As for when you'd use linear algebra: I have only really done 2D programming, but things like cross and dot products are useful, as well as matrix transformations
I finished my 2d fighting game in about a total of one day but it was very simple. seeing as you both have experience, how long does the average game take (I know that can't really be answered but I mean on average)
It's been so long, it's tough to say how many hours I've put in. I have 23k lines of code that I wrote for this project, @thedaian has something like 15k for IsoTower, others have somewhere in the range of 18-30k. Maybe that helps judge?
My very first playable game did only take me 2 weeks for the first version, an other month for the second version, and an other month or two for the third. And by then, the code was a horrible horrible train wreck that I abandoned the project altogether.
That includes everything: Comment Lines: 4138 (18%) Blank Lines: 3896 (17%) Code Lines: 14994 (65%) Code w/ Comment: 109 (0%) Total Files: 171 Total Lines: 23028