Bubble-wraps are maximum-level entertainment. Everyone can agree to that.
Now, you will make even computers enjoy bubble-wraps.
You will be given two integers, w, and h.(each are responsively width and height)
Your program should output all w*h phases waiting 1 second between each one a...
@Qwerp-Derp AFAIK no, and I've been trying a really long time to find a way. Whenever I've needed to I've converted the expression to a string and did String magic on it.
@Qwerp-Derp Grigori Perelman is my favorite mathematician.
I think I'm gonna post this challenge tonight: meta.codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/11740/2867. I know that's a quick turnaround time, but it's just a normal code-golf challenge without much special about it.
I was watching Trolls and 15 minutes in I started wanting to know what i was doing with my life right then. I was watching youtube.com/watch?v=Y_IS_ccjkZE and got 1:30 in and starting thinking what i was doing with my life
Geometric Shape Quine
Your task: write a quine that outputs in a geometric shape. For example, the psuedocode output a triangular quine___ would make:
a t
ular q
You can chose from the following geometric shapes: triangle, rectangle, more tbd. A triangle must have 1 ch...
Using the Acceptance model, not the Transformative model. For example given a string of BF code and another string, match if the BF code outputs the other string.
I'm hoping we're nearing the end of beta soon, but even if we aren't, our chatroom name is so bland. "Code Golf." Look at all the creative names others have thought up:
"Root Access" for Super User
"The DMZ" for Security
"The Renderfarm" for Blender
"The Litter Box" for Pets
"The Hangar" for Av...
@WheatWizard And anyone else, 2D languages should be a breeze for this challenge, since you can use 1 character to move down, and use whitespace to determine which characters of the long string to execute.
Write a program or function that takes in the following input in a reasonable format of your choice:
Two positive integers W and H that define the width and height of the image you'll be generating.
Two RGB colors C1 and C2 that will be used to color the image.
A list of 3-tuples of the form (r...
I'm taking some time to understand more about Python's error management and control flow. I've written a small bit of code and have purposefully neglected to use isinstance and try/exception. Normally, I would use related techniques to manage the error, but I want to understand these errors and w...
Find all the triples!
Your task is, given a number n, find all the Pythagorean triples containing that number, and output a list of the terms in each Pythagorean triple which is not n, without repeats and in ascending order.
For example, given 8 as an input, there are two Pythagorean triples wh...
@MatthewRoh Yeah, but still--we can do better. The person who posted that was simply on the wrong site. They needed to be told, "Sorry, you're in the wrong place." "Y U NO CRITERIA?" doesn't communicate anything to them and therefore isn't a helpful comment. If there's an appropriate place to make a comment like that--if you need to get it out of your system--it's here in chat.
@HelkaHomba After reading [some things I kinda didn't want to on] the novel's Wikipedia page, it appears that DeLarge as a name was invented for the movie, but sorta based on something from the book.
I'm trying to draw something like STAR *.
From the center width / 2 and height / 2 to different points around bx and by.
var counter = 0;
function linedraw(ax, ay, bx, by) {
var r = parseInt(Math.random() * 255);
var g = parseInt(Math.random()...
8-bit integers, most likely signed. Now the BufferedReader reads Java chars = 16-bit unsigned integers, which is nice for most of textual input but fails with raw binary data.
Count how many output arrays are far from all other arrays
Let P be a binary string of length n and T be a binary string of length 2n-1. We can compute the n Hamming distances between P and every n-length substring of T and put them into an array (or list).
Now let's consider two such arrays o...
@Lembik Your question is hard to understand. It's long and contains unexplained terms (what is a Hamming distance?). Give us links: how to calculate the Hamming distances. Where do P and T come from? Is the task to find Ps and Ts so that the resulting arrays are not close? The description is vague, I don't fully understand the task.
"the task is to find the size of the largest set of Hamming distance arrays [...]": what set of arrays? What conditions must these arrays meet? The set is restricted by n, but how exactly?