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Usually a higher-level abstraction (the "game itself") will synchronize all render positions to the values of the physics positions at some predetermined point in the game update loop (after the physics ticks).
Thank you Icy Defiance, I do see your idea but I don't know if a dictionary containing the entites would be best (yet) for my implementation.
Unless a render component specifically has the "keep detached" flag set, or something.
What about a health component
Same thing.
Collision with certain objects may do damage
That's not the collision systems job.
The collision system's job is to report and respond to collisions.
Collision is a primary problem for me, I don't know how I am supposed to get the information about which entity an entity collided with (and worse, be able to react to each one when I don't know if they have certain components, if those components are stored in the system itself).
If something else in your game needs to take action on collision, then something higher up in the abstraction chain (again, "the game itself") should attach the collision systems "these two things collided" callback to a handler in the game logic system that figured out what to do about them, damage-wise
So let's say your collision system fires OnCollided(RigidBody a, RigidBody b).
It can do that, it only knows about RigidBody components.
The game does collision.OnCollided += HandleCollision.
And oncollided would be the entity that collided with the target callback?
HandleCollision takes the two RigidBody objects and converts them to their entity GUIDs, and calls gameplay.HandleCollisionBetween(Guid entityGuidA, Guid entityGuidB).
That makes more sense
HandleCollisionBetween looks up Health components for those GUIDs, and any other components it knows about that might be involved in damage computations, and does the appropriate stuff.
This avoids the need for gameplay to even know about physics RigidBody objects, which is better.
So some of these systems would fall under gameplay and will not be run unless an event happens in another system right?
Usually most of the gameplay stuff is rolled up into script componetns that run Lua or something
This is great :)
I only have one problem now. In this case, is it possible for two gameplay "systems" to affect the same component? It seems so now.
If they can, changes done by one system may effect the outcome of another.
Ideally only one system owns a component.
But even if they don't, the primary reason to design things this way is to tick entire systems at once.
Instead of ticking entire entities at once.
But lets say you have this
That means your change flow is always deterministic, until you introduce threads.
(Which is also a useful reason to use this design.)
But at that point you just have the usual thread synchronization issues so it's a non-issue, at least, not a new issue)
A power up enables you to have a speed boost for a few seconds, only when you have full health. You get the powerup and that component is added to the entity, the next tick happens and you are hit by something. It is possible that the powerup will update the speed because it checked the health component before the health could be updated by the collision system's callback.
(poor off the top of my head example)
No, you avoid that by ticking entire systems or entire types of components at once.
What do you mean?
Per-frame, either physics will always tick before speed-boost, or the other way around.
But should the speed boost effect the results of collision?
Then you don't have this problem. You tick physics -> health -> speed boost.
In that order. All the time.
Then any dependencies between the data are fixed and deterministic, and if you don't like them you re-order the tick order until you do.
How do you determine the flow? Unless it is hard coded that seems difficult.
You pick something and live with it.
And change it when your tests suggest otherwise.
This is no different from any other kind of update loop.
You have to do things in a fixed order, and sometimes that order can cause inter-frame discrepancies.
Okay :)
It's not a problem specific to components at all.
Thank you for helping me out so much! You've answered all of my questions :)
answered a lot of my questions too, lol
I like this chat
The good moments are indeed good
It seems to be largely dominated by off topic conversation, though that isn't necessarily a problem
yeah, I've always argued that off-topic conversation here is fine, as long as it doesn't get in the way of people asking questions
if we always kept things on topic, it would be a boring place, and we'd probably lose a lot of people
Grey - keeping things lite since 2011
User disconnected
@IcyDefiance Off-topic conversation is fine, but not all off-topic conversation.
And we've had some moments in the last few weeks that were entirely inappropriate.
fair. Alex especially walks that line a lot, I know.
I haven't been too active here for the last couple months, so I'm not sure specifically what you're referring to, but that's not a new problem.
Is it ok to harm myself because it took me almost an hour to come up with this:
this is not game dev
@mick go back to mathematica.se
A trapezoid based approximation for the definite integral of L[x] is applicable to gamedev
stop there.
I was using this before, and you probably were too...
Brain Overflow.
Did you mean to use simple instead of complex?
but that's point sampling which is fucking disgusting and causes horrible horrible numerical errors
i DONT UNDErstand
Hi guys.
I just learned about render textures and frame buffers so
Sorry @Grey, I'm just mad at myself for being stupid today
@Andrew herro
And mad at android for fucking me over with an update
Within 10 minutes of starting to physically wake up, I had derived that on my calculator
and then I spent all day figuring it out again in my human mind -_-
Might be off-topic, but I'm looking for a decent text on graph algorithms beyond the BFS/DFS/dijkstra's treatment given in undergraduate studies
So far I've found Shimon Even's Graph Algorithms, but I'm uncertain whether it's in-depth or not.
Well...I don't know, I just really love software engineering...I just like the idea that problems follow patterns, and the 'graph pattern' of problems is still interesting to me because I haven't explored it to a depth at which point it becomes easy, and therefore uninteresting. I'm also unemployed, so I have lots of time to study, which is pretty much my favorite hobby. =)
oh cool, here write patches for my engine I'll pull them :P github.com/micklh/MagicWorks
patching what?
I mean, I know it's a game engine
There's a todo list :) hahaha
is it OS?
Of course
Never worked on a game engine before, sounds interesting
Mostly documented, but not fully so I understand if you ask me about some of the structures
Also I was just playing around, while you can if you want, It's not really ready for the public to work on it
I didn't see any issues listed in the ticketing tab for it
All the systems are designed but most of that information is not digitized, and it's not trivial to digitize it all
I've not worked on a game engine directly before, only ever done a little reversing and written some bots
Well if you actually want to, I do appreciate it, and I have these special files called DirtyHacks.cpp and DirtyHacks.h
Basically anything goes there, it's a prototyping zone
Yea, I'll probably fiddle with it after code jam
The rest of the code is strictly clean though
@Andrew oh man is that your genuin identicon?
that's so minimalistic cute man. Color goes well with the pattern as well. Me so jelly.
that would be a default, meaning he hasn't changed it to anything else. not sure if it's generated or just one of a selection...probably generated? too lazy to check.
Matt's is another default, if you look in the user list on the right
generated, I don't think u can select identicon. It gets generated with ur ip address
I was told, that it gets generated with ur ip address. If you can select your identicon it won't be identicon since two people could choose the same identicon if they are given choices.
makes sense. IP addresses aren't really unique either, which is why IP bans cause more harm than good, but that doesn't matter for an avatar.
does it mean, that there could be someone who could happen to have same identicon with me? shiver
if your being NAT'd on your work network for example
or university network
or if you have a dynamic IP at your ISP
I thought, identicon was perfectly unique flawless representation of me. Now I have no will to continue live internet life.
spare a thought for all the kids born in this decade
can you imagine the shit email addresses they're going to have
lel take all the cool address and domains.
@BlueBug Gravatars are based on the hash of an email address.
does it mean that it is unique then? UNIQUE ! dancing in great joy
well okay, that's pretty unique.
hashes will always have collisions
even if they're mathematically improbable
: (... why did u have to say that. you are lifting up and down. I can't take this anymore
technically yes. just very improbable, depending on the algorithm used. far more so than IP addresses anyway.
not that this has ever happened to me
it totally did
thankfully, I managed to deploy the the "lets change the name of this object" last minute special anti-hash forces technique and saved the day
That's fucking craydonkulous, fyi
seriously, if you're using hashes, you have to expect a collision at some point.
and murphy's law ...
friend of mine is asking if there's any good books on game design?
I read this one. It's supposed to be a good book(profs recommended) but I found it a bit boring.
This one's less game design but more of wild ideas, but I liked it. It's fun read
For design, tell him to watch Extra Creditz
Bleh, once again the lack of a portable, reliable type ID mechanism in C++ causes me no end of trouble.
(by which I mean, the need to resort to macros to avoid senseless repetition)
I'm starting to enjoy C++ now.
auto block = std::make_shared<Cr::ScalarBlock<ClassType, FieldType>("FieldName", &ClassType::FieldName, "FieldType");
Defines a "block," which is a term for a reflective field in a content representation library I have.
Content representation? What content are you representing?
Arbitrary content.
Any kind of data you'd put into a game or whatnot.
Oh, cool. My debit card finally showed up, so I can finally release my game :)
Hey :)
I'm going to bed
*Finally came up with a solution to my problem.
A: Configure launch command in Code::Blocks

Aidan MuellerPossible but less ideal solution: After some time, I was able to come up with a solution. However, I am sure that there are better alternatives. This is how I solved my problem: Create a new build target called "RunScript". Set the compiler to "No Compiler". Set the type to "Console applicati...

its a whole lot easier to hang out late at work when you have nothing to go home to
@Evan I would imagine that it would.
that looks pretty hideous @JoshPetrie
then again i've been doing some craaaaazy generic c# recently
Is anybody actually wasting there money on these "Flappy Bird" phones? I am pretty sure you can still get the app via hacks.
I'm sure plenty of people are wasting their money on it
I always have to ask myself. Is it the consumer's fault for letting themselves be exploited, or is it the producers fault for leveraging the weakness of the consumer, and exploiting them?
I would say it requires a joint effort here.
as long as they're not being misled, I'd say it's the customer's fault
I have no sympathy at all for stupid people
@IcyDefiance I now insult incompetent people like this: "If there was a zombie apocalypse, you would die first!".
but that would apply to fat and old people, not just (or even primarily) stupid people
Sometimes I will just refer to them as "people who would die first in a zombie apocalypse".
@IcyDefiance Make that second.
lol okay
I think its always easy to say someone else is stupid when looking at things from a different perspective. Yet, even if someone is of a lower intelligence level, is that justification for exploitation?
I don't think so.
again, if they're being misled, that's a problem. otherwise I wouldn't even call it exploitation. I'd call it selling them something they want.
now if they're incapable of knowing better, like with children or people with mental problems, that's different.
@MattD If you think that is hideous wait until you see the tag system at 343.
Whether or not someone is being misled though, is not as black and white as it seems.
(but yes, it is tragic)
A company does not have to put sprinkles on a turd and call it a donut for it to be misleading.
Though, legally they may
@JoshPetrie ill have to start mailing out "code find of the week" as I work my way through the source
Almost all of that redundancy could be boiled away to Cr::ScalarBlock("field", &type::field) if C++ had better type IDs. Just slightly better.
(i wont actually do that. but I will be keeping notes ;)
@Evan the legal nuances of false advertising are a pretty massive subject of their own, and a pretty interesting one at that, though I've only had an extremely basic education on that.
my favorite example is a Ford commercial that claimed their trucks are "70 times quieter" or something like that. they were taken to court for it, and were asked what is the truck 70 times quieter than? like relative to what? they said 70x quieter inside the truck than outside of it, proved it, and with that they were entirely inside the law.
It would nice if we didn't have to worry about people trying to exploit others. I think a little more selflessness would go a long ways.
a business is inherently selfish. charities are selfless...or at least they're supposed to be, but often they aren't either.
the best a business can do is provide some level of transparency, and maybe use part of its income for charity.
I get your point. it doesn't seem fair. but I don't think you can get any more fair than 2 parties exchanging things when they both think they're gaining something else of greater value. even if as a 3rd party it doesn't seem that way, we're not part of the transaction anyway.
I have to participate in this
huh, that does look interesting
if only I wasn't already more busy than I can handle
since im young and inexperienced I can pick things up and drop it willy nilly
abuse the right to abuse
hey, I'm young and inexperienced too, but I'm taking 4 classes, working as a tutor, and developing a website, mobile app, and desktop program. well, those three aren't being developed at the same time; it's website first, then desktop program, then the app, but yeah.
not quite as young as you, though
I work on games all day already. I like to explore other things after work and on my weekends
@IcyDefiance I can't really do what I had in mind for my atmospheric platformer because the free version of Unity prevents you from doing fancy effects so there's that. Faking a render texture has too much of a performance impact :(
@IcyDefiance and doing something else would be great. I'd love to attempt a 7 day jam
can't you make your own shaders with Unity? is that a free feature? and if so, couldn't you use them for the fancy effects?
Some type of shaders you can make in indie
no post-processing shaders I think
@Noctrine this
Because you need Render to Texture support
@Icy anything that requires post-processing or involves a render texture. You're screwed.
ah, okay.
in that case I'd say use C# and OpenTK, but that's kind of painful to make a full game with, or at least to get started. far more work than Unity.
Yep. I have to find something that is similar to unity yet doesn't place any restrictions on me.
You could make something ;p
Unity is pretty ridiculously cheap though
easy 5 u to say
UDK is the other big player, and that's free for noncommercial use. doesn't look like there are any other restrictions on it. I haven't used it, though, so I have no idea what its feature set is.
Would you rather pay 1m+ for Unreal?
It's not all that great
UDK takes about 30% ontop of your merchant transactions

I could do this easy. But Im a student.
@Noctrine LOL O_o
Godot Engine Ftw
> the license terms for this arrangement are US$99 up-front, and a 0% royalty on you or your company’s first US$50,000 in UDK related revenue from all your UDK based games or commercial applications, and a 25% royalty on UDK related revenue from all your UDK based games or commercial applications above US$50,000.
that's for UDK
so it says in my quote... /facepalm
Yeah, if its free then you're good.
or if it doesn't sell, lol
I would recommend UDK for the PC platform. Though the iteration time for mobile and console platforms can get a bit. . . .ridiculous
I've messed with the UDK once.
I really didn't do anything amazing. I just built a level spawned some bots and ran around in it, and felt like I made a game.
2 yrs ago
It's seemed like so much work to strip UDK down for using outside of FPS games :\
@Grey hey, that's my experience with Unity. this thing right here: icydev.net/experiments
it even says you win before you pick up all the cubes, because I was too lazy to change the magic number.
Anyone use the Cry Engine now a days
I think Cry Engine licenses start at around 20k?
jesus christ.
O _ O
Oh wait no, that was Unigine.
Apparently CryEngine is 1.2m?
omg. I should stop fooling around with this premium stuff and just make my own engine from scratch or use something that doesn't charge you at all.
Or just make some nice simple stuff, and get some money doing that?
@Noctrine trying
Or, keep working on your professional development, in 4~ years join a studio and then work on AAA titles with them :p
Down was an attempt, but I thought no one would want an unpolished game.
@Noctrine no
Why not?
> CryENGINE® 3 Independent Developers Platform
> ...
> We’ll offer a royalty-only license model for Independent Developers, where Crytek require only 20% of the developer’s revenues from the commercial launch of their game.
What's wrong with a studio?
They tell you what to work on :v
Maybe you need to know what to work on?
such offend
very cry
Guessing you dream of running your own studio at some point?
Building something on my own terms.
@Noctrine this
Cryengine licenses seem to be...negotiable. like the bit I quoted isn't the only option, and most of them say "contact us to discuss it"
TODAY WE WILL WORK ON cloning this mobile game
Really hard to know how to run that kind of business, without ever being in that position.
I doubt Josh is cloning flappy birds
@Noctrine This is a good point and I guess I wouldn't mind working for experience, but I wouldn't want to work for someone for the duration of my career, that sounds boring to me.
So don't.
But like, do you watch Kitchen Nightmares or anything like that?
Haha no
What is that XD
Gordon Ramsey goes in and fixes peoples resturants
I think I've watched something similar
Dysfunctional Resturants?
There is always a core issue at play though, the people who are doing the worst have never worked in a restaurant before.
^ basically
so no experience. I get you :v
what did you expec?
@MattD Pros
Observe then Do
Honestly, I find it kind of interesting that you don't want to be told what to do. I love being told what to do, then I get to solve the problems to make it happen and make someone else happy. Different strokes, perhaps.
problem solving is really what I enjoy, and that's so much easier when the requirements are set in stone.
My microwave is broken. Please fix.
not worth it. buy a new one.
No. I'm paying you.
You can't say no.
Quit while you are ahead.
but I can inform you that it would be both cheaper and faster to buy a new one. if you still want me to fix it, then I will. no complaints as long as I'm getting paid.
freezes check and makes @IcyDefiance go to the controllers office
if I don't get paid, I take a hammer to the microwave I just fixed
or in programming terms, I get paid periodically or I stop working. or if I'm freelancing, then I don't turn over the finished product until I get paid.
other than that, it's pretty easy to make orders happen
@IcyDefiance ++
Do you prefer hourly/all at once/ or portions(set prices) ?
Depends on the work
My preference is weekly, but I can usually wrap project pricing into that.
Hourly ends up screwing me in the end :\
You get a lot more out of it as a freelancer if you adjust your prices based on value provided as opposed to just some set rate.
depends on who owns the work in progress, mainly. if the company owns the code as I write it, I need to be paid periodically. if it's turned over to them at the end, then that's also when I get my pay. in that case you might want to demand some kind of good faith payment, like 20% before you start. I haven't asked for that yet, but not being paid won't ruin me at this point in my life and I haven't done any massive projects anyway.
Noctrine has a lot more experience than I do, though
I see :v

Thank you for answering my questions and sharing your wisdom!
nobody does :D
I'm told that's adulthood in a nutshell
That's reassuring lol!
My parents, who are right (most of the time ;p), always pull this card on me:

"You think you know more than us? You're just a kid. You have *no* life experience. You have no idea what you are doing."
and then when reality hits you. That you will no longer depend on them for survival. You actually... start to listen.
its true
when you're 30+ that statement makes a lot of sense
1 hour later…
@Grey I fucking hate when anyones parents pull that card. I can only think, well if you're so sure your kid has no life experience I guess you did a shit job preparing them for real life.
you say that now, ill ask you that in like 10 years ;)
I agree with mick on this one
Well it depends, Grey's parents seem like they are trying to get him to go prepare for real life :p
But in some respects I agree
Yeah it completly depends, it depends on the topic and it depends if the parents (in general, I'm not talking about Grey's) really have non-emotional point of view on the stuff.
One great example would be parents who give a life-lessons like "just don't be gay"
Or someone who has built the family house himself, might have so tight emotional bonds to the house that he just can't think of a situation where selling the house is the best thing to do
or if the parents are fundie christians, obsessed with fox news, and think science is just a tool for liberal, atheist, and gay propoganda
even then it depends on the topic. first hand information only depends on logic for interpretation, and that's a relatively weak way to twist the information. not usually difficult to see through.
heh, even that statement is a mass generalization
im old, if you're under 21 you really have a lot of life yet to experience.
thats not necessarily a bad thing. its amazing to do things for the first time.
but, you really have no idea just how little you actually understand about things right now.
hell, i still understand very little
but never underestimate the dunning krueger effect :)
it gets harder to find "firsts" as you get older. you get different firsts.
hmm, maybe I should make this a year of firsts.
sometimes. its easy to overlook things because you've always overlooked them. new eyes can tell you so much.
im rambling and i need coffee
sure. I'm 20, but I take pride in logic and a desire to learn, and I judge others on those same two things. I don't claim to have experience. Experience can be extremely valuable, but it can only be earned through time, not effort, and without the logic to interpret it and a desire to learn from it, it's only worth something as information for another person to interpret properly.
those are excellent qualities to have :) curiosity and criticality
enjoy your firsts.
and for gods sake. you get one shot at this. im 36, you'll be my age before you know where you are. go and do awesome stuff.
it's also difficult to know that what you consider to be logic is correct...dunning krueger has something to say there too, I'm sure.
but also dont stress about things that take time yeah? :) time is something you have lots of ;)
anyway, old man ramble mode off
mhm. I don't stress at all about anything that I can't do anything about. I've kind of freaked out my friends a few times with that particular quality...
Life is still short, even if you have lots of time
well, its pretty common to not know what you want to do for a while. you're still understanding what its like to be a full fledged human.
the only real way to find out is to try lots of stuff
hell, I'm only just getting settled into what it is that I really want to do
and I had to walk away from it to realise how much i missed it :)
hmm, I've pretty much always known I wanted to program. at least since I was 10 or 11, when I first started learning how. I mean I've done sports and music, and was pretty good at both, but nothing fascinates me like computers do.
yeah me too. I didnt get into the games side till much later though. I'd already done 7 years of consulting/business work
it wasnt really a "thing" like it is now
I guess you've never really known a time without internet either
I guess this is how my parents felt about television
I have, just barely. I remember using Windows 3.1, though I don't remember too much about it.
I remember the time when internet was not everywhere
for internet, we had NetZero for a while, which only allowed us 10 hours a month.
so I'd connect to the internet, load a flash game, then disconnect before I played it
heh, hold on to that memory, and you can attempt to explain it to your kids sometime ;)
I had to go to the local netcafe to meet friends and play games
10 hours a month. That's really sad.... That's like finding one good answer for a question. A question a month.
of course most of them had to download every new level instead of downloading it all at the beginning. that type of game pissed me off every time I found one, since I'd always lose my progress. >:(
best thing was when we got the AOL free trial, then tried to cancel, and they extend our trial in hopes we'd subscribe when it was over. we got 1.5 years of free internet from them after the trial should've ended, just by threatening to cancel every time it was about to expire. XD
i remember dialing up friends to play command and conquer against each other
see, I can sound like an old man too, even though I'm 20 :P
I remember doing the same for Warcraft 2
I still remember seeing a 3DFX card for the first time when i was at uni
My friend got a voodoo, and everyone visited him after that to play some Quake 2
man. Computer was still very uncommon back in 1998 in my country. While you guys were having fun, I was wishing I had my own computer ;_;
I've had a computer since I can remember
I guess I'm lucky
Vic-20 was the first
how I imagine you were like
That could be a pic of me yeah :D
I even had that joystick
And a cassette drive
And a lot later a floppy disk drive
There was some flight simulator game
on a floppy
man I missed all that. By the time I got my hands on computer, it was all thin keyboard and CDs.

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