@kalina You are irrelevant. Prepare to be assimilated.
@RoryAlsop So, user has a six-month history of just plain being stupid on SE. And they apparently seem to be trying to hand off their adult responsibilities, and insisting that the businesses they deal with bend their policies to suit their personal whimsy. I'm not sure SE is the only thing they need to be banned/suspended from.
@RoryAlsop Interestingly enough, hams don't have a slang for "old lady". Technically, I guess XYL (based on the fact that many seem to interpret it as "ex-young lady") would work, if it weren't for the general usage of that term to specify someone in a romantic relationship. And also interesting is that all males in ham radio are called "OM".
Now that would be a cool feature. Cache the page, and when you click the reference you're automatically jumped to the relevant section of the page (which is also highlighted).
if anyone's looking for security vids to watch B-Sides Manchester have their track one stuff up
Videos from @BSidesMCR Track 1 are now on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1mLiimOTqZFK98VwM8Ke4w The rest are coming, as are the slides. Enjoy
Are there any algorithms/protocols that let you produce a specific length of random tokens/bits in such a way that you can cryptographically determine which 2 or more tokens/bitstrings where produced using the same seed/key. Is it possible at all? any pointers will be greatly appreciated
For exa...
It's a big day. You've been cleared for graduation by the Stack Exchange Community Team! Cryptography has already met our threshold for graduation-worthy sites, and today joins in the new design-independent graduation process! Reaching 'mature community' status is a big milestone, and you should ...
if I was irrelevant the borg would leave me alone as I would provide no obvious biological or technological improvement over the collective in its current configuration
if you're going to put me down with such geeky things, at least get them right
@RoryAlsop It's bad as essentially a list question, making it too broad. TL;DR there isn't any single definitive answer to it that can be voted to the top and accepted, that wouldn't also be too long to write.
Three logicians walk into a bar. The bartender asks, "Do you all want something to drink?" The first logician says, "I don't know." The second logician says, "I don't know." The third logician says, "Yes."
Was following up on the ping about the latest suspension... and looking at the list of suspensions... some people have really tried extra hard and their suspensions end in 2024/2025. One poor bastard got 2042.
@Iszi - you were being very sensible with your comments, but that is what she does - she drags it out into huge discussions and then acts surprised when folks get annoyed. SO I have just deleted the entire thing.
"In either case, I believe that we need to prompt for research, not to close it for a canned reason." This is exactly what I was thinking. "Closed Question" seems too harsh an action. Would it be too much to edit the question to include the questions we'd like the OP to answer? — RoraΖ46 secs ago
Oh god yes bacon! That never goes away. Beer only on the weekend, I don't do hard liquor, ham is ok, as are kebabs. Mostly jsut really starchy/fried/fatty is off the table.
@DavidFreitag honestly, I had never heard of this franchise. Guessing that's because it is like GTA and as it sucked in every way I can think of I probably assumed this would be as bad
I can't vouch for the original JC game, but I have JC2 on steam and I think I played like 200 hours of that game
You can ride a supersonic jet fighter like a surfboard! :O
Anyway, I can admit that the gunplay is kinda crap, and the vehicle controls could be better, and the storyline is pretty meh, but it's a really fun game.