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also damnit @ГригорийПерельман any pings to you try to autocorrect-highlight in russian -.-
I wonder if there's news?
so every single wordhas a red underline
@ГригорийПерельман :o new logo methinks
> You posted an answer there, before starting bounty:

Note: If you are offering a bounty on a question that you have already posted an answer to, your minimum spend is 100 reputation (not 50).
@ГригорийПерельман from meta
so either a user who hasn't answered donates 50 rep or somebody gets a 100 pt bounty
I'm fine with giving up 100 rep if needed, but you're OP, you ok with that?
Except, you're the one I'm bountying for having the last answer :P
@Okx I'm giving you a 100 pt bounty on the powers of two challenge, since you had the most answers
@ГригорийПерельман O_o I thought checkmark, but I don't mind lol
I'm doing my bounty first though
Checkmark is OKx's for the listed winning condition
ah ok
@NewlyFeaturedQuestions do your stuff=)
xcode is a pita sometimes though
I don't actually Xcode
Isn't it a graphics library?
more of an IDE
> https://developer.apple.com/xcode/
Xcode 8. Xcode 8 includes everything you need to create amazing apps for iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, and Apple TV. This radically faster version of the IDE features new editor extensions that you can use to completely customize your coding experience.
‎Features · ‎Xcode - IDE · ‎Interface Builder
Oh right, it's that thing Downgoat keeps complaining about.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

NeilAll your base are belong to us 6 * 9 = 42 When Douglas Adams wrote THHGTTG, he just made up a formula for the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything. And then some spoilsport pointed out that it was a valid formula... when interpreted in base 13. Given an input formula, please output as ma...

Why is my FS so slow?
I need a defrag and an SSD...
@Riker Haha, I thought I used every single character on that one?
Not sure, it was a while ago.
checks calendar tomorrow's gonna be a rough day
OK I did a defrag, system seems to be running much smoother now
@PhiNotPi Why?
@Mendeleev see username
@PhiNotPi I guess you like January 6th?
@Mendeleev particularly the upcoming one
Yeah, that would be cool
@PhiNotPi then you stay up until almost 4AM?
sure why not
@Mendeleev test
@0 ' I thought about your question btw. I don't know the answer. Did you figure it out?
wtf google
At least only one digit is wrong.
I used to have a little problem with my AMD processor. I decided to try out Pentium. Now I have 1.9999999993645 problems.
Is there a way to skip +/-10 sec in YouTube videos on pc? (like how you can double tap a side of the video on android)
arrow keys
@HelkaHomba You didn't know the arrow keys, I didn't know the Android thing. We both learned something! :)
wait, what?
So does anyone have a solid idea has to how the Oneboxing works here?
phi squared = phi + 1?
..Why tho?
@Mendeleev Thats the best thing about $\phi$
You can also use that to show $\phi^n+\phi^{n-1} = \phi^{n+1}$
and $\phi - 1 = 1/\phi$
Each power of phi gets successively closer to an integer.
@DJMcMayhem -.- rip my record :P
@WheatWizard pls, 90% of us dont' have the latex chat userscript or extension
@PhiNotPi username checks out
I am in the 90%
I just enjoy imagining the Latex
o_O really?
$latex party$
@PhiNotPi most college people I know seem to do that anyway
TIL Rice's theorem:
In computability theory, Rice's theorem states that all non-trivial, semantic properties of programs are undecidable. A semantic property is one about the program's behavior (for instance, does the program terminate for all inputs), unlike a syntactic property (for instance, does the program contain an if-then-else statement). A property is non-trivial if it is neither true for every program, nor for no program. Rice's theorem can also be put in terms of functions: for any non-trivial property of partial functions, no general and effective method can decide whether an algorithm computes a partial...
@Downgoat what is?
@PhiNotPi what do you mean?
What is GitGoat?
We've got a goat, you
It is iOS GitHub client that I have been working on
-1 consider porting to Android
and use java? hahaha
@Downgoat @Riker @ГригорийПерельман @KritixiLithos I think you all were interested in beta testing gitgoat too.
@Downgoat I excitedly started signing up, but then I realized I don't have any Apple products... :/
Does Windows 10 count as an Apple product?
@Downgoat Why would you need to use Java?
Woo doing programming homework that's due tonight but I've had 2 weeks to do it.
Luckily it's the easiest class ever.
^^ except I have a week, for a much bigger project
Gah I hate when I acciendentally have the alt key pressed down, and I'm super confused when I click on a link and all it does is download something That I didn't expect
Filled in three method bodies: 9 lines, 9 lines, and 13 lines.
I'm tempted to golf it.
@PhiNotPi send us homework?
scan it or something
Use Genius Scan on your phone even
um. screenshots?
wouldn't it be paper?
That's how it's typically done
IDK, my assignments are all online
knock yourselves out. I'm already done.
I've literally been given 1 sheet of paper (non-test) this year in CS, and it was the sylabus
@PhiNotPi can you send us the project .zip file?
really do y'all want to try my homework? It's not really that interesting.
Naw, I just wanted to see what kind of stuff you were getting
docdroid doesn't like .zip
The .zip includes an automated tester, and then three classes with three empty methods to fill in.
So this homework was (1) russian peasant multiplication (2) Lumoto partition (take the first element of an array and then do one round of pivoting so that everything < the pivot is before it in the array) and then (3) gray codes.
@Mendeleev I don't know how to do that.
@PhiNotPi What OS are you runnig?
It's dual-booted linux.
Can you put it on a google drive, then make the link public?
:P Why are you trying so hard to get phi's homework?
want to golf it
@Mendeleev now that I've submitted my homework I can give you my solutions if you want.
I'm going to try to implement them
You might not have everything you need, some stuff is in my book
Yeah, the one thing I'm missing is the extra credit assignment.
So there's a hypothetical lightswitch game: each switch is toggleable, you win when all switchs are toggled "on" although you do not know the state of any switch. The "next" method should return which switch to toggle next.
Your goal is to win the game in at most 2^n moves.
So, Gray codes.
ugh I have literally never Java
Do all objects pass by reference?
But anyways, I have to say that this class seems really easy, even though it's supposed to be 300-level.
My chat-preview tool is pretty nice for doing typesetting with $\LaTeX$
You can see what you've written before you post it and then suffer through the shame of editing over and over again.
$please link?$
$It's not public yet$
I'd like to make it actually show one-boxing correctly.
$woo dollar signs money everywhere$
@PhiNotPi at first I was confused to what a "wood ollar" was
$Is this going to be a common occurrence?$
what have I created
We got new computers at our school.
So our CS teacher had to install Eclipse on them
@MistahFiggins what happened?
He installed Neon (which I personally dislike), but the desktop shortcut was labeled "ECLIPSE LUNA"
@MistahFiggins Why do you dislike Neon?
And whenever I open it, I have to switch the workspace and close 2 Sauros tabs
@Mendeleev IDK, not really sure. Probably because of the saros thing, and I don't really want to deal with it popping up every time
@MistahFiggins What is Sauros?
> Saros is an Open Source IDE plugin for distributed collaborative software development.
> Saros is a real-time collaborative editor for eclipse projects.
Don't really use it at all
Happy π day!
I guess it is pi day now, in some places
It is pi day. America doesn't count.
^ The correct way
@JanDvorak It's $\pi$ day on the East Coast already anyway, which is where most of the people live.
🥧 🥧 🥧 🥧 🥧
yesterday, by Григорий Перельман
@MistahFiggins https://github.com/TehFlaminTaco/TacosUserscripts/raw/master/autochatjax.user.js https://github.com/TehFlaminTaco/TacosUserscripts/raw/master/autogoogleprettycha‌​t.user.js https://github.com/TehFlaminTaco/TacosUserscripts/raw/master/chatcommands.user.j‌​s
@Mendeleev not even emojipedia has a glyph for that
I can't even paste it into my terminal
$\LaTeX > \text{Unicode}$
$\mathfrak{Latex is beautiful.}$
For some reason MathJax has a few fonts.
Hey, a Vi Hart video! Not surpising
x/2 & \text{if x is even}\\
2x+1 & \text{if x is odd}
(The Colatz Conjecture)
I should really learn to $\LaTeX$ properly
Q: MathJax basic tutorial and quick reference

MJD To see how any formula was written in any question or answer, including this one, right-click on the expression it and choose "Show Math As > TeX Commands". (When you do this, the '$' will not display. Make sure you add these. See the next point.) For inline formulas, enclose the formula in $......

$$\sum_{i=0}^n i^2 = \frac{(n^2+n)(2n+1)}{6}$$
(It's nor fair if you just rip it off the page)
Well, here goes nothing! My first Code-Bowling challenge is up ಠ_ಠ

Took way too long to make but I think it will be fun to see how it pans out. http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/112827/output-the-text-code-bowling
@ATaco no ಠ_ಠ
(ノ°Д°)ノ︵ ┻━┻
@betseg Spoken like somebody without ChatJax
@ГригорийПерельман ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠ ノ)
@ГригорийПерельман a) am mobile and b) Unicode rox
Put that mathjax thing away, pls
That did not format the way I wanted it to
There we go!
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ http:// textfac.es
@ATaco command request ^
@ATaco Just use Lenguage for minimum score
Make a pull.
K, one sec
What should I call it?
@ATaco PR Made
Crap missed a comma
One sec
Q: Output the text "Code Bowling"

Albert RenshawCode-Bowling You've been hired by Brunswick Bowling to create a simple program to output the text Code Bowling on their monitors. This company is worth a pretty penny and you feel you can swindle them for quite the bit of cash. The job description clearly states that they pay on a scoring basi...

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
I GTG now, bye
@WheatWizard I thought of one more potential answer to your problem. Why not leave a bracket out of your answer so that it will be 16 bytes away by the next answer?
`0 8 10 13 32 12 6 7 27 9 9014 619 37 39 9082 9077`
`95 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111`
`112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 1 2 175 46 9068`
`48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 3 8866 165 36 163 162`
`8710 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79`
`80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 4 5 253 183 127`
`9049 193 194 195 199 200 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 210 211 212`
`213 217 218 219 221 254 227 236 240 242 245 123 8364 125 8867 9015`
`168 192 196 197 198 9064 201 209 214 216 220 223 224 225 226 228`
@AlbertRenshaw uh the fiddle doesn't count the score of the first instance of whitespace
so either clarify or change the snippet
@Adám no markdown for messages with multiple lines :(
I wonder why that is
@Adám If you push <c-K> it will convert it to monospace font
Time to bug MSE?
@JanDvorak No
@betseg I realised too late to edit. Also, is there a way to write multi-line messages - not pasting? And why do length limits not apply to multi-line msgs?
@Adám Shift+Enter
@Adám Because they're usually codeblocks and you really don't want a codeblock cut off after 500 chars
@ASCII-only Thanks.
@ASCII-only When is it not time to bug MSE?
Off we go.
@ГригорийПерельман Ah, that's what it does. Unfortunately, it picks up on Ctrl+Alt+K too, and thusly AltGr+K, and even AltGr+Shift+K, which means there are two APL chars I cannot enter into SE chat.
@Adám Hmm you could probably write a userscript though
@ASCII-only I don't need a keyboard shortcut to prefix a message with four spaces...
I, what?
@Adám Yeah I mean a userscript to disable it
I'm going through the process of collating my userscripts on my website, but I suck at graphic design
I wonder of downgoat will let me throw money at them...
Is there more than one downgoat now?
There's a leftgoat
runs away in terror
@ASCII-only Fixed thanks!
> Stack Exchange
We are currently offline for maintenance
Routine maintenance usually takes less than an hour. If this turns into an extended outage, we will tweet updates from @StackStatus or post details on the status blog.
I clicked post an answer and this popped up
Refreshed, and answer is there
@Adám ⍟ I would have called that one Dragonball
@Fatalize Some call it "log" because it looks like the cross-section of a tree log – oh, and it happens to be (natural/arbitrary) logarithm too, i.e. the inverse of *.
⊙ represents the Sun, so I'd call ⍟ Sun.
@Adám I can only connect to https sites, what is this?
Any tips on making my 'super-hard' de-plot challenge?
It'd be harder than tetris
The monadic operator null (⊙) is used to aid in resolving ambiguities with slash/slope as a function/operator.
That is, if the parser has trouble with a phrase using slash/slope where you mean that symbol to be a function, but the parser interprets it as an operator, or worse yet signals a SYNTAX ERROR, try using the Null operator.
For example, in L+//R the interpreter parses the lefthand slash as an operator whose derived function is +/. If you mean that symbol to be a function, use L+/⊙/R which forces the lefthand slash to be interpreted as a function. Alternatively, that line could
I have a pun, if I made a git CLI, I'd call it GitGud.
hi all
hi @MartinEnder
hi @PhiNotPi
Would turning graph back to equation harder than tetris on GoL
I still don't get why the paranormal proposal on Area51 isn't nuked down
they are too scared of the alien reaction?
@MatthewRoh I don't get your pun :(
and I do have a git CLI already
@MartinEnder In case you were interested... math.stackexchange.com/questions/2186041/…
Q: Simple code golf challenge: Character patterns!

notHalfBadIn this challenge, you receive a string as input containing a string of X's, Y's and Z's eg. "XYZZ". X, Y and Z represent a particular character. This pattern is then compared with a second string input. If the pattern exists as a substring in the second input, return True, otherwise, return Fals...

@Adám Guess I better learn Dyalog then
@KritixiLithos I'll be happy to assist.
Just a question, how exactly will golfing be used in the career?
@KritixiLithos That depends on the individual. Personally, I'm supposed to spend 10% of my work time with code golfs.
@KritixiLithos We also create our golfing challenges, e.g. dyalog.com/2016-year-game.htm and dyalog.com/2017-code-golf-challenge.htm
@KritixiLithos While brevity is not an explicit objective when we write code, the shortest APL expression is often the best one in terms of clarity and efficiency. And hey, you get to program using fun glyphs in one of the few practical languages which stand a chance of winning on PPCG!
I'd like to tweak the leaderboard javascript snippet. Is there somewhere I can post a dummy question with dummy answers to try it?
Not really
Oh :( I'll do my best to get it right on the first attempt then
@Adám Are there any concepts brought on PPCG related to APL (notably the way Jelly works) that are studied to extend/improve Dyalog APL?
@Fatalize We mostly take inspiration from J and K, but occasionally, we look at what Jelly (or some other language) does.
@Adám By the way, it would be nice if there is an unregistered Dyalog download option for macOS
@Fatalize Also, there's the concept of "idioms": short (even golfed) expressions that people tend to use for common tasks. We often take such expressions and optimise them, i.e. make the interpreter "cheat" by recognising the expression and finding the answer in a more efficient way (which would have taken more characters to write in APL).
I have a challenge idea which is harder than a clock in GoL but easier than tetris in GoL
Pong in GoL
@Adám What's the common use of APL in the industry by the way?
@KritixiLithos I just had a word with management. We are looking into it. Meanwhile, why is it that you do not want to fill out the form?
It's asking for too many details and information.
@Fatalize Data modelling, data mining, business intelligence, statistics, administration systems, clinical data analysis, product forecasting, portfolio asset management, mortgage and asset securitisation, financial management, simulation, education, production planning... See dyalog.com/application-development-partners/index.htm dyalog.com/reference-customers/index.htm dyalog.com/case-studies/index.htm
@KritixiLithos Being a commercial product, we need an actual binding contract to prevent commercial usage. That's why we ask for the full contact information. Meanwhile, you can play with the full Dyalog APL system on TIO, however it does mean forgoing the interactive part.
Q: Create a program in Python that works with mathematical operations

Emily Write a program that takes N numbers as input and prints all 3^(N-1) equations that can be formed by inserting the operators +, -, or * between these numbers (keeping them in the initial order). Also count how many unique answers there are and print that as well. So far, I have this code: impo...

1 hour later…
hi all
hard to interpret :)
@Leo to test leaderboards for non-standard challenge formats, we've used dummy meta questions in the past. Feel free to do that and make it clear in the question that the question is just a sandbox for your snippet and that you'll delete it once you're done (which may have to be done by a mod but that's fine)
@Lembik it's a head and a waving arm, I think
aha :)
@MartinEnder Thanks for your great math.se answer. I feel bad that someone else just pipped you to it!
your alternative formulation is very interesting
Ah well, I sort of had it coming without a formal proof ;)
in relation to my new math.se question.. we know it is at least 2^n but that's a big underestimate
although I am still hoping someone will answer my ppcg challenge !
I currently don't have any good insight into what sort of distance strings are possible. Again it might help to look at the disallowed strings for small n. If you have lists of those, feel free to send me a pastebin.
@MartinEnder I wrote some simple python code but I don't have that here. All it does it iterate over all possibilities. I will send you a list of disallowed strings later if you haven't already cracked it first
can you run python if I just send the code instead?
I know some people don't have python installed on principle
@Lembik sure
How many bytes is the -v flag for ><> again?
Usually counts for 3 as <space>-v is 3-chars, but people using the fishlanguage interpreter seem to use it for free
Other languages usually count flags as 1 byte. Not sure why ><> is treated differently in this regard
Just create an interpreter for "fish with -v"
Or use the fishlanguage interpreter which doesn't require the flag
I think it should be allowed because it's just a way of telling where to find input. Forcing to use i seems quite punishing.
That's probably why a lot of people use fishlanguage over TIO for ><>.
@Emigna PPCG consensus is to count every flag like that, except some community-approved exceptions explicitly listed.
I use my own interpreter with debugging support, I might add the -v as default if nothing else is given.
@EriktheOutgolfer Yeah it was that thread I used as basis for the 3-char count. I know a lot of people count 1 byte though (even for fish). Perl answers usually count 1 byte per char not counting space and "-", but I assume they are excepted as I think they always need the -p flag or something like that?
@Emigna To execute Perl on the command line it requires -e. If you can't run it on the command line (it uses ' for example), then flags count as 3 bytes.
And why not execute Perl from a file?
@Riley Ah it was -e. Thanks for the explanation :)
@EriktheOutgolfer Because the default way to execute on the command line uses -e, so adding a flag only adds one byte ( -e -> -pe ). If you run from a file there isn't a required flag, therefore you need 3 bytes to add one.
I mean, can't we just save our program to a file and then run it from the file? It's less hassle with some characters, especially '.
It is easier and that is how I usually run them, but for Perl if you want to count flags as 1 byte it has to be "run" on the command line.
Oh, that's some pretty extensive golfing.
@flawr lol
So the unary binary tree literally is just the description of a binary tree...
A binary tree is any tree where each node has at most two children. The Unary-Binary tree from this question is a tree where each node has either 0, 1 or 2 children...
i downloaded dyalog apl but it depends on ncurses 5 and i have 6 :( symlinking makes it run but i cant even close it
Q: Unary-binary trees

Guy CoderUnary-binary trees A unary-binary tree is a tree with nodes of three types: terminal nodes, which have no children; unary nodes, which have one child each; and binary nodes, which have two children each. We can represent them with the following grammar, given in BNF: <e> ::= <terminal> ...

yay i have 4k rep
exactly 4k
some language but funny
@betseg Nope, you still need 96 rep
@TuxCopter ?
4K = 4096
@TuxCopter 4096 is 4Ki
me right now
i had the third flu shot of my life this winter and it worked the first time (or i just didnt catch any viruses? dunno)
How big is too big for an challenge? I've got one that I'm finishing up, but it's going to be about 200x200 characters and therefore around 40KiB in size. Is that still acceptable? I'd need to host the file somewhere, I suppose.
I decided to turn one idea I had from the turing unknown challenge which I couldn't make work into a full programming language.
@Riker >_< same, 3rd time in 4 weeks I've gotten sick even with flu shot
when the outlet is terrified of your cable
@Riker Reminds me of this: i.imgur.com/jmc2H2x.jpg
@AdmBorkBork Depends on how complex it is. Unless it's fairly simple, you won't get very many answers on it
Another consideration is that once it's over 80 characters, it'll be harder to visualize
@DJMcMayhem It's moderately complex, but highly structured. Only consisting of +|- and space.
Is it fractally?
Kinda sorta?
(I don't think that's a word, but you know what I mean :P)
@AdmBorkBork Would it be possible to use a smaller iteration of it then?
@DJMcMayhem lol
@DJMcMayhem Yeah, I could do that. It would still have the same highly structured form. It just won't exactly match the inspiration source image, but that's OK. I think I'll go with that. It'll roughly cut it in fourths.
50x50 sounds very good
50x50 would be 1/16th
CMC: what is the largest challenge that has ever been posted on PPCG?
"largest"? define?
I would assume largest means highest kolmogorov complexity
@Riker The highest number of bytes you must output
I assumed the largest target output
@DJMcMayhem I posted my answer chaining btw.
@DJMcMayhem The Rick Astley one is about 2KiB
Q: Code golf for my real friends

ivzem ...and real golf for my code friends. This is a challenge based on a one year old XKCD comic which consists mostly of toasts (parodies of the first in the comic) following a distinct pattern, but with some slight variation. Your task is to write a program (or function) that takes the first ...

this isn't KG right
it takes input
CMC: Output 42 without using any numbers
It is because it maps static finite input to static output
I thought KG took no input
> Use this tag for questions about producing a constant output.
> kolmogorov-complexity is not about challenges that produce a string that varies depending on a parameter! These challenges, such as Do you want to code a snowman? should usually be tagged with ascii-art or string, or most likely both.
@Mendeleev (((((()()()){}()){})){}{})

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