We have a kid in our school who always says "Sorry", after doing anything. We gave him an elastic band, to pull whenever he said it, so that it would kind of hurt and he'd stop. That was 6 months ago, and nothing's happened. Maybe, we could do the same thing with you and "lol", but downvote, rather than elastic band :)
Not actual game footage
Each player starts with one ant - a queen, who collects food. Each piece of food can be held or used to produce a worker. Workers also collect food to be brought back to the queen.
All players compete in one arena. The winner is the queen holding the most food after sh...
While I was bored yesterday, I met this girl online. Her name is Sistek - she said she's Czech, but her English is perfect, so I don't really know. We started chatting, and I told her that I was an expert code breaker (I installed a program that can crack substitution ciphers a while ago so that ...
@cairdcoinheringaahing If you do that, you might get suspended. I don't know what the policy is but I don't think you're allowed to do that.
I'd VTRO as soon as it got closed, and let's say stephen and dzaima do to. Two other drive-by common users might see it and reopen it. That's pretty fast.
Well it was always underspecified in some way or too broad; I think and I hope that questions have never been closed just from people disliking it for no good reason.
@StepHen my mom uses some dark magic to see everything... aaand she can't figure out how to log out of her computer... she's not just bluffing either...
I've written Japt code to find some of these numbers, however due to how quickly the Fibonacci sequence grows it breaks down after about 67: ethproductions.github.io/japt/…
However, if you generate the Fibonacci sequence by hand, you can just modulate each number by p as you go along and count the iterations until you reach 0
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure how to describe it. The best I can describe it as, at the moment, is a C with less words and more symbols. :P I have a Python version available on GitHub now, but I feel like it is so unusable because python is so slow for this kind of task.
Here is code for the fibannacii sequence, for example: `$n{?n<2{->n}{->@(n-1}+@(n-2)}}`
@MDXF I have the most votes on main on a Java answer... for a code-challenge... and more votes than that on some question I asked on meta forever ago about introducing a new language to the community...
Date Shortener
Doing my history reading and note-taking, I can't help but get tired of writing out all these long dates –– 1784 is six entire pencil lifts! jǝǝz!
As you can see, I –– like most challenge posters on this site –– am lazy when it comes to writing stuff. Thus, I ask...
@Christopher @BlackCap @You this has been overturned in a recent meta post, you can now use interpreters/compilers newer then the challenge, although designing them for the challenge is considered under standard loopholes: link to meta post
SEDE SQL: 79 bytes
Select Id from posts where ClosedDate IS NULL AND Tags !='tips' ORDER BY RAND()
There are 2 catches. One you have to wait for a while before running again or you have a cache hit (as a mod told me) and you only get the question id number. I may be able to add the url but I c...
its readable, but still winning. It deserves a bounty IMO
I am too bored and want a challenge to solve. But I do not see any interesting challenges, and I am too lazy to search for one. Can you (Well, technically your code) suggest me one?
Input: None.
Output: A link to a random open(i.e. non-closed) challenge("Challenge" excludes tips!) on PPC...
Here's how I'd solve A000152: Given a non-negative n, for each partition-into-squares p of n of length l <= 16, take the number of arrangements of p in a length-16 array and multiply by 2^l. Then sum the results