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@LeakyNun It's hard because I cannot think of a way to solve it in anything other than the languages already out there
@Mr.Xcoder i'm out
@Mr.Xcoder how sed?
how sad
sed is only made for string manipulation
@Cowsquack IDK, cat stuff made me think it works with directories
Maybe you pipe tree into sed? IDK
but sed can execute bash
[nice] [hard]
erm why are those both on the same thing
Is anyone going to give a CMC that's solvable in Jelly and Pyth?
all of them? :P
@totallyhuman Duh
ok so here
@Mr.Xcoder I think a74 is solvable in jelly
you can run bash in python
and you can run python in jelly
@EriktheOutgolfer CMC
and pyth too, so that would make for a good cmc
@Mr.Xcoder really, A74 isn't that hard
and yes m really stands for mini not maxi here
@LeakyNun Again, CMC
@Mr.Xcoder it isn't that hard
@LeakyNun CMC
CMC: destructive-concatenate two strings. abcdeff + fghijkk = abcdefghijkk. The fs in the middle all join to become one f. So the order of the arguments matter
you're missing the chat part :P
whoever doesn't like a cmc just don't solve it dude
1 min ago, by Leaky Nun
@Mr.Xcoder it isn't that hard
it's not about liking or disliking a cmc
@Cowsquack If the last of one and first of the other are identical, they join, else, they remain the same?
123 + 456 = 123456; 123 + 345 = 12345; 1233 + 456 = 1233456; 1233 + 33456 = 123456
1 min ago, by Mr. Xcoder
@LeakyNun CMC
@LeakyNun dude you're missing the chat part of it :P
Let's stop
1 min ago, by Leaky Nun
@Mr.Xcoder it isn't that hard
@Mr.Xcoder yes, also look at the examples
@Mr.Xcoder how about no
@Mr.Xcoder and you're just feeding the troll
/me is out of this
@LeakyNun How about I'm out.?
@Mr.Xcoder bye
@LeakyNun I don't leave :p
@Downgoat I have made a pull request on VSL's GH.
VSL v0.0.2-alpha.2 (interactive)
run `help` for more information.

Type Resolution Error: Literal has no overlapping type candidates. They are a few reasons this could happen: 1. The STL is not linked 2. You are using a literal which doesn't have a class associated with it. This is likely an internal bug, but check for an existing report before leaving your own. You can also try to define your own candidate using `@primitive(...)`
1 | 2
  | ^
2 |
TypeError: No deduction child handler for BinaryExpression
@Cowsquack Pyth, 15 bytes: KE?qeQhK+PQK+QK
@totallyhuman SOGL, 5 bytes 7^κ6/
@Mr.Xcoder all fs should become into one f, the correct output for the first testcase is abcdefghijkk
@dzaima where's the -n?
@totallyhuman the κ - reverse subtract
@Cowsquack All fs, ah
oh ^^
,,,, 7 bytes: :7*⇆-6÷
@totallyhuman Pyth, 7 bytes too: /-^Q7Q6
@totallyhuman heh jelly 5 btyes: *7_÷6
stupid tacit jelly ><
@Phoenix @LeakyNun You had questions about my Python 1 mess?
+155 and I just got on
@HyperNeutrino Not really.
Just why Python 1
to my cmc, 22 bytes in sed, Try it online!
because 2 and 3 were taken
I have no idea what you guys are talking about
python 2 and 3 were taken
I just heard HyperNeutrino used Python 1 for something.
Each language can only be used once until we reach 150 answers on the OEIS answer chaining challenge.
you can't reuse languages
@totallyhuman I don't think Phoenix is talking about the answer chaining challenge
Ah, I see.
oh he was
well what languages are left lol
oh hey I can use Java another 8 times because there are 9 major versions lol
@HyperNeutrino 99, 2sable, 3var,...
can I use Java again
you can use Processing
@HyperNeutrino Of course, different versions are different languages
i'll claim it's Java 2
as long as it works in Java 2 lol
trying to do this in SOGL, 85 bytes just for the decoder block -___-
CMC: slightly harder as previous one was boring: A081681
CMC: abcd -> bcda, red->edr, yJava Is Crapp -> Java Is Crappy
what's ceylon
oh it's another JVM lang isn't it
@Mr.Xcoder lambda x:x[::-1]
Jelly: U
@HyperNeutrino Nope
@HyperNeutrino Nope
@Mr.Xcoder SOGL: «
@HyperNeutrino read again
red -> edr
@dzaima IDK
whoops im dum
The first characters goes to the end
lambda x:x[1:]+x[:1]
Jelly: ṙ1
@Mr.Xcoder Dyalog APL, 1⌽⊢
@HyperNeutrino lambda x: x[1:]+x[0], the String won't be empty
,,,, 5 bytes: :1⊣⇆+
@Mr.Xcoder oh wait I forgot that [1:] will give a string lol so I thought it would cause list+nonlist errors
Pyth, 4 bytes: +tQh
Pyth, 4 bytes: .<Q1
do you think my destructive concatenate challenge is good for main? ie not too trivial
@totallyhuman wait that's wrong
@Cowsquack Hmm... I dunno
@Cowsquack hmm...no strong opinion here
CJam, 2 bytes: q(
q = take whole input ( = left uncons
so now stack is [q[1:] q[0]]
haha yes ceylon has ** yay
CMC: n -> [n*n, n*(n-1), n*(n-2)..., n*(n-n)]
lambda n:range(n*n,-1,-n)
@Mr.Xcoder s/-n/0
or even s/n*(n-n)/0
5 -> 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 0
@HyperNeutrino s@$@/@
The order matters
what is that
jelly: r0×
here I use @ as the delimiter instead of / for golfinesss, but that's not the point. The substitution adds a / at the end of your s/n-n/0
05ab1e: ÝR*
Pyth, 5 bytes: _*LQh
@EriktheOutgolfer Can you outgolf me ^?
Dyalog APL, ⌽⊢×0,⍳
@Mr.Xcoder SOGL: ²[Qκ
@Mr.Xcoder *R_Uh (oh)
@EriktheOutgolfer God
(untested lol)
@Mr.Xcoder god has had nothing to do with pyth
@EriktheOutgolfer Does not work, obviously
yeah it'd rather be *RQ_Uh
@EriktheOutgolfer It gives [[], [1, 0], [2, 1, 0, 2, 1, 0], [3, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0], [4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]] for 5 lol
@EriktheOutgolfer So, you cannot
yeah it seems I can't
_*RQh is another one
@EriktheOutgolfer Golf it a bit _*RQh
Just replaced L with R, basically
how tf do you use ceylon
anyone here know ceylon
it's saying my variables aren't variables
Bash, 20 bytes, seq $(($1*$1)) -$1 0
@Cowsquack Why do I get operand expected (error token is "*")?
this is a script, so you have to save it as a file
@Cowsquack Ah, I dunno bash
hey I got ceylon to print hi
took me like 5 tries lol
$1 refers to the first argument. seq creates a sequence from arg1 to arg3 with each step of arg2
so this creates a sequence from arg*arg to 0 with a step of -arg
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Mr. XcoderBuild me a complex Stairway! You will be given a String consisting of printable ASCII. Your task is to build a nice Stairway for my Castle. How to build a nice Stairway? First off, you should get all the rotations of the String. For example, the String abcd has the following rotations: abcd, ...

DAMMIT How do you take input in Ceylon ._.
It's easy
why do none of the languages I see have the ability to take input ._.
@HyperNeutrino The best solution: Don't.
at least they don't document it or make it something normal ._.
yeah but then how do I test ._.
try dc, it's a nice language with math stuff
you take input with ?, but note that the language is stack-based
ah ok
lol I keep forgetting that Ceylon isn't python and it isn't Java either ._.
hey I made a function :DDDD
Anyone give me a super mega easy challenge for Jelly practice?
monospaced font with ligatures
@Mr.Xcoder 5 -> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
@totallyhuman I'm using FiraCode
@HyperNeutrino Thanks ≤_≥
@totallyhuman Monospace ligatures are great.
hey Fira looks nice
and plus it looks like mono font with serifs
except it has no serifs 11
how does one do a for loop in ceylon dammit ._.
why do languages never make it obvious where their syntax documentation is
Other than Haskell or J, you mean?
never used those
but oh I finally found it
and it's python-like for loops without the nice for(start; condition; end) thing ._.
@HyperNeutrino for (i in foo) {
@HyperNeutrino How do you add ranges in Jelly?
and WHAT i need to SPECIFY THAT A VARIABLE IS A variable Integer whatever
@Mr.Xcoder add?
@HyperNeutrino Like R+R
concatenation, not addition.
Besides, you don't need to do that either :)
so like R;R I think...
yeah R;R gives [1..n,1..n]
look at that r and tell me it has no serif
@totallyhuman it has no serif /s
where's the documentation for operators in Ceylon
@HyperNeutrino (lowest) Byte count?
@HyperNeutrino Ouch
dem builtins :D
@HyperNeutrino Hooray, 2 bytes: ŒḄ
'nother one
can someone figure out why this breaks
@Mr.Xcoder 5 -> [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
:38945054 code.ceylon:8: error: right operand must be of scalable type: 'Integer' is not a subtype of 'Scalable'
			if (r < (2 ** i) && r % 2 == 1) {
code.ceylon:6: error: right operand must be of scalable type: 'Integer' is not a subtype of 'Scalable'
		while (y < (2 ** i) ** 0.5) {
code.ceylon:5: error: right operand must be of scalable type: 'Integer' is not a subtype of 'Scalable'
	while (x <= (2 ** i) ** 0.5) {
3 errors
Note: Created module default
yeah but what does that mean
Who knows Ceylon?!
min byte count 4 (I think)
@HyperNeutrino python 1 has no sets ;_;
waht ;_;
@Mr.Xcoder I tried to learn it but nope
gg that answer
apparently there's an exponentiation operator but 2 ** 3 doesn't work
apparently 2 isn't a Scalable, whatever that is!
aaaaand too late now
because ceylon is being dumb ;_;
uhm maybe I'll switch back to Java 2 ;_;
@HyperNeutrino I accidentally got this: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
lol makes sense
@totallyhuman wrong
@Mr.Xcoder was yours r1;R?
@totallyhuman No
@totallyhuman No
It could've been RU;R
[5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5], not [5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4,5]
[5, [4, 5], [3, 4, 5], [2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [2, 3, 4, 5]] wat

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