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what IDEs do everyone use?
@Greg Vim + GNU Toolchain
Geany and Aptana
@MarcoCeppi I like(d) Aptana, but I found it too laggy
@Greg Have you tried Studio 3?
@MarcoCeppi no it was beta when I used aptana last .. any good?
Studio 3 is tolerable. I still find myself using Geany mostly though. At work I use Aptana since Geany isn't available on Mac OSX
@MarcoCeppi its not available in fink? O.o
@lazyPower I'm just not very fast with Vim ...
I like what it offers, but I just can't get efficient with it
@Greg takes time. There is a pack called Janus that could ease that.
I've recently moved off janus because it offered some annoyances i didnt like and i rolled my own plugin pack that i'm still ironing out the bugs. but its very handy :)
if alex was around he'd offer up some emacs based solution.
So many flags :)
@MarcoCeppi YEAH! Gonna make you work for your money today!
Wait. There's money!? :P
@Greg Vim. Occasionally Geany.
anyone use Vim for PHP / JavaScript?
@Greg yep
@Greg look into xdebug and jslint integration for vim. it will provide valuable functionality
I wonder why the design of this message puts me off upgrading.
the 20rep requirement for the chat is valid for ask ubuntu as well right?
For all SE sites
@MarcoCeppi do you reckon there is a way to set that on a per room basis?
I guess I'll have to ask balpha
@OctavianDamiean No, it's system wide
Users will be able to join, though they will not be able to speak. However, if they have a profile on any other SE site and then link them they'll insta-get 101 rep.
It's also pretty easy to get rep via editing and giving one good answer
or several meh answers
or you can be like me and give 2000 meh answers
@MarcoCeppi I know I know it is just that I'm trying to get my LoCo team to use the chat and that was one of the main concerns of them
So, they want to use the chat but not participate - sounds like there are bigger issues afoot :)
oh that is a good point, I forgot about that
@MarcoCeppi oh no thats not the point :)
@OctavianDamiean I know, I know :)
sigh, questions about upgrading from 10.04 to 11.04
skipping releases iz not supported!
that was actually one of my best arguments for migrating to the AU chat as all our users automatically use the information and support source for ubuntu :)
we still use #ubuntu-nz on irc
@ajmitch Unless iz LTS? <3
@MarcoCeppi that's a different upgrade path, we know that 11.04 is not LTS :)
#ubuntu-nz seems to have quite a few developers, both of ubuntu & debian
I know of 3 canonical people in there, for a channel that maybe has 10-15 active people :)
@TheX hi5, we both have the same mentality
@lazyPower of meh answers?
yes :)
only i gave like 16 meh answers
I prefer to try & give useful answers
hi... i have upgraded from 10.10 and i can't get unity working... with nvidia driver installed but not in use... also in classic mode 3d is not working...help
for all you vim users, do you use the terminal application, or a graphical interface?
Wow! That upgrade went horribly wrong.
@Greg terminal
@Greg both. When i'm at home i use gvim, when i'm abroad i use vim over ssh
wb @GeorgeEdison
@lazyPower Thanks... I never thought I'd make it for a minute there.
@ajmitch @lazyPower in terminal, do you get all the funky syntax highlighting and such?
@GeorgeEdison how horribly wrong?
any1 has a clue what can i do? there is a question about it here
@Greg sure do
@Greg yes, but I've edited .vimrc to turn that on & tweak it for dark backgrounds
Q: Nvidia driver activated but currently not in use

CraigtI have just finished an install of ubuntu 11.04 beta 2. At the end of the installation I got a message informing that I do not have the required hardware for unity, and that I should choose "ubuntu classic". Could someone please shed some light on how to fix this? I have tried adding the "experi...

@ajmitch There's quite a story... first of all I booted the CD. All went fine.
it also helps to ask really really good questions
Then I began the installation process. Still good.
@GeorgeEdison this is a fresh install, not upgrade?
I checked off 'check for updates' so that during the install it would fetch them, etc.
@suli8 No idea
@ajmitch: Yup, fresh install.
Then it finished with the packages, boot loader, etc.
...and it started fetching packages.
@GeorgeEdison That always gave me problems when I did 10.10 installs. I just ran the updates afterwards
@MarcoCeppi: Wait, wait. It gets worse.
i have nvidia geforce go 7300.... is it good to run unity?
I changed my mind and clicked the little 'skip' button...
Then the whole installer froze and wouldn't do anything.
I hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 and typed in 'sudo reboot'.
That started the reboot process, but then it stopped short of actually rebooting.
...so I did the REISUB trick and got it to finally reboot.
Then Ubuntu started, but fell short with a bunch of cryptic messages on the terminal.
that's pretty special
...so I hit Ctrl+alt+F1 again and ran dpkg with some special arg. that fixes the package DB.
(I can't remember what it was.)
@suli8 a quick google of "GeForce Go 7300 Unity" yielded quite a few bugs/issues with that particular card
Anyway, that seemed to have fixed everything and now it's working.
@GeorgeEdison hurray for upgrades
@lazyPower someone just figured out an nvidia thing with the blacklist
@lazyPower I asked them to post on AU
i see... what a pitty
@JorgeCastro nice
@lazyPower: It wasn't an upgrade :)
@GeorgeEdison ewps
Oh! right, @GeorgeEdison recall that biz we were talking about lastnight?
@lazyPower: You know... every other thing you say I have to lookup at Urban Dictionary :P
@lazyPower: Yeah, I remember that.
its like 1/8 of the way there
but yeah :)
There's MoonLight, but I don't have it installed yet.
i think its going to fail in moonlight regardless
it relys heavily on the system.windows namespace
Fail. I can't install a simple .DEB :)
dpkg -i foo.deb
Anybody know a quick way to find the version of Apache running a website? A client's site was hacked today and I'd like to know what they're running.
@lazyPower: It used to work in the Software Center.
Already used nmap (and that claims to have worked) I'd just like to see it with my own eyes.
How do I add a terminal command to launcher?
@GeorgeEdison i always install gdebi-gtk, i dont like how the SC is a hive-mind for pacakges. I need my 1000 lightweight utilities
@lazyPower: Yeah, I had gdebi installed before too.
Q: With a launcher for a terminal application, how can I keep the terminal open after the program is complete?

Eugene MI have a terminal command I run from an application launcher. This works great, however sometimes the command fails, so I'd like for the terminal to stay open so I can see the results. How can I do this?

@oli wrote a good answer there
A: Geforce Go 7300/7400 blacklisted, can I still run Unity?

didrocksWe blacklisted Geforce Go 7300/7400 because of some freezes at startup with the "nvidia-current" driver. It seems that unity 3D can run with the "nvidia 173" driver with those card. However, you will get some slowness, you are warned! So, to workaround the detection at startup, you can: sudo ...

@Oli assuming you dont have access to the server?
didrocks is answering unity questions!
sorry let me rephrase my question ...
@JorgeCastro hi5
I'm trying to add the terminal version of Vim to unity's launcher but don't know how
@Greg gnome-terminal -e vim
like oli's answer states ;)
if I press alt+f2 then type vim, then drag it left, the launcher doesn't accept the drop
you mean how to create launchers that will stick around in unity
@lazyPower yeah sorry I know how to launch vim, but I don't know how to add it to unity's launcher
sorry, daft moment here
@Greg ask it on AU :)
@JorgeCastro whooho! :)
@Greg give us a chance ot earn some rep ;P
ok 1 min
Got Chrome running now.
Whats the name of that awesome thin you can do with dpkg and dump your currently installed debs, and then re-import that list after a fresh install?
@lazyPower Only FTP and web access. It's a cheap, shared host.
Q: Add Vim to Unity launcher?

GregPlease can someone explain how to add a launcher icon in Unity (along the left side) for Vim - or any other terminal-based application? I press alt+f2, type vim, and drag the icon to the left ... but the launcher does not accept the dragged item.

nmap tells me its version of Apache and vsftpd are both from 2004. This does not fill me with confidence.
@Oli eeeeeewwwwwwww
Q: dump dpkg package list for fresh installation

lazyPowerI've heard that I can dump the dpkg package list of currently installed applications, then after I re-install, re-import that list and have apt or dpkg do all the heavy lifting for me getting my apps re-installed. How do i do this?

@Oli You should be able to get it with an uploaded <?php phpinfo(); ?> phpinfo file. Just execute from the web and it should report the version of Apache running (as well as the configuration of PHP on the server)
holy crap, it's now ON, getting busy!
Geforce Go 7300/7400 blacklisted, can I still run Unity? http://bit.ly/mtEnaN #1104
I guess the east coast must have just gotten home. :)
Google found me sample output from unprotected, then indexed scripts!
@MarcoCeppi Good point!
@JorgeCastro Lovin it
Stepping away for a while. I'll be back when I get home. Keep those flags and answers coming!
@JorgeCastro so we may be able to get a little bit of rep today? ;)
Oooooh! StackApplet sure looks nice in the Software Center.
@ stackubuntu no, i have exactly the same driver and it's a disaster stay on 10.10 or whatever
@GeorgeEdison I know dude, congrats
@GeorgeEdison i was testing mobile stack on my nook color today
@JorgeCastro: No, thank you!
It was your prodding that got it ready in time.
@GeorgeEdison its nice brother. Animations are still choppy on a 7" screen. Not so much on my Cliq XT. But on the nook browser it is.
@AskUbuntuTwitter blacklisted?? what does it mean?
@lazyPower: Thanks for testing it.
@suli8 Ask Ubuntu Twitter (StackUbuntu) is an RSS Twitter feed, not a real person Click on the link and find out more about the question and answer
I really don't have any control over the animations, though.
@GeorgeEdison all the functionality i need is there :) will you be opening it up for an api call to post questions?
That's all managed by jQuery Mobile.
@GeorgeEdison right, you cant set the speed of it?
@lazyPower: Unfortunately, the API doesn't provide that.
@lazyPower: Not that I know of.
@MarcoCeppi lol. ok
@GeorgeEdison also when are you going to release that growl-implimentation so i can run stackapplet/chromify on my work box :P
You mean the Windows version?
I already have released the Windows version.
You did?! hook a brother up
i'm so out of the loop. Stupid work kicks his IDE
Q: List of Quicklists available for Applications

CasQuicklists are the right-click menu a for applications on the Unity Launcher and it would be nice to have a list of the best quicklists that have been created.

vote to dupe please!
3d acc. won't work also with the experimental drivers, not even in the classic desktop. omg
@Greg i dont have the answer. thats why i suggested asking on AU :)
I should do a reinstall. Is the final CD out now?
@Oli sure is
Erk 43KB/s. Time to find a torrent.
Thaaat's better.
@lazyPower: Did it work?
@Oli I guess you've found the torrents already but just in case you didn't here you go ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#bt
@lazyPower Nice question. Bookmarked. :)
holy cow ... I just realized that I can tweet from the MeMenu!
@OctavianDamiean YOU CAN DO THAT?!
@JamesGifford DOOD YOU CAN!
@OctavianDamiean WHOA.
A: How do I add a launcher for .sh applications?

HailwoodI worked it out :D Browse to /usr/share/applications Either do this as root, Use the terminal with sudo, Or borrow the directory using sudo chown <your username> /usr/share/applications Copy one of the launchers that already exists. Right click -> Properties. Click the icon -> Browse to ...

can someone correct that?
how do you correct something like that.... the answer is so flawed.
hi ppl
Can someone verify that you cannot edit the .desktop file by right-clicking?
@Cas ack - open it with e.g. gksu gedit
@Takkat i know how to open the file, i am asking for instructional purposes
could you find one and see whether an edit menu appears for any of the ones in ~/.local/share/applications/
@JorgeCastro Now kill me for that edit. :P
@JamesGifford the edits i have made for the custom lauchers have been changed and dumbed down
@Cas Let me look.
now normally that is fine but these .desktop files are quite specific
plus you cannot easily edit them from gui
Is there a way to make the Chrome launcher open a new window instead of restoring the one already open?
there is no right-click edit option
@GeorgeEdison middle-click
@Cas Ah. I see what you did wrong here. - askubuntu.com/questions/35488/…
That answer is copying the libreoffice one.
You need to edit it to use the custom filezilla I made. :)
@JamesGifford Nah its not that one, its the Libreoffice and Firefox one
@JamesGifford the filezilla one is fine by simply adding the text below
but i see the name issue :)
@Cas Firefox one seems fine.
@JamesGifford not until the user tries to edit the file
plus the name of these launchers are not always obvious
@Cas OH. I see what's going on. Hangon a moment. :)
@JamesGifford Also I think the file manager screenshot is unnecessary but wanted to ask before removing.
It's best practice to provide both ways of doing something (GUI and CLI)
@JamesGifford no i dont think you understand
@JamesGifford ok nm
Just realized why I havent got any updates! I didn't have any links for 11.04! :P
Google Chrome needs a "Force Sync" button.
Now when I added them I had 120 mb of system stuff to download ( I only got chrome releases earlier! :P)
@JamesGifford It has one :P
@JamesGifford my point is that if the user is going to the lengths of editing a .desktop file putting in gui instructions seems a waste of time (and page space)
@Cas Agreed.
However, the rules state otherwise. :)
but rules can have sub-clauses
true. and i'm not the one to say "This is an exception to the rules"
@JamesGifford lol ok
As expected, the update server is super slow.
Argl why won't this torrent end?!
99.98% done and it stalls.
can't seed more than 100 KB/s to 30 peers from here (:
There's plenty of seeds, it's just really struggling with the final 0.02%. Stalled completely now.
@Oli finish it off with a zsync perhaps?
Huzzah! Sent it through a recheck and it claims it's finished. That'll have to do. Anyone know the md5sum for the 64bit desktop iso?
7de611b50c283c1755b4007a4feb0379 *ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso
7de611b50c283c1755b4007a4feb0379 Score!
FYI if you want to document that on AU
Q: Where to find the md5sums of Ubuntu ISO images?

Jack M.I just downloaded the ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso, and am having a hard time burning it, so I'd like to check that the file is intact, but I cannot find the md5sum of the file. Is there a URL or official FTP mirror which includes the md5sum of the Ubuntu disk images?

@JorgeCastro yeah I'd just have to close-dupe it ;)
ugh, suckfest, that question has 0 google juice while I searched for it
@Oli: Were you able to get more than about 90 KBps when you downloaded the torrent?
...'Cuz I couldn't seem to.
@GeorgeEdison Yeah it was rocking along at 200-500KB/s
Weird then.
@JorgeCastro I thought all mirrors had the md5sum in the directory with the cd images
@ajmitch they do
that answer is just missing
someone on RT also maintains the hash page afaik.
@ajmitch EASY REP BABY, write it up
we just lost nz.archive.ubuntu.com from the rotation, it was apparantly missing a few files
did you try the launchpad autorotating mirror thing?
though it likely won't help on your side of the world
@JorgeCastro yeah that's not the problem, just that we're now down a mirror & it's pointing at archive.ubuntu.com now
@Jorge: Should I expect more than 40 KBps from the update servers?
@ajmitch right, your remoteness probably doesn't help
& archive.u.c is getting hammered :)
@GeorgeEdison yeah you can probably just cancel and try it again and hope you get a better round robin
someone can write up that blog link as a Q+A too, that helps with the load balancing
though I am pretty sure they're all saturated and will be that way for a while
@Jorge: So... each apt-get session picks a random server?
apt itself doesn't
@GeorgeEdison: Worst case scenario, you manually download the ISO and include it as a source.
A: Where to find the md5sums of Ubuntu ISO images?

ajmitchMD5 & SHA-1/SHA-256 hashes are available on http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ if you scroll down to the list of files. Downloads & hashes for previous supported releases are also available on releases.ubuntu.com

there's like a round robin thing and CDN thing done server side
@GeorgeEdison or just torrent the USB stick, make it, and choose upgrade on boot
@JorgeCastro people are currently upgrading with nz.archive.ubuntu.com in their sources.list, so missing files could be problematic
ah bummer
@ajmitch no love with au.archive?
@JorgeCastro oh they work, but people have to know to be able to switch to them before upgrading
nz2.a.u.c still works as well
I was on a call with elmo today
and someone asked him a question
and he was like "oh sorry, spacing out, I've been away for 48 hours"
at least it was lifeless who caught the problem & knew who to speak to
ok so does someone want to write this one up? mvogt.wordpress.com/2011/03/21/the-apt-mirror-method
I can do it but I hit the cap
but in 45 minutes I'll do it if no one else has. :)
you have a question to attach it to?
just thought I'd check before I put in a dupe :)
just search for mirror:// on the site
@ajmitch also pro tip, write the Q and the answer before you post on the site
otherwise while you're writing it up some ninja will outclass you.
I call it getting "Oli'ed"
@JorgeCastro heh, they probably already have by you mentioning it here
you're like 5 characters away from finishing and the dreaded 'someone has posted an answer, refresh?' thing comes up
@ajmitch classy gents in here, I'm sure you won't get sniped.
@JorgeCastro Uh oh what did I do now?
@JorgeCastro ok, done, now edit away & tidy up my mess :)
probably should put in a reference to the blog post
thanks :)
@ajmitch now I will edit it 9 more times to make it CW so you don't get the rep
since you basically handed it to me...
@Oli I was just showing aj the finer tips of answering quickly
I am out of votes so you'll have to wait for mine
I still have a few votes to spread round today
ooh, DoR and dv3500a are about tonight too, good to see the heavy hitters coming to play
@GeorgeEdison sure did :)
I love when the site is busy, it's like the game has cranked up a difficulty level
@GeorgeEdison well, i dunno about the OSD, i havent seen anything pop up but i was also in starcraft for the last 2 hours
didrocks is going to hit hard tomorrow, so it will be nice to get more technical advice from him on those questions
there doesn't look like an obvious way to turn off the uninstalled apps group
I didn't even know we could do this: askubuntu.com/questions/37629/…
@Jorge: Is it ethical to submit a review for software I wrote?
@GeorgeEdison Usually not. People get riled up when companies submit reviews about their own stuff on Amazon, so I'd assume the same applied on the software centre (just on a smaller scale)
So.... anyone else want to write a review for StackApplet...? [Looks hopefully...]
Just kidding.
@GeorgeEdison Sure it'll happen in time.
+12312312312312 stars.

This wonderful work of art helps me as my status as the laziest bum on AskUbuntu.com.
I wish you could sort the applications by aggregate review scores. Would definitely make finding good games a lot easier.
Oh dear... now I have to create a new signing key for Launchpad.
@GeorgeEdison Why?
I lost the old one when I reinstalled.
...and I don't know if it's possible (let alone how) to import my old key.
@GeorgeEdison if you've lost your old private key, you need to make a new key
anyone know where the Google Chrome .desktop file is hiding? it not in the usual places
doh i found it in /opt/google/chrome
I found a bug.
I can't install Wine via the Software Center.
It keeps asking me to insert the Ubuntu installation CD... which I did.
Ironic... the Google Chrome bookmarkstore is down.
Argl. I can't edit a post.
Can somebody try editing my post here so the first sentence says "Yeah for most free graphics drivers, recent releases of Ubuntu haven't required a xorg.conf file."
I keep getting a Oops! Something Bad Happened! error :(
@Oli Done.
@JamesGifford Appreciated, thank you.
@Oli You're welcome. When that's happened when I've done edit sprees. clearing the cache fixes that.

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