9 15  8 16  7
10 14 11 13 12
19  5 18  6 17
20  4 21  3 22
Oh, I see what the bug is
Hmm should probably make use of the ascending/descending thing
I didn't realize that the block sum could have different values.
@Sp3000 ...now that you point it out, that's very interesting.
I wonder why even sizes seemingly have to have all the same block sum, but not odd?
It doesn't change much from the first row, first column, (1, 1) idea
But there's a lot of pairs that have to have the same sum
e.g. the 0,9 / 1,8 / 2,7
Block sum?
The sum of a 2x2 block.
What do you mean odd sizes don't have the same sum?
You have solutions with sum=19, sum=17, etc.
For N=4 they're all equal to 30.
Can you tell us what the range is for n=3 and/or n=5?
Oh that's what you mean, durr
I see 12-20 in the above pasted output.
Yep (assuming all those are correct, though I'm pretty sure they are)
5x5 takes forever now, lol
I got 51840 this time.
Sorry to interrupt your algorithms and such, but I have an idea for a code challenge that I'm not sure if I want to write it up yet. Here's the idea: A string like a#T# should return an array like ["aT", "AT", "at", "At"]. Does that make any sense?
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Makes sense if X# just means upper or lowercase X. But kinda bland IMO
@Calvin'sHobbies Yeah, I was thinking about doing other "operators" if you will. Any ideas?
@feersum The # performs permutations based on case. So f#ear -> ["fear", "Fear"]
@feersum That makes more sense. :P
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You might end up making a new form of regular expressions
@Calvin'sHobbies Hᴏᴏʀᴀʜ?
@El'endiaStarman N = 3 sum histogram:
user image
@Calvin'sHobbies Beautiful.
Yet meaningless
Maybe if you split up odd/even it might make more sense
n = 7 solution
0	48	1	47	2	46	3
13	35	12	36	11	37	10
14	34	15	33	16	32	17
27	21	26	22	25	23	24
28	20	29	19	30	18	31
41	7	40	8	39	9	38
42	6	43	5	44	4	45
Found by using the pattern in feersum's 5x5 solution and extending it to 7x7. :P
Oi :P
Of course, this doesn't help in finding all (or any other!) solutions. :P
(Excluding those obtained by rotation/reflection.)
There's also inversion, like taking subtracting from n*n-1
That may/may not overlap with rotation/reflection though
Wait, you can do that?!
That's symmetrical!
And colorful! :P
All the online histogram makers have weird formatting. I don't get the non int numbering
But yes! Symmetry!
Ahh, I see. The last bin got lumped in with the next-to-last bin in the previous one.
(Symmetry = previous comment of mine :P)
Does anyone know if I can use the cjam interpreter jar as a java library and use some method inside of it to parse and run a cjam script from a java application?
Not sure, but you might be able to just use CJam's source code itself and tinker with it (ask aditsu maybe?)
Thats what I was going to to anyway, just seeing if anyone here knew of a way to do it.
@El'endiaStarman I wonder what a monochrome image of those relative intensities would look like
(i.e. 0 = (0, 0, 0), 48 = (255, 0,0))
...I've discovered a marvelous pattern, of which this message box is too small to contain!
There's no limit to multiline messages ;)
Q: Insert a given pattern at a given point

ChipperymanThe challenge Insert a character at a given index in a word Given a string input in the format: #:Pattern:Word Where: # is a positive integer marking the index Pattern is the string (whose length is undefined) to insert : is a delimiter Word is the word to insert. Assume that a : will no...

@Calvin'sHobbies (Shhh!)
a	b	c	d
e	h	a+e-c	b+h-d
f	a+b-f	-a+c+f	a+d-f
g	e+h-g	a+g-c	b-d+e-g-h
W000T I finished my # code :D
I finally got 20352 for N = 4 as well
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Stretch ManiacWatermelon Contest king-of-the-hill You and your buddies are contesting a lone piece of watermelon left in the middle of the table. You decide to make a program to contest for you. The Goal You want to be the last program standing. Then you get the watermelon. The Method Every round 1 progr...

So we have: 24, 376, 20352, 51840. Or, dividing by 8, 3, 47, 2544, 6480.
@El'endiaStarman You should add an OEIS for that
Hey guys: double or single quotes in coding?
What context/use?
In a language that permits both interchangeably.
E.g. JavaScript, Python
Hmm. I tend to use just whichever one I feel like using, basically.
Hmm somehow I feel like I'd expect a number much larger than 51840 for N = 5 - we'll see
I do tend to be consistent within a program, or at least among nearby lines.
I like that :) No hard and fast rules
@Sp3000 Yeah, can you confirm that?
It's still running, and won't be done any time soon
I usually use single quotes for python, and only doubles when I'm embedding single quotes and don't want to escape them. Or when I feel like it.
Now's the time I wish I had a poll-bot. :P
I used to always use double quotes for everything, now it's single for chars/certain types of strings and double for strings that are mainly for data. Break the rule if the string contains one type of quote
shrugs self-set rules are complicated
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ I've requested an account. When I'm approved, I'll submit those sequences.
@Calvin'sHobbies That looks like you used my 7x7 example... :P
I think it'd be more interesting to pick a random one.
@El'endiaStarman What now?
@Mego Fancy that! Such a cool tool.
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ To submit sequences to OEIS, you have to have an account. To get an account, you have to request one and be approved by an editor-in-chief.
@El'endiaStarman Oh. I don't know much about the process, haha.
I just found out myself. :)
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ @El'endiaStarman I have an account, and just a fair warning, I have been trying to get a sequence approved for weeks now, so a few tips: details, details, details.
@GamrCorps Noted.
@GamrCorps Thanks for the tip :D
It's really taking some work to get the Dennis numbers on there....
@GamrCorps Is that the sequence of Dennis's CJam golf scores?
@Mego Haha, no, it's this:
Q: Generate Dennis Numbers

Calvin's HobbiesThis challenge is a tribute to PPCG user Dennis for winning the robbers' part of The Programming Language Quiz. Looking at Dennis' PPCG profile page we can see some pretty impressive stuff: He currently has over thirty-seven thousand reputation, making him second in rep overall, surpassing th...

Almost typed the exact same thing :P
Oh yeah I remember seeing that challenge
@El'endiaStarman here is the draft page if you are at all interested: oeis.org/draft/A263172
For the record my favorite sequence I've come up with here is 2,4,7,26,27308 (see here and here) :)
@Calvin'sHobbies I remember that! I agree with you, thats a nice one!
But someone already put it on OEIS: oeis.org/A242020 :O
Still neat that you are indirectly linked to a OEIS sequence
What does that makes your Erdős number, then?
Depends on who he's written a math paper with...
Which is no one
So infinity.
I'm good at proposing problems, not solving them :D
Oh, speaking of OEIS, @feersum, how long do you think it would take your program to find out how many 6x6 squares there are?
Being an indirect influence on an OEIS sequence is worth an Erdős number of ℵ_0, at the least
Also, we haven't considered rectangular grids!
@El'endiaStarman What exactly are you trying to solve?
[sigh] Here we go again...
@GamrCorps Array of integers, every 2x2 block has the same sum.
@GamrCorps Arrange the numbers 0 to n^2-1 in a square such that every 2x2 group has the same sum.
FUN FACT there are 9 people with an Erdős number of 2 that have the last name of O'Brien
@El'endiaStarman @Calvin'sHobbies Ah, I see. Good luck then!
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Why is it that I checked everything....
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ "All of the above"
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ Voted for all three (except other). :P
@GamrCorps @El'endiaStarman @Sp3000 LOL
7 hours ago, by Martin Büttner
You know, when you need help procrastinating, we are always here for you...
Mini challenge - output:
  a b c
 d e f g
h i j k l
 m n o p
  q r s
@Calvin'sHobbies I so want to see a hexagony answer
@Calvin'sHobbies Submission (JavaScript; 70 bytes):

    alert`  a b c
     d e f g
    h i j k l
     m n o p
      q r s`
    :24814552 Python 2, 55 bytes

print """  a b c
 d e f g
h i j k l
 m n o p
  q r s"""
Gah why won't code formatting work
Whoops. I made a mistake.
JavaScript, 54 bytes.
alert`  a b c
 d e f g
h i j k l
 m n o p
  q r s`
@Mego There should be a "fixed font" button.
@Mego Surely ' '.join(...) would help?
Close enough
@Calvin'sHobbies Getting the linebreaks in would be a hassle. A docstring is probably the shortest way to go
"  a b c
 d e f g
h i j k l
 m n o p
  q r s"
you get the point: 45 chars, almost every golfing language
Simplex, 46 bytes
"  a b c
 d e f g
h i j k l
 m n o p
  q r s"g
What if the letters are allowed to be any non-whitespace chars?
@Calvin'sHobbies That makes it easier
@Sp3000 Is there a way to split strings at index n in cjam? i.e. split "abcdefg" at index 3 to "abc" "defg"
"abcdefg" 3/(\:+
Might be a better way but that's the first that comes to mind
This is code bowling, right?
> Bubblegum is an esolang designed to chew bubblegum in challenges
@quartata So it runs out of ass immediately?
'a194Zb{_S*o6\-,f+)\S*oNo}/; <-- 28
That's some really badly golfed BF :P
@quartata Bubblegum is ~ 40
Yeah it would be better to have the newlines and spaces in their own cells
I just made a quick and dirty generator based on levenshtein distance
Woop nvm, Bubblegum is 35. Stupid Windows line endings.
Too bad I could never get it working
I thought 40 sounded high.
40 was compression, 35 was base 96
How exactly does Bubblegum meet our definition for a programming language anyways?
Simplex, 39 bytes
" x x x "("x ")13" x x x "C/.{5}/g
If the hash of the program happens to match a totally not carefully chosen hash then it's run as Python
I can probably golf it a bit more
I was wondering what that hash thing was about. Seems shady.
@El'endiaStarman An hour perhaps?
Simplex, 36 bytes
h"  x x x  "]h0' ("x ")13h0C/.{5}/gg
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ You have got me wanting to try Simplex out now
@feersum It would be nice to have it by the time I submit the sequence to OEIS. That way we have 5 terms and not just 4...and I can justify why expecting more is slightly unreasonable. :P
Is it stack based?
@quartata YAAAAAAY :D
@quartata Erm. No. It's strip-based. Sort of like brainf***.
Don't forgot the N=0 and N=1 terms :D
I'm going to update them tomorrow though I can't know because I'm procrastinating hard-core
@feersum 0 and 1 respectively. :P
Though those wreck the /8 pattern.
Both 1, I would say.
260 bytes now
So it is like bf but designed to make sense.
BF makes perfect sense to my caffeine-addled brain
@quartata Simplex? Pretty much, yeah. Plus added functionality.
Q: Monday Mini-Golf #5: <s>Don't</s> DO try this at home

ETHproductionsMonday Mini-Golf: A series of short code-golf questions, posted (hopefully!) every Monday. Sometimes folks get tired of life's rules: "don't do this", "you can't do that", "we won't let you do this". It can seem really restricting at times! But now and then, it's good to have a little fun, so le...

It got within 10 bytes of outgolfing Sp's hastily golfed Cjam code so hey looks good
I just got the outspoken badge. You people really need higher standards for starring stuff.
BF, 142. Still very golfable: ++++++++[->++++>++++++++++++>+<<<]>..>+.<.>+.<.>+.>++.<<.>+.<.>+.<.>+.<.>+.>.<+‌​.<.>+.<.>+.<.>+.<.>+.>.<<.>+.<.>+.<.>+.<.>+.>.<<..>+.<.>+.<.>+.
Loops? We don't need no stinkin' loops!
@quartata Thanks ^_^ It actually beat the Golfscript solution for this question at 11 chars
BTW @quartata Here is my personal document for Simplex; it contains a bunch of old code segments that may or may not comply with the current specs link
I got the outspoke badge within a week of joining chat. If you think they have bad standards join chat around 9-10 am. I dont know what it is about those times but people are just nuts
LOL I have yet to obtain that badge.
In Cjam, I cant get this to work: W$i_,< to see if the int at the bottom of the stack is less than the length of the length of the string at the top. Any suggestions?
I've been here for like 2-3 days
How to get stars: say something about how people give stars away very liberally
@GamrCorps You're slicing range(int on bottom) by (int on bottom)
Try the _, first
I need something to sit on top of bash that guesses what I meant to type when I typo a command and executes it
I typed some variant of exity/exitr like 4 times trying to close my shell
@Sp3000 Ah, thanks again!
I have observed that the more "meta" a chat post is the more stars it will get.
@Mego Ubuntu has something like that but it doesnt work for shell builtins.
Perhaps we could do a meta analysis on meta chat posts, then perform a meta-meta analysis on my messages pertaining to the meta analysis of aforementioned meta chat posts!
Case in point...
@quartata It only works to suggest things you meant to type, unless I'm missing something
star status: make it rain
Oh yea I thought thats what you meant
talkin to mego
No, I meant something that guesses what I meant and then actually executes the guess
Also I didnt mean your post was gonna get sters. Your post lacked the depth to convince me that this was really hell
Good night y'all. Peace out etc.
(look up basically sweet genius if you dont get it)
WOOT Python double quotes supreme majority
@CᴏɴᴏʀO'Bʀɪᴇɴ G'night!
Also tfw you notice a giant typo that ruins the entire joke and you cant edit it because youre on mobile.
Just posted my first ever CJam golf answer! Will never beat Dennis' but it was worth a try!
@AlexA. ....TECHnically.
Alex can you change my sweet genius post to say convince me instead of convine
@quartata Done
Danke comrade
      _'A#:I'_t_I(L)-='_={I(L)-' t}&_IL)-='_={IL)-' t}&
  N/{S-},W%ee{~S*\S*\+}%_0=,f<W%N*'_' er
@quartata I also corrected "you" to "your" in the second sentence. ;)
Wha wat is that
@Dennis There's whitespace in this. Doesn't that crash CJam?
@quartata It's for Martin. Don't mind me.
@Dennis -1, fails on test case aaarr
@AlexA. Unlike Pyth, CJam can even handle tabs.
(unless chat screwed something up again)
That would suck since you need whitespace to push two ints
3 4
@Dennis Just because it can handle tabs doesn't mean it should.
@Sp3000 Ah, yes, that's a rather stupid bug when printing...
It should work now.

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