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@J.Ferreira never easy for me, because stuff she likes , like make up or parfumes and bags, are hard to choose . I'm not even talking about clothes .
does she have any problems with it? Something she wants to be easier?
he does not know her style basically, he's a dude, it's normal
(I meant the computer)
If I were knowledgeable in some Windows programming, maybe I could make an app. But I asked her multiple times, like "What kind of app would you like me to make" ,and since she only watches youtube and checks her russian facebook, there's nothing she can come up with
why dont you just do the same i did last tim
@Serg hybrid web wrapper
I was struggling with buying her a perfum as I am highly sensitive to smells
@Zacharee1 wrapper for what ?
and I just went to the employer of the store and asked which one was the best seller
@Serg FB and YT at the same time
Find a nice landscape photo, have it enlarged, printed on something nice, and framed.
Would that work?
you can buy one already made
there are a bunch of sites with canvas and stuff
@NathanOsman that would work , but 1 - I don't have color ink right now, 2 - I am limited to letter size of paper.
I like that a lot
Yeah, but if you take the picture it has a personal touch :)
@Serg I meant at a print shop.
I am not that into being that nice
@J.Ferreira she likes body mist type of parfumes
that's a good idea
buy a battery pack for your mom if she plays pokemon go
go to a store and ask for the best seller for her age
@edwinksl -______-
@edwinksl That worked for my mom (not for Pokemon, obviously, but for charging phones, cameras, etc.)
you can always give her a cat xD
That's the opposite of giving :D She'll end up paying more than she's getting...
not in love pukes
Get her a green "eco-friendly" PC.
If you get a cat when it's a kitten, it makes great company
But we already have a cat and a dog
@NathanOsman ha
cats are always a good company
even runs on unity
Also . . . that's a desktop
@Zacharee1 I've been wanting to start a company.
@Serg ANoThER OnE
@NathanOsman shut up
body mist is a great idea, she loves those . I could go to Victoria Secrets. But it's 8:15 pm already , everything will close up soon
a cat would be a great partner for your company
i am sure what your mom really wants is to meet your gf over a great meal
@edwinksl I do want that too, but I'm too broke to fly my gf here . . . or my mom there . . .
And speaking of great meal...
I choose bacon.
powerbanks are handy
that's disgusting
sooo many pigggs
<--- never misses an opportunity to talk about bacon
bacon is the soul of america
or one really big pig
@J.Ferreira that could probably all come from one
i'm a vegetarian
stay clear of long pigs tho
@J.Ferreira so am I!
chest bump
@J.Ferreira Well, in that case, imagine meat-substitute bacon then.
I did love my bacon though
wierd thing is I knew a meateater who hated bacon.
life is fatal anyway
I'd rather die full of bacon than not full of bacon.
may as well go out with a bang
they scream like hell when about to be killed jezz
@NathanOsman good life philosophy
@J.Ferreira ugh. Shit like that would upset me too much to even watch
you go with a bang and with thousands with pigs killed
@J.Ferreira my gf mostly eats veggies, she's not vegan but she prefers healthy style of eating . It's actually pretty nice. At first I was hesitant to go to veggiterian buffets while i was in China, but then . . .love changes everything
When I was a child my grandfather actually had a pig of his killed and I watched that s* wasnt fun
"love changes everything" - can confirm.
even your love for bacon? or did the love for bacon changed everything?
@J.Ferreira 0_0
I don't really want to find out.
@J.Ferreira let's just say , I still love bacon, but if I have to choose between going to a place with bacon and to a place my gf wants to visit, I'll choose my gf's place
7 minutes to go on my Mageia install...
That's what... 2 hours so far?
So much waste.
at least you'e committed to fixing bugs
my bf eats meat and Im fine with that, I guess people put in their bodies what they choose to put and that works for everythign
meat is not unhealthy
it highly depends on the quality of the meat
Quality, freshness, type of meat
yes, but the way you said that made it seem like you were saying meat is bad'
Nah, she means to say she doesn't like meat, but she's ok with her bf eating it
that's all
not bad, not good, just not her preference
Woohoo! Install is complete.
exactly. I do not enjoy vegans who keep on pushing veganism down people's throats
@J.Ferreira I could make a vulgar joke about that...
but I'll leave it to @Serg or @KazWolfe
how evolved of you
It won't boot.
Resets VM...
@J.Ferreira you don't follow the paleo diet? :)
that diet has meat in it
I should finish that script somehow . . . .
I eat what I want, I do not like restrictions of any form in any context
we're all sarcasm here btw'
we are rarely serious until the diamonds show up :)
are you all statisticians or just interested?
^wrong chat?
i am interested in stats but that's not why i am here :)
haha that makes a lot more sense now
all the computer suggestions xD
what did you think we were?
I was looking at the chats from the stats section of stackexchange
@J.Ferreira I'm a lifelong vegetarian (lactovegan really), so I typically don't try to convert people ;p
that's good
@Zacharee1 "damn dirty heathens. Why, I'll be. I'll have you know I actually bathe"
@J.Ferreira you are very welcome here though, sign up for an AU account and see all the good work we do ;)
"good" that's a funny one
damn zach don't air dirty laundry in public
i dont whether I am nerdy enough to be here haha
do you hate Apple and Windows?
not really
I am a loving person
I do hate apple's prices though
I run windows most of the time. And fedora ;p
OK, does Apple's business model of pretending the same device is something new while charging ridiculous prices for it?
and are you annoyed at how many issues Windows, the $200 OS, has?
@Zacharee1 they do actually have a few nice hardware things. Sometimes.
so you people do not convert people into veganism but do convert them into something
that's software
I like my ipad
well, MS's hardware is top notch.
@JourneymanGeek MS has hardware?
I was thinking apple and their really nice screens before anyone else
@Zacharee1 their mice are kinda legendary.
and the surface is a pretty good tablet
@JourneymanGeek Apple's Mac screens are terrible
@Zacharee1 retina >_>
They have staggered pixels or something weird and it's just painful for my eyes
when most laptops were 1080p or (eww) 1366x768
I do not like Steve Jobs personally, but it's not the company's fauly the fact that people are idiots and buy every s* they sell just because it's a trend
not to mention the terrible color accuracy
granted, I build my own desktops
and until recently, most of my laptops were thinkpads
@J.Ferreira they encourage it
@JourneymanGeek IBM?
or Lenovo by then?
of course they do, so do most companies
Most recent one was lenovo
right before they messed up the best laptop keyboard in the business and went chiclet
@J.Ferreira Ubuntu doesn't encourage the idiots, but somehow we get them
@JourneymanGeek lol
of course, there's good chicklet keyboards
I love the one on my HP stream (great cheap netbook), but I find apple and asus versions unusable.
I love the one on my laptop
people fall in love with design and apple is good at it
My current object of lust is the razer blade stealth.
@J.Ferreira that and marketing
My brother owns one. Its sweet
It is also user friendly
When the 5C was new, NYC had pretty much every bus station, payphone booth and subway ad space filled with 5C stuff
@J.Ferreira I respectfully disagree. ;p
especially their ipads and iphones
you do?
I have an iPad 3 on iOS 8.4. The thing is slow as hell
you are not representative of the population
I've find android easier to just pick up and use.
I have three tablets in my house and I only like mine
I love that Android is so easy to customize.
I have an LG G2 which is a 2013 premium midrange phone and it's extremely quick on Cyanogenmod
and the retina screen made a heal of a difference
@NathanOsman heh. Stockish android is a non negotiable feature for me
@NathanOsman that. too bad iOS users don't care
@JourneymanGeek Stock as in manufacturer stock or Stock as in vanilla?
Yeah, with Cyanogen, there's pretty much nothing you can't customize.
@Zacharee1 vanilla
@J.Ferreira That's why I like the newer droid phones. Huge displays with high pixel densities :P
My current phone is a moto G first gen. (essentially 99% stock, and anything not's a little android app)
@JourneymanGeek why
next phone's a one plus 3
oh wait
I get what you mean
I dont use my phone only pc and ipad
I thought you said you didn't like vanilla
I do not care for phones
@Zacharee1 as opposed to the wierd shit the chinese do.
@J.Ferreira if you had a 5.7" screen, you might reconsider :p
@J.Ferreira When you get one as big as my Nexus 6, (6") there really isn't much difference :D
@JourneymanGeek isn't Oneplus Chinese?
@J.Ferreira I'm on 2 x 27 inch screens on my desktop.
why would I have one though? If I have an ipad why spend more money on a phone?
@Zacharee1 Yes.
@Zacharee1 nearly stock android tho
@J.Ferreira You can make calls with it?
as opposed to the app drawerless skin xiomi does
I HATE talking on the phone
(and I was SERIOUSLY looking at their stuff)
@J.Ferreira The Galaxy series has officially become cheaper than the iPhone
@J.Ferreira can't really put a tablet in your pocket
double the specs and performance (quadruple if you CM it), for $100 less
I mostly use my phone as a quick way to get online.
I am a girl I use a bag
dont need to fit stuff in my pocket
@J.Ferreira heh. In theory I could do that, I guess.
(manbags FTW)
@J.Ferreira with women's clothes these days, an iPod Nano wouldn't fit in your pocket
@JourneymanGeek *murse
like joey in friends FTW
I like OnePlus, that's all i have to say
pockets on women's clothes are a scam
srsly tho
I do not dress like a slut thank you very much
@Zacharee1 a lot of my female friends complain about the lack of real pockets on women's clothes
my sister has stuff with FAKE ZIPPERS
I'm from europe, not USA xD
or worse, fake pockets.
@J.Ferreira do they have real pockets there?
@Zacharee1 I donno
no girls in the family, and my mom wears a traditional saree
I choose clothe that has pocket though I do not use them to put my phone
The US doesn't have real pockets for girls on anything
I don't buy things that don't have pockets.
my shorts tend to have big enough pockets to put a 7" tablet in tho ;p
Yes, of course we do, We sometimes have pockets in dresses
not that I would
@J.Ferreira the EU sounds like a wonderful place
although GB might disagree
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, one person bumping into you would put a quick end to it.
Putting things in your pockets ruins them
@Zacharee1 ???
@NathanOsman its uncomfortable ;p
you keep on bumping into things or putting them with your keys
@J.Ferreira what's the point of pockets then? ;p
@JourneymanGeek that's what the clothes manufacturers in the US are thinking
I have no problem with pockets, I just do not use them that is why I always use a bag
I do keys + wallet + phone
^--- this
But not in the same pocket.
@J.Ferreira you're weird. You'll fit right in
Where are the lrelease and lupdate tools in Fedora???
@NathanOsman wallet + phone in one, keys in another
@JourneymanGeek Close. I have wallet + keys in one, phone in the other.
Oh, and my transit card in with the phone.
My dad needed a SD card. Asked me to buy one. I pulled one out of my spares box and passed it to him
my transit card's in my waller
I don't like to reach into my wallet in public so I keep it separate.
which blocks RFID, so I need to flip it open....
I'm not weird, Im a girl, girls always use bags
@J.Ferreira alas, we are oppressed by the matriachy ;p
@J.Ferreira way to conform :p
How do you even search for package contents in Fedora???
you go to AskUbuntu.com and ask
because you're oblivious to the name
I deserved that
see? sarcasm
just wait till @KazWolfe comes back
urpmf /usr/bin/lrelease
That looks like the command I need to use.
urpmf lol
That's Mageia's package manager.
They have a separate command for installing, removing, and searching for packages.
whats with the bacon?
making me hungry :P
Me too.
did serg go buy his mom's gift?
He's still in the room... so we don't really know.
he is probably writing his bash script

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