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@Simon of course YOU are.
Says the one who argues 24/7 with people and is never willing to admit that he's wrong.
@AviD No ur
@Simon that's not true
It's fine, you're always right, you have the ultimate knowledge and we're crap.
@MarkBuffalo that could be but I have been in Dresden, Aachen, berlin, koln. I found food Always a bit on the heavy side
@Simon pls
@Francesco Plain? No spices?
@Francesco you'll get used to the local food with enough time
also, speak for yourself. There are plenty here that it does not apply to.
@MarkBuffalo that's an interesting point of view. I have too many accounts and I don't care any longer for creating passwords
Speak to someone else.
@Francesco I simply don't have very many accounts anywhere. I hate creating accounts. If I did have more than a few accounts, especially important ones, I would probably use a password manager.
@Simon y u so kranky
I really don't care about any of my accounts, except 1 or 2
I'm a lurker in most places, like reddit, etc.
A: What is DROWN and why is it even possible?

Thomas PorninTo understand the attack, one must recall Bleichenbacher's attack from the late 20th century. In that attack, the attacker uses the target server as an oracle. When using RSA-based key exchange, the client is supposed to send a secret value (the "pre-master secret") encrypted with the server's pu...

no I didn't take offence since I guessed it was for laughing
@MarkBuffalo so you doin't care about your SE account?
Tada ^
@Simon not everyone that wanders in here will understand that
@Francesco Thank you.
@AviD And you think those guys would fit here?
I was bashing german food and I was bashed for being italian
@SEJPM not really. I can live without it
@Francesco :p
@Simon good, but then tomorrow someone else wont get it
@Simon irrelevant.
@AviD Fine, why do we talk about sex here, then?
dont go all SFBro on me.
Surely a such subject is going to offend someone eventually.
@Simon honestly no clue
Why doesn't it all get censored?
I don't remember you censoring anybody else's posts.
usually cuz @kalina is in here trying to get moderated
or @RoryAlsop is in here bragging
or @Simon is in here truly worried
@ThomasPornin I think the key takeaway that makes things much worse is that disabling sslv2 on some versions of openssl doesn't actually disable sslv2.
Fine, keep doing what you're doing.
@Simon you're more fun ;-)
look please let's get back to the original topics, we were discussing this new drown attack (@ThomasPornin took care of that) password managers (we have +2 for keepass, +1 for not using them) and german culture
You're doing allllllll right.
yes, I'm kidding.
@ThomasPornin even better, the acroynym is butchered
because most people are familiar with the line.
@TerryChia Yeah, in some cases, you can force this attack to work even if they aren't using sslv2
@ThomasPornin Oh come on, that's too much to read.
@ThomasPornin +1
starts reading the post
> DROWN stands for Decrypting RSA with Obsolete and Weakened eNcryption.
@Francesco +3 for keepass
@Francesco +4, that's what I use too and the fact that it's free makes it perfect.
do we actually have a question on the old bleichenbacher attackers?
@TerryChia om nom nom
my kids are buying in-app purchases
I thought I fucking disabled that
@MarkBuffalo y u no pincode it
@SEJPM This answer covers it briefly: security.stackexchange.com/a/20851/655
It's my wife's phone
@MarkBuffalo y she no pincode it
I don't control anything she does on her phone. at all
none of my business
@Simon For me the point is being open source and so "checkable" by the experts. I am happy to pay/donate for a good product
OK, now that I have described the attack, I will actually read the article.
Bear is gonna bear
@ThomasPornin "(And that fashion of using all-uppercase acronyms for attacks is really ridiculous.)" +1
@ThomasPornin see, this guy is the real NSA
Not me!
@TerryChia you can ask about this (I won't), this sounds rather uninteresting compared to DROWN
secretly steals @ThomasPornin's knowledge and adds it to the Ancient Repository of Federal Knowledge
@ThomasPornin did @ThomasPornin just reversengineer yet another sooper seekret logofied crypto attack?
I always miss the good stuff... :-(
@AviD No... I just read the abstract, looked at the figures, and jumped to the conclusions.
But the article deserves a more careful reading, that I will now do.
I like how you got upvoted before people even read your answer
I am not the only one to jump at conclusions.
@MarkBuffalo there's a bear below the answer, IT MUST BE GOOD
@MarkBuffalo its an automated hypnotic reflex
@TerryChia "This is despite the fact that OpenSSL's RSA implementation was carefully designed to be constant time"
Well, that's it: OpenSSL made some ritual gestures to make believe that they did something constant time, but they failed.
(Note to @AviD: here we are not talking about DROWN, but something completely different.)
I wonder if there will be a point in time where I'll criticize how OpenSSL was made.
Probably not.
@ThomasPornin thank you kind sir for the executive summary.
@ThomasPornin Is that a disclaimer because you think ovid can't follow a discussion?
If so, that's funny as hell.
I still have no idea what we're talking about, I only pop in once in a while to slap soimin, havent had time to read what we're on about.
@Simon lol not
@AviD the next big TLS attack
its a courtesy summary
@SEJPM that I picked up (well, -ish) - have link?
You think bears are all about courtesy?
A: What is DROWN and why is it even possible?

Thomas PorninTo understand the attack, one must recall Bleichenbacher's attack from the late 20th century. In that attack, the attacker uses the target server as an oracle. When using RSA-based key exchange, the client is supposed to send a secret value (the "pre-master secret") encrypted with the server's pu...

@SEJPM thanks!
@SEJPM oh crap it is seriously logofied and webified....
aaaand too many chrome tabs.
@ThomasPornin Would you think Hanlon's Razor applies here, or is it safe to put on my aluminum foil hat?
@AviD And apart from that new attack, other people appear to have published another, completely different exploit of a side channel leak in OpenSSL, called CacheBleed: ssrg.nicta.com.au/projects/TS/cachebleed
Talk about a bad timing...
by the way maybe it's me but the kind folks at keepass could opt for https over http
@ThomasPornin Is this recent?
@MarkBuffalo patched today
> The solution: don't use SSL 2.0. Dammit.
@MarkBuffalo Apparently it was published just today.
@MarkBuffalo never safe, aluminim conducts brain control waves
Could not put that better
Another freaking article to read?
God damn it.
@ThomasPornin damn.
@MarkBuffalo but you can still make a question about it...
see: this is a funny thing about the NSA saving encrypted communications and storing them
@Simon old processors
@Simon And cache lines. And inability of OpenSSL developers to accept the inevitable.
eventually, a weakness will be revealed in an implementation of tls/ssl/whatever, and they may be able to exploit it
That's actually really good thinking
@MarkBuffalo storage is cheap
@MarkBuffalo It is implausible that the NSA records encrypted communications and stores them. There is a lot of the stuff; it would be very expensive.
"In order to mount the attack, the attacker has to be able to run the attack code on the same machine that runs the victim code"
Ok guys, there's nothing to see here, carry on.
@Simon say that to amazon and google and microsoft
@Simon Mind the details: the same hardware. Technically, it works across VM that just happen to share the same CPU
@ThomasPornin I read a document where the NSA stores a lot of them for a certain amount of time, up to 2 years
@SEJPM That's fine, I'm not working for those guys.
@ThomasPornin I see.
@MarkBuffalo In fact it is not the storage that I find implausible, it is the bandwidth. Basically, this would mean that they can take the whole Internet bandwidth and could buy enough cables to transfer it to their storage facilities.
@MarkBuffalo 10 bn dollars a year and 4TB for 150 dollars (or less) they can store a lot
@MarkBuffalo fair enough, but you might consider helping her protect stuff
@ThomasPornin They have capture equipment built into every hop, apparently
Contrary to just storing metadata, storing whole encrypted sessions seems to be extremely impractical.
@SEJPM "storage", is that a sweet nickname for @Simon's mom?
yea, but if it's a simple thing like communication between individuals, that's easier to target
@MarkBuffalo yeah you can filter the sessions based on the endpoints :/
The xkeyscore selectors are able to sift through that data and find all typical communication patterns
@AviD bragging? Moi?
@Ohnana yeah, I do... but she uses computers/devices much like your average person, heh.
It's only 99 cents anyway... I'll let it slide for now
@MarkBuffalo lol
may I ask the wise @ThomasPornin to take some time for the underprivileged crypto peasants and troll Telegram a bit? crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/31418/…
I'll tell her, and she'll forget because of the convenience
@SEJPM Who is Telegram?
@MarkBuffalo a bad and popular "secure" / crypto messenger
I finally read your post
@SEJPM Not today, I have some work to do.
@AviD is that so
@kalina ha! you unignored me! yay!
hiiii @kalina!
@kalina and, is it not?
Okay, so 5 years, not 2 years
and immediately back on ignore
@kalina morning
awww :-(
@MarkBuffalo How is it that you can read Forbes? Are you not using an ad-blocker?
@MarkBuffalo hi/bai
@AviD ranum.com/editorials/corporate-songs/Symantec_Revolution.mp3 <-- listen to that, it'll cheer you up
@kalina o/
@Xander I am using an adblocker, of course.
@Xander Are you using NoScript?
@RоryMcCune hmm
@AviD that's not a tigger avatar you need but Hobbes'
If you've got NotScript blacklisting forbes, you won't be able to read it right, I suppose.
@AviD the lyrics are really... special
@MarkBuffalo No, I'm using Chrome.
Wait I'm NOT supposed to use SSLv2?
@RoraΖ Only since today, man.
uBlock Origin + NoScript here.
@RoraΖ No, go ahead. Use it as much as you like.
@Xander but hang yourself afterwards pls?
@RoraΖ not since last decade
@RoraΖ No. You should use SSLv1. Much better - no-one ever broke it in practice!
@Matthew give me a spec and I'll use it
* lack of breakage may be down to lack of official release. Use of SSLv1 is limited to people who can access the specifications
I'll update all my browsers to support SSLv2/1
@RoraΖ they're no longer shipping with support :(
@SEJPM i use telegram
@Ohnana poor you
> This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation under Grants No. CNS-1408734, CNS-1505799, and CNS-1513671
I wish the NSF would support non-university-affiliated researchers
Would it be mean for someone to say "hey, is your IP address if you run ipconfig?" in response to
Q: Running Kali linux

ChandraShekharI have been going thru some Information security articles on how to browse Internet anonymously without being back-tracked and found that Kali Linux is one for the best tools around there. I have installed kali Linux 64bit version on my USB drive and would like to use it as a plug-n-play OS with...

@Matthew In fact, rumour has it that when the protocol was first presented to external cryptographers, the audience had assembled and described several devastating attacks before the present had actually finished his presentation.
That's why SSLv1 is said to be "embarrassing".
@ThomasPornin Whoops. That's not an auspicious beginning.
@ThomasPornin Was that a pun Dr Pornin?
@ThomasPornin ouch
@diagprov Of course.
@ThomasPornin But not in active use... I was very careful with wording - they were attacks based on theory, rather than practice!
ok I've got 8 months to lose like 50lbs
@MarkBuffalo I recommend the "chainsaw juggling" approach
@Matthew going on keto
@MarkBuffalo If I lost that much I would be severely underweight.
@MarkBuffalo We had someone in the office who did that - lots of avoiding specific things because their effects are amplified, I seem to remember
@Matthew Yep... so I would have to eat purely meat, eggs, cheese... and drink only water/diet soda
It works, though. I can dump 90lbs in 6 months if I stick to it... problem is, my wife cooks delicious, lovely Chinese food all the time...
But I really just need to lose 45-50
@MarkBuffalo eat... smaller... portions
@RоryMcCune I do :/
also, I can walk a mile a day at lunch
@MarkBuffalo evidently not, if you need to lose 50lbs. Obesity rate in China is a lot lower than the US so it obvs. isn't a problem with Chinese food per-se
@RоryMcCune I recently started to eat portions aimed at a single person instead of 2-3 people. Result is that I lost 3kg or something.
@RоryMcCune I eat 2 small sandwiches every day, and finally, one dinner. that's all I eat
but I'm also not getting any exercise in the past few months
@Arperum yeah it's my problem too, my missus is a good cook so I eat too much, it's the portion size that's the problem
@MarkBuffalo And how much soda/whatever sugary stuff do you drink?
@RоryMcCune food is smothered in cooking oil :O wife uses way too much of it
@Arperum zero. I hate sugar
@MarkBuffalo Try eating less, but eating more often.
@RоryMcCune I am terrible at estimating a good portion, I made pasta on friday and had food for three days.
@TerryChia Yeah, that's a good idea too
but keto works regardless of my lifestyle... so. yeah. I'd like to look good at the wedding, lol
@Arperum my better half has a chronic fear of cooking to little, so the result is she always cooks too much... this would be fine, except it's very nice and I was brought up to believe that it's rude to leave food on your plate
@RоryMcCune same...
I don't like wasting food...
@RоryMcCune Heh. My dad feels bad if there exactly everything is eaten. You eat what you put on your plate, but if there is leftovers, that's fine.
And then you can eat the leftovers later.
@RоryMcCune In China, I ate the same as I do now... or worse, actually. The difference is, in China, we needed to take a bus to go anywhere... which involved walking to the bus station... then walking everywhere else. So much walking. The entire society is built on walking around and getting stuff done
I usually don't take time to ask myself if I'm still hungry, I'm programmed to finish my plate too.
I drank a lot of sugary sodas, ate a lot of sugary snacks, chips, and vendor junk... but all the walking kept me thin
I think I got to ~78-79kg earlier last year, then the summer festivals caused me to loose some width (pants were suddenly kinda wide), although I don't think I lost much weight. ANd now I'm at 76.5kg or something.
@Arperum 150kg -> 92 kg (bone thin) in 1 year in China :o
@MarkBuffalo What kind of length are you that 92kg is bone thin?
@Lighty I don't even want to hear about it.
@MarkBuffalo Do you have Dutch ancestry or something?
@Simon :P
is cipherli.st a good source as a cypherlsit? or are there any more suggenstions
@Simon sssshhhh.... it'll be over soon
@Arperum Norwegian/Native American/French/Irish/various other types of honky.
@MarkBuffalo I'm only 181 cm. And for my dad's family I tower above most of them.
My great grandfather was 218-219 cm
mumbles something about running into giants all over the place lately
I got a new girlfriend, and her dad is about your size :p
@Arperum Does he like you?
> Fashionability. Elliptic curves are cool. -- Thomas Pornin '13
@M'vy What a nurd.
@MarkBuffalo He didn't try to kill me anyway. Didn't get a deathglare either. her brother is apparently not amused about me though. (she turns 18 next week, I turn 28 later this month)
@Arperum wut
I'd have killed you immediately on the spot
and immediately burned your body
@MarkBuffalo Ya well. It's not like am trying to take advantage of her. I very much do not want that.
@MarkBuffalo #Murica!
@MarkBuffalo not immediately, need to leave some time for all the desecrating
Well that's good. My default policy is to immediately kill you and burn your body, unless I like you.
@RоryMcCune =D flies American flag dramatically
@MarkBuffalo Good thing I'm somehow pretty likeable.
@MarkBuffalo I find torture to be more effective. and fun, too.
That makes me even more suspicious of you
@AviD Agreed, a little fireboarding never hurt anyone... much...
@MarkBuffalo Thanks :p I would be too.
@MarkBuffalo I read that in the Joker's voice
@AviD Do you want to know how I got these emotional scars?
No seriously. The very idea has haunted me. I could never have imagined it.
but no, the other joker
Apparently her parents expected her to come home with a friend of her brothers age (which is 3-4 years younger than me) so they weren't super shocked.
Never understood the whole thing of girls specifically going for older dudes.
@Simon Because younger dudes are very immature and usually don't want to settle down yet
A lot of girls I know want to settle down, but the guys don't. "Luls, I don't want keeds." So they aren't going to waste their time with them
@MarkBuffalo Oh, you mean those 16 years old girls who are pregnant because they're sooo ready to live an adult life?
From my experience, the girls who claimed that they wanted to be with an older guy turned out to be very immature.
@Simon I think the suggestion is that older men are less immature
@RоryMcCune Yes, but see what I just posted.
@Simon I'd use you as an example and suggest you were more mature than you used to be but then my mind exploded trying to think of how that means you must've been when you were younger :op
@MarkBuffalo I do not want to settle down. Stable relationship, yes. Settling down. Hell no.
@Simon I mean girls 18+ who want to settle down and have a family
@RоryMcCune I was a legend on another forum because of the stupid shit I posted.
@RоryMcCune Imma star that.
Not some girl who was tricked by some guy into getting knocked up
@MarkBuffalo Yes, but early 20s is still really young to pretend that you figured out everything that you want your life to be.
@MarkBuffalo These dudes are just horrible.
@Simon just like here.
@Arperum Indian reservations. not even once...
@Simon There's a difference between loudly proclaiming "older guys are more mature" and actually being attracted to older guys because they are more mature. That is, perhaps some are not looking necessarily on age, but just for reasonably mature, and it happens older guys satisfy that.
My sister is 12... her classmate got knocked up.
@Simon same with early 40s.
This is COMMON over there
@MarkBuffalo >_>
@MarkBuffalo wat
@AviD Nah, your life is over at that point and should have been coffin shopping for at least 10 years.
@diagprov Absolutely.
@AviD That's like nearly half a century. Wow.
@Simon Not really. I married my wife when she was 21
@Simon Whenever you turn 30 I want to see a picture of you going coffinshopping
We had a kid next year
Neither of us regret it
Some people know what they want... others don't
@MarkBuffalo I wouldn't have made that decision at that age but good for you guys.
@Arperum I'll try to deliver.
@Arperum So you don't want to get married and have kids?
@Simon Well, when girls who do want to make that decision can't find men their age, they'll go for older men
@MarkBuffalo Not yet anyway. At some point, sure. But not in the near future.
@MarkBuffalo same (well, 22), but thats less about deciding what you want 50 years from now, but the potential to grow together, into what you both will want, and want to be.
@Arperum Make sure she knows that... women have a lot of expectations...
@MarkBuffalo Yet I do not see the point to hurry up to settle down.
@AviD Yep. And the younger you have them, the more full your life will be when you're older
@Simon I waited until 29 to have kids
@MarkBuffalo She knows. And she has the same position.
@MarkBuffalo I find that most young girls that go for older guys are very much NOT about settling down, they just like showing off the older guy, and what comes with that.
She first want to go do some studies she's very interested in (and she very well should)
@AviD Yeah, that's true too
@AviD Yup, I also witnessed that.
It's much "cooler" to go out with an older guy.
I dated a girl who wanted to show me off
It was stupid
Dumped her quickly
@Simon which is stupid.
@Arperum That's the logical way to do things, yes.
except that older guys do tend to have more money, and do more funner things.
(she was older than me, lol)
@AviD "More funner" ?
@ThomasPornin yas
@AviD That seems excessive.
I can word the things how any way I wanting.
cmon, my attention is split in so many ways right now - I'm not even looking at the window I'm typing in.
the more weirder the word, the more better.
the most weirdest, the most best
Many more cromulent
@AviD please type your password
hehe pfft
Well I leaked one of my password couple of days ago cause of bad UI
@AviD geez crappy password no upper case, special chars or numbers!
@M'vy you think I know how to type my password?
Betterer: Please retype your password for confirmation
@ThomasPornin Let me know if you get your nsec ticket so we can arrange a donut meeting.
^ pls none more euphemism-ish
@Simon is this some code for ... ?
@Simon what's nsec?
@RоryMcCune nsec.io
@Simon I am trying to obtain confirmation.
Yes, apparently it's good.
Perfect. I'll get my confirmation too.
@Simon you should go along to this guy's talk nsec.io/2016/01/… and point out to him why he should be focusing on the awfully vulnerable iOS platform instead of Android :op
By confirmation I mean actually ask to go because I haven't yet but I'd be surprised if they said no.
Are you giving that talk? Is your nickname Keven Marin?
@RоryMcCune iOS is rock solid; it is FBI-proof.
@ThomasPornin Somehow I think this is a red herring or something
@ThomasPornin hey now watch, if you say nice things about iOS security @Simon will get all mad again
It's FBI proof because they're using it as an excuse to build a backdoor, you've said it yourself pornu.
Pretty sure they already had one
The NSA put on a big show about being frustrated by Skype encryption... meanwhile, they had a backdoor in it for years.
Here's a thought I just had: Unless you actually know how tracert works, its output can be a little deceiving. Most people, I think, expect it to show (more or less) the exact route that network traffic takes between the local system and some endpoint. But that's not the case. For each "hop", it only shows that one part of the route that one particular packet took - and this may or may not be the same route that was used to find the hop before it or the hop after.
Am I crazy, or is this just a part of life on the interwebs that I'm just now realizing?
@Iszi That's why it sends three packets.
So that you may notice when the route varies.
@ThomasPornin But it only logs one node.
@Iszi It is supposed to show something when the three responses don't come from the same IP address.
Now of course, any particular implementation of the tool may fail to do things properly.
This whole thing only occurred to me when I ran a trace that ended up having the same node listed twice - back-to-back. Only reason I could think of is that the second listing was due to a packet having taken a longer route to that node than the first.
I am more used to the Unix-like traceroute than to the Windows tracert.exe.
I think there is a detailed traceroute output analysis in one of the Stevens book, with details about multiple routes.
I remember reading it about 20 years ago.

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