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wait wouldn't LHB be better (if it existed)?
The key is to just tear your enter key out from your keyboard
the key, haha
Does stack overflow do Brainfuck questions?
probably not. there wouldn't be much to ask about though.
like 1 of those questions is actually about BF
well kinda
maybe more, but the first ones I see only one of them is BF
but i'd say you'd get much better answers on one of the ppcg chats
so did evolution of powers of two die from @Riker's signed answer? also does that actually ping when I write a username like that?
@DestructibleLemon's test
I've always wondered that too, along with commas after
Ping me, test.
They all seemed to work.
@WheatWizard yes they do
I've answered a few
@ASCII-only worked
Do we have a "solve a rubik's cube" challenge?
So close to beating Haskell...
Q: Solve Rubik's cube

aditsuWrite the shortest program that solves Rubik's cube (3*3*3) within a reasonable amount of time and moves (say, max. 5 seconds on your machine and less than 1000 moves). The input is in the format: UF UR UB UL DF DR DB DL FR FL BR BL UFR URB UBL ULF DRF DFL DLB DBR (this particular input repre...

Q: Write a function calc_rel_frac(a,axis=0)

Djordje SWrite a function calc_rel_frac(a,axis=0) that takes a 2-dimensional numpy array and returns the proportion of ones in each column or row divided by the column or row that has the smallest proportion of ones. (As in the previous question, the axis argument controls whether the function should be e...

Q: Make me look like a real programmer

Madison SilverThere are some great programmers who can write code without taking any breaks or looking up documentation. I am not one of those people, but I've come up with a clever solution. Instead of spending time learning languages, I'll get you guys to write a program that makes it look like I'm program...

I think LLVM has no way to simply assign the value of register A to register B, so I'm creating a one-element struct containing the value of A, and then extracting it into register B.
...nin- ninja'd?
I guess
:O is LegionMammal a sock of Mistah Figgins
Yeah, with 10x the rep, sure
and 2 more years
@feersum LLVM = Low level virtual machine?
Uh yeah (not that its purpose is really to be a virtual machine)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

arodebaughIt's 42! This challenge is to codegolf a program that proves that the next number in a pattern is 42 based on the website Actually it's 42. In your program, the user inputs a pattern of numbers and it has to output the equation that proves that the next number is 42. For example the user input...

A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Madison SilverMake me look like a real programmer There are some great programmers who can write code without taking any breaks or looking up documentation. I am not one of those people, but I've come up with a clever solution. Instead of spending time learning languages, I'll get you guys to write a progra...

@MistahFiggins So it's the other way around?
Me @LegionMammal978 please confirm
@Dennis The tables have turned...
@MistahFiggins Fun fact: I'd changed my PPCG username to Totally Not Mistah Figgins for about 20 minutes after you sent that but the chat username refused to update so I changed it back
Is there a way to suggest edits to a challenge poster, who can accept or change them as they see fit? Asking for this challenge
@MistahFiggins Comments?
eh. Word count restrictions are annoying
But yeah
So I have a matrix challenge (quandles), and someone is inquiring about being allowed to use 1-indexing instead of 0-indexing. Thoughts on whether I should allow that? On one hand, it's really not that big a deal, but on the other, it means the submission could only handle quandles up to order 9 instead of order 10.
I'm not familiar with matrix quandles, but is there any situation in which only having to handle up to order 9 would give someone an unfair advantage? (As in, does not having to handle order 10 quandles simplify the procedure at all?)
@PhiNotPi In languages that use 1-based indexing (Octave, Julia, Jelly, etc.), dealing with 0-based indices is a bit of a nuisance, so unless there's a very good reason not to, I'd allow both.
I'm allowing it.
I wonder what I should do for "Episode II." Some ideas are: creating a conjugation quandle from a group, determining if a quandle is a conjugation quandle, evaluating a quandle expression, or knot theory stuff.
Can I try to remake Stack Exchange?
You can try.
ok starting to try
I'm only going to include questions, answers, users, comments, voting, comment voting. No spam protection, no flags (yet), you can't change your vote ever, and other implementation-simplifying details
Still a big plan. What's your time frame?
like 2 weeks, it's just going to be a Rails app that I would run on a minor scale
Is there accounts/authentication? Markdown formatting?
@PhiNotPi The challenge writer's constant struggle: Everyone wants a clear spec, but everyone also wants slight variations.
don't forget the graphics you'll have to make
yeah, authentication with devise/cancancan, markdown with redcarpet
for graphics, I'll use Materialize and the Google icon font
I didn't know why we were protecting things here until I saw the deleted comments to "Build a Digital Clock in Conway's Game of Life"
@ATaco yeah it got to #1 on HN
Probably because it's incredible.
@Mendeleev that's easy on PPCG
not that that one didn't deserve it
Just that score alone.
@ATaco what.
doesn't that make it the most upvoted question?
@ATaco I want to install you ChatJax userscript but I'm getting a 404.
Pls help
What link are you using?
I searched "chatjax" in TNB and clicked the first link
That's likely to have 404'd
Which one should I use?
Does the Chat Commands thing work?
Kind of?
You can use the three that it's got stored.
(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
wait can you edit comments on SE?
Nah, but you can hack some in.
@des yes it pings
The Benefit of ChatJax is things like $3\uparrow^33$
@ATaco except that not many others will see what you see
I have an idea.
toss in one more arrow and I might start seeing some benefit
Is this a realistic thing to implement?
Well, that's a start
Btw @flawr can't check ou t your links atm but will do
Realistic? Maybe. Not sure what your end goal is though.
@Dennis Reimplementation of a SE network site
Chat Markdown doesn't allow Inline Images, does it..?
@ATaco AFAIK no
@YiyuanLee For fun?
also might help build resume? IDK
I think it would be good to host it on AWS or elsewhere so people can live test it easily
@YiyuanLee yeah, I can host it on a f1-micro from Google Cloud Platform (it's free!)
Only issue is that they charge for data egress
AWS has a year of free usage for some services which IIRC should suffice
I don't have an AWS account
Hmm, I can't get TeX Images to work because they're dynamic and Stack Exchange doesn't recognize them as images.
Found a method...
OK, my home server is now an AD DC!
Running Linux!
what's a good session token length?
64 bits? 128 bits?
Hmm... How is the starboard ordered - It looks like a mixture of how recent they were, and how many stars the message got
@MistahFiggins yes
@Maltysen What's this session token for?
@YiyuanLee webapp logins
@Maltysen CSPRNG generated? Or does it contain something like token = AES(user id)?
@YiyuanLee os.urandom
stored in memcache
This is weird: 90% of my StackExchange rep is from PPCG, but my top-voted question and now my top-voted answer are on other sites. Dunno if that says more about PPCG voting patterns or about my participation.
@Mendeleev There's been a ton of SE clones. Art made one in Rails called QPixel a while back (I contributed)
@Maltysen I suppose you can checkout Facebook's oAuth and what length they use
@quartata oh
isn't that a video compression semiconductor company?
Try searching on Github rather than Google. +1 for effort though.
Most people would ask for a link which would take me 10 minutes to acquire being on mobile
@ArtOfCode We never finished that IRC integration...
Awesome, I made a chat command to generate LaTeX images.
For those of us who can't see ChatJax
@quartata OK, here is one to help you:
Does anyone here know anything about "Urbit"?
@Mendeleev Isn't that Zelda? /s
Like Orbit, but parabolic?
@PhiNotPi no!
@PhiNotPi No dummy, Zelda isn't a girl!
this distributed networking thing: urbit.org
yeah rendersettings always talks about it iirc
I think it's a cult.
I saw it mentioned somewhere on PPCG, it seems interesting, but it also seems like an abandoned project.
@feersum Glad to see I'm not the only one.
Is your computer too slow? Use the computer of somebody else!
What are people calling a cult?
@PhiNotPi urbit?
chat logs say that this is the first mention of "Urbit" since september of last year.
dead project = confirmed
CMC: given a string in a certain written language (e.g. spanish) output the language that it is in. You may (and are encouraged) to use preexisting online resources (e.g. google translate)
Not sure how viable this is
voted too broad
What exactly does "too broad" mean in PPCG context?
1 kB? :-)
CMC: name a commonplace, non-coined, non scientific, non proper noun word that has the same meaning and spelling in as many languages as possible. e.g. "omelette" scores 3 for french, english, and german
ot - not a programming challenge :-)
CMC: Write a CMC that Jan approves of
Is there a brainfuck interpreter that uses numbers for input and output instead of goddamn character codes.
But, how about "robot"?
CMC: Display the number "3"
Brainflak 8 bytes: (()()())
ot - unclear what the scoring criterion is :-D
Come at me friend-o.
OK, now it's just POB :-D
I'll take it!
@WheatWizard how about ((())[]{})? It's two bytes longer, but more interesting
If you want to get crazy, then there's always (((())))([]<{{}}>)
@DJMcMayhem (((((()()()()){}){}())){}{})
run with -c
JavaScript, 14 bytes: !+[]+!+[]+!+[]
@HelkaHomba The sollution is to install the userscripts yourself
@ATaco Hey, how come when I do raw on the commands script it just gives me the plaintext instead of installing the script?
@ГригорийПерельман But many will not want to or care to or know how.
Hmm. Maybe if ATaco and Downgoat got together and added them into the graduation script...
Is there really not a brainfuck interpreter that outputs integers instead of character codes.
no, there is
You can make one
Or modify an existing one. Should only be a matter of changing the . to print an int instead of a char, right?
@ГригорийПерельман No clue, yet...
The script itself is great. It's nice how it's extendible, too.
Ooh, TY
It seems to be fairly incosistent
Sometimes it just doesn't work
It's because the filename needs to end with .user.js
node-only, it seems
@Downgoat help what was that open source se clone
Me vs. my sister.
The Latex functionality seems to be borked for me tho
Idea for abstract algebra challenge title : "One (Noetherian) ring to rule them all."
Use /$Latex$
Well, /$\LaTeX$ in particular for their logo.
Hey all, the screenshot just above there by @Mendeleev was flagged
@Phrancis Why?
@Mods Sandbox Cleanup, pretty please.
I don't see it.
@Phrancis not my flag. The language is horrible, though.
Not sure why, just letting you know
It doesn't give flag options, "offensive" is the only reason
@Mendeleev wait you're trying to do a SE site? Just fork qpixel (here)
@ASCII-only I'm making my own.
@ASCII-only less fun
Re-inventing the wheel is often fun.
BTW.hai - haven't stopped by PPCG in a while :)
My ChatJax script automatically renders LaTeX, and my ChatCommands allows you to send LaTeX images for the world to see.
> ChatCommands
pls link
Not a lot has been added, but it's got some neat things.
Feel free to make a pull.
@Mendeleev u guys goat to goat along better
@Downgoat yeah today she flipped out and started screaming because I picked up her magnetic putty
like wtf?
Oh no
@ATaco Nice.
@Mendeleev solution is to swap sister with goat
@ATaco How do you use it? i.e. what are the commands?
@Riker good news: got apple dev approved and will be deploying for test flight soon
Typing /shrug, /tableflip, /o_o do things, and /$LATEX$ does latex things.
why not build it over se chat mods
I didn't know there were SE Chat mods?
> butotn
> lern 2 spel
@ATaco There aren't, they are the site moderators. The only "special" title in SE chat is room owner
mods also have special privileges here
I read over that xkcd-inspired challenge that was posted recently, pretty interesting
Also, the latex currently doesn't support curvy brackets, not sure why yet
I was trying to think of a generic way to solve it, but some of the entries make that more of less impossible
I was going to answer that question today, but then my computer imploded. :/
@ATaco i mean the userscript
I didn't know this existed
it's slightly better imo, partly because it has a really nice api and if you type / + enter you get to see a list of commands
@MistahFiggins I mistyped button
(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
Just giving you a hard time ;)
ok that is a bit broken
Oh gosh, this is getting noisy.
@Mendeleev That means nothing
@MistahFiggins yeah ik
Also, I already said that {} is a bit broken right now.
It's two to the power of $\LaTeX$
I don't think you're supposed to raise 2 to the power of $\LaTeX$
Seems fine.
I was wondering why mining Monero was so slow
Someone in Code Review chat made a userscript to allow the formatting [badge:a-real-badge-name] in chat to actually display correctly along with the badge's rank etc.
But yes, if you're going to play with, even my userscript, you should take it To the sandbox
then I realized that I was using my laptop, I was ssh'd in and I didn't notice it
@ГригорийПерельман I mean... some people decided they could take the square root of minus Garfield, so...
Oh, I just did $2^\LaTeX$
They are all text for me except the very first
Why is this the case?
You don't have the ChatJax userscript
How do I fix this?
Also my GPu is lagging so badly right now
0.5 fps on desktop
@MistahFiggins By getting the ChatJax userscript
At least I'm getting 434 H/s on my GPU
(that's actually pretty good with Monero)
Well, technically he just needs the chatjax one.
These were designed for Tamper-Monkey on Firefox
@MistahFiggins Or get them directly from github.com/TehFlaminTaco/TacosUserscripts
@ATaco I'm using Chrome Tampermonkey
Maybe I should get tampermonkey
That would be helpful
@ATaco wat FF uses greasemonkey though
TamperMonkey is on FF too.
@ATaco uh what
There we go
greasemonkey >>> tampermonkey on FF
Tampermonkey can use all the plugins that Greasemonkey can.
But not the other-way around.

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