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@Mr.Xcoder >.<
@trichoplax I guess
@trichoplax Actually that would be super nice
@HyperNeutrino my KotH handler is still not working. I think they are just hitting the same hand on both sides
@cairdcoinheringaahing Uh it would have to be something super trivial like 1,2,3,4... or 1,0,0,0,0... or a constant sequence
i would fix it but you used advanced python
@cairdcoinheringaahing problem is it would take a bit to write, and I'd get ninjad to oblivion
@HyperNeutrino I think that you updated the handler locally but never pushed the update to gist
@StepHen yeah. Although, if I get an really easy sequence, I'll tell you first, so you can work on Taxi
@HyperNeutrino you were gone for a while
Hello. Yes, I went to eat dinner :P
@HyperNeutrino Will you send me the version of the handler you have?
Yup, hold on, let me find a memory stick first.
@HyperNeutrino its 22:00 here so dinner is a little weird
@HyperNeutrino can I tell you a story? :)
@Christopher I don't have a memory stick right now, sorry. I can't send it to you. I can check if your version is correct though.
We have a kid in our school who always says "Sorry", after doing anything. We gave him an elastic band, to pull whenever he said it, so that it would kind of hurt and he'd stop. That was 6 months ago, and nothing's happened. Maybe, we could do the same thing with you and "lol", but downvote, rather than elastic band :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing You can go ahead and do that. I might stop saying lol, and you might stop having an account :))))) lol
*facepalm* of course I said lol at the end xD
@HyperNeutrino you wouldn't be a random stranger I'm never going to meet if you didn't.
@cairdcoinheringaahing huh? I did not understand that :P
@Mr.Xcoder Congrats on 5k rep!
I think everybody else should start saying lol too
@HyperNeutrino Thanks a lot!
wtf does the next sequence even mean ಠ_ಠ
@HyperNeutrino its a play on "You wouldn't be you if you didn't", but because we never are going to meet, I changed it. I make terrible jokes :(
@HyperNeutrino idk. I've given up trying to take part :(
ono :(
I think it has something to do with

primes, lol
*gasp* couldn't have guessed lol
lol I've lost 270 rep to the cap today
@HyperNeutrino what for?
Q: Formic Functions - Ant Queen of the Hill Contest

trichoplax Not actual game footage Each player starts with one ant - a queen, who collects food. Each piece of food can be held or used to produce a worker. Workers also collect food to be brought back to the queen. All players compete in one arena. The winner is the queen holding the most food after sh...

@cairdcoinheringaahing a lot of things
For ^^, I think this could be the only KoTH with ninjas in it :)
Just posted a puzzle over at Puzzling
Q: Help, what is Sistek saying?

Stephen SWhile I was bored yesterday, I met this girl online. Her name is Sistek - she said she's Czech, but her English is perfect, so I don't really know. We started chatting, and I told her that I was an expert code breaker (I installed a program that can crack substitution ciphers a while ago so that ...

@StepHen ooh. How'd it go with Sistek?
No Robert met Sistek, not Stephen lol
I dunno if those guys will solve it quickly or not, it's a pretty decent cipher but I'm no cryptologist
@StepHen what's the answer?
I won't answer, I promise
@cairdcoinheringaahing not telling 0.o but I promise you you'll like it
If anyone from Crypto.SE comes over they might crack it pretty quickly :P
> decent cipher
rot13 is not decent lol
If it's RSA I will ಠ_ಠ you
J'a => I'd / I'm
@HyperNeutrino It's not I promise you
@cairdcoinheringaahing Problem was, my substitution cipher program didn't work
Ulun looks like a name.
What names have the same first and third letter?
@StepHen basic punctuation and sentence structure
That program is perfect I can promise you, no matter how short, it if was straight substitution it would find it
Though that would be a substitution cipher, so nvm.
Trust me it's a bit more complex than what you two are guessing :P
@StepHen yes but in this one instance, J'a => I'd / I'm
It looks like some sort of letter-for-letter encryption, based on the fact that it's properly structured.
@cairdcoinheringaahing w/e you say
I really hope you did not take the ASCII codepoints and encrypt every char ಠ_ಠ
@HyperNeutrino Well, solve it then :) and if you can't, try to make someone else do it
@StepHen I'd upvote, but I never joined puzzling
@HyperNeutrino not sharing any more info sorry
I have a friend who's pretty good at cryptography
@HyperNeutrino but she said she'd only give me one [hint] a day, starting tomorrow
lol ok
I'm not sure if he's better at crypto theory or actually decoding things
> Cc tqt khxeq
@StepHen hang on. You encrypted it, so just tell Robert. Or do you not want him to score with "Sistek"?
Can't be substitution, because there are no double-letter words in common English.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I also created Robert, your task is What chat handle did Robert use?
@HyperNeutrino If I VTC my answer-chaining, will the community automatically close it?
Depends on what you VTC as.
@cairdcoinheringaahing why would you VTC it? And no but it'll go into queues, unless you VTC as dupe
I think you can self-dupe-hammer but nothing else.
Besides, if you VTC it, even if it gets closed, it's going to get VTRO'd so hard.
@HyperNeutrino @StepHen I'm getting too much rep.
@cairdcoinheringaahing We'd just reopen it
someone would hammer
That's not a valid reason to close it. Why wouldn't you want rep anyway?
and then you couldn't ever VTC it again :P
repcap probs
I'm one of those users who sits in the background and watches the bosses boss
So? It's not like not capping gets you any more rep.
@cairdcoinheringaahing i.e. Leaky? xD
@HyperNeutrino Leaky, Erik, Dennis, Martin, xnor etc
@HyperNeutrino can't forget StepHen and his Taxis tho
lol true
I kinda want to VTC it now, just to see the community's reaction. How fast can you reopen it?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't deserve it though, EngineerToast is much better at Taxi than me
@cairdcoinheringaahing If you do that, you might get suspended. I don't know what the policy is but I don't think you're allowed to do that.
I'd VTRO as soon as it got closed, and let's say stephen and dzaima do to. Two other drive-by common users might see it and reopen it. That's pretty fast.
@HyperNeutrino I'm not allowed to close a popular question even if I hate it?
"Hating" is not a valid close reason.
There's no close-vote option called "I hate this post" :P
@HyperNeutrino yeah, but people have done it for that reason
Well it was always underspecified in some way or too broad; I think and I hope that questions have never been closed just from people disliking it for no good reason.
@HyperNeutrino I wonder if Calvin ever had a challenge closed...
@cairdcoinheringaahing Why do you hate it 0.o it's genius
@cairdcoinheringaahing Prolly his first one ever :P
@StepHen I told you, too much rep. I'm sticking out like a sore thumb, which is bad for my reputation as a watcher
Why do you dislike reputation?
@HyperNeutrino because I never get it >.<
Then what's the problem with getting it?
@HyperNeutrino too... much... change! Aaaaahhhh runs off screaming
@cairdcoinheringaahing genius idea: give it away by doing some bounties
@StepHen No i hate getting rep, I like having rep
Yes I appreciate the irony
@HyperNeutrino if you could hack into the Python programs on my laptop or my flashdrive, or see all the tabs I just closed, you'd be able to answer it
answer what?
@HyperNeutrino The puzzling thing I posted
We should now create Python 4 such that we can then use for our OEIS challenge
oh lol
@Mr.Xcoder ಠ_ಠ
Answer honestly: would you be fine letting your parents see your complete search/browsing history?
@cairdcoinheringaahing If they took the time to click each link, probably not (for browsing history)
Search history? Sure.
@cairdcoinheringaahing Absolutely not.
@Mr.Xcoder why?
Browsing history? Sure.
I mean, I don't think it has anything from older than today...
@HyperNeutrino complete search /browsing history aka undeleted
@cairdcoinheringaahing in my case, they'll see HackerRank and they'll think I hack things
what your ISP has
My parents alreadyy check so...
@totallyhuman :(
Oh what my ISP has
@totallyhuman #incognito
@totallyhuman but same
well, my parents can already look at that, so... lol
my dad is able to check what goes through the router
now my phone does have a proxy but I only use that to access reddit and imgur (SE links) at school lol
@StepHen my mom uses some dark magic to see everything... aaand she can't figure out how to log out of her computer... she's not just bluffing either...
I wouldn't mind, because Incognito Mode doesn't store history :D
Plus @cairdcoinheringaahing I browse ~300 pages a day, they'll tell me I spend too much time on the internet
It doesn't prevent ISP stalking though xD
Besides, my parents disapprove of me spending too much time on SE and that's about 99% of my history :P
@Mr.Xcoder what's wrong with hacking things?
@HyperNeutrino my parents use me as tech support. I think im safe
@StepHen It's generally thought that "hacking" is a bad thing
my mom doesn't know how to do much computer stuff but my dad is pretty good at computer stuff (he's a programmer too lol)
@HyperNeutrino I assumed as much xD
@HyperNeutrino tell me he doesn't use Java
@cairdcoinheringaahing my first language was java!
@cairdcoinheringaahing My parents also think I'm Their computer expert and think I am their ISP, so...
@cairdcoinheringaahing That's his main language...
There's a reason I learned Java xD
It's called "my dad uses it"
@HyperNeutrino what have you done?!
@cairdcoinheringaahing I learned Java to write an Android app, what's so bad with it?
@StepHen yeah I know. I still hate Java though
I'd be fine with them reading my history if they did it on my computer.
I grew up on Python, Java is just so OOP its unbelievable
@cairdcoinheringaahing Java is great! It has all the good features from nowhere and is super verbose....
it does have a massive standard lib though....
@cairdcoinheringaahing Java is horrible. Finally one understands me 👍🏽
@SocraticPhoenix Python has 3 different way of defining numbers
Java makes big projects smaller and makes small projects bigger
Python makes small projects smaller and big projects bigger
@Mr.Xcoder why aren't you doing the Jelly CMC?
Full disclosure: I only know Java because I learned to program because I wanted to mod minecraft -_-
If you have time to chat, you have enough time to code Jelly
@cairdcoinheringaahing because I saw yours already and had the same thing in mind, anyway
@cairdcoinheringaahing but not to learn Jelly
@StepHen not a chance
@HyperNeutrino how long have you been learning it?
For as long as Hypertraining has existed :P
@HyperNeutrino that makes sense, you know
What even is Jelly... I tried to read the wiki but it... it just confuses me
And you're still level 4
Yes :P
@SocraticPhoenix advice: run
@StepHen just because "Hyper"?
@cairdcoinheringaahing It makes no sense solving it again
@SocraticPhoenix It uses functions to make function chains that implicitly input into each other, as far as I can understand
@Mr.Xcoder do you want a CMC or are you going to bed?
@StepHen why can't it just be a nice sequential instruction language...
@HyperNeutrino and the fact that you capitalized the H
@SocraticPhoenix that's not golfy :P
The room is called "Jelly Hypertraining" though :P
@StepHen 05AB1E is golfy
dammit I have to go swimming with my family ಠ_ಠ o/ hope I don't die
@SocraticPhoenix input()+input() is a lot less golfy than +
@cairdcoinheringaahing this time I am on mobile in bed, so I guess I want to stop Jelly for now. I must sleep. Thanks!
swimming is great!
@HyperNeutrino don't drown!
@SocraticPhoenix he lives in Canada, it can't be that hot there (/stereotype)
@StepHen but... the + instruction could still do implicit input...
@SocraticPhoenix which is why the function chains are the power of Jelly :P
I don't know them, but you can basically have them all input into each other without doing anything except call them
@cairdcoinheringaahing and everyone else: See you!
sounds like dark magic
@SocraticPhoenix what is golfier: +H*2 or +2/2*?
@Mr.Xcoder bye!
@SocraticPhoenix 4 != 5
wow... I can't count
does anyone here know Kotlin? I've only peeked and it looks wonderful... any thoughts? Should I learn it?
I've posted 19 starred messages, and starred 15. Seems right
@You hello
Its pretty quiet at the moment
I've gtg o/
...im scared of the quiet...
That image understands me!
That image... it's so like me, with all the watermarks!
I don't know, I think you look like a quasar
I used to have watermarks. But now, I don't have any, and that's why there are creationists and big-bangists.
I can see how watermarks would be a selling point
Yeah. Think of how much more peaceful the world would be if the universe had watermarks.

Quite frankly, I don't remember what my watermarks said. :\
How did you lose them?
I have no idea.
Maybe it's something to do with entropy.
Is anyone here working on A000057 right now?
the watermarks simply tended to a more stable state
@SocraticPhoenix Yup.
@ETHproductions I think everyone gave up
(before I start talking about the OEIS sequence challenge here, there isn't a separate room for that, right?)
No, go ahead
The algorithm is actually really simple: Find the n'th prime p where Fibonacci(p) is the smallest number in the Fibonacci sequence divisible by p
THE fibonacci sequence?
"math, math, math Fibonacci! Math math math"
(or maybe Fibonacci(p+1), if your Fibonacci list has different indexing)
@BlackCap Correct
Man, I better finish up my language so I can rewrite other people's answers.
Actually, I'm not allowed to do that, am I?
I've written Japt code to find some of these numbers, however due to how quickly the Fibonacci sequence grows it breaks down after about 67: ethproductions.github.io/japt/…
@You You are not allowed to change the answer itself, but you are free to translate their answer to your language
However, if you generate the Fibonacci sequence by hand, you can just modulate each number by p as you go along and count the iterations until you reach 0
@BlackCap Okay, thanks. Now I just got to get Xcode to cooperate. :P
Do you not have to check an infinite number of fibonacci sequences?
From the page:
> Primes p such that the smallest positive m for which Fibonacci(m) == 0 (mod p) is m=p+1.
@BlackCap Try it online!
@You what's your language like?
I guess you don't even have to check for primality, the output already lines up except for the leading 1
Finalized JavaScript entry: Try it online!
JavaScript's already been used twice though, idk if I want to add a third
javascript (Node.js) is considered a separate language?
I think so
seems kinda stretching the definition of "separate language" though
Do you have a different one you could implement it in?
Ooh, maybe I'll do Haxe
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how to describe it. The best I can describe it as, at the moment, is a C with less words and more symbols. :P I have a Python version available on GitHub now, but I feel like it is so unusable because python is so slow for this kind of task.

Here is code for the fibannacii sequence, for example: `$n{?n<2{->n}{->@(n-1}+@(n-2)}}`
I had a go at translating it to livescript
@You cool!

I'm going to work a bit on my language now.
@You is that polish notation?
@BlackCap No, it's infix. What looks like polish there?
it is both
? and @
Hey I found another way around the rep limit
Yeah, now I see how that could look like polish. :P

? is if, and @ is a reference to the current function for recursion.
Delete an answer, cap, undelete the answer
@MDXF I've never come close to capping -_-. Are you saying you cap enough to discover bugs in the capping system? xD
@SocraticPhoenix I've capped about 15 times
I've found two bugs now
it must be pretty buggy then...
then again, what isn't?
I feel so small, I only have the association bonus plus a tiny bit more. :P
I get all my rep from seg faults (see my profile, Active page, highest voted answers tab)
I'm seriously debating changing my name to Segmentation Fault
@MDXF I have the most votes on main on a Java answer... for a code-challenge... and more votes than that on some question I asked on meta forever ago about introducing a new language to the community...
@SocraticPhoenix I think I saved your post in my bookmarks. :P
ahem... is chat rep different from site rep?
That was a lot less complicated than I thought it was
Always read the OEIS comments thoroughly :P
The next one doesn't have comments
next sequence is a simple formula :)
@HyperNeutrino It is the one on the question
@BlackCap Are you looking at 107? I was wrong, it's 108
i was
I kinda want to put my language into that challenge, even though it's far from finished.
Do it
It does not matter
Unfortunately you cannot use a version of your language newer than the quetion
The python version is old.
Actually does that rule apply here?
@BlackCap but you can
You just mark it NC for being new
There is no way he could have predicted sequences arising from answers newer than his language
I think it is competing for KoTH but not for CnR
Last commit is on March 18.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DopappDate Shortener code-golfnumber Doing my history reading and note-taking, I can't help but get tired of writing out all these long dates –– 1784 is six entire pencil lifts! jǝǝz! As you can see, I –– like most challenge posters on this site –– am lazy when it comes to writing stuff. Thus, I ask...

@Christopher @BlackCap @You this has been overturned in a recent meta post, you can now use interpreters/compilers newer then the challenge, although designing them for the challenge is considered under standard loopholes: link to meta post
@StepHen cool! I'd seen that, but didn't know if the discussion had finished...
By the way, if anyone likes decoding stuff, I made a cipher
@Christopher I set a +50 bounty for your SQL answer, well done!
@cairdcoinheringaahing care to link it?
@cairdcoinheringaahing ty man
A: Suggest me a challenge!

ChristopherSEDE SQL: 79 bytes Select Id from posts where ClosedDate IS NULL AND Tags !='tips' ORDER BY RAND() There are 2 catches. One you have to wait for a while before running again or you have a cache hit (as a mod told me) and you only get the question id number. I may be able to add the url but I c...

its readable, but still winning. It deserves a bounty IMO
Q: Suggest me a challenge!

SIGSEGVI am too bored and want a challenge to solve. But I do not see any interesting challenges, and I am too lazy to search for one. Can you (Well, technically your code) suggest me one? I/O Input: None. Output: A link to a random open(i.e. non-closed) challenge("Challenge" excludes tips!) on PPC...

@BlackCap Check the OEIS question. I've edited in a new thing.
Here's how I'd solve A000152: Given a non-negative n, for each partition-into-squares p of n of length l <= 16, take the number of arrangements of p in a length-16 array and multiply by 2^l. Then sum the results
If that makes sense...
@ETHproductions Have you seen the update to the OEIS question?
@BlackCap is that a nomination?
@BlackCap Yeah
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yes, but I guess it is still too early to make one
@BlackCap 16 minutes too early :P
Hmm, what are some good (general-purpose) languages that haven't been used yet...
It is not that far fetched, there is a malbolge assembler called HeLL
it is still hell to use, but a lot better than malbolge
@ETHproductions I don't think F# has been used
I don't know F#, but I do smell a challenge
@ETHproductions I think its on TIO so there's that
It is
I got ninja'd earlier
If it has basic for/while loops and easy-to-understand input and output then I could probably work with that
@BlackCap with LOLCODE?
yes, and with f# too, but I didn't cas as far as to post it
I have 3 languages that I'm gonna nominate: TrumpScript, LOLCODE and Emojicode
Whoa... F# has special syntax for recursive functions
and groups of mutually recursive functions
Why would you even need that tho
@ETHproductions is this your first time in TNB? We couldn't ping you here earlier
idk how long it's been since I was last on though
@ETHproductions That sounds great for golfing
@ETHproductions try @E. Those two were the only users showing up
@WheatWizard It's really the opposite: let rec myFunc x = as opposed to let myFunc x =
Oh I thought it was like a way to call a lambda inside of itself
so You didn't have to declare it for recursion
Yeah, that would be great
Its probably because the compiler has an optimization for non-recursive functions
idk why they can't figure out which ones are recursive by themselves

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