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Check this image out:
On Chrome and Firefox it will show as a pear. Now, try to save it and look at it saved on your desktop. Also, try viewing in safari or IE. It will display as an apple!
Try clicking the image and moving it around, you will notice the apple appears.
I guess my question w...
I found/got referred to this book : http://www.djangobook.com/
Which had a github page having file in the .rst(ReStructuredText) format.
What is a format that I can compile this to so that it can be read by some app on an android device and how?
@Mochan Paid surveys are only a good modus operandi for indie game devs for in-game currency to players due to volume of completion. (Operation7 did this)
company made a backup for 5 years... at 17:00 they put in a tape and made a backup. At some point in time in the morning the backup asked for a 2nd volume. Sooooooooooooooooooooooo they put back in the tape it spit out .....
needless to say that when the server crashed and needed to be restored there was no backup.
I was looking at the privileges and found that the reputation required for the trusted user privilege is more than that required for access to moderator tools.
Why is it so? Does this mean that moderators are not trusted users? Or does this imply that a foundation of trust is not necessary to ob...
What is so confusing about this question? Three people seem to think I'm asking about AU itself and and two think that adding words to my local dictionary is relevant.
Yeah, that's what I meant. It might not try to trans from en-gb to en-us but it would be in the look-up if it tried generic translation. (or something similar)
@FEichinger It's possible he's going to reword it "how can I get a word added to the global dictionary for firefox for all users in all locations" which goes back to filing a bug against the browser dictionary and requesting a word add or some other change in the browser