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9:00 PM
agreed. Dev time is longer with C++ than with C#
but more powerful
uhh...point made
9:01 PM
So why not use assembly?
I don't care to micromanage the memory, ect when I'm doing a hobby on top of a 40 hour work week
Isn't that more powerful and you get to control every little detail?
lol this reminds me, what happend to those games that require half gig graphics ram and take like 500kb of space
supported tri count went though the roof
blame moore's law!
9:04 PM
C# stuff can also be ported to Linux and MacOS via Mono
If you don't use MS specific stuff, that is :P
can you do it without asking your customer to install some 3rd party programs?
You supply Mono with your game, just like you would .NET
and I'm assuming XNA constitutes as "MS Specific"
Unity uses Mono for scripting
@dreta my guess would be no. (Take it with a grain of salt(it will taste better) I've never used c#)
9:07 PM
XNA yes
But there is a project to port it to mono
found it
Not sure how far they've got.
read about this when i was a kid
9:07 PM
meh, I'm not sure I care to increase my target audience by like 5%
@ClassicThunder, I have a windows phone. :P It's actually a very nice mobile OS.
They really focused on the social aspect of the phone, which is great.
anyone here use a Linux system?
9:12 PM
any good?
well there a lots of Linuxes all tailored for different things
what do you want to do with it?
Do you use ubuntu
At work but I have mint installed at home
The new UI for ubuntu (unity) is horrible
but if you install gnome 2 its a solid, easy to use distro
What's wrong with the new UI
I have the new ubuntu open in a VM right now.
9:16 PM
I'm thinking about switching my window manager to notion. Have fond memories of ion3 from the last time I used Linux.
Hidden right click functions, wont unminimize windows sometimes, things stick to the dock after I tell them to go away
easy fix though
sudo apt-get install gnome-shell
then click the little cog in the login menu and select gnome 2
9:23 PM
Look, Enlightenment is still working on version 17. Just like when I stopped using Linux. xD
do you want to learn physics or collision detection
it's like trying to compare a glsl book to an opengl book
oh, kinda both
Then I know
I first need to know collision
well i don't think you need to read a 600 page book about just collision if you're a beginner, it's gonna go over your head fast
i'd suggest the first book, i read it, it's gonna give you an overview of physics in games, then you can choose topics to expand your knowledge on
well I don't really know anything about 3d collision detection other than aabbs and I think I know what an oobb is but know how to do those
sounds cool
also. There seems to be very little opengl docs on the web and I'm having trouble finding a good place to learn
i feel your pain, i'm in the same situation, there's little complete resources on modern open gl
9:35 PM
I havent read it yet, I'll try that first
i did, it's good, though it's graphics theory using open gl, not open gl
too bad. I was hoping you could help
i guess we're left with reading the spec, there's new superbible comming out that'll cover open gl 4, but then i've no idea if it's going to tell me what's 4.x and what's 3.x, cuz i sincerely daubt i'll be writing crysis anytime soon
I think I heard of that bible. I guess I might have to give it a try
wait, nvm i ment open gl programming guide
9:42 PM
but you said 6th edition is coming out
I think i'm going to make a simple (I hope) java game soon.
and the room has once again come to a silence
why do you feel the need to comment every time?
I don't know
do you know anything about terrain generation?
like minecraft
The diamond-square algorithm is a method for generating highly realistic heightmaps for computer graphics. It is a slightly better algorithm than the three-dimensional implementation of the midpoint displacement algorithm which produces two-dimensional landscapes. It is also known as the random midpoint displacement fractal, the cloud fractal or the plasma fractal, because of the plasma effect produced when applied. The idea was first introduced by Fournier, Fussell and Carpenter at SIGGRAPH 1982. It was later analyzed by Gavin S. P. Miller in SIGGRAPH 1986 who described it as flawed &m...
just read about that
it said it had a flaw though
You don't need that. Perlin noise.
Google it.
Scroll to the bottom for 3D.
I've heard of perlin noise. didn't know what it was
I was thinking of making a minecraft like game in the sense that it would have blocks.
I figured I would make it randomly generate a random terrain feature. from there it would go to the layer generator which would loop through the height of the feature and then randomly generate different sizes and fill them with blocks
I think I'm gonna make a game now byeeeeeeeeeeee
10:30 PM
you don't also need perlin noise, just create a random function your self.
and adjust it till it feels right.
how do you think Perlin noise or Diamond-square algorithms where created?

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