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@Zacharee1 your new avatar behaves weirdly on my screen
how so
@Zacharee1 the gray one is you
Edity was having problems too
is it a firefox thing?
too mush pixlz
i can see your picture
could be a water-wolf thing . . .
i am on FF right now
> Minecraft FACTIONS Server Lets Play - MY FAC MEMBERS ARE HACKING!! - Ep. 968 ( Minecraft Faction )
do you think it's Factions?
hmm it looks okay on my firefox
@edwinksl which version ? I got 48.0
@Serg uses PlebFox
same, 48
I have 8k rep and I still can't ask questions :p
@Zacharee1 take lessons from Panda. He has over 400 questions
i think . . .
He has a lot for sure
554 to be exact
Want to hear a funny story?
@TheXed just tell, don't ask
@Serg well maybe with that attitude I won't tell :-P
O_o I haz attitudez ?
oh, jeez , Scoobs
Okay here it is...
So my sister in law has been living in my basement for the last 8 months or so..
and her bedroom is right under my living room...
the other day I made a internet radio streaming device with one of my rpi's...
and if it loses power for some reason the last radio station will start playing after it turns back on...
and there are big speakers hooked up to it...
well apparently exactly that happened last night...
and she freaked out and ran up stairs and woke me up...
and told me the tv was freaking out...
because she knew nothing about it...
it was like 4 in the morning
Lol , i can imagine her horror
"We haz dee-mons "
the risks of living with a Linuxer
before she came up...she sent me a text to tell me to turn down the tv...
then she came up to find nobody watching tv, and the tv wasn't even on...
I was like why did you assume it was me watching tv at 4 in the morning?
rich turner is legit though, i think he is one of the PMs in charge of WSL
and he wants to provide support for WSL in AU?
@edwinksl why not...it is Ubuntu...kind of...
We do support Bash on Windows
i don't think we have a consensus, do we
we have meta post about that somewhere
I thought it was decided by the mods
oh is it? link plz
meanwhile he seems to keep answering all those questions and spamming front page :/
Q: Do we consider "Ubuntu on Windows 10" the same as an official Ubuntu flavour? Do we support it? To what extent?

kosAs many will have heard of, Microsoft will distribute a stock Ubuntu installation to be run on Windows 10. Source. Someone has made the point that being this the result of a partnership with Canonical, questions about it should be supported. Per the Help Center: Questions that you may ask: ...

hardly definitive
also no inputs from le diamonds
@edwinksl well, basic answer is "yes, Ubuntu on Windows is on-topic"
this is getting fun:
@Zacharee1 nice pic
hey wait...does that mean powershell will be on topic?
uh no...?
@Zacharee1 to dark...but nice bokeh...
@TheXed I can lighten it
@Zacharee1 why not?
I mean on powershell...
@TheXed because Bash on Windows is an Ubuntu product. Powershell is still MS
unless I'm missing something
@Zacharee1 have you not heard? powershell is now open source and available on linux?
I'd say we follow the guidelines in the Help Center then
> Running third-party applications on Ubuntu.
@TheXed OK , but ew . . .
@Serg I never said it was a good idea...
If the question is about getting it to work on Ubuntu, it's fine
But if the question is about how to use it, I think that's OT
@Zacharee1 it might get into 50 shades of gray area . . . because questions about how to use bash technically belong on stackoverflow ,but we still support 'em.
@Serg we support programming in Bash, but I think that's a special case
and it has to be on Ubuntu of course
@TheXed how's this:
I am just saying if Bash on Windows is fair game, then so should Powershell on Ubuntu.
@Zacharee1 it's a special case , but it extends also to other shells , like ksh and csh and tcsh,and those don't even come by default with Ubuntu.
i don't see why powershell scripting should be on-topic here
@Zacharee1 better, but when I click to make the picture bigger it gets blocked by the web filter lol...
@TheXed like I said above, I'm pretty sure Bash is a special case, and it's only acceptable if it's Ubuntu. Since Bash on Windows is also a Canonical product (sort of), that should mean it's on topic
it doesn't ship with ubuntu
@TheXed lol
@edwinksl technology Bash doesn't ship on Windows either...
@TheXed yeah, but we don't support Windows normally, and BoW is a Canonical product
but bash ships with WSL
if we support WSL, then we support bash scripting in WSL
@Zacharee1 but nobody says we have to support every Canonical product?
@TheXed actually...
> Services provided by Ubuntu and Canonical.
Okay then it should be askubuntuandcanonical.com...
@TheXed but long URLs are never visited
Okay fine...askcanonical.com
that would suggest we are employed ($$$) by canonical
@NathanOsman we're going to change the URL to askcanonical.com
I would be glad to be employed by Canonical
@edwinksl we aren't? its no wonder I never received a check!
@TheXed i got mine though!
Let's hold Marco hostage until they hire us! :D
I did get a nice little askubuntu shirt and some stickers once though...
j/k, of course.
@NathanOsman or are you O_0
SUSE apparently did like that im Ubuntu fanboy, so they didn't employ me
@Serg they did so they didn't employ you?
@Zacharee1 it happens...it will be alright...
@Zacharee1 well some time ago i applied for internship with suse in China, for the lulz tho
But they liked that you liked Ubuntu o they didn't employ you?
I want to be the VP of "cloud operations" - whatever that is.
I want to be the President of antique technology restoration....
@Zacharee1 no idea. i didn't even hear from them after i submitted my application
@Serg I applied a few years ago, even had a couple interviews, but no.
I would have been on the Unity team.
@NathanOsman if you work for the Unity team I will be forced to severe all ties with you.
@TheXed Don't worry, I don't :P
Who is to say its not in your future though...
Soon I'll probably go to downtown and sit on the sidewalk with a sign saying "Will write bash and python scripts for food"
@Serg don't forget powershell...
@TheXed i never knew powershell , so i don't have to forget it :p
WHy would you forget it?
@Serg or maybe we should get paid at a rate of $5 per 1 rep
Wait...am I supposed to like this Rich Turner guy?
@edwinksl with that rate i'd make 140,000 $ already.
Heck, i wouldn't mind 5 cent per 1 rep
@edwinksl in how long?
Because in 6 years I would only have made 49k...
which I make that in my day job...a year...
@TheXed but since you do this in your free time anyway...
@Zacharee1 right...but I guess if I made money doing it it could be a job...
you'd be pretty far below the povety line, so you could probably get wellfare :p
$ wcalc 49000/6
 = 8166.67
@Zacharee1 No I mean imagine if I did this full time...
Hey, that's extra 8k per year
@TheXed exactly
@Serg 30% Goes to Obama/Trump/Clinton...
@TheXed well, still some extra money.
@Zacharee1 I wasn't trying to start a debate about who should be the most lame person in the world...
The Republicans could have run a toaster against Hillary and won. But they had to pick the only person on the planet worse than her...
But I am writing in Snoopy...
@Zacharee1 TURNIP
uh , catnip for president , 2016 ?
He turned up all right....right in time to "make America great again"
someone did it
@TheXed to make america great again again
@Serg catnip could probably do as good of a job as either of these people...
what have I found O_O
@TheXed the cat population of the US would actually like it
And I am a cat owner...
So if my cat is happy I am happy...
when people make fake meth advisories with catnip
i'm . . . slightly confused as to what's going on with my github . . .
@TheXed and vise versa
@Serg wat do
Well time for me to oack up and go home...
it was real, and it was fun...real fun...
we need a catnip room
ducking ducker duck
just one of those moments when i wish i saved my money and used it to get a "nanodegree", or some certification", or whatever else
heheh why
because . . . at least i could have put my money into TEFL certification, and go teach Ingles in China. . . . their certification is like 250 $. At the beginning of the summer I had 500 $. End result is that I paid for car insurance and send money to grandmother back in Ukraine . . .
I've 100$ left
and mad parents . . .
start a GoFundMe
My bitcoinz!
@NathanOsman did your bitcoins get stolen too ?
I don't have any.
Anyone here know anything about flashing roms on an android?
A little bit.
Im trying to replace the rom on an old phone...
WHo are we funding and why?
@TheXed Zach proposed that i start gofundme campaign to raise money so that i can get money to get TELF certified and go to China teach English
One of the guys i know did that actually. He raised money for his trip to China
@Serg how much does that cost?
I mean just the cert...
250$ for the course
I'm not really going to start a gofundme campaign
do you have to take a test to get the cert then?
So that would be like another 250-300...
It irks me that money becomes a barrier to people that want to legitimitly improve their qaulity of life...
It always has been a barrier
It still irks me...
if you did start a gofundme though I would make an honest effort to convince my wife that we need to support you though...
eh, don't pay attention guys, I'm just thinkingg out loud. It's not a very legitimate reason for a campaign.
I am just saying...out loud that I would support you...
lol I just logged into Rust...
and I am legitimtly scared...
There are all these people on the beach...
and they are fighting...
and it is night time...
can't see anything...
@SQuirel what phone? The process changes pretty drastically from model to model
what does everyone think?
Q: Boot once into non-GUI mode on systemd

MelabI have a Ubuntu 16.04 installation. It is running in a virtual machine and this can cause my laptop to get on depending on what I am doing. I want to know how to boot into a non-graphical multi-user mode WITH networking. I've seen systemctl set-default multiuser.target but that is a persistent...

So you all know the game Minecraft right?
Well Telltale Games is making a Story Mode series for it (I think Episode 7 was just released). It's a game where you choose some prompts and have some decisions, but it's mostly animation and voice acting.
But now someone's recreated Story Mode Episode 2 in Minecraft
So a game based on Minecraft now has a game in Minecraft based off it
Well that was more unexpected than usual:
@Zacharee1 sigh
You mean Minecraft: Story Mode?
i have not played minecraft in forever
me neither
@Serg I should teach you to play SkyWars
Im beast at skywars
But I just slipped out of minecraft
Too kiddish
When I accidentally crash a server people whine
@Zacharee1 sounds familiar. Hunger Games + Starwars mashup ? i remember there was a server for that
You start on an island over the void
other people/teams on other islands
mostly i would hangout on Blockville. You know that one ?
all in a ring around a center island
you have chests on your island where you get items armour weapons etc
@Serg not sure
what is skywars?
@Zacharee1 i think that's exactly what my friend's son was trying to get me interested in. i played a few times, but as usually - suck at games
@TheXed MC PVP minigame
Look it up: skywars hypixel
Q: How ubuntu snap package works on all linux distributions?

Shyam JosIs it something like docker containers ? Is there will be any performance difference between native package (rpm/deb) and snap package ?

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, link following arrow in body, pattern-matching website in body: Skincare For Many Forms Of Skin by eleanorbello on askubuntu.com
It's actually pretty cool
Where's the vomit bag
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Personal Development Health by davidjeffries on askubuntu.com
I have 5 upvotes on my question, yet no one answered it yet. Well . . .
Same with me @Serg
It's fuging annoying
@NathanOsman Beautiful sir.
Well, I do my best :D
@NathanOsman while we're still on topic
That is very disturbing.
@RPiAwesomeness queeeeeestion: what brand do you recommend for an entry-level DSLR?
@Zacharee1 you might be able to help with this too ---^
I would get other opinions, I'm not really knowledgable in terms of different brands/models, but the T3i is a pretty good entry level
That's about all I know xD
Well, that's still more than I know.
@Serg The question is, why on earth are all these idiots filming their cats puking on carpet inside? o_O
@RPiAwesomeness why do people film people fight without pulling those people apart ?
For points on the Interwebz, I assume.
@Serg Because that's a stupid thing to do, and because they're also stupid :P
Grr... you Americans are having a big sale over on bestbuy.com but did they decide to do the same up north here? Nope.
probably your Canadian sales are OK , so no need to boost them with sales. Or maybe there's not too many things in stock, so no need to get rid of them via sales
and i just overused the word sales
That's what listening to Indian hip-hop does to you
I think i found it finally
the alternative of sudo service lightdm restart is systemctl stop user-121.slice
where user 121 is the lightdm user. It seems the display managers are now started on behalf of separate users, instead of previous approach of using root
that's why sudo kill -9 -1 wasn't working to kill X and all
Not really , there used to be lightdm users in past
I'm not sure actually who used to start display managers in past. it could be lightdm also.
sorry for all these off-topic rant :D
totally on topic
OK. just needed to write these before going
FUUUUUDGE. New FNAF game got cancelled due to leaks. Gottammit
<meta name="If anything, it was just too soon for such an ambitious venture. There is still a bright future for Circus Baby, so be watching for her to appear at a neighborhood party near you!"
AHA, Scott, you sneaky bastard
There will be something else
oh @Anwar why are you killing your poor innocent DM?
welp, August 19 , 2016 - due date of first payment . . . . deadline at 5 pm. Since I probably won't get sh!!t in a few hours . . . .well, i guess i should drop 'em
I had tried 'systemctl disable lightdm' once .. disabled worked but enable didn't xD
@CodeX that's totally awesome feature
@Serg yeah
> "PowerShell is open sourced and is available on Linux" - Microsoft Azure, Blog PowerShell is open sourced and is available on Linux
Yup, we've heard already
I don't know what to think of Ms open-sourcing everything
I was the first who pasted that news yesterday
I win xD
Trying to regain Market and attract devs of course
"If you can't fight them, use them"
one in 3 Servers running on Azure platform is linux
An exceptionally rude answer puzzling.stackexchange.com/a/40916/21368
It's not like I'm a zombie y'all
what is with that annoying yellow background in that site .. why mouse over to read everything
@CodeX that's to hide the answer from people who want to solve the puzzle on their own. It's actually really useful.
@grooveplex oh I get it now ..thanks
I have sunburn
It stings so bad
It's useful for preventing spoiling answer . . . basically
AH it hurts
apply Aloe Vera @ƎpᴉʇʎXD
no relief ?
argh need a dupe target for this askubuntu.com/questions/814051/…
Q: wifi and bluetooth not working yet in ubuntu linux

Naveen Kumariwconfig lo no wireless extensions. enp3s0 no wireless extensions. wlp2s0 IEEE 802.11abg ESSID:off/any Mode:Managed Access Point: Not-Associated Retry short limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off Power Management:off rfkill list 0: phy0: Wireles...

"Know any other dangerous commands that new (and experienced) Linux users shouldn’t run? Leave a comment and share them!" o.0 cc @Serg
@Zanna can't you just vtc 'too broad'? Blacklisting all dangerous commands simply isn't possible.
Leave a comment: "use your common sense. If you're not sure what a command does, Google it first"
I could but this question comes up all the time and I'm frustrated that I can't find a good answer
the current comments are sufficient
there was one question like this a while back . . . but not exact dupe. I'll answer that question in a minute and link it there
Rinzwind's answer covers it perfectly
Anyone know how to stop Android Studio being stupid? I don't use it (the problem has drifted and I am regretting answering the original question!!) askubuntu.com/questions/814056/…
Q: How do I install .deb files on bq Aquaris?

M. H.I have recently purchased a bq Aquaris m10 FHD, and I am looking to install the desktop version of dropbox, as well as the latest scrivener beta. The whole point of this tablet, was to have a tablet that could run normal desktop apps, but there seems to be no way to install .deb files. The sy...

user is using AU as his personal blog
@grooveplex all my answer do >:-D
Q: Why did the command ":(){ :|: & };:" make my system lag so badly I had to reboot?

blade19899 DANGER! Do not run this command to 'test' it unless you are prepared for a crash and/or force-rebooting your system. I was in my Virtualbox running 12.04 trying to compile an app, and while waiting I happened to chance upon a forum where a comment said: Try :(){ :|: & };: Fun, too...

@Rinzwind an user documenting their findings
but those findings are NAA

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