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@HyperNeutrino probably wrong
@HyperNeutrino Yes
or not
(I mean I was guessing what your code might've been and it gives the same result)
hmm how does fix
@HyperNeutrino 4 bytes you said?
CMC: number of distinct prime factors
12 -> [2,3] -> 2
Æv ;_;
less boring: ÆFL
@LeakyNun Pyth, 3 bytes: l{P
do it in SILOS :p
What's SILOS? >_<
@Mr.Xcoder tio.run/#silos
python: lambda n:len([f for f in range(2,n)if n%f==0and all(f%k for k in range(2,f))])
@HyperNeutrino 77: lambda n:len([f for f in range(2,n)if n%f<1and all(f%k for k in range(2,f))])
@HyperNeutrino I give up on that one
Hint: Use the same atom that you used last time.
@HyperNeutrino Oh
don't give up tho lol
@HyperNeutrino I don't
@HyperNeutrino I must use ŒḄ, right?
I haven't found another solution, but I know there's a 4-byter with that one
@HyperNeutrino Does it use ?
mine doesn't, but I think you can
@totallyhuman O_o what is 'programming ligature'
@HyperNeutrino Does it use r?
oh I see
@Mr.Xcoder mine doesn't
@HyperNeutrino Does it contain Œ more than once?
mine doesn't.
@HyperNeutrino R?
ok ŒḄ is at the very end, so just figure out in two bytes how to get the first half and then do ŒḄ.
@HyperNeutrino :)
the next sequence tho ;_;
finally a sequence where you don't have to spend two hours doing research
@HyperNeutrino Hooray, RṚŒḄ. What was yours?
Same but with U lol
nice job
'nother one
yup k lemme think of a good one
do the next sequence in Jelly
I don't think it should be too hard but I haven't tried it yet
Try it
@HyperNeutrino Is ÆẠ in radians?
It gives -0.95 for 60
It should be 0.5 in deg
But how do I convert to deg?
deg -> rad
AE for rad -> deg
Oh, thanks
except you should be using radians lol
@HyperNeutrino What?!
the sequence uses radians
Can you link to OEIS
Can somebody post A34?

Cubix, `....I2%:)O@`
well we have to wait for an answer to A484
@HyperNeutrino ÆẠĊ
I just answered that one
I will
@Mr.Xcoder not quite
Too late
that's ceil but you need round
@BlackCap StepHen did
I really wish I could answer more than once per hour
@HyperNeutrino ÆẠḞ
that's floor isn't it
sorry to disappoint you but that's still wrong
Searching through the atoms
ÆẠær0 hehe
you pretty much have it
so I'll just tell you what the atom is because it's a bit obscure
there really should be a round atom (maybe there is o0)
@BlackCap Sorry, didn't see that til afterwards
Fire truck just passed a tractor on a country road outside my window xD
or at least I think it did, couldn't see the actual event but it was already pulling over when it left my field of view
Is ruby taken?
the shortest solution you may post is 5 bytes lol
yes, just open the snippet and Ctrl-F Ruby
oh A000004 already happened lol
@HyperNeutrino no, 0
although it amounts to the same thing
there's no A0 though
@HyperNeutrino When there isn't a sequence for a length, it uses the first available sequence
so a 0 length program would use (and remove) A000005
hm ok
If there isn't a sequence for then length of the last post, then the sequence for your post is the lowest unused sequence. @HyperNeutrino
ah ok
I really REALLY REALLY REALLY wish I could still participate but there's the one hour rule >.<
@HyperNeutrino ninjas would be so much worse if everyone could always participate
we'd all be ninja-ing each other lol
Wouldn't that be more fun though?
I've been thinking about the ninja'ing and what do you think of no time limit after 100 answers?
also I expect this question to be autoprotected some time within the next few days
You can't answer twice in a row, but you have no time limit
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think shorten it to maybe 10-20 minutes
no time limit would still cause a bunch of ninja's
having a shorter limit allows people to post more answers and reduces ninja'ing a bit I hope
@ALL who here can [un]protect questions (i.e. rep >= 3500)
@HyperNeutrino No, because it will gradually become inactive
maybe that would be a good idea
though we've had 50 answers within the past 24 hours xD
@HyperNeutrino @ALL who here can [un]protect questions (i.e. rep >= 3500)??
people with >=3500 rep can protect/unprotect questions
so like you can
@HyperNeutrino I know. So, what?
the OEIS question will be autoprotected quite a bit I think
@HyperNeutrino By community?
@Mr.Xcoder yup. self-deletions
@HyperNeutrino Only mods can unprotect questions protected by community.
oh, I think I misread my privileges when I've hit 4k
I just noticed the new and improved stack snippet
half of the revision history of the Hello World challenge is just protect/unprotect lol
Time for some arithmetic CMCs
more cthulhu dev?
@HyperNeutrino Yes
@cairdcoinheringaahing did you say alephalpha answered the next sequence?
I won't PR anything thiygh
@HyperNeutrino He didn't
@HyperNeutrino I thought he answered within the time limit
But he didn't
I really want to hit 5k today
ooo you're close
Anyone easy main challenge?
I might post one soon if I can think of a good one
destructive concatenation?
brb opening sandbox to pull challenges out of it
Final feedback?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

HyperNeutrinoSlowly converging zigzag Given a single positive odd integer as input, return a converging zigzag as a list of strings, list of lists of characters, or newline-separated string, in this form: # # # # # # # # # # # You can replace # with any consistent non-whitespace cha...

Lol, I just got an upvote
I want to hit 10k network rep soon lol
@Mr.Xcoder typically happens if you say you want to hit <reptarget> lol
@HyperNeutrino Wait till I read it
here's a sandbox of mine that I offer to anyone who wants it: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/10995/41805
I highly doubt it's someone in this room though
idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Nor do I ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
lol I have 5 things in my rep log all about the OEIS challenge
new ><> answer to OEIS
I find the challenge... Hm... quite non-interesting
Tell me about it
@BlackCap Wait, how do you have that dark theme?
isn't it funny how ><> backwards is ><>?
@Mr.Xcoder its pony exclusive
but it's frozen
@Cowsquack how do you unfreeze rooms?
ask mods
the oeis challenge is back to partitions!
@HyperNeutrino I don't understand the testcases
AGAIN (ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
@Cowsquack what about them is unclear?
I figured it out
@HyperNeutrino it looks good
┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
put the tables back ಠ_ಠ
actually wait
I'm thinking of having a way for people to nominate languages that they want used in the answer-chaining, but a meta post would be closed :(
Actually what do people think of this: Someone (not me) posts a CW answer with a list of languages that people want used. It can't be larger than, say, 10 languages, so one of them has to be used before new ones can be added. I accept that (pin it to the top) and people can pick from that.
I don't like that idea.
Nor do I
I do like that idea ..
I am writing a new challenge
It's not exactly an answer, and even if we "make an exception", we don't want to make exceptions to begin with, and we don't want people thinking that that's acceptable, or that that's what community-wiki is for.
grr. 18 minutes to go before I can answer again
What do you think about this: Write a program that outputs double the integer in the answer before yours and has a double number of bytes.
@HyperNeutrino @cairdcoinheringaahing ^?
that will get huge quickly
@HyperNeutrino "huge"?
double the bytes
@HyperNeutrino Yeah, thought about that too
the size limit is 65536 bytes
you get 1024 bytes in 10 answers
that only allows for like 16 answers
NVM, I don't like it either
also I posted the zigzag challenge
I won't answer it because it's too hard for my lazyness
what, did you expect CMC-level easiness???
@HyperNeutrino Pff, no, I'm just too lazy now
CMC: output powers of 2
@HyperNeutrino You have 8.1k on PPCG, I have 8.1 k network
while i:print(2**i);i+=1
did you want 1 too?
either way is fine
if so then:
while 1:print(i);i*=2
><> <><
@totallyhuman 9 bytes, Pyth: W1^2Z=+Z1
Also 9 bytes: K1W1K=*K2
Z is initialized to 0 i presume?
@totallyhuman yes
and..... capped ._.
with 7 hours to go until a new day ._.
9 bytes: W1^2Z=ZhZ
I have an answer to A196 in Pony if anyone can post an answer yet: pastebin.com/F6wikmjJ
Man, take it easy
I have +201 today
Like this ^
oh ye i liek updoots
gimme more
oh hey new challenge
why do I keep getting +201
we get it you cap
I had a period like that too ^^^
i can't think of a good way to approach this
I have the first part :)
for x in range(i):print' '*x+'#'
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2]
number of spaces per line for 5
3 -> [0, 1, 2, 1]
n - 1 ranges concatenated together
@HyperNeutrino Your test cases with 7: 3<(7+1)/2
@totallyhuman wt is this?
14 mins ago, by totallyhuman
number of spaces per line for 5
can someone explain this
> a(n) = n! * sum i=0 ... [n/4]( (-1)^i /(i! * 4^i))
like what's exp(-x^4/4)/(1-x)
@HyperNeutrino maybe (e^(-x^4/4))/(1-x)?
tried but then it gives errors
well gives wrong results
I think it's e**(x**4/4)/(1-x)
we all know -x**4 == x**4
or does it mean e**(-(x**4)/4)/(1-x)?
it is not (-x)**4 but rather -x**4
@Cowsquack yeah oeis doesn't parenthesize well
dunno why
nvm, chained onto OEIS challenge
> keyword easy
I don't think that means that it's easy to implement lol
I don't even know what it means xD
> An exceptionally nice sequence.
what languages are left lol
aaa I want to try using Hexagony but it's confusing
@HyperNeutrino If only the language had some way of warning you... too bad nothing in the name suggests that :P
lol certainly not... xD
How should I get more bots for my koth?
@HyperNeutrino ooh bc is nice

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