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i first used a bbc micro when i was like 6
then we had a pc and a c64 when i was a bit older? like 12?
i didnt really start programming until i hit uni though. aside from some basic stuff, and some things in pov-ray
but yeah. never had the disk drive the c64, all tape. so you'd put in a tape, go outside and play with your brother for half an hour, come back, play the level, put in the next tape. and repeat
I got lucky there. The best thing my parents have done for me, other than the food and roof, is noticing how fascinated I was by computers and buying me a book on programming when I was 10 or 11. I became obsessed with it right away.
haha I had to check and it's true :D
never noticed it
that's a sweet touch. Finnish must have fun boss at "passport-making-place" to allow such.
I did type in listings from c64 magazines though.
that was fun
I never had listings like those, but my dad taught me to program in basic at first and c++ afterwards
Good morning.
Good Afternoon
2 hours later…
So I'm not sure why my Cel-shader produces an image like this. ;o
Pretty sure it's magic.
I would have thought it would be smoother.
Magic is pretty crude
I wish it was magic.
I'm assuming this might need per-pixel lighting and for me to get edge normals instead of face normals?
Oh well, I'll have a look when I get home.
@MDavies If you are possibly interested, I summed up again what I was going on about yesterday; gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/71348/…
3 hours later…
@skiwi I'll have a look into it a bit more. I have implemented it myself but it's been a good few months so I can't remember what I did, lol. Unfortunately I'm probably not the best person to ask about graphics. I've never been any good in the area. I think I am a lot better in the AI department.
any effort would be appreciated
You might want to have a look at that.
Go down to Automatic light frustum.
From what I read it seems from my opinion that you base the orthographic projection on the size of the seen objects in your scene.
Soooooo apparently Unity decided to have Texture2D.SetPixel(0,0) to be the bottom left of the image.
MaxX, MaxY being at the top right.
Data goes in like this: {1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
Comes out like this: { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 }
Yeah, it makes absolutely no sense.
It fits Cartesian coordinates though. :P
Yeah... it fits what you learned in math class.. lol
but when I'm dealing with data... it pisses me off
So it actually makes sense. :P Starting in the topleft is what never made sense.
But yeah, breaking standards is silly.
well.. so either I make my data upside down
or i write a loop to set the data in reverse
latter being the most sane direction
So that being said... why doesn't this work:
for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++) {
    for (int j = Height; j > 0; j--) {
starting at the top left DID make sense. On old terminals, the first location you wanted to put a character for reading was top left, so it was 0 in memory.
next char 1, next 2
Here is what it ends up looking like to set the texture the same as the data
for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++) {
	for (int j = 0; j < Height; j++) {
encapsulate that shit so I never have to look at it again
Q: If condition to execute

happysmileMy Question here is I need to execute an condition after 150 days from today's date. so how do i do it in c# where I need to check if the day is 150 days from today keep executing this condition if( true) { //My logic go here. } else { } Help me to

look at the question, and the asker's rep. o_0
The question is very poorly asked
342 Questions
He may be asking how to create a daemon of some sort... but it is not clear.
It's a bot probably.
hmm.. almost 5 years member
Or just someone really poor at c#
He is getting a shitload of gold badges
because his questions are famous -- because he asks trivial questions
Shite questions.
popular keywords in google most likely
guy has 13 gold badges
everyone of them are famous questions
no website in his profile; looks like he's genuine
I don't see any evidence of spam
probably a government employee
"One checkbox" == radiobuttons
you can't uncheck a radiobutton
not with default control anyways
yeah, that's not such a bad question
You borked that one @Yellow
Silly goose
Or you add another fucking option called "None"
that's an idea :)
That is what we do at work.
but make sure it's a FUCKING option.
It is also required by accessibility
That's the idea.
how's the new job goin BLue
Going grand!
cool :D
Although I'm stuck at the moment.
i hate being stuck
stuck on what?
@William'MindWorX'Mariager rarely am I aggressive.
Only when someone is being reeeeeeeeeeally dim.
Only when it matters.
Or just hasn't used Google :D
How do you search for stuff on the internets?
Why is the word "dictionary" in the dictionary? If you don't know what it means, how would you know to look there for it?
internetz.com I want it
I remember when I first got the internet.. 14.4k modem -- I didn't know about search engines
So I'd type whatever.com hoping to get something good
1200 baud here
52k was my first connection.
Those were the days.
and 14.4K wasn't 14.4K ... it was more like 1.5K/s
adn 14.4k data / 28.8k fax, because faxes were much more fault-tolerant.
bad pixel? big deal.
streaming video wasn't even a dream
opening pictures instantly was.
hahah yeah
it is in this era that Flash was born, and served a real purpose
4k for an animation? Great!
the era of the banners
Yeah... flash was the way to go back then.. no doubt about it
@MDavies It's been a while since I reacted, but taht's exactly what I meant, there's no detail in how to do it on that page
52k, the 4k was a lie.
sup nerds
Talking about Undeserved Gold and 52K modem.
(Not 56, that 4K excess was a lie!)
hey sg
i mean
I'm carrying more often as adc now; finally getting better I think
and I'm doing more sneaky shit. like MF started her ult on me, a little too close, and I used flash to pop behind her and kill her. :)
some lol player here, I sense :)
me, shotgun, todders, icydefiance and... one other guy here play
you play on NA server?
or EUW?
so far away
yeah :(
speed of light nonsense :(
sorry I cannot carry you :(
he says um a lot :)
@Almo Nice!
I have an EUW smurf account
Same name on both servers: ShotgunNinja0
So hard to play there, though T~T
in EU?
ya, we are only pro players, lol :)
I have a NA smurf called "CupOfTheBrown"
with the 2girls included?
Girls optional.
Girls always optional. ;D
I love it when someone makes so much effort to get from Romania to the UK to attend the imperial college
only to come up with this near the end of it: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.andreicioara.flappy
lol, how is it different from other games? it's a secret!
like some 5 year old that can't lie, but doesn't want to tell the truth
I think it's his parents' fault for putting too much pressure on him
I know him since high school; we went to the national olympiad in informatics together
he'd always be even more arrogant than me, and usually aced at everything he tried
I think this was bad for him in the end
I'm sure if his focus was somewhere other than getting straight A's he would have done much better things
intelligence is always wasted when used to buy grades
or so I think.
definetly op
flappy froggy
why wasn't an idea of mine?
so yeah, what do you guys think of a Pokemon/Ogre Battle act-alike?
getting straight A's is impressive on its own. I didn't really mean that as an insult to him personally. I just found it funny.
he's not a person I'd call stupid
that's what I'm saying
clones are always shit
he's really smart, but wasting himself trying to be the best in an area that doesn't really matter that much
Well yeah, but I'm trying to distill the core concepts of the games and flesh them out more.
when you follow a school blindly, the school's standard becomes your standard
aside one case: if we consider lol a dota clone.. well this is the exception
eeeeehhh, depends. there's value in cloning things for different systems, especially if the original system is no longer in popular use.
from a college's POV, making that flappy bird clone and getting it on the market is an accomplishment
and LoL's not a clone, it's a competitor. there's a big difference.
from the POV of other indie developers who did much greater things w/o a school behind them
well, here's what I'm going for: reddit.com/r/gamedesign/comments/1zjacb/…
it's a big pile of cow shit with dead flies in it
take a look over it if you want.
as someone who never really was a fan of pokemon
I see everything about pokemon nowadays as people saying
"please don't die. don't let it die."
well pokemon is a great thing for kids
is it even that relevant for kids nowadays?
like it was in the early 00's?
Not really; it's gotten too complex.
nowadays i don't know
I'm sure kids nowadays like stuff like
Ben 10
I want to go back to the simple RPG roots of Pokemon, and take a new look at the challenges they wanted to face.
and the last airbender
ya, as far as i can remember it was getting way too complex from the first "expasion pack"
dude I'm 20 and I like the last airbender
Dude, the last airbender is the shit.
Except the movie.
which is just shit.
I don't even know what that is
there is no movie
Avatar: The Last Airbender (Avatar: The Legend of Aang in some regions) is an American animated television series that aired for three seasons on Nickelodeon from 2005 to 2008. The series was created and produced by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, who served as executive producers along with Aaron Ehasz. Avatar: The Last Airbender is set in an Asian influenced world wherein some are able to manipulate the classical elements by use of psychokinetic variants of Chinese martial arts known as "bending". The show combined the styles of anime and American cartoons, and relied o...
hmm sounds like the pile of cow shit alex was talking before
Objectively speaking, it's an attempt by a Western studio (Nickelodeon Animation Studio) to get the Chinese/Japanese anime feel down correctly in an animated series.
it's the best animated series to come out of america that I know of. it's targeted primarily toward children, but just like most of disney's movies, there's plenty there for adults too.
and I think the anime feel is because it was animated by asians. not sure if there's any other reason for that or not.
Of course, they had technical assistance from a few Korean animation studios...
just technical assistance?
Including DR Movie, the Korean partner of anime studio Madhouse.
I'm not sure on the details, so you're probably right
I dunno what Avatar has that Naruto doesn't
They did a lot of animation work for the studio, whereas Nickelodeon was mostly responsible for writing and character design.
According to Wikipedia:
> Animation work was mostly done by three animation studios in South Korea: JM Animation, DR Movie, and Moi Animation.
Avatar has a protagonist that doesn't celebrate stupidity and shows some character growth instead of just one powerup after another, unlike Naruto. less adrenaline and shouting though.
Their encoding quality was fucking atrocious though
@IcyDefiance was naruto the main attraction in naruto, like ever tho
I mean I like Naruto. It's fun. Avatar has a better story, though.
Talk about interlacing.
Naruto fell victim to manga/anime consumer's expectations, and pandering.
in the first series the main attraction were gaara, sasuke and the kyubi
in the 2nd series this sort of switched to the akatsuki
Well to be completely honest I like the story lines equally in both for their separate reasons.
naruto was there just to keep it all together laol
lol, fair
@Blue Interlacing? Where did you watch whatever the fuck you're talking about?
qBittorrent hung my PC for a good two minutes :\
@ShotgunNinja Each source I tried to watch (torrent, netflix, eumovies, even a DVD a friend brought over) was interlaced to fuck.
The Witcher
Who wouldn't like to cuddle with this adorable Geralt plushie?! http://eitanya.deviantart.com/art/Geralt-plushie-The-Witcher-2-437235979
uuh... me
@Blue Of Avatar the Last Airbender?
@ShotgunNinja The anime. Not the movie which shall not be uttered.
@Blue Well yeah, the production quality of the DVDs was really shitty, and those are the most often-ripped source of the media. I dunno if they released Blu-Rays.
yahoo's mail stopped working again
Blu Ray for an anime is a bit over kill. It's quality should have been grand on a DVD.
why do I even use their services anymore
Anyway, I don't think Naruto is lacking in storyline.
Even the stupidity presented by Naruto himself is offset by quite a long road of character development.
naruto was at his peak in his battle with pain
that's like the only time he was truly badass
I didn't really notice any of his development, except at the very beginning of Shippuden. At least he's not freaking annoying anymore.
@Blue It's not really an anime... It's western writing with Korean animation. Korean "anime" is referred to as Manhwa.
fun fact: the Warcraft manga is also western with Korean art
Small moments of insight into others feelings, an understanding of his own shortcomings and the sheer effort put in by Naruto to be recognised which drive other characters to do well as well as breaking down barriers with the other kyubi later on.
South Korea does a shit-ton of animation work for American studios nowadays.
well "anime" is just the japanese word for "animation", and to them it's just as normal a word as "animation" is to us.
I'm p sure the kyubi went with naruto because it didn't want to be penetrated anally by Madara's susano'o
@AlexM. Good ol'e Western localisation!
Right; with the exception that they don't consider foreign animation to be "anime". They're really elitist with the term.
Americans only classify "anime" as different from "animation" because animation from Japan has a different feel than anything from America
there's an answer on anime.se about this question
coming from a jap I think
For whatever reasons, anime is Japanese, hanime is Chinese, manhwa is Korean, and animation is Western.
in case you actually want an answer
they do have really different feels, though, so different terms for them are probably justified
@Blue damnit I knew the translations were wrong
so the original dialogue didn't have
"Once I get my rinnegan I will penetrate the kyuubi anally."
in it
@AlexM. Pft! I so hope it does.
Q: What differentiates anime from regular cartoons?

hkBattousaiIn my region, people don't know the difference between anime and regular cartoons. When they see me watching anime, or they hear about it somehow, they say that I'm watching a regular cartoon and hence I'm being childish. Sometimes, they even display sarcastic attitudes, so that giving a serious ...

Q: Why are the protagonists generally seated by the window?

JNatI've noticed that in some anime the protagonist is seated by the window in the classroom. More specifically, the protagonist is generally on the second seat from the back (or sometimes on the very last seat). I don't know if this happens in every anime, but it seems to happen on at least some. ...

Q: Do people in the anime or manga actually eat Pokemon?

KrazerIn the anime, certain species of Pokemon are mentioned or depicted to be edible (by people or other Pokemon), like Magikarp and Farfetch'd. Do people actually eat Pokemon? If so, what other species have have been mentioned or depicted as edible, in either the anime or the manga?

so, in short, this is a cartoon
this is anime
the latter is definitely better
the first is childish
only kids would try to be cool or find inspiration is cool looking characters
real adults will always try to explore their sexual desires
it's a fucking fact
even the latter is a huge pile of cow shit :)
come on
how can one > 13yo watch that
or a girl
oh man I was actually curious about getting OS X to run in a VM again so I can explore it further
but now that I downloaded everything I saw all that stuff that I have to do to my VMware player
to make OS X run
and I lost all of my enthusiasm
common feeling
fuck this
dude, fuck OS X.
what's there to find in there that's not also in any modern unix system, except for the Cocoa framework
and the app store that makes os x look like ios
A scripting language that lets you traverse UIs?
why would I want to do that
automate things that don't come with console interfaces
because automation is awesome
and being slow sucks
is that impossible on windows and linux?
It's next to impossible; you can simulate mouse clicks and keypresses, but it's messy business
You are dependent on windows being positioned properly when opened.
Weeks before expiration date, Windows XP still has 29% OS market share
One thing is clear: come April 8th, plenty of people are going to get owned. http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/03/weeks-before-expiration-date-windows-xp-still-has-29-os-market-share/
I think pretty much anything system related can be done through powershell on Windows.... so you are only boned if you want to automate some 3rd party app
I'd love to see how much automation shotgun does on his system
(psst. its zero)
jk <3
No, it totally is.
I'm an enormous hypocrite.
But it's a school-owned laptop, so fuck it
Once I buy my own computer, I'll rice the fuck out of it
Not much need for automation in a non-work computer, though
tbh I never felt the need to automate anything in my daily windows usage
and for anything work related... it's all about writing short .bats to run certain programs w/ a single click
Automatic build scripts, vcs inspections, etc. would be cool, though.
I'll set those up when I start working on my own computer.
My work is silly; we're still on CVS, for about 15 different websites that bring in millions of yearly revenue.
$79M/year according to Insideview
Not all of that is through our websites, but about half is ecommerce-related
As of March 3, it was reported that the head of Russia's Black Sea Fleet gave Ukraine a deadline of dawn on the 4th to surrender their control of the Crimea, or face an assault by Russian troops occupying the area. [50] However, Interfax news agency later quoted a fleet spokesman who denied that any ultimatum had been issued
@AlexM. That came out of left field. Did they issue it or didn't they?
but it all looks like hitler invading poland to me
I hope this doesn't get big
I still have many programs to write
The 1936 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the XI Olympiad, was an international multi-sport event that was held in 1936 in Berlin, Germany. Berlin won the bid to host the Games over Barcelona, Spain, on 26 April 1931, at the 29th IOC Session in Barcelona (two years before the Nazis came to power). It marked the second and final time that the International Olympic Committee would gather to vote in a city which was bidding to host those Games. The only other time this occurred was at the inaugural IOC Session in Paris, France, on 24 April 1894. Then, Athens and Paris were...
What about Hitler?
Romania would probably be forced to join russia in a war I think
The 2014 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XXII Olympic Winter Games (French: Les XXIIes Jeux olympiques d'hiver), were a major international multi-sport event held in Sochi, Russia, in the tradition of the Winter Olympic Games. Scheduled for 7–23 February 2014, opening rounds in certain events were held on the eve of the opening ceremony, 6 February 2014. Both the Olympics and 2014 Winter Paralympics were organized by the Sochi Organizing Committee (SOC). Sochi was selected as the host city in July 2007, during the 119th IOC Session held in Guatemala City. It is the first Ol...
does somebody know where I can find some images that could explain those gesture in libgdx : libgdx.badlogicgames.com/nightlies/docs/api/com/badlogic/gdx/…
@LeSam is there one you aren't understanding or do you need to explain this to someone?
I don't understand what is fling
tap in one place, then move your finger across the screen rapidly in one direction before releasing.
its a pan done very quickly that includes releasing the finger
probably most commonly used to scroll through a list of things. so much nicer than just a drag.
thanks you @AlexM.
In that diagram, it's referred to as "1 finger flick"
different people call it differently
I call it 1 finger fingering
That has a sexual connotation here in the States
I know
it has a sexual connotation in my mind too
Pretty sure thats why alex said anything
Just making sure.
that's the only reason alex ever says anything
you can sort of do sth like a branch prediction with me
@LeSam i always heard that called "flick"
you can always assume something I say is sexual in nature
most of the time you'll be right
So do all dijon mustards taste like horseradish? Trying to figure out if I need to avoid them since I didn't like the sandwich I had today
mustard is supposed to be made with horseradish
what are you talking about
i dunno
I like mustard but some are very strong horseradish flavored
I guess I just need to stick with mustards I know
Actually it just looks like they share a common ingredient perhaps
> allyl isothiocyanate and 4-hydroxybenzyl isothiocyanate are responsible for the sharp hot pungent sensation in mustards and in horseradish, wasabi, and garlic. This is because it stimulates the heat and acidity sensing TRPV ion channel TRPV1 on nociceptors (pain sensing nerve cells) in the mouth and nasal passages. The heat of prepared mustard can dissipate with time.[20] This is due to gradual chemical break-up of 4-hydroxybenzyl isothiocyanate.
Does anyone believe this? huvrtech.com
I think some mustards I've had could simply qualify as horseradish but whatever haha
ketchup, motherfucker
@AlexM., @Almo, @ShotgunNinja I can't get this work in libgdx, and why there is a button in parameter in : boolean fling(float velocityX,
float velocityY,
int button)
why are you pinging me?
I've never done libgdx in my life
Because you answered his question
@ToddersLegrande you probably wouldn't like our mustard made in Tecuci
I love it
there's so much horseradish in it
it's essentially hot enough to make you cry if you put too much of it
@ToddersLegrande ? explain
5 mins ago, by Almo
@LeSam i always heard that called "flick"
Not really related to libgdx, is it
and this is in my question ?
i don't even know what libgdx is
@AlexM. other than a tiny bit of wasabi for Asian dishes (though mostly I stick with Sriracha now for added spice) I really don't like the flavor of horseradish
fair enough :D

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