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@thedaian, that was quick
i am quick
like ninja
No kidding
also i've seen the steampunk portal device pictures. it's awesome, and yes, I do want one.
(fyi, I'm referring to a very recent G+ post I made about this: batman-n-bananas.deviantart.com/art/…)
I mean, who doesn't, right?
Also, If Doom was done today: youtube.com/watch?v=C4yIxUOWrtw
@thedaian Steampunk is the best punk.
Provided it's not just gluing some gears on it: youtube.com/watch?v=TFCuE5rHbPA
Best youtube video I've seen all week.
5 hours later…
Candidate for the longest answer? gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/26080/…
A good candidate too. :P
3 hours later…
I just installed Ubuntu.
(in a VM)
It's very fancy.
I had forgotten how much I dislike gnome-terminal.
Hi all
I started learning c++
can anyone drop a link to a good tutorial using openGL in c++
some really simple tutorial
a triangle tutorial
i don't even know what kind of project should i create in codeblocks, if i want to develope a game
Console project?
4 hours later…
@Chorche they say this tutorial is good:
but I didn't try that myself.
2 hours later…
When would I use linear algebra?
Hey, only 15 more votes and I can unlock the unclaimed Reversal badge ;p
what? unclaimed reversal?
this room is pretty empty
This is actually pretty busy for a weekend
As for when you'd use linear algebra: I have only really done 2D programming, but things like cross and dot products are useful, as well as matrix transformations
well math makes me run so I have to do
well some math
yeah, you can get by in 2D programming without linear algebra (I did for years), but there is no avoiding it with 3D programming
I knew linear algebra, but I never applied it in my games until recently
WHERE can I learn linear algebra? (I want to move to 3D eventually)
I went to university for Computer Science, and it was a required 1st year class
I didn't move on to take Linear 2 or 3 or 4
well, I mean something like a site or a book (if a book is the only way)
yeah... I'm not the person to ask, although I'm sure someone else will have an answer for you
wait, what about this: blog.wolfire.com/2009/07/…
that looks pretty brief, but it looks like a good place to start
There's 4 parts to that
It's reasonable
Well... there are parts: 2, 3, and 4
yeah I guess so. I was learning about sin, cos, tan, atan, atan2, etc at a different place but it had problems and I had trouble understanding it.
I guess I never really thought about vectors being bundled in with Linear Algebra, but thinking of it now, of course they are
Sounds like you want trig too
So yeah, linear algebra is almost unavoidable in 2D as well as 3D
It sure makes things easier
well I guess I will have to read that then.
If you're just getting started with gamedev, I'd highly recommend starting 2D
I already made a simple game
3D is significantly harder and requires a lot more math
I don't even know where to begin with 3D actually, or when someone should begin
What about you @Byte56?
That extra dimension sure does add a lot more than just one dimension
Where to begin?
I almost forgot, do I use sin or cos for the z?
the page I read was only for 2d
which was one of it's problems
Depends what you're trying to do
@JohnMcDonald You mean where to being? Or when?
For calculating it's next position
@Byte56 Both
I've never actually touched 3D games before
Well I didn't do it the "right" way, so it's hard to say. If there even is a right way
and I've been programming games for well over 10 years as a hobby
I did a few 2D games, then went full on into a very large 3D project with my current project
and I've been interested since I was about 5 but I had no clue how they were made
hah, you reminded me, I did actually try to make a mod for Half-Life. So I guess that's 3D
That counts
Then I went right back to 2D
I've modded for mc (sorta) before.
I think I'll be doing 3D for my next game
Someday when I finish my current
Long from now probably :)
Er I mean 2D for my next game
As for starting in 3D... I guess modding or adding onto existing code would be good
Use an engine for sure
I finished my 2d fighting game in about a total of one day but it was very simple. seeing as you both have experience, how long does the average game take (I know that can't really be answered but I mean on average)
Don't do it the way I did. From scratch making your own engine :/
Well, I've been working on mine in my spare time for nearly a year now :)
Had I used an engine or existing code I would have been a lot further along
spare time, I have plenty of that.
hah, I've been working on mine (hobby project only) with a good bit of social life thrown in, for almost 3 years now
So... it really depends on the scope of the game you pick
That's the pace for non-full time type games
You always think that your ideas are simple, always. But guess what? They're not, think simpler
well, how much time if you were working solid. what would the total time have been so far
Maybe 2-4 months of 40 hours a week
But, I write something, then find a different way to do it, backtrack and so on
It's my first large scale game after all
So there's plenty of learning
how would you say it took for v0.1 or the first playable version took?
Can't say. I'm not there yet :/
I've been building the engine longer than the game
so if you start with an engine you'll be much better off.
It's been so long, it's tough to say how many hours I've put in. I have 23k lines of code that I wrote for this project, @thedaian has something like 15k for IsoTower, others have somewhere in the range of 18-30k. Maybe that helps judge?
Ah, I'll count mine...
Eclipse have a built in for that, or do I need a plugin?
is that including lines that just have } on it?
My very first playable game did only take me 2 weeks for the first version, an other month for the second version, and an other month or two for the third. And by then, the code was a horrible horrible train wreck that I abandoned the project altogether.
That includes everything:
Comment Lines: 4138 (18%)
Blank Lines: 3896 (17%)
Code Lines: 14994 (65%)
Code w/ Comment: 109 (0%)
Total Files: 171
Total Lines: 23028
but it was experience.
Yup, it was a fun experience, and not a single one of my projects since then has been nearly as small
Also, those numbers (I think) include all testing code
umm...is that built in? in eclipse where do you go to do that?
a mandatory part of the project
I use C#, and I wrote a line counter a long while back
I'm looking around, I'll let you know about elcipse
what? it says my OWN post was probably not read. it put that line above it.
yeah... don't trust the line
so it's not built in
hey what happens I delete system3..........
Ah nice, thanks
Total lines is 25.3k
how long does it take to write 1000 about?
That's pretty hard to say
It depends on what you're writing and how clever you're being :)
From my personal experience, you'd be hard-pressed to get above 10-15k without having written a few smaller projects first
so it mainly is on wpm and what your writing?
what if I'm on a dvorak
It doesn't really boil down to that. It wouldn't make sense to think of it like that
Your wpm doesn't factor in
I don't usually write code as fast as I can type.
Programming is all about thinking
I wish I could, but I don't think that fast
I've noticed that too. but i'm a slow typer <----not a word
Someone more experienced than me, or me now, could have written my current code base in considerably less time and likely smaller/cleaner
yeah I know but I dind't feel like it
if only typer was a word
So you on spring break now Aidan?
I mean next week is no school right?
umm...spring break is over
Oh, ok
It's just starting for kids around here
you in canada?
I was going to say, pick something you think you might be able to do in a week
what about a day
or two
or seven
Then add on to it
Holy crap, someone is actually planning to make a small game!
well I could fix the code for my fighting game
That's a good start
@JohnMcDonald not planning, already did
Well, sounded like you were thinking of making an other in a day, or two days, or seven
My first real game was a clone of Combat
Just the air portion
And at the time, I couldn't remember what the game was called, so the project will forever be know as "That Atari Game"
@john do you know how I can get access to steamworks API to create an indie game?
Umm... you talking about getting a license from Valve to sell an indie game?
Or are you talking about making a free mod based on the source engine?
I'm talking about their client/server communication library.
plus usage of their servers.
for a non-source game. Ok.
actually it doesn't matter if it's source or not.
umm. my understanding is that they don't provide that information until you're almost ready to implement that
I only need a code to get a dynamically created object and render it!
FF froze
Actually, I didn't think they provided this much detail until you were basically ready to ship
:/ yeah... you get the front page overview without having a mostly complete game to demo
it's silent
in here
it's the weekend
We've been silent for like 20 hours one time
@JohnMcDonald yep, already saw those.
:/ yeah
but the game I'm trying to create is heavily based on multiplayer feature.
Multiplayer is done yourself. Valve doesn't have a hand in that, other than maybe the matchmaking
so without being able to compete against another player it just looses it's whole gameplay.
I can hook you up with my matchmaking service if you'd like?
that's not the point
Or just use IPs for now
If you look, they don't provide multiplayer code for you: steampowered.com/steamworks/gameservices.php
I'm also looking for a dedicated server.
They don't do that. You do
A dedicated server is basically just an exe that only runs the server (no graphics output)
if they do the match making and also all the server/client communications, I need nothing else
They don't do the client/server communications
you could use that
@JohnMcDonald they have to, then what is steam doing in there?
found the link,
I've never used it but it works with c++ D Python .NET C
they do peer to peer networking
they also do so many other things
That's just a fancy way to say that they can set up matches
Peer to Peer is no different than Client-Server, except where both people are Clients
clients can act as servers.
You're still responsible for sending all of the data over the wire
no problem. I'm just looking for something to deliver them fast and reliable!
Well... all that P2P package is going to do, is let you ask Steam for user "John McDonald"s IP address so that you can connect with him

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