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@onebree hehe, i also write down some of the features i want to add to my indicators. I get quite upset if i loose an idea
@onebree " My scope is defined." I think you could add a bit more about that. It'd be nice to someone who never been on the site and haven't read your previous blogs know what were some of the general limitations you've set on the app , or requirements
If the project is on GitHub, I just create an issue and tag it feature-request or something.
@NathanOsman somebody is bugging you with feature requests ?
@Serg I think he means so he does not lose an idea
Yeah, that's what I meant. Thanks :)
Oh, sorry, didn't notice the "I"
Um . . . feature-request to oneself is interesting idea . . . I tend to be more traditional
# TODO: add this or that feature after this comment below
Bonus: as an issue, I can auto-close it with a commit message.
# FIXME: WTF is this code mess I wrote a year ago ?
@Serg But if those are spread out over many files, it becomes difficult to track.
grep ?
But can you assign them to milestones? :D
That's what I do with NitroShare.
I have a list of ideas I want to implement. So I create issues for them. That way I can assign issues to the next release, the release after that, etc.
It lets me see the issues and plan which ones get implemented and when.
@onebree Finished reading.Overall good blog post, very clear what you're trying to say. I find it lacks a conclusion paragraph, but that's just my ENG101 nitpicking that has developed over years :)
So , back to my python script. Anybody volunteers for testing ?
Does Github even support milestones?
@Serg thank you. I am not done, but at least have the most of what I want to say written down. Thank you though. I will add notes to include what I mean by scope
man, I was going through a particularly dangerous part of Descent and your ping nearly made me jump out of my seat xD
@Seth Yup.
@Seth Lol.
Sorry, Seth :3 didn't mean to scare one of my favorite mods on StackExchange network
now I remember why I hate this level so much.
the weird thing about Descent, even after all these years, it still makes me afraid to play sometimes.
This is a DOS game! And I get so strung up I sometimes have to stop because I just can't go on.
@Serg I updated my draft for the scope stuff
@onebree looks good :)
right now I am cutting out fluff and making a conclusion
I always want to start blogging myself. I'm just busy with lacking sleep and failing examps :/
I always want to start blogging, but I never have a good idea
aww, I thought I was going to get away with it today, but the professor remembered to upload the labs. lol
AND doing my blog through github pages before made it difficult to post. I would want to procrastinate AND be perfect by finding the best theme for me, etc.
With medium, it's all about the words. And there is a mobile app
yeah, medium is pretty great at that.
I feel like it is better to put out a concise blog post, than one that has all your thoughts but is too fluffy and disorganized.
But I guess that is the best for any kind of writing
cool, I published the post. Will probably change the title sometime tomorrow.
I forgot my PMB number
So, last call, any testers for my window-centering script ?
Jekyll is nice if you want a custom blog with minimal programming.
@Seth I fixed the @ issue but it will only work for new messages going forward.
@NathanOsman great! :)
OP seems high :/
or drunk
i can't quite tell if im stupid, or tired, or really don't understand this material
@NathanOsman Have any experience with KVM/QEMU?
@Serg link please
@edwinksl Then there's this one...
let me know if vertical position stays same, only horizontal should change
@Serg Copying and pasting into Nano...
Well that was strange
@AndroidDev what exactly ?
@Serg It doesn't do anything
@AndroidDev what was the window ? unmaximized ? maximized ?
@Seth I adjusted the algorithm a bit. Some messages were like "Serg is awesome" and the regex would strip it down to "is awesome" which made no sense whatsoever. So now it only removes the "@" instead of the whole username, unless it is a direct reply, in which case the name is also removed. We'll see how that works during the next few days.
@NathanOsman but @Serg is awesome.
that sounds perfect!
@NathanOsman Have any experience with KVM/QEMU?
@AndroidDev Not a lot.
Serg is out of awesome juice today , i need sleepz
You can haz sleepz.
@AndroidDev that's odd, what's your Ubuntu version ?
@NathanOsman I have a problem with my Windows VM with GPU passthrough. It works fine on the first boot, but then fails with a BSOD on subsequent boots. If I reboot Ubuntu, then it boots fine again.
@Serg 14.04
Oh my. GPU passthrough is really finicky. I was having similar problems with Windows 7 in XenServer.
I think part of my problem was that I was using the same GPU for both control and guest display.
odd. It has the tuple,but doesn't have the y value
@NathanOsman And sometimes the launch fails altogether and locks up Ubuntu :(
Are you using the same GPU on the host and in the guest?
@NathanOsman No. Host is a GTX650, guest is an 8600GT
I need nachos...
I have no idea why it doesn't work then, I'm afraid.
Might be worth asking on the site.
@NathanOsman Maybe ThomasWard would know?
For what it's worth, I'm not sure IOMMU support in consumer line chipsets is always well-tested...
@NathanOsman My BIOS only gives me IOMMU "Disabled" or "64MB". Does that mean anything to you?
@Serg Sooooooo....... ???
If GPU passthrough is working at all, then IOMMU is enabled.
@NathanOsman Oh well now this is interesting... a guy in a YouTube video is saying that if it isn't a "UEFI-ready" card, it only supports being initialized once.
That is interesting.
@NathanOsman But then how would I even see a BSOD?
Perhaps the second initialization fails and the card is in an unexpected state, crashing the driver.
^--- just a guess
@NathanOsman - This just gets better and better.. I don't know if this guy is to be believed, but now he's saying that Nvidia's consumer GPUs are programmed to give you a hard time if they detect they're in a VM, because they want you to get the Titans for that purpose...
That sounds too tinfoil hat-ish to me.
It's probably that they just don't test their other lines so well.
Hey @NathanOsman - Remember how I was saying Ubuntu would sometimes freeze on the second VM launch? Look at this:
That sounds like what you're experiencing all right.
Good morning chat
@Edity Hello.
@AndroidDev i will have to adjust code for 14.04 probably, try changing get_origin().y to get_origin()[-1]
I wonder why I have to put () in a code. Swift is confusing, man.
It never tells me.
It just says "You will know why soon"
@AndroidDev no clue, never seen that before. Though, GPU passthrough can be very tricky when the host OS is using the GPU, that isn't the case here is it?
(for example, my VMware hypervisors both have GPUs available, but neither are using them, they're saved for graphics memory only, or passthrough when I switch it to that)
I've seen GPU passthrough cause a ton of issues though in the past
(in VMware ESXi, it's actually PCI passthrough, where I can expose the GPU right to a specific VM, but switching on that passthrough for the GPU's PCI channels requires a full hypervisor reboot, so I usually don't do it)
@Edity probably because it's a function of sorts :)
it never tells me, oh well.
Stumped on askubuntu.com/q/832786/231142 First of all, they are always Gbps, not GBps. But I am not sure if it is off topic because some of the configuration can come from the onboard SAS controller configuration, as well as possible OS overhead causing the slow speed.
bad news bears
my hard drive isn't being detected
SSD with / is alright. HDD with windows 8, virtualbox, and backup of pictures is not detected
I was just reading that.
Man Chrome is a memory hog.
Just chrome open and I'm using 6GB.
@Seth yes, it is. Had to up my ram to 16GB to keep using Chrome and everything else
though I needed the RAM for VMs, too, so all in all a good thing
I'm going to have to do that too, I think :/
That's one thing I get a bit nervous about - UPnP. I like to have it enabled for applications (like Transmission) that listen for incoming connections.
...but I don't need badly behaved applications misusing it.
@Seth upgrading laptop ram though ain't cheap
gotta make sure the latencies and stuff all match up exactly to spec
@Seth how many tabs open?
@ThomasWard I just upgraded to 16 GB of RAM too. Huge difference.
@edwinksl how do I tell?
@NathanOsman I also upgraded the speed of my RAM too so...
maxed for what this laptop can handle
8GB in each SODIMM, higher speed RAM, so this thing purrs now.
Chrome noms the processor a ton though just idling
so my system is hotter than usual
@ThomasWard $90 for 16GB :/
I should open mine up and check if I have 1 8GB or two 4.
I hope it's one 8.
You shouldn't need to open it up.
@NathanOsman oh fair enough.
sudo dmidecode -t 17
@Seth ^--- that should tell you
@Seth $72 DDR3 1600 16GB (2x8GB) CORSAIR Vengeance Performance
'tis in my laptop now, pretty decent
I got an 8GB stick on Amazon (from Corsair) for $44.
@ThomasWard That's better than crucial anyway.
@NathanOsman ugh, looks like two 4s.
@Seth check the manufacturer specs
I wonder if I just replaced one of those with an 8 if it'd work.
my system had 2x4GB before
@Seth ehhh you lose dual channel
it did on my last system.
@ThomasWard true
My chipset supports up to 32 GB, but it only has two slots.
@Seth check specs first for max RAM per DIMM
8GB per DIMM was the max in this computer
16GB chips are super expensive.
yes they are
So, 16 GB will do for now :D
@NathanOsman VERY EXPENSIVE when you get into workstation/server ECC Registered RAM in large quantities
Yes indeed.
surprised I can get 128GB ECC Registered in my next build, with dual 8core xeons for just round $900, when you include SSDs, hard drives, etc.
I can't keep going at 6.2 out of 7.7 though.. That won't scale :/
@ThomasWard O_O
that is an amazing deal
where is this?
@Seth DIY build
little bit on the cheaper side that way :P
pc part picker link plz
don't have one
parts gathered by me and a few friends to make cost effective beefy system builds
so lotsa links
i don't think i have it uploaded anywhere anymore
not even sure those deals are still in place, I meant to have money to get this system by now
too bad HR screwed up and i'm out two paychecks right now
@edwinksl looks like 32 tabs?
man, I had forgotten how expensive memory was.
@Seth that's quite a lot :p i see you are a tab spammer like me
@Seth Netflix the past three hours plus three livestreams of artists doing their thing in digital art, and apart from my CPU pegged at 2.2GHz in each core right now and the thing being hot as heck, hovering around 4GB used by Chrome
out of the 16 here :p
I should really resurrect that website I started - the one where you list the parts in your PC so you can show it off to people.
yes you should
Never did get it finished.
Sigh... another thing to add to my long list of things to do..
That's a smoking hot deal seems like bestbuy.com/site/…
yes, that is
though I've had issues with PNY memory in the past
dead memory chip on the thing or what not
maybe I was just unlucky.
down to 14 tabs and still using 4.2GB
my hard drive got disconnected inside the caddy
tightened everyth, got my VMs back
@Seth Sooo... I should make WolfSay, which just spews a random thing I wrote in this chat?
I like that idea.
@Serg around?
@NathanOsman Are there any other Canadian carriers other than Telus?
because someone up there just leaked specs for the Pixel
@KazWolfe There are three large companies - Telus, Rogers, and Bell.
And one smaller carrier, Wind (the one I'm with).
well, Bell leaked stuff
Is it any good?
dat bezel
Compare that to the OP3:
Less wasted screen space.
the only reason I'm not going to get the OP3 is if the Pixel has some groundbreaking specs
I doubt that will happen.
iPhone much?
Trust me - having the fingerprint sensor on the back will be maddening.
@KazWolfe That's exactly what I thought.
eh, i liked my old LG's back buttons.
> Snapdragon 821 SoC, 4GB of RAM, 12.3MP cameras with optical stabilization, and 32/128GB of storage. The Pixel has a 2770mAh battery and the XL bumps it up to 3450mAh. And yes, they’ll have headphone jacks (strange you need to specify that these days) and a rear-facing fingerprint sensor.
only 10% performance increase? i can probably make that back with stock.
the only thing wrong with the OP3 so far is no SD card
and the fact that my iPhone can't sell...
@KazWolfe 64 GB internal storage isn't that bad.
@NathanOsman still. expansion is always good
Well, get a USB OTG cable and a flash drive :D
GitHub is down?
@NathanOsman Inconceivable!
Or a usb drive that does otc
@KazWolfe that word....
or just a micro sd card that fits into a convenient slot on my phone where it can stay!
Those graphs tell a different story...
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body: Should You Give Inteligen a Try? by moodikuta on askubuntu.com
@JourneymanGeek you can't just start a quote and not finish it.
Can't think of anything more fun than #GitHub going down and then hopping onto Twitter and seeing everyone complain. https://t.co/FKBem5BNI7
I think that's a prosecutable offense over in 'Murica.
@KazWolfe it does not mean what you think it means....
> "23:09 PDT Major service outage."
Well now.
s/My code's compiling/GitHub is down/
Obligatory "let's all move to GitLab".
no, gitlab sucks
enterprise pricing is outrageously bad.
Oh, I'm not actually serious.
This is why I try to run my own services....
I'd move to BitBucket long before using GitLab.
Actually, I'd just use Gogs, probably.
Run my own instance.
Yeah, but the benefit of a visual interface for Git is nice.
But seriously. $49/user/month...
Plus $99/user/month for the ability to lock files.
@KazWolfe gogs.io
Check out the screenshots.
@NathanOsman hm. what sort of admin/backend tools does it have?
Good question - I think there's an online demo instance somewhere...
found it but not admin credentials
Argh. I went to check the project page to see about trying it out.
that's the only reason i like/use gitlab. it has a nice admin backend that makes my life easy.
It's hosted on GitHub, of course.
@NathanOsman Ah. Thought I might find people on here running into that.
@NathanOsman really though. gitlab's backend is nice for management and integration stuff
@BardiHarborow Join the remnants of humanity as we endure the Great GitHub Outage of 2016.
They may take our GitHub. They may take our projects. They may even take our dignity. But they will never take our bacon!
I know this is somewhat sadistic of me, but I can't help but find it slightly funny when a major tech company has an outage.
@NathanOsman Two words: mandatory veganism.
Speaking of which...
Boostnote is never down!!! Yeah!👍 #github
@githubstatus be like: "We are currently experiencing major service outages." twitter.com/githubstatus/status/783187145414541312
Humanity is saved!
And it's green!
meanwhile in gitlab hq: some random intern: "so that's what that button does. welp, i'm fired"
If in doubt sudo reboot.
Well that was over before it began. Shoutout to #skynet for trying, but you failed buddy.
thank you whoever nuked that post
@KazWolfe I'm firing up Gogs in Docker for ya.
@NathanOsman someone found a bug in systemd
48 chars typed as user -> system crash
yesterday, by Nathan Osman
You're late to the party :D
I saw it y-day but was not online :=D
There's the admin home page.
Lemme know if you want to see a particular tab.
Hello people!
Interesting question:
Q: Determine when laptop was last plugged in to power

Holy MackerelI am looking for log entries of when my device is plugged and unplugged to/from mains power, or when the battery changes from discharging/charging state. Which log entries do I need to look for for this?

hi there @CristianaNicolae :)
@CristianaNicolae yeah. I upvoted that question
I wonder how would this be of help?... Hmmm! Maybe, this is a way to find out if anyone has tried to use your computer? (Paranoia) :-)
Anyway, it's interesting.
I think syslog may contain entries for that. but can't check now. on a windoze machine
@CristianaNicolae Linux does not log that though
It's so crazy here
Now I see the nickname... Wait a minute! "Holy Mackerel"?! What's that suppose to mean? Saint Fish?! Someone should conduct a study on nicknames in the onlien world.
@Rinzwind - Oh! Too bad! Th OP will be as disappointed as me. Wait! Does it mean that Windows logs such things? I have never thought about it before.
(It almost sounded like "alien world")
@CristianaNicolae I dont use windows so I do not know ;-)
@NathanOsman Now we know what crashed GitHub. :P
@Rinzwind I used to use Windows and be quite good at it, but still never knew about such things.
@BardiHarborow Ha!
cert for shop.ubuntu.com has ended :P
Issued by DigiCert.
So I guess it's not a case of a Let's Encrypt cert. expiring :D
Ended? I'm getting net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID because it's for shop.canonical.com and not shop.ubuntu.com.
Good point - it is valid until May 30, 2017.
They probably have the server misconfigured then.
They haven't sold out of these yet: shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=776
Where does that need to be reported? I'm looking at bug trackers and I've found launchpad, but that looks like it's for packages.
Hang on.
I know where to report it... one sec.
Hmm... things have moved a bit.
But this is probably a good place to start: github.com/ubuntudesign/www.ubuntu.com/issues/new
They will know where to direct it to if that isn't the right place.
@BardiHarborow what do you mean?
@NathanOsman Oh, I was just making sure you weren't doing it before I went ahead, but it's too late anyway. github.com/ubuntudesign/www.ubuntu.com/issues/913
Oh, I get it :D
No, I didn't report it. Thanks for doing that.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: How Does Nootropics Work? by so5121105 on askubuntu.com
1 hour later…
@KazWolfe AHA! It has been done! Apparently AVAST of all else was what got me my dad's MAC!
hello people
hello :)
how are you today?
excellent thanks!
@Serg Still throws a traceback paste.ubuntu.com/23274650
@DavidCole-GrammarPolice So that you can spoof your MAC to match?
What's the point?
does anyone have any cake?
@AndroidDev Exactly.
Now I just wait 61 hours for my password cracked to get the router password
@Zanna no cake :(
@edwinksl what shall we do then? How can we have a party for @jokerdino's birthday without cake?
@Zanna relying on you to make one :D
@terdon the live version is dope
@Serg are you here ?

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