import Foundation
func f(n:Int){
var x = n, l = [Int](), number = 2
while x >= 0{if number > 1 && !(2..<number).contains { number % $0 == 0 }{x-=1;l.append(number)};number+=1}
print(Int(pow(Double(l[n]), 0.5)))
In this question I asked you to guess an anagram quine based on its output. However it looks like we don't have a question asking to golf an anagram quine yet. So your task will be to make the shortest anagram quine that you can.
What is an anagram quine?
An anagram quine is a non empty progr...
This is an answer chaining question that uses sequences from OEIS, and the length of the previous submission.
This answer chaining question will work in the following way:
I will post the first answer. All other solutions must stem from that.
The next user (let's call them userA) will find the...
@Mr.Xcoder once you've done this one in < 9 bytes, try the Diagonal line one to get used to strings, then apply for Hypertraining. That's what I did :)
@Mr.Xcoder each line in a Jelly program is a function, with only the last being executed by default. Ç calls the previous function (link) with 1 argument (monadically)