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@KGIII: Is this not it?
That looks like it. @ParanoidPanda so probably? I didn't realize that Firefox had a version... Hmm... I could have sworn they didn't.
If they do AND you're a Firefox user, rejoice! It is awesome and it is really light on resources. It's a great tool to have in a layered defense.
Ah - it looks like Firefox users got access in May of this year. Excellent!
:-) I'm envisioning you all having run off to test out uMatrix. I hope so, at any rate.
NoScript has some advanced stuff too:
@ByteCommander: How do you get it to go all black like that?
@ParanoidPanda I use the BlackFox V2 appearance theme.
@KGIII: What is "cloud storage support"?
@ByteCommander NoScript has one feature that I liked and can't get - I forget it's name. There's no version of NoScript for my browser. :(
@ParanoidPanda I'm looking. I don't see that feature in my version. :/ Where's it located?
In the dashboard convenience section.
@KGIII: uMatrix seems quite complicated, is there any documentation for it?
Yeah, I don't get that feature.
I'll just leave this here... someone will find it horribly useful on a forum somewhere...
It looks like it stores your settings in a cloud storage service of your choosing.
@hbdgaf Scrolling....
@blade19899 It's not for AU chat, but I thought people could use it on forums ;)
@ByteCommander Ah! I found it. I can't get ABE functionality with uMatrix but that's okay. I still get the functionality but not by name and not as easily configured. :(
@KGIII: So the plugin section, that prevents a site from accessing a plugin, but not an extension?
But it doesn't interfere with the work of the plugin though does it?
That sounds about right. So long as you don't intentionally enable (they're disabled by default - whitelisting) the secondary domain then it shouldn't be a problem.
What's the other section?
As you're whitelisting by domain, you should be all set. I can't think of a way to bypass it but the choice is a bit rudimentary. NoScript is a much more easily used UI in that regards.
That would be things not covered by the first categories. Very seldom do I see things in there. I've had some HTML5 elements pop up in there but those seem to be categorized better. They're blocked/disabled by default if they're unusual - it seems. Anything not from the host domain is blocked and you whitelist as you go.
Sometime back, they included the ability to add hosts files from a variety of sites (or add your own) and that's a nice feature. :D I was kind of surprised to see it in there as it wasn't what I was expecting the application to do.
@KGIII: I've got other blockers like NoScript and others installed, it shouldn’t interfere with their blocking should it?
Nope. Not at all.
Ok, good, I'll keep it then! :)
I've run it in conjunction with Disconnect, Ghostery, and AdBlock plus and had nary a problem.
Then, after I used it for quite a while, I felt comfortable disabling the Ghostery and Disconnect. In fact, I'd probably continue to use the others until you had the whitelist setup and tailored to your needs.
There's a learning curve and it's tempting to just click the "allow all" option but, once you get it configured and have done it a few times - it's quick and easy. I use and like the least privilege methods of security. If I don't need the functionality then I don't want the code.
@KGIII Is that Ublock?
Nope, it's uMatrix blocking the tracking stuff at AskUbuntu.
Anyone know anything about this?
Q: How to take a screenshot of a TTY?

Paranoid PandaI want to run something in one TTY and then take a screenshot of it from another TTY (because it won't let me run something else in the same TTY that I am running the thing in that I want to take the screenshot of), is this possible? I looked at this but it appears to be only from the current TTY...

@Oli: I believe you helped on the last question on something like this.
I don't, but it's a really good question. Have an upvote.
Q: To work with older account

RahulI have a account already on Ubuntu 12.04.Now I shifted to Ubuntu 15.10.That's why I had to create this account.Can't I work with my older account.I know I should ask it on meta but with this new account I don't have enough reputations.

@ParanoidPanda you did not even search on google did you?
Q: Can I take a screenshot of a virtual console?

ændrükIs there a way for me to take a screenshot in a virtual console?

@Rinzwind: And you didn't even read my question did you? I talk about that question in my question. :P
and that is how it is done ;-)
a tty does not exist up to when you use it
(only the getty exists for a tty)
But I can't execute any code in the currently running TTY because it is outputting something, so I need to take a screenshot of it without executing code in it.
@ParanoidPanda you can stop the output with control-z and resume it :=)
The output automatically clears itself.
       -c N
           Grab the /dev/ttyN virtual terminal.
@ParanoidPanda ^^
It is graphical output.
Maybe @Oli wants to quickly update his answer to cover your question.
@kos >:)
@Rinzwind I guess that telling @ParanoidPanda to RTFM would be useless, so I won't.
Panda's read ALL the manuals. :/ (It doesn't mean he remembers or understood them all, but he's read every last one of 'em.) nods
I showed him uMatrix and the first thing he wanted was the documentation. :D
@ParanoidPanda Please please use inline links if you insist on dumping every one of your questions here.
@kos 1st thing I do is "man {it}" :-X 9 out of 10 times it is clearly stated what I needed :D
You use inline links when linking to other people's questions but always dump yours with a huge, disruptive banner in the chat.
@terdon: Ok, sorry. :)
Can comodo issue FALSE SSL certificate for stack
@terdon he does? :X
@Rinzwind Yes.
No someone else
and what is up with the Centreon questions all of a sudden
Go install fedora if you want that :-X
@Rinzwind Agreed, if not more than 9/10. I don't understand, it's also way quicker and simpler than writing a clear question, adding details and backrgounds, tags, etc (CC @ParanoidPanda)
Too much work to ask a question.
@Oli pls look in to stackexchange security and logins
@intex What's wrong with it? It's CloudFlare's SSL. That's fine.
There I called it off topic: askubuntu.com/questions/699616/…
@kos oh but I can see hit point of view too. Panda's tend to be more occupied by the current stick of bamboo ;-) :D
@Oli: The moment I got your answer to work and tried to accept it you deleted it! How come?
@ParanoidPanda he's frickle like that :=)
@ParanoidPanda Because you were asking me questions the other answer already answered. Doesn't make sense to leave them both open, reputation be damned.
and still he is close to 150k
@Oli: But you don't cover in your other answer what you cover here...
or ....
people with 150k rep can do that >;)
@Rinzwind But he'll have to drop his bamboo stick to write a question, won't he? :D
@ParanoidPanda I really do (and more). I updated it.
So what do you guys think of my cmatrix answer? :)
@ParanoidPanda nice answer, but that won't help if they actually want a 'screensaver' that automatically turns on.
Hmm... Rather than asking in chat, I posted my question. Anyone know anything about getting the man pages in PDF format? Google was not helpful nor were the search engines here or at the Ubuntu site. Question: askubuntu.com/questions/699626/… (And taking advice on how to improve the question, if needed.)
@ThomasW. Unless I missed something, that does one page at a time?
Geeez, compiling Gnome Software takes for freaking ever!
@KGIII Correct - read my answer though.
@KGIII You want all the manpages?
Enjoy millions of pages of useless information
Yes, the "entirety." And yes, millions of useless pages. :D
@KGIII infinite number, then, and unattainable
Edit your question to be that specific then
I did say the entirety of them in my question - specifically for my version of Lubuntu or Ubuntu - 15.10. What more information should I add to that?
hey guys hopefully u can solve this for me i.imgur.com/O6Pyw6k.png and i.imgur.com/1sjhcMS.png as u can see gparted saying my disk is full but it's not pastebin.com/Y5gGxH1n
and thats causing mysql not to start pastebin.com/AbNd2M5q
i deleted many stuff, same issue, im on manjaro

i asked http://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/26/unix-and-linux no one replied, if you can help would be great, if not I'll have to ask on Unix.SE
Added an edit just to make it more clear. :D
@KGIII If you really need that how about batch converting all the man pages to HTML documents? They'd be way more portable than PDFs and way more lightweight also.
@ParanoidPanda Nice =) +1
@kos That might work - I have to get them first. Without, you know, hammering on the server. I'm presuming that they're not all installed by default.
@KGIII What do you mean? You want all the man pages of all the packages possibly installable?
Yes. Every last one. @kos. Well, every one listed at the site linked - the ones in the official repositories.
I just really don't want to hammer on their server in order to get them - if I can avoid it. I probably won't - if I can't find another way. It just seems rude to go beating on their server and bandwidth like that.
@kos I think that's unattainable, which they want, that's still millions of pages and HUGE storage reqs.
I only want the ones for the current version - which is in the tens of thousands. The HTTrack answer in another answer indicates that it was 200 MB that they downloaded to do it with them in HTML format. I'm kind of hoping to not make that many HTTP requests or eat up that bandwidth on them for such a trivial reason, however.
@jokerdino Please, can I have a chat for a +11 user? askubuntu.com/q/699599/367165
@KGIII If it's not that server it gotta be another one, you'll need to fetch them from somewhere. Also I don't think they'll run out of bandwidth to accomodate your requests, servers have mechanism to handle that. Most likely you'll have to wait a bit if they think you're abusing them.
@kos If it's already downloaded once and then compressed (text compresses nicely) then it is many fewer HTTP-requests and a heck of a lot less bandwidth. :/
I may just have to grab them with HTTrack but I'll wait and see if anyone's got a copy or has found a site with a copy. I found one but it's for 14.04 and Ubuntu, I may just settle for that, as well. It's for passive/entertainment and learning - nothing major, or anything.
@ThomasW. These don't seem to be too many (I understand these are those they want)
Those are exactly what I'm asking about and linked to in my question. :D I figure there's thousands of them, not too bad - really. It's a lot of HTTP-requests hammering on Apache and some 200+ MB in a different answer.
@kos wait for it to completely render lol
@kos that page will also be never ending and they'll ahve to do it every new release, download all pages, etc.
which is still resource intense
and not in the 'book' form they want
@KGIII Still stuck with the HTTP reqs unless you download all the packages.
I did mention "ideally." I'll settle for any format, really. I can then manipulate it locally. However, ideally, someone will have it in PDF format or something similar. I might just have to make it, upload it, and share it.
@KGIII @ThomasW. Ok I've counted them, they're 31161
I need a moderator =)
That's not too bad. Thanks @kos. I'll still wait to see if someone's done it - I can also set HTTrack to space out the requests, I believe.
I wonder if there's someone I can contact who might just grab the directory via FTP and put it into a tarball and lemme grab it from some download site?
@Rinzwind :P =)
@KGIII Sounds like it's going to cause less stress just to wget the lot.
@KGIII Np. I would scrape the list, make a little script which keeps track of those already downloaded (so that the script can be stopped / restarted) and downloads those not downloaded yet using wget
I don't know how to time requests with wget - I'll look into it, thanks.
@kos Yeah - it looks like HTTrack does that, you can set it to do batches.
@Oli Please, can I have a chat for an user with +11? askubuntu.com/q/699599/367165
If I do end up doing it then I'll probably process it a couple of different ways and then upload it to sourceforge or similar so that others can have it.
Hmm... Then if I can just difference it, in the future, I'll only need to make incremental updates to it and save some server/bandwidth resources. We'll see what people have in mind.
Q: python-rtai module import in python-3

mrudulaI am porting my application from python-2 to python-3. I have real time application which uses rtai-4.1 realtime interface. Unable to import rtai_lxrt module in python-3 code. Any idea how to import python-rtai modules in python-3.

(I do appreciate all the help - it's nice to get other views on how to do it.)
Also, @Oli - Thanks! I am checking out wget now to see the functionality, that may work too. It looks like it's rather configurable.
@KGIII: How do I set uMatrix so that I can get in here without having to disable it?
I feel ignored.
@A.B. poor you ... I do not ignore you ! =)
@A.B.: I'm putting you on my ignore list. :P
@ParanoidPanda You can enable the ajax.googleapis.com bit and the cdn content at sstatic.com (also the gravatar if you want avatars to load).
Basically those two are required to show the content and allow the "ajaxy" stuff to load/run and the latter is needed to load avatars.
@KGIII: Don't you mean sstatic.net?
Yes, .net not .com :D
@A.B.: But I'm only doing it to test something in the chat script so don't worry! :D
One is chat-something. I have them all enabled (green). Then saved. (Lock icon.)
If you use @NathanOsman's script you'll have to also enable his mediasolutions (I think was the name) URL as well.
@ParanoidPanda Yeah, it's quickmediasolutions - you'll have to enable that one if you want to allow it access. Then, be sure to save it and you only need to do it until you get it working properly and then you don't need to touch it again. (Unless someone updates something, somewhere.) It works out well. There's a learning curve and some configuration time, at first. Then it's easy as pie (or cake).
@ThomasW.: It will now! :)
@KGIII Ok it's a bit intensive. Just for fun I made a script and left it running for ~5 minutes. I'm at ap*, and I have a very fair connection. :D
@kos LOL That's not too bad for 5 minutes. Do you have it pausing or is it just ripping at the servers?
It needn't be a rush job, I've a stable connection at home (about 12 MB/sec) and can use VNC to connect and do the work there. I can also off-load any conversions that I need to do to it as well.
@KGIII Aggressive while loop which fetches them with wget one after the other. :D
LOL I'm kind of curious about the script so please share when you get a chance. :D
I'd offer you some rep points for answering the question but I don't have very many. I can, though, if you want. :D
@KGIII I called it script but it's a dirty one-liner: while read x; do wget "$i"; done </path/to/list. I have the list separate, scraped from the page with sed
@KGIII Don't worry, it's fine. Let me see if I find a better method. :D
(in the meantime I'm at boxes)
@muru has an interesting option but I'm not sure that it's any better - it looks intensive but do-able, just a crazy route. I like it but I'm afraid it's going to hammer on something - probably just, mostly, at my end which is okay. And take your time, I'm in no rush. I want to see what people come up with and learn from that, too. (cc @kos)
@A.B.: What do you think this craziness could be about?
@Lynob That's kind of what you should do in the first place. Chat shouldn't be used as a substitute for the site. When you ask questions on the main site, they benefit everyone. When you ask in chat, it only benefits you. I see casey is helping you on U&L but please do post a question. That way, he can get some rep for having helped you and the site has another useful question and answer.
@ParanoidPanda BUG. Note, I didn't down-vote. I rarely down vote
@KGIII Ok, final result is I downloaded 3683 of them (how many were that in total? Anyway around 10%) in ~25 minutes with a connection which is usually firmly stable at 1.2 MB/s, so that method would take some hours. I'm curious to try muru's method, downloading the compressed tarballs should be a way smaller overhead. Although the problem here is more the number of requests.
Yeah, I can also off-load the computational tasks as well. Yay for VNC!
@KGIII the man pages for Ubuntu and Lubuntu will be 100% identical.
@terdon Thank you. The man-pages (linked at the site in question) is all the software in the official repositories?
@terdon The question though is what packages he needs
Probably, yes. Why in the world would you ever want to get all of them?
@KGIII excludes Partner, but yes, I believe so if you're talking about manpages.
@terdon I asked that question three times, with no clear answer
Oh, I want them all @ThomasW.
@ThomasW. :)
I'll read them in my spare time, learn from them, and maybe find interesting new software to try.
@KGIII Why? WHat's the point? How would it help you do anything?
(I decided to drop it before beating the guy and dropping him into /dev/null)
Why has it got to help me do anything? Is learning for the sake of learning a bad thing?
@KGIII Do you have any idea how many they are? They also include system calls, config files and all sorts of crap. It's not only the manuals of programs.
Yes. I've a rough estimate. I've lots of free time.
@KGIII Of course not, but this sounds very much like an XY problem.
@terdon it is
Oh, and no, what you've linked to is only the man pages in section 1. There are another 8 sections.
   1   Executable programs or shell commands
   2   System calls (functions provided by the kernel)
   3   Library calls (functions within program libraries)
   4   Special files (usually found in /dev)
   5   File formats and conventions eg /etc/passwd
   6   Games
   7   Miscellaneous  (including  macro  packages  and  conventions), e.g.
       man(7), groff(7)
   8   System administration commands (usually only for root)
   9   Kernel routines [Non standard]
@ParanoidPanda The Q/A I posted, and the links in there, provide helpful details on how to find the faulty package.
I think I can skip games but if I'm going to end up uploading it then I'll include it.
@terdon They want only (mind the italic) these (man 1), they're 31162 in total
Well, for starters, don't use the Ubuntu man page server. It has bloated HTML which will only complicate things.
You don't need the header or the left menu or any of that.
and secondly there's no 'learning' from this procedure I believe, what's being done is "I want to read everything", when it's "What specifically do you really care about"
I want to read the manual pages - as passive educational material, not even in a specific order, when I get time or have a chance to do something educational. I'm not sure why this is so bizarre. :/ I like learning for the sake of learning. I'd prefer a certain format but I'm okay with most any format and can change it to what I prefer easily enough. I just want to get the data to do that.
I don't have any great compelling reason other than to simply read and learn. There's nothing more altruistic. Nothing special. No job that needs doing. Just to learn.
Does anybody know where the xorg and vlc logs are?
@ParanoidPanda most probably /var/log
Scratch that, no it won't.
LOL Okay.
@Tim +1 meta.askubuntu.com/a/14695/338915 but I think you need to resize it to 220 x 250 pixels...
@ParanoidPanda Change xorg with vlc for vlc. :)
@terdon: What was that? I didn't see if because I was looking at BABYMETAL and not you posting... :P
It was wrong.
@KGIII Don't mean to push you, but how about converting those installed already instead? They're plenty already, and by reading just those you'd learn only directly applicable stuff.
@kos I thought about that first but then I realized that it wouldn't steer me to new and interesting software/features that I may have overlooked.
@ParanoidPanda what have I got you into :X :X
@Rinzwind: Well, now I've actually downloaded all of the YouTube videos of them that I like! :D
@ParanoidPanda I used a torrent for that >:)
The Budokan one is the best.
@kos: Oh, sod's law! Now that I am logging the stuff from vlc it refuses to happen! :D
@KGIII Maybe I've got something. It doesn't change much, but better in HTML format or directly readable into the terminal?
@ParanoidPanda No, it's the "I didn't RTFM"'s doom.
I kind of want to be able to read it on my phone which is a Windows phone and I want to be able to read it on my Android tablet. @kos.
@hg8 sigh no. I don't. The browser does that automatically. Have a look at this page: timtjtim.github.io
I set the width in the browser with <img src=http://i.stack.imgur.com/4G0es.png width=220px>
@A.B. Hello friend! I will take a look at that question. =)
Anyway I wanted to write a Q/A to promote this awesome Zsh configuration file (grml.org/zsh), but I can't find a way to not make the question primarily opinion-based / too broad.
o/ @Tim @Terrance
@kos Hello! =)
@Tim Ok. Sorry about that.
@hg8 sorry I got annoyed there. It comes up every single year...
@Tim It's my first year here, I will know for the future ;)
@hg8 my fault, I'm over stressed right now
anyway, this is what I mean:
This image is too big. — Martin - マーチン ♦ May 22 at 11:07
@Martin-マーチン See here. They are supported. — michaelpri May 22 at 13:26
I see that you're going for retina resolution, but isn't the system going to reject this image size? The rules say 220 by 250. — Szabolcs Dec 8 '13 at 2:51
@Tim uh. I understand now, no offense I should have searched a bit.
It happens all the time - someone asks each year...
I wonder how much it costs to buy a baby Giant Panda...?
Isn't this twice the required number of pixels in each direction? — Daniel ♦ Dec 11 '12 at 5:30
@ParanoidPanda Money is not enough for that =)
@ParanoidPanda I don't think China allows them to be bought and sold. You'd have to do it on the black market, through smugglers, and you're so going to prison if you're caught (deservedly, I say).
@KGIII Exactly. I agree.
Now, if you're good at taking care of them and have a zoo then they'll loan you one, I understand. Especially if you have plans to breed 'em. I'm assuming you've neither a zoo nor the expertise to take care of the panda.
@A.B. Enough! 1. Format hard drive. 2. Install Ubuntu 3. Install Steam.
@KGIII: Don't you just feed them bamboo and cuddle them?
@ParanoidPanda I'd assume not but that's pretty much what I'd do and probably why we're not allowed pandas.
:D :D :D
Also, it would appear that pandas eat cake as evidenced by your earlier question and the subsequent pictures here in chat.
So we could feed our pandas cake and bamboo sprigs. I'd make sure that they got the freshest sprigs of all time. And give it pettings and lovings and let it sleep on my bed.
Which is, of course, why we don't get to have pandas. :(
I would do better! I would let it sleep in my bead! :D
Now why do I keep on getting these 0s?
They just appear and then go...
Is it just because the other 10k+ people have been super fast?
@ParanoidPanda yep
Did I miss anything interesting?
the vast majority of chat flags are very uninteresting
@fossfreedom: Which is probably a good thing, no?
yep - better to keep on talking about pandas ... ;)
Yeah, come on @KGIII! Let's carry on where we left off! ;D
Why wouldn't you put it in your bead?
Why just ontop?
Oh, I'd probably let it go anywhere it wanted, within reason. If it insisted that it took the whole bed then I'd have to snuggle around it. :D
@A.B. Answered. =)
@KGIII: You might end sleeping on the floor or sofa then! Because you know it won't stay little forever! :D
Anonymous published a Noob Guide : paste.ubuntu.com/13331041
I'll get a bigger bed! @ParanoidPanda
It doesn't beep when I type my own name. :D It also didn't auto-complete.
Yeah, that's intentional.
@jrg However, you can make it sound off if you reply to your own message.
@KGIII: What's the removed message? Also, I think it might disagree with you being in the bead, in other words, what are you going to do if it decides to take up the whole bed?
@jrg That's kind of neat. I was mostly just poking anyhow. :D
@ParanoidPanda The message was just a test message that included my own name. I wanted to see if it sounded the notification.
@KGIII Back to your question again: do you actually want the full man page? Or just the package description?
For example (this is for tree):
Description-en: displays an indented directory tree, in color
 Tree is a recursive directory listing command that produces a depth indented
 listing of files, which is colorized ala dircolors if the LS_COLORS environment
 variable is set and output is to tty.
@KGIII: Will you allow your panda to eat on you in bed?
The full page, all the information about switches and everything. :/ Not just a description. @kos
@ParanoidPanda I probably won't have much of a choice. I imagine that a full grown panda pretty much does what it wants.
@KGIII Dangit. Alright :(
@ParanoidPanda I'll have to get a couple of big sized beds and make plenty of room for it.
@KGIII I posted an answer that will download all section 1 manpages and combine them into an indexed PDF.
And maybe a bigger house too... :D
Why does OpenVPN forward my internet traffic on Wireless but not Wired?
The format isn't 100% perfect, there are some non ASCII characters that appear but it's indexed and readable. Have fun!
What if when it gets massive it wants the house for itself and it kicks you out but takes all of your stuff?
Oh sweet! Nice @terdon! I'll poke at it in a little while. I'm suitably impressed from the looks of it! (I wonder if I can vote them all up!)
@KGIII Of course you can (and should), you can upvote as many as you like. It's only accepting that is limited to one.
@ParanoidPanda Then, I'll have to give him back to the Chinese 'cause he's a damned greedy panda! And panda's don't have any use for computers and money. They can't even type!
@KGIII: What if he doesn't want to go back?
@terdon Cool. There have been a couple of options posted at this point. I'm going to test them all tonight. :D
@ParanoidPanda Well, I'll tempt him with chocolate cake and bamboo shoots.
@KGIII When testing mine, add a head to only download 10 man pages at a time. Otherwise, the downloading will take ages:
curl manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/wily/en/man1 |
    grep -oP 'href="\K.*?\.1\.html' | head |
        while read man; do
            wget manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/wily/en/man1/";$man" &&
                html2ps "$man"  | ps2pdf - "${man/.html/.pdf}"
That's kind of the plan but thanks. I want to test them in limited formats and then see which is working best.
Also, you might need to instale latex-extra if you don't have it.
I have LaTeX installed but I don't think I've got the extra installed. I will do that now.
What if he kicks you out and then when you come back he's already the leader of your country which he has turned into an empire and has started taking over the world with? He also becomes a Sith Lord.
@ParanoidPanda Then I'll join him and fight on the dark side because, yeah - why not, at that point?
So you will become Lord Vader, and you will call him Master? :D
Luke is Kylo.
Well yeah, he's a crazy panda with Jedi skills. I mean, what's more awesome than that? I'd have to be on his side.
Me too! >:D
Well, we have a plan!
I still don't know how we're going to get a baby panda and I'm really sure we shouldn't be allowed to have one. We'd turn him into a Sith!
That's probably why they don't want us to have pandas. :|
Well, I'm always disappointed in Star Wars how the Empire loses, so let's change the ending! >:D
@KGIII: Then we must become pandas!
@Terrance great, Upgoated =)
I have the Galactic Empire Insignia tattooed on my fore-arm.
@A.B. Thank you! =)
I don't actually know how we can do that. I'm not entirely sure what sort of mutations we'd need to undergo in order to become pandas.

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