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that is a word i didn't think i'd hear out of avid
@Ohnana no, really, another mod said it, its official.
@AviD no it isn't
overturned by popular dissent
@MickLH that's sad
@MickLH consider this your last warning.
@Ohnana But it's been pinned. Back to official.
Yeah working sucks
But you have to get yourself to do it somehow
@MickLH protip: ask for a mod to manually suspend you instead.
@Ohnana ftr, I didnt star it, until you yelled about it
@GlenH7 Well at the time the flag chaos was still ramping up so I figured I can kill two birds with one stone
if i had to make a list of things that annoy me I'd just print out a picture of tigger holding an israeli flag and people would think i was literally insane.
@GlenH7 stupid question, I thought there wasnt timed suspension anymore, just kickban.
@Ohnana oh come now. That's ridiculous.
you didnt even mention a pyramid or a rocket launcher.
@Ohnana People in the USA would understand
@AviD Go into a user's chat profile and click on moderation tools. There's an option to suspend
That clearly means you're annoyed by Muslims destroying the innocence of children.
@GlenH7 ahhh cool, thanks!
@AviD google images has dissapointed me
its not right there in the popup, I dont see it no more
For instance: @MickLH - I'll return the introductory hazing by offering to suspend you for 12 hours. Would that be enough time to get more work done today?
Excuse me? Is that a threat?
@MickLH that's a gracious offer
take him up on it
11 mins ago, by MickLH
If nobody gave him shit, we are basically saying he can't handle the room
I'll decline
Okay. Offer rescinded then
I got started on my work, that's the hard part.
Now that it's open, I just tab to it every few seconds, throw together a couple structs
Write a line or two of logic, etc
@GlenH7 While I think it's fine where it is, if you are trying to move it, this question seems fit for GDSE
Q: Calculating Engine RPM for Game

Adrians NetlisI am trying to make an advanced car physics simulation for a game. What I need to do now is to calculate engine RPM in quite an accurate way. As the timesteps between calculations are very small (60 frames per second or 0.166667 ms) I can afford to use old frame data in a new frame so that's not ...

@MickLH No close votes currently on it, so I'm inclined to see how it does. Engineering is still in beta and it can take a day or two before answers will come in. If it gets closed, I'll see if game design is interested.
We have picked up a number of borderline questions where the OP wants a better understanding of the actual engineering principles behind their question even though it's not for a real world use.
The only possible compatibility issue I see is that GD would probably want to know why he needs such precision, and would be more inclined to tell him to use an approximation that meets his necessary goals instead
has the incompetence task farce buggered off yet?
But if it's really for a game, that's usually a better approach anyways
@TildalWave I dunno. I'm still here.
@TildalWave there's people in the chat, so no
@Ohnana haha good point
now the only question is, who's the captain?
what drama they caused... and the funniest thing was that it was me that flagged that
@TildalWave way to go slugger
13 mins ago, by terdon
Anyway, I leave you all to discuss your security arcana in the very capable paws of Avid.
@TildalWave hey, don't escalate things
@Gilles shuddup you
@TildalWave so YOU caused
@GlenH7 mmm, yes
"incompetence task farce" sounds like a B-comedy so good it's almost an A
if someone isn't behaving appropriately, don't one-up them
@TildalWave To be fair, you're your own worst enemy.
@Avid we've elected you captain of the incompetence task farce
@Avid you'll be paid in buttcoin
@AviD So it's network profile -> Moderator tools -> ... :-P
@Ohnana but... but dogecoin.
what about dogecoin
@GlenH7 hehe
@GlenH7 Ha ha.
@TildalWave yeah... dont do that again, kk?
@everybodyinthischatroom Hey guys sorry about what happened.
Oh yeah! That's what I wanted to say, none of that drama actually worked towards correcting the problem.
dont make me rain down on you the fury of helltiggers.
@Xander Wow really? I flagged something as effing annoying already for which most then active in the chat seems to have agreed, and then all the drama ensues due to system's built-in incompetence, and I'm my own worst enemy? You know what? I don't give a flying pony
@HenryWHHack apology accepted, please be the person Mr. Rogers thinks you are next time, okay?
flag not for "annoying"
@TildalWave see, its things like that that is the problem
@TildalWave sorry
@Almo this
we had a relatively normal conversation before, all it was wrong with it was that there was this fly flying around and people started waving their hands
Wait a second...
if that's how SE deals with a fly then fuck this you don't deserve me around
Why don't we have a find and replace bot with mod privs?
@TildalWave cmon man, you know the deal. Trolls and bots - tell a mod.
hahah that's pretty funny
dont bring down helldrama.
chatbot s/fuck/pony/g
@AviD isn't that what a fucking flag does?
@MickLH it would turn into TrollBot destroyer of fun
especially in the DMZ, we'd find ways to fuck with it
@TildalWave that sounds like an interesting toy.
@Ohnana of course, but guess what?
and no, no it doesnt.
that's fun!
but no, why blame that the system is built by morons and maintained by conformistic bitches when we can stick a finger up someone's bum
a flag tells ALL the mods.
@AviD hey, there are plenty of fucking flags... protip stay away from red and brown
that's SE for you
a flag tells room owners and 10k+ users as well
bunch of twats
@TildalWave wwow did someone hack your account?
maybe take a voluntary timeout for a bit, bro.
did someone hack your intelligence?
@AviD it has been 0 days since the last freakout
@TildalWave No need to get upset. And its not just chat moderation I'm talking about. Remember the comment war with Lippert a few years ago? If you could just let things slide every now again, I think you would make it easier on yourself. And of course you're free to disagree, which I know you do. :-)
oh come on now don't star that
i saw the 750 revision rollback war recently
I didn't star that
I used to have a relatively fun time here, what happened?
@TildalWave I'm with Tigger on this one. Room culture or not, you're pushing a line you probably shouldn't be pushing.
@GlenH7 I'm with Glen on this one
@TildalWave you pulled your pants on too high?
pushing the rules to prove they're silly doesn't work well
@Almo I'm with @Almo on this one
@TildalWave @Simon
@Simon happened.
@AviD c'mon dude that's not even half funny
@Almo nah, thats not what @TildalWave is doing tho
yeah you're right
Occurred to me after i said it
@TildalWave cmon it is a little bit!
still true, but not applicable in this case
@Almo we already had a circular reply chain today
we get that occasionally at gamedev chat
It happened fast enough that the first post was edited to be a reply to the last post in the chain
@AviD there was like two dozen people coming here like a swarm of insects and fucked everything up, but sure, go ahead and endorse that and point your finger that I got upset by how fucking incompetent that is
if you know something's broken, don't screw with it until it's fixed
@TildalWave oh I totally agree. but dont exacerbate it.
that's like poking an open wound and going "AH GOD THAT HURTS!!!!"
@Ohnana unless it's ok to break it worse!
@TildalWave Once again, and for the last time: if something upsets you, walk away. Do not escalate.
yes, yes it does, we've established that, stop poking it!!
sometimes breaking it worse is not actually the worst thing
These past few minutes, you've been escalating. Stop it. Now.
there was a simple problem to solve, it was initiated so in the system suggested way, and what happens? it turns up I pressed the red fucking button and the thing went full nuclear
that's not my problem, that's yours
don't push the goddamn button!
unless of course you've all fallen hard on your heads and think that's OK
@TildalWave well, you pressed the big red nuclear button.
or push it! sometimes it's fine!
dont push that, unless things need to go nuclear.
@AviD of course I fucking did
full nook-yuh-lurr
that's the whole fun of it
ah well see
ah well see what?
@MickLH no it's nyuu-kyuu-lurr
Is ap isolations worth it anyone?
don't want that button there, remove it
damnit however you spell it, pronounce it like George Bush
don't tell me I abused it for pressing it in accordance with what it says on it
@TildalWave hmm, or maybe SE assumes that everyone can be an adult about it.
@TildalWave But... it says "Everybody dies."
which ofc is a foolish presumption.
@HenryWHHack If isolating your APs is a goal, then yes.
You didn't abuse the button, you abused the everyone.
@Xander no for security
@HenryWHHack "worth it" depends on your cost, wealth, need, and time
OKAY guys? drama meter is rising again. Bring it down now, please.
it's highly tailored and equal parts broad and opinionated
let us just move on.
@HenryWHHack What is your threat model? What are you trying to prevent?
Q: Wireless client isolation - how does it work, and can it be bypassed?

IsziMany SOHO routers these days support a feature called "wireless client isolation", or similar. What this is supposed to do, in principle, is to limit the connectivity between wireless clients connected to the AP. Wireless clients can talk to the LAN, and reach the Internet if such connection is...

@AviD Look, dude, I have that bit of respect for you, you know that. Now tell me honestly, in your opinion, use my email if you can't say it here because of the curfew or something, but do you consider that, and which has happened many times before, and apparently will happen again because nobody gives a fuck to fix it, a competent, professional reaction?
whose reaction?
@Xander the guys what the big black hat
Yours? no. Modflood? Mostly no.
@HenryWHHack this site has been around long enough that there are canonical questions for big topics. searching the site brings up a ton of info :)
Because it is almost as ludicrous as one Shakespeare's title, just so much less important.
@HenryWHHack Hassidim?
@AviD there was a fly on the wall, the top of the can of anti-roach spray was pressed, and the whole fucking country explodes
that reaction
@AviD No black hat hackers
@HenryWHHack be more specific.
@TildalWave yeah, was some explosion...
the kneejerk "I have powaz and buttinz to press watch my big ween" one
but no emotional response was called for here.
@TildalWave I'm still confused - are we talking about you or the modfloods?
@AviD moodflood
oops, Freudian slip
err why are people talking to the bot now...
I am form the nsa
@RоryMcCune exactly
@RоryMcCune is it really a bot?
@AviD it re-appeared and made no attempt to explain earlier posting of an e-mail address and password, that's not human style behaviour
@AviD it's a bot or a troll, take your pick
@AviD It is skynet!
15 mins ago, by Henry WH Hack
@everybodyinthischatroom Hey guys sorry about what happened.
@Ohnana what?
not his/her/its fault at all
@Ohnana that's not an explanation
I set up my domain with tons of stupid, random email addresses
@RоryMcCune I think just one of those annoying types of socially inept cavepeople. We've had them before. Sometimes, they reform, sometimes they leave, sometimes they get left behind.
@HenryWHHack i quoted you because rory missed something you said
and used them to sign up for various sites, just to see what would happen
I'm willing to give the chance.
hack-phished by: IRS.gov, pizza hutt, and 3 others
@AviD well you're the mod, I'll just say that I told you so when we have the next resultant mod-flood :op
@MarkBuffalo pizza the hutt?
@RоryMcCune its also jsut plain silliness. A weak attempt at trying to fit in.
that's a monster I'd like to fight
@Ohnana Pizza Hut got hacked
Or trolling. Who can tell in this room.
@RоryMcCune heh. Keep an eye on him, let me know if there is anything egregious.
@AviD I think it's a bot made by one of the regulars
it's best to respond with compassion and gentility first, then pull out the hammer for round two
Also, I feel I must point out that I really like that word. Egregious.
@AviD oh hells no, I'm not a mod , I can use ignore :op
@MarkBuffalo I set up my email domain and created addresses for each site as well. Not random addresses, reasonable addresses. And then discovered that with remarkable accuracy I could tell when they'd had a data breach, generally before it was publicly announced.
@Xander Yup, reasonable addresses. I do the same
@Xander My little early-warning system got me like a year before the IRS warned us of the hacks
^ see? it's OK now, I winked :P
it has been 0 minutes since the last freakout
and the fucking OPM breach too
@MarkBuffalo It was a miss order that way there got hacked those hackers hackers will always be hackers!
@Xander heh. you're faster than me. And you know who you are.
@TildalWave I removed that one. So, you can be mad at me now too.
nobody even starred that, but it's pinned?
@Xander neah, you're lovely :)
I'd drink beer with you
Hackers will always be hackers hackers will always hack!
@TildalWave And I with you. :-) Seriously, brush off the crap that makes you mad, and enjoy the company that doesn't.
who the flip is ruining my scurrilous pin-wall stories
hmm. @RоryMcCune now I'm starting to think you're right ;-)
@Xander I got a warning of the OPM breach back in 2011/2012
it's almost like people think those pins have a reason apart from my amusement ...
@RоryMcCune how rude
Am I ignored
Yes. Unanimously.
@AviD time will tell I'm sure, I'd message the likely author but he's not on FB any more and I wouldn't want to be so gauche as to suggest it in room without more evidence
@terdon Speaking of security arcana, someone tell me why we still have sites vulnerable to the likes of FireSheep?
@RоryMcCune ahh gotcha. yathink? I wouldnt have credited him such annoyingness.
@Xander yeah I know... that's how it actually started, wanting to do exactly that
@Iszi a lot of devs don't know anything about security
@Iszi <securitycynic> we've not had an incident where a high-level member has had their session stolen yet </securitycynic>
so updating stuff isn't gonna happen
that said, I dont think thats the most annoying user in this room right now.
@AviD well he likes playing with stuff and experimenting
@Iszi get in a physical room with Jon skeet , nick his session token, post some terrible answers on SO and watch it get fixed :)
@Iszi security is hard
@RоryMcCune wrong IP, though. But I'm sure he could get around that.
@RоryMcCune That's funny... but they'd all get upvoted anyway
@Adi Oh really? So I've got this PHP script that...
@AviD well he's used Tor before and knows about the problem, I could well be off-base but I can't think of many people who would actually bother to code a bot for this room
@Simon Need help?
How to block a nmap scan in my firewall?
@RоryMcCune cough
@MarkBuffalo are you flippin kidding me
@HenryWHHack Hack back.
if i'm parsing this conversation right, are you taking responsibility for wreaking this havoc?
@Ohnana It would appear so.
really dude?!
@Almo if you wondered why you only got one star for that, it's because you said something as silly as that in a room full of pentesters
No, that's not me... I can make bots like that, though.
If that was me, I wouldn't be ignoring it
@MarkBuffalo phew
i thought i'd have to be angry at you
My bots would be a lot more intelligent, though... and wouldn't annoy anyone
@MarkBuffalo Nah, I just wanted @Adi to be like "ew".
@Simon you missed like the flag-fest of all flag-fests, we had like 20 mods in here
I make a lot of bots... it's one of my favorite coding past-times. Botting.
I was blocked who blocked me?
@RоryMcCune Daaaaamn!
@RоryMcCune as opposed to our usual 18.
Bots to play games, bots to chat, bots for IRC wars, bots to scrape the web, whatever
@Simon there were cooking mods and game dev mods and all sorts
suspicious, two of the communities I have posted answers on
But that bot is not mine.
@RоryMcCune Did the cooking mods ask if someone was salty?
@MickLH well, tbf you were part of the problem.
@Simon no but they were a bit cheesed off by all the flagging
@Simon no, but they were rather cheesy.
Makes sense.
@RоryMcCune damn ninjad bu the punmaster!
@AviD you mean, I sacrificed myself as a martyr for the sake of all of our entertainment
@MickLH that's not how this works here.
thats not how any of this works.
@AviD you're part of the problem :P
hmm, good point, but I counter with, "Yes it is?"
That is why some people think you're a troll.
want my full recognition, you're gonna have to go black :)
You hope? I can't accept a hope. I couldn't even accept a hope and a prayer. — shelvacu 1 min ago
@TildalWave are you... @kalina...?
@AviD neah, just teasing
@Xander pls, I've been living on a prayer.
@TildalWave Poe's law.
I've been living on a pact with the devil.
you're an OK mod, not the greatest one, but an OK one nonetheless :))
@TildalWave heh gee thanks
^ You know who impersonation.
@Ohnana Now I want to finish my bot that scrapes sex offender registries / court record
:27947585 if you are in fact not a bot, as you have been accused of, and not a troll, as seems evident, consider this a warning. Cut out the crap, or you'll be cut out.
@d1str0 if you are correct, then the answer to my question would be "no you're dumb". If you are sure, post it as an answer. — shelvacu 2 hours ago
Ha ha. This guy cracks me up.
@Xander sassy af
@AviD wait, you're saying I'll actually get what I wanted in the first place, but I can't have that here without all the benefits of a great customer service?
@everyoneinthischatroom hey guys sorry about what happened!
you're gonna do my bags too, boy? :P
what wrong with netstat -ano
@AviD I'm finding it harder and harder to believe it isn't a bot. The posting cadence isn't natural.
@AviD Dayum, you can actually be strict?
@Xander thats hardly uncommon in this room.
@TildalWave When did you lose your diamond? You had one on space.se, right?
@Simon pls, you know.
@CodesInChaos He stepped down to be able to tell people that they're morons.
@TildalWave wut?
@AviD Perhaps, but this rhythm is uncommon.
@Simon hey, you dont need to step down to do that.
@Simon you're a moron. See?
@CodesInChaos didn't "lose" it, it started to grow on me so I had it removed
flegged to da pls police
@AviD dayum drumroll
@Xander like I said, right now my meter is pointing at clueless newbie with lack of social cues. We'll see.
@AviD Ok.
@AviD I'm fairly sure that he's very young lad seeking attention.
@Simon wat?? @Xander has a beard!
o pls
damn you guys are lucky that flag is not in here.
@RоryMcCune ouch too squeaky
@TildalWave that's the irish for you
hahaha didn't realize
I thought he's on... something
@AviD Ha ha
@HenryWHHack hmm yeah... Why dont you take a timeout and try again when you're sober.
@RоryMcCune yeah that's pretty good but what's the mouse pointer doing in the middle of the screen?
@TildalWave dunno I guess that's how the controllers work...
@HenryWHHack What kind of dos? A ping of death? I hope it's the ping of death.
@Xander shush you.
@AviD LOL, oh, ok. Spoil my fun then.
@RоryMcCune This is generally how game controls work, but in this specific instance I think it's just that the game did not grab the mouse, ironically
how do you grab the mouse ironically?
like with your left hand?
That's how I grab it normally
@MickLH no no, dont go and edit the grammar back in
@AviD He's not sober, he's literally 12 I bet.
@Simon and you would know, eh? ;-)
You guys could just ignore him
@AviD can't help it, I do a lot of lazy loading
@AviD Exactly.
Trust me on this.

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