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this is going to be risky, we might lose answers if we DV here, but I think DV is till better
because we're guaranteed to lose quality if we don't
I wanna rip my hair out here
The definition of insanity... =)
Hmmmm. You guys remember when Questions got stuck? I wonder if it's safe to close vote at that point.
Not saying we should test it now
that sounds very unsafe lol
let's see if answers holds
awesome, that's totally better
I think the safest stage would be right before you fill up users and quality after answers hasn't been voted for 2-3 rounds.
this might actually be a max if questions golds
never DV when maxed gah
this is going to be bad
phew, ask went through instead
I think the default maxed answer is answer, right?
or maybe upvote if we just answered?
Or questions
whichever was earliest
I don't really like questions when maxed
it doesn't seem to be that helpful
Hmm. Are we in a loop again? Questions and Users stuck?
Oh man
gah who is nothing-ing
Would have prevented questions from decaying there...
Two people voting nothing
we're getting rekt by nothings
shit vote vote vote
we're getting raided
@Kevin What would have prevented questions from decaying?
40% restart
Questions at full
You think doing nothing stops decay?
this is going to be bad
oh good, we got a majority
I go with the restart people every so often just to scare yall ;)
free users
I almost wonder if ignoring users entirely is the right choice. It seems to recover hearts on its own.
restart vote occurring
woah not that time
this is getting ugly
I think the raid might be slowing down
Four people raiding us
Kevin inspired me to raid
I have to go for supper but I can't let the raiders win
I'm throwing strat out the window and voting whatever everyone else votes just to prevent a restart
"I go with the restart people every so often just to scare yall ;)"
7 restarts
We now have at least six raiders of the lost ark
getting serious
That sure backfired on me then
This is the competition I wanted to have earlier today instead of all the crappy complaining.
I hope they win too.
Think they gave up though
Down from 6 raiders to only 2. Booooooring.
just had 6 or 7 there
Yea, we maxed everything and they pounced on the opportunity to confuse us.
9 raiders
9 raiding now lol
we might get restarted here guys
in The Bridge, 39 secs ago, by Nathan Merrill
If there is a time to raid PPCG, its now ;)
in The Bridge, 24 secs ago, by murgatroid99
@NathanMerrill we are not raiding. Period
I get the feeling we're going to be restarted soon
trolls much?
Wife is about to kill me.
Being dead is probably worse than losing a battle of patience against trolls.
@KevinStricker Maybe you should by a new wife. I heard amazon has some.
Amazon has everything.
crap misclicked upvote
@KevinStricker Especially if it's about temporary internet-points.
good job overruling me guys :p
We tied. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Drop and give me fifty!
I'm helping too :D!
I'm helping again.
we can definitely use it
After this win, I gotta head out. I'll hang in there until then :)
this is nuts
I love it
I'm not exactly loving it
maybe some gentle, loving raiding
This is the most intense stupid game ever.
it is quite ridiculous
but this is pretty aggressive, not loving raiding
Someone should post our record here:
A: What's the shortest time for a completed StackEgg?

GiantCowFilmsI'm submitting 252 from blender beta, the fastest beta-site time so far.

All it takes for evil to prevail is for good men to click 'Nothing'
or to not click
I like doing nothing.
Back up my claim on our best time please: meta.stackexchange.com/a/252447/254466
at the very least, these restarts are slowing us down a lot
If, of course, you saw it happen.
Support your site :D
A: What's the shortest time for a completed StackEgg?

RainboltPPCG, 235 Days Screenshot. Confirm in our chat if you have doubts about the screenshot. I won't embed the image so this post stays nice and short.

which is pretty rude
come on guys, just like 10 more days
@Runer112 PPCG was one of the starters, but they reformed.
I'm well aware
And now for a restart vote break
Keep it up, just a few more days....
this is going to be a definite restart vote
oh wow, we pulled it together
I think I might have saved it. :D
so close
so when we finish, do we keep going strong? or let the raiders let out their angst a bit
High five.
Time to run away from the wife.
as long as you can still click
we won
raiders still going strong
What's the point of restarting at this level?
Aaaaaand I'm gone.
none, they're griefers
slash bots
a sad moment
how do I contact stackexchange supermods
because we're definitely stuck in perma-restart now
@Runer112 No need.
I will.
@ChrisJester-Young You are an SE employee?
Unless it's bots, they'll get bored soon enough.
they;re bots
they restart very fast
The do it instantly
I know some are, but I don't think they all are.
most of them are, at least
I've seen some flagging and nothings also.
I wonder if we could build a not restart bot
Chooses the most voted for optoin that isn't restart
so I'll ask again, how do I contact stackexchange supermods
then everyone just leaves it open in a window
guys we need to just stop fighting it
there's no chance they'll give up while we're still trying
let it die out a bit, then we can resume
Vote not to restart
actually, the raiders may already be done
yea i think theyre done
only one for the last two days
nevermind, they're back
just toying with us
if this goes on ima leaf
it stopped?
yay it stopped :D
The mod said it serves us right, and they don't know of a way to stop bots.
At least not effectively.
im leaf
Geez I got 90 rep just for posting our score on meta.
I was certain that people would say "Oh look, it's that guy Rainbolt again."
Tell you what, guys.
I know of a site that doesn't have restart bots trained on it.
Oh, they quit?
Or did they get turned into Nothing bots?
It's not bots dude. It isn't consistent enough to be bots.
if they were bots, they'd've kept voting restart instead of voting nothing.
If we all can agree on one, we might be able to prevent it.
And they'd be going monotonously for hours.
Instead they seem to happen in spurts
Anyway, if they aren't in the chat room...
human-bots eh?
I thought you leaft
o ye bye
Want to know the site?
we should all go to another obscure site and make it win
sounds a bit like you guys were actually restarters
This site is related to a Chat Room.
btw, we might be able to actually do stuff now
there's only one or two griefers left
I'm going to try, if anyone wants to join me
just restart fresh
alternate ask and answer
we're barely outmuscling the nothing-ers
just lost to them
@Runer112 Go join a different site, Arqade if you want to help a winner, CR if you want to help my site, SO if you want to help the site that started it all...
Come on, let them restart the egg to their hearts' content.
we're getting a bit of steam
might be able to carry through griefing
now have two griefers
anyone willing to assist?

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