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How do I install Cheese 3.0 on 11.04? http://bit.ly/lZQxKX #installation
@JorgeCastro Nice post. Also, I'm going to start watching "ubuntu" on Twitter.
i was going to edit that to the libreoffice start centre
but as you edited it last wanted your thoughts :)
@Cas Here. Have some rep. There is a list of stuff here - bazaar.launchpad.net/~jamesgifford/unity-quicklist-examples/…
nps, since you asked nicely ;)
hehe. ;)
If you have any questions, just @ me here. I'll be lurking for another hour or so. :)
actually i wanted to rename to entire question: "What are the custom launchers and quicklists created for Unity?"
struggling a bit though with a nice concise solution
IMHO, that's probably as good as it can get.
I'm also working on another one, but since I have to multitask with a school paper AND this new quicklist, it won't be out for a little longer. Probably tomorrow morning US time.
@Cas I just fixed it to have the user edit the desktop in their home dir
instead of having to sudo, etc.
yer i saw that but have you this instead for libreoffice: omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/04/…
using the Start Centre launcher
@Cas the site is meant to be peer edited, if it improves it you can Just Do It(tm)
theirs is different
ours is better because if you break it we don't break the system launcher
@JorgeCastro Something that I just learned the HARDWAY. heh.
i was going to edit to copy to local anyway
also, say in a week there's a LO update
blam, your customizations are gone
oh yeh i agree :)
what i was getting at is using the LO Start launcher instead of using the Writer one
oh oh
@Cas either way works for me, shrug
@Cas we should split up that huge indicator question too
true :)
did you find an example ToC?
no, people just seem to make them manually, I would just do one per and let the users vote on which ones are the best
Woo finally got sportsmanship!
@Cas I can help you do it if you want, but I'll let you go first so I don't step on you
@JamesGifford should I link to the files or copy the code
@Cas For the existing ones, copy code.
If I update any of them, I'll A. Tell you/someone else in need of rep or B. Just edit it myself. :)
(Most likely A)
Note that the Gmail launcher is already there, I just made a Google Chrome version and a Chromium version. Edit the existing answer with links to both. (waits for @JorgeCastro to tell me I'm doing it wrong)
@JorgeCastro you have too many badges, you need to share them round :)
@JamesGifford sounds good to me
@JorgeCastro Alrighty. Wasn't sure about that. :)
I wouldn't do like OMG does it and just have links to files
that way people can check the text instead of just downloading files from the internet
yer i thought that
@JamesGifford ok
@MarcoCeppi do you guys have powers to undelete?
@JorgeCastro Yes
Q: Can I install UNR in 11.04?

AlvarHi, I would love to use UNR instead of unity, I think it's much better. I first found it in 10.4 netbook but I don't want to do a fresh install of that it's way to much work. I have a new problem, I can't choose what interface I want like, unity, UNR or normal desktop (on the log in screen). ...

this guy had it right and then edited it to put the answer in the question for some reason
Undeleted and rolled back
@Cas Also, for the Google Chrome one that I made, you can put that AND the Chromium one in the same post. Since they're almost EXACTLY the same.
(not talking about the gmail shortcut. There's a different one)
@Cas dude your edits are awesome
Cool! I created an SWF that consistently crashes the Flash Player.
@JorgeCastro oh thanks :)
lol you shouldnt have spoke so soon, just made a hash of one :P
the code block has messed up on libreoffice one
@Cas fixed it
you need to add 4 more spaces when you're already in a list
@JorgeCastro how do you get those for all the lines?
in the editor
I highlight and hit ctrl-k
I just mouse select the entire block
though you were mostly there so I just fixed it up manually
so many duplicate questions...
@ajmitch voting dupe isn't doing it lately, I've had to dupe and flag over and over
(which is fine)
Q: How do I add applications to the launcher?

Lee MoffittHow do I add apps to the Launcher?

@JorgeCastro yeah, that one. I was just searching for the appropriate question to put in a comment on it
I searched for a dupe
at first I was shocked that no one has asked that yet
and I couldn't find a dupe
the most obvious one that I could find referred to the 'keep in launcher' after starting an app from the dash
i think there's another way
but I can't think of it
askubuntu.com/questions/13758/… had some more technical descriptions
well I got the LP technical architect commenting that the lp lens was either "awesome or scary crazy", and gave some suggestions :)
The sections vs group thing probably needs to be clarified in the lens code
haha nice
@ajmitch yeah I pinged duane about the answer
not sure what to do about that question
I "feel" like we should close that one as too localized
since we did fix the bug
Yeah, not sure what should be done with a bunch of these older answers that mostly apply to changes made during the release cycle
Maybe it'd be useful to 'clean up' some questions/answers that fall between releases
I would have thought that happened during cleanup week
yeah we didn't have that yet
ok, so you do have that planned? :)
oh... the sticky went away
i just assumed it had happened
one of the mods said in a few weeks?
makes sense to wait so we can concentrate on the new users for a while
fair enough
love it
@MarcoCeppi just walked outside and noticed something awesome happened today that I had not noticed. My nook color got delivered :D
so i came home from B&N with a codex on SL and discovered a color tucked nicely inside the corner of my porch. <3 those guys at FEDEX
@JamesGifford cheers for help, gonna call it a night :D
can wait to void the warranty on this thing and slap android on it
cya all
cya @cas
1 hour later…
How do I add applications to the launcher? http://bit.ly/jwnfa0 #1104
Howdy from Oz (and RPG.SE)
What brings you all the way over here? :) So far off the beaten track
Questions about questions about ubuntu :)
Isn't that for meta?
I've hit a "I don't have the right question to ask" question that I'd so vote to close
It's not important enough for meta.
welcome btw
Thanks :)
First one is on natty's release time As it's well into the 28th here in Oz.
Waay too localized for an actual question
That question is actually out there
because so many people ask
Q: On what time on April 28 is 11.04 released?

AlvarHi, on what specific time is natty realesed on the 28 of april? (I live in CET). ex, When Apple releases their system it's like 9.00 in the moring (in california, USA) which is 19:30 CET.

Wow, I fail at searching.
::sigh:: Aaand this is why rep doesn't translate :)
::resist urge to edit question::
resist resist...
use the farce!
Second is also a fail-at-searching. It looks like in 2009 there was a glibc (I think) bug with Flash causing system-lockup on fullscreening flash videos in firefox/chrome
It just started happening to me on chrome. And I'm absolutely pants at digging through launchpad bug reports.
Fullscreen flash is a common issue - there is a pretty simple workaround
okay, so it is the same issue?
I mean, I've decided to reinstall for 11.04 anyways...
Q: Full screen Flash problems

richzillaWhen I play Flash videos from sites such as YouTube, the videos initially play ok. However when the videos are full screened, a number of problems arise. Usually when the full screen button is first clicked, the video will take up the full screen, but will be frozen (however the video audio can s...

I don't think it's the same issue - but a lot of times that will fix it
well, the behaviour is certainly the same
It's just flash not utilizing the GPU properly in recent updates of flash-nonfree
Odd. I thought chrome bundled its own flash.
Nope, it uses the flashplugin-nonfree
(or any Flash player install)
Yeah, google kinda/sorta lied about it :)
well, at least that has a good answer.
So, heading over into SE-meta land... What's your folks on those kinds of chatty questions of "Hi, \n Questionblah \n thanks"
Cause we really frown on them over on RPG.SE, but I don't want my first activity here to be editing that out of a question :)
Editing out the Hi and Thanks?
Also ::envy:: over your site design. It's pretty.
We like our Hi, thank you :)!
Well, i'm glad I didn't edit that out then.
I personally dislike having that in there. But we tend not to just edit that out - if we can do something else (tag, fix formatting, grammar, etc) we'll remove it with that edit
@MarcoCeppi Seems reasonable :)
There's a meta topic that agrees we should remove it - but not at the cost of massive question bumps
Ah. That makes sense.
It is more welcoming to new users (common here) to allow them that flexibility and friendly feeling (to welcome them to the community in a less stiff and formal way) (just my opinion :P).
@RolandTaylor and then you come along and eat all their cookies :\
I believe I just missed an in-joke?
no theres tons of random nonsense that occur naturally between roland and myself.
he is my favorite
But noise of the best kind :)
Well, thanks for your help, folks :)
Feel free to drop by my neck of the woods as well.
Nice ot have met you @BrianBallsunStanton
::tries to stop watching the kitty::
He is super cute isnt he?
By brain is melting under the cute.
And I've seen the original video. But... but...
i'll have to remember to have this image with me when i decide to do something seriously illegal... distract the authorities with the kitten and make a clean getaway
@lazyPower yep, that'd do it.
I'm front! :D
Just be careful not to look at it yourself
are we back?
@RolandTaylor wth?
I was afk
@RolandTaylor that cat is pushing a watermelon out of a lake. Your argument is invalid.
::runs screaming::
cheers, all :)
cheers Brian
cya @BrianBallsunStanton
YESS!!! The return of watermelon cat
changed his avatar :>
I'm such a groupy for that image
yes, the watermelon cat is back ^^
alright guys I be out ^^
cyas tomorrow
CYa tomorrow roland
My android phone ubuntu count down widget changed from 'Coming soon' to 'It's here!' but I don't believe it....
@trampster but it is here, we're just hiding the release from you
you and I have a different definition of the word 'here' :)
well I'm running natty :)
I'm going batty :)
oh the punsss
Q: Is 11.04 out yet?

LightbreezeHi, just wondering if Ubuntu 11.04 is released yet.

@JeremyBicha when it is released the first answer will be wrong...
We need to be able to mark a question with an expiry date. So it will delete itself after a specified number of hours.
This question will self destruct in 5... 4... 3...
can moderators delete questions or just close them?
@JeremyBicha we can do a delete, close, and a lot more
Can you edit a users rep?
maybe I shouldn't have asked that question.
natty isn't out yet? I demand a refund...
but your already running natty... remember
heres your refund
On what time on April 28 is 11.04 released? http://bit.ly/mawPic #1104
hi all!
I'm using 64 bit ubuntu on my laptop at the moment, but was thinking of grabbing 32 bit today when I upgrade to 11.04
I use my laptop a lot to watch video online for procastination, and it seems flash is very tempramental on my machine ... could it be because there is no 64 bit version?
or would you still recommend 64 bit Natty?
also, is this the download for the release version (seeing as it was modified yesterday evening) cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/natty-desktop-amd64.iso ?
@ Morning
What a nice day! Natty Day!!!
Good morning!
I have until natty is released to write the documentation of a project I'm working on
might actually be able to complete it
I'm eagerly waiting Natty release
Q: Is there a plan to create a new category for Natty questions

AchuHope we will have many many question in the coming days regarding the new release Natty. Is there a plan to create a new category for Natty questions? shall we continue as it is?

@Achu me too, I put this afternoon aside to update my laptop and desktop
@Greg Good! i'm taking a backup o my laptop to make it ready
@Achu I was planning on finishing some automatic online backup software by now, but it's not quite done yet though. Gonna ask on here for people to test it when it is.
@Greg what kind of online backup do you use?
@Achu it monitors the directories you add to the backup routine for changes, and uploads version controlled files to cloud storage
I will make it free for a few Gigabytes but hoping to charge for extra
@Greg ahhh... you mean kind of dropbox did you create your own cloud? instead of using online storages services like dropbox and oneubuntu?
@Achu yeah similar to dropbox, don't know if they use version controlled files. Yes using my own cloud service
started as just a project for myself but it was pretty useful
Dropbox has limited VersionControl
but there's loads to do to make it into a usable piece of finished software rather than just for me
I use bzr with my dropbox folder i don't see the limitation
@Greg that link is broken is it working of you?
@Achu aha I'm just teasing you all :P
<snippet> Dropbox keeps snapshots of every saved change in your Dropbox folder over the last 30 days (or more with the Pack-Rat feature). So if your pet accidentally pressed the delete key and erased your memoirs or you simply saved a bad change, you can restore the file with a few clicks.
hense why i say "limited" version control
@Greg don't.... :p
g'morning everyone!
morning @htorque
@lazyPower I think that is a nice future. i need to know how to create my own cloud with out using dropbox and ubuntuone
github ;)
doffs his hat towards @htorque
Is it possible to create a local Natty mirror right now? I know it is not released yet but to make it the mirror ready downloading the packaged over the night...
@jorgecastro why did u edit my post like that? :O
Morning @all
Good morning all
morning @Takkat
hi @Greg
exited for the new release?
not too excited - only a bit.
I already have 11.04 in a VM but still running 10.04 on my productive system
I'm quite excited because I haven't touched unity or any of the betas yet
I will upgrade my netbook in 1-2 weeks
Unity is great
what's the best tool to detect differences between two directory structures?
@Greg that's a good question
I have two identical directories but I've tweaked a few files over the last few months. I'd like to replicate the changes to the other directory ... but leave some changes out (as I think there are some changes that I don't wish to replicate).
I'd like to see a list of all changes somehow
rsync --dry-run comes to my mind
or you could compare single files with diff
can visually compair two directories
@trampster: +1 for meld :)
Q: File and directory comparison tool?

DevelopingChrisI'm looking for something that will compare directories and files like Beyond Compare does for windows. Its mainly for use of source control, but I need to use it for deployment as well.

@Cas Welcome. :)
How iptables works? http://bit.ly/ipZ9FF #commandline
Bonjour Everyone!
Does anyone know a good Python library to access WebCam stream? Preferably with good documentation?
Hi @all
@Dananjaya Try with GStreamer or OpenCV
Hi @Alvar
Thanks for the help with the questions :P
@Takkat Thanks, I'll try them..
@Alvar there are so many questions... ;)
UNR works really great now!
personally I look forward to Unity on my netbook :P
@Takkat I look forward to the stable release on 23:59 today ;);)
I'm not in a hurry - now that I know how it looks like I can wait until it's really stable ;)
But maybe I'll upgrade my play-box in the next days or so
@Takkat hehe, I by accident removed my ubuntu desktop in 10.04 and some other stuff
O.O what kind of accident coud that be?
So I had to upgrade to 10.10 and yesterday I upgraded to 11.04 and fixed quark and UNR! :D
@Takkat sudo apt-get remove wine*
@Takkat I updated to 11.04 last night, technically still on beta. Can I except some updates after the stable is released?
it worked with emacs on my server so why not really...
@Dananjaya oh yes: do expect a lot of updates after the release :)
You can edit you posts btw
Hope it will fix the resolution issue.. I had to manually run xrandr to add a higher resolution...
Now I see it.. :-)
@Dananjaya that's uncomfortable :)
@Takkat Yes! I was stuck with 1024x768 and only part of the Unity Panel (is it correct?) was visible... Ran xrandr added new mode, had to disable mirror monitors in order to get it detect my monitor...lot of work.. :-)
@Dananjaya on what hardware was this?
Intel D410PT (Atom)
Integrated VGA
and the Monitor is AOC 15" LCD
did you plug the monitor to vga or dvi?
@Takkat Plugged in to the VGA
thought so. Maybe this is why it's not recognized correctly. At least you got it fixed :)
How's performance on the Atom?
@Takkat I hope too... :-) Last night around 12.45 pm (CET) I did the update and I was too tired to fight with the computer until 2-3 am :-D I got it fixed this morning and yet to have a restart. Hopefully I won't have to do all over again after the restart!
@Takkat Well, I feel, boot process takes slightly longer to happen than in 10.10. After I type the password on the log in panel, it takes around 4-6 seconds to icons and panel to appear.. until that it's just the wallpaper
oh I see. Middle of the night seems best time for updates - too tired to wait any longer :P
Hmm. Boot process should be even faster from what I've heard. But this may be system dependant
@Takkat :-D and yeah me too... Boot process should be faster... Maybe a fresh install would've helped? Rather than updating from 10.10
@Dananjaya I doubt a fresh install makes much difference.
Unless there are some apps left that spoil the fast-boot experience
@Takkat That's what I thought too...besides I have a modest RAM (1GB).. Well, what happens is that, Monitor is changing resolution at least twice during the process...maybe Plymouth is the culprit?
@Dananjaya you could see with bootchart (it's in the repos)
I installed it and when I run it, it says "warning: path '/var/log/bootchart.tgz' does not exist, ignoring.
Parse error: empty state: '/var/log/bootchart.tgz' does not contain a valid bootchart
" I think I have to restart the PC ?
I've no experience with bootchart
@Takkat oh, but I think maybe that should be the reason...
@Takkat By the way, did the stable release appeared in the Update Manager yet?
Well, bootchart needs at least one boot to say anything :P
@Takkat :-D yes!
@Dananjaya you will get the updates to "stable" automatically from your update manager
you're most likely almost there
@Takkat I see.. I manually ran it and got Chrome 11.00 stable :-D by the way, for different geographic regions, the times are different too?
@Dananjaya no
Time depends on when all of the mirror servers are ready - all at the same time
@Takkat Okay...so it happens 'ensemble' throughout the world.. I see.. just saw your updated message
That only makes sense
We don't want overheated servers :P
But may still get them. Use Torrents and seed.
Last upgrades were very smooth though
@Takkat Yes, Ubuntu certainly has some huge fan base.. Yeah, I've heard it..actually torrents maybe faster than any other method I think....lots of seeding
@Takkat You mean 10.04 to 10.10?
@Dananjaya and earlier
I always upgrade some days later to see what bugs have been forgotten ;)
@Takkat Yeah... :-D it's the preferred way..but i just could not wait..
10.04 was great in that - as it wiped windows dual boot if you were not prepared
@Dananjaya middle of the night :P
@Takkat :-D I saw lots of questions regarding that in the site...wiped out MBR I reckon
@Takkat haha... :-D but you could at least log in to Linux
@Dananjaya no even more evil: it recommended you to install Grub in every boot sector available >:D
and if you did: boooom Windows bye bye. Users fault.
@Takkat By the way Slackware 13 was released today as well...couldn't have better time
@Takkat :-D I think it's intentional (Windows bye bye)
@Dananjaya oh no definitely not. We do respect others. That's where we are so different.
@Takkat Yes I didn't meant anything bad for Slack. But it kinda overshadowed by Ubuntu's release... (Not that user's of Slack cares of course...but still.. :-) )
@Takkat ah you meant the Windows.. :-) Just got that...
window and osx mainly
@Takkat I think Ubuntu is the most co-dependent Linux distro.. look at Wubi
I dislike Wubi: only problems
@Takkat I was thinking of Installing OSX along with Ubuntu. But I doubt that with Atom..
Is there an Atom OSX?
@Takkat Well, it did worked like a charm for me when I used it for the first time.. Really easy..no need to manually change anything... But after about 6 months or so... Ubuntu just stopped booting..no warnings..nothing..
It's good we have Wubi -good to try out Ubuntu and so on
But I would not recommend it for long term installs
@Takkat No I don't think so..I was thinking of buying the OSX and try and install it the hackintosh way
@Takkat exactly!
@Dananjaya why buy it if you need to hack it? That makes no sense to me :P
I had Windows 7 with my PC when I bought it. I simply formatted it and installed Ubuntu..

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