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but I think we don'T allow all of them in
@LucasKauffman discrimination FTW
@AdamMcKissock These are the same people practicing eugenics on plants for how many centuries? What do you expect?
@AdamMcKissock they try to evade taxes in france by coming here, if that's their only motivation we're not letting them in since that would defy the basis of the EU
on the other hand if they want to invest a significant amount of money here, like LVMH, then we let em in
@LucasKauffman So you only shun the poor ones?
but to be honnest 75% tax on the highest wages is really a bit over the top
@LucasKauffman proposed (it still hasn't been voted in)
@AdamMcKissock only the ones earning over 1 million euro a year that do not want to create jobs over here
we're getting all the right-wing propaganda and none of the left-wing action
@Gilles What's Francois doing these days?
war in Mali
ah right
also, legalizing gay marriage
I think we supplied some helicopters and planes
read about that too, it surprised me france didnt have that already
the previous left-wing government had set up a marriage-in-all-but-name
this one is now calling it marriage
the French right is predominantly liberal, but pays lip service to conservatism
@Gilles how is the war in Mali going actually, some are saying it will become a second afghanistan?
> Reply hazy, try again
@LucasKauffman Wasnt Iraq the second Afghanistan?
@AdamMcKissock guess it wil be the third then
International intervention is almost always bad in the end. It usually results in the installation of a puppet :-(
but it sometimes makes a difference whose puppet
Wether or not they're a benevolent dictator or not...
Q: Encrypted message in a popular TV show?

Garrith GrahamSo I was watching a popular series tonight (Person Of Interest) when suddenly during a frame change I noticed a very quick blue screen with writing. At the time I never thought anything of it as it was to quick, it was embedded within a one second interval gap at 20:50 to 20:51. I tried using...

I lolled
@Tinned_Tuna If you want to talk about installing puppet then the Comms Room might be better. There are a few puppeteers in here, but more on-topic there.
and another satisfied customer
time for me to hit the sack
Sweet dreams
So I recently returned to a website I'd last visited five years ago. The "forgot password" link e-mailed me out a plain-text copy of my password, which disturbed me a little, but when I logged in, I got this:
I don't think I'm impressed, to be honest.
I'd be mildly concerned over the ambiguity of "highly secure way" but otherwise, yes. That's a good thing.
@Iszi Better than it was, but the "numbers, letters, and hyphens only" thing (actually, it also accepted spaces, but not slashes) was a little worrying.
@TRiG That means they're sanitizing input before hashing. Given a proper hashing method, I don't think that should be necessary.
@Iszi It also means my standard password-generation mnemonic doesn't work.
@Iszi Our own websites aren't quite as secure as they might be (salted sha1 hashes), but we don't restrict on characters. The only actual restriction is "must be at least 8 characters long", but we also use zxvbn.js to give strength hints.
Probably this is as good as necessary, but I'll read up on reimplementing in bcrypt fairly soonish. (I've got some free time to do general development work soon.)
I recall a good canonical "how should I store passwords" somewhere here.
Should probably rebuild the session management code while I'm at it ....
Why am I the only one that noticed the name of the site is "fitlads"?
@AdamMcKissock What makes you think you're the only person?
It seems like something the kind of people that live in here would bring up
@AdamMcKissock It's not exactly a quality online dating service. (Which may, perhaps, be one reason why I've not been there in five years.)
I could tell by the awful shade of red
@AdamMcKissock Tsk. UX SE is a different site.
1. Different from what?
2. Different how?
@AdamMcKissock Just saying that this is sec SE, not UX SE. So the red is Off Topic. :D
@TRiG Meh, I know what I likes.
@AdamMcKissock And I likes fit lads. ;)
I guessed
This is weird.... even for this room.
@TerryChia Why?
@TerryChia You don't spend much time in EL&U chat, do you?
Do I want to know what that is?
@AdamMcKissock English Language & Usage. Excellent site. Very high quality. And the main chat room is constantly off topic and frequently filthy. Wonderful.
@TRiG Ahh, thats not nearly as kinky as I was hoping for....
@AdamMcKissock Sorry to disappoint.
in English Language & Usage, Jan 18 at 19:58, by RegDwighт
So yeah, I was searching for donut-shaped dinosaurs but found your gay porn. That was like unexpected.
your gay porn?
@TRiG I've had some DAFUQ moments in here. That's pretty close to topping them.
@AdamMcKissock Apparently so.
in English Language & Usage, Jan 18 at 19:47, by RegDwighт
Oh no, not the gay-porn TRiG!
It was news to me, too.
@AdamMcKissock Just take a look through the starred posts in here. Check out the sidebar at any given time. Interesting stuff.
Sounds like somewhere that my exceptionally warped brain might feel at home
@AdamMcKissock Reminds me of this: bash.org/?334331
Holy crap. When did Sheldon become The Dread Pirate Roberts?
@Iszi Who stores porn on un-encrypted volumes these days!
@AdamMcKissock Me. shrug
in English Language & Usage, Jan 30 at 22:31, by TRiG
@tchrist I still prefer the GIF of him taking his clothes off ....
@TRiG The only porn that I actually store (as opposed to just googling), is porn that involves people I know/have met/have /insert whatever here/'d, and I value people's(and my) privacy.
@AdamMcKissock Where would we be without Google?
@TRiG Indeed, although everyone has their favourite sites that are forever engrained in memory
@AdamMcKissock To sum up: The only porn you store (as opposed to Googling) is the porn you don't want showing up on Google?
@Iszi That actually makes sense, when you stop to think about it.
@Iszi Pretty much.
@TRiG I should hope so. That was sort-of the intent.
@TRiG Someone in here - making sense?! What do you think this is?!
Though the time I managed to derail a conversation in The Upper Room onto pictures of cute divers was perhaps my greatest achievement. (That's Christianity SE chat.)
in The Upper Room, Aug 18 '12 at 19:29, by TRiG
@El'endiaStarman If you want embedded GIFs, how about British Olympic Diver Tom Daley taking his clothes off?
Oh dear.
You've gotta admit that was an impressive derail. We were talking moral philosophy. And then ...
I must admit
That isn't as bad as I thought it was going to be
@AdamMcKissock I can do worse.
ponders whether to click that link
Ah, thats again not as bad as I was thinking
@TRiG Okay, I think it's generally not-good when someone reminds me of bash quotes as often as you have, now.
Lol, I remember that one
That's one of the ones I have bookmarked.
@AdamMcKissock I try to avoid posting stuff that might actually get me banned.
@TRiG Thats the reason that I dont post porn, softcore isnt in my vocab.
Oh jesus
I just noticed that you two starred that encrypted drive comment...
@AdamMcKissock evil grin
@TRiG damn you!
3am? sighs
@AdamMcKissock Cool, we're in the same timezone.
all the easier to stalk you in!
For all the W8 fans, this looks like a pretty awesome device. lenovo.com/products/us/tablet/thinkpad/thinkpad-helix @RoryM @AviD
@TerryChia If you think this place gets weird and uncomfortable you should hang out in The Comms Room. Go look at the star wall. Go on. Look at it.
@TerryChia According to the transcript there are currently 991 instances of the word "fisting".
@TerryChia Here's a quote that resulted from one of the recent times fisting was brought up.
in The Comms Room, Feb 6 at 20:54, by Cole
How many times has "figging" come up?
morning morning
Obama's Executive Order - Improving Critical Infrastructure security: m.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/02/12/…
3 hours later…
@rorym - print screen: superuser.com/a/144092/57828
@TerryChia nicely done
@TerryChia And that's a behaviour that continues later on. As you work out what metrics you are being measured on you will game the system, in some cases to the detriment of the overall end result (not that I'm talking from bitter experience or anything...)
@Terry Or in corporate speak - KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) generate behaviours that efficiently maximise KPI scores, at the expense of everything else
The teacher gave her fifth-grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it.
The next day, the kids came back and, one by one, began to tell their stories. There were all the regular types of stuff: Spilled milk and pennies saved. But then the teacher realized, much to her dismay, that only Janie was left.
"Janie, do you have a story to share?"
“Yes ma'am. My daddy told me a story about my Mommy. She was a Marine pilot in Desert Storm, and her plane got hit. She had to bail out over enemy territory, and all she had was a flask of whiskey, a pis
@RoryAlsop As a real example, all our developed code is manually code reviewed before it can be delivered. Someone (manager) made it their goal to reduce first time code review failures, so rather than taking more care over their code developers would have their code unofficially code reviewed and fixed before the formal review submission
@ColinCassidy exactly
it happens everywhere
now don`t get me started on the idea that a code review failure is a "Bad Thing", in all cases the real problem is code that has been reviewed but still contains a bug. but that's a harder problem to solve so no one wants to tackle it :)
Said manager and metrics guru are no longer working for us :) So there was a happy end afterall
Have you guys seen Valve's employee's handbook? Pretty interesting stuff. media.steampowered.com/apps/valve/Valve_NewEmployeeHandbook.pdf
@TerryChia I'd hate to work there, it's too good a place to work and I'd have nothing to bitch about (scowl!)
I need something that feeds my cynicism
@ColinCassidy You can always get on the internet to bitch about things. There is always something on the internet to bitch about.
@TerryChia Someone on the internet is wrong, I must correct them!!
@ColinCassidy heh. where's the obligatory xkcd?
Q: Is physical tape backup better than disk to ensure integrity

jamWhen assessing tape backups vs online disc backups, which of them ensure better protection from integrity incidents. For example, if the system is compromised by attacker or virus or malware and I know the date when it happened, i can roll back data backup from tape before that incident and it ...

@ScottPack I think you should throw in your stone tablet suggestion.
@AdamMcKissock Just the fig fruit.
QOTW seems pretty dead lately but:
A: Requests for Question of The Week blog posts

Terry ChiaI propose: How practical/important is the Lucky Thirteen TLS attack? More attacks against the SSL/TLS protocol is always interesing. Our resident Bear could give it a nice write up if he has the time.

@TerryChia I know - I'll need to do some write ups. (and @Thomas and @AviD - hint hint :-)
@RoryAlsop Heh. I'll contribute some in about 2 weeks time. About to start my holidays soon.
@RoryAlsop I am scheduled for a QOTW write-up ?
@ThomasPornin I had thought you had volunteered to do this one:
Oh, when I suggested a question for the question-of-the-week, I was actually volunteering for writing the blog post ?
A: Requests for Question of The Week blog posts

Thomas PorninI propose this question: How valuable is secrecy of an algorithm? because it tries to explore the limits of a well-known security slogan. Also, I am narcissic enough to enjoy reading my own answer.

It was not obvious that it was a recruitment scheme.
if not, no matter - I'll do a brief QoTW post about it
That question isn't - it was from a chat we had on here some time back - you, me, AviD
Wasn't the English Navy manned that way, back in the old days ?
@ThomasPornin heh
Ok, I'll write something
@ThomasPornin Heh I hope not. Else i'm due for 4 blog post.
maybe not before next week-end, though
Hey @RoryAlsop. Was wondering. If I write several post for QOTW, would it be alright to cross-post it on my own blog with links back to the sec.se blog? Would be nice to have more content on my new blog.
@TerryChia definitely yes
We spoke with SE folks and they have no problem with it
@RoryAlsop Alright cool. :) I'll work on a few once my holidays start.
Be careful with how you do it. Sometimes Google can get pissy if you end up cross-posting blogs like that.
I don't know the right way to do it.
There have been a couple of times where something I've written would have been not unreasonable to post both on ours as well as NubbyAdmin, since it was useful to both security and systems people in general.
> Google engineers are regularly credited in security updates, but this month's count is unusually high. (Google engineers reported a bug a month in October, November, and December, and none in January.) The total number of bugs Microsoft fixed this month is close to the all-time record of 64.
@RoryAlsop Sounds more or less like proper CC-BY-SA usage - isn't it?
1 hour later…
@RoryAlsop @TerryChia the SE folks actually pointed out that just copying the content as is, doesnt really bring value. They suggested to add some new content, referring to the original but not just a flat copy.
@Iszi I'm retconning the backronym for DAFUQ
> DAFUQ: Disturbing Anomalous Freakishly Unbelievable Quote
think it works a lot better
having @TRiG here made that clear.
@AviD That should be pinned.
@ThomasPornin BearShark
Does anybody know a free tool that allows me to add a password to a pdf file. One condition, the tool must not advertise itself in the document (watermark or metadata)
My parting note before I go to bed. This makes me ashamed to be a teenager.
@TerryChia Being a teenager cures itself after a maximum of 7 years.
@AviD What have I done now?
@ThomasPornin I dunno, my daughter has been a teenager for about 7 years, and we've got 6 more to go.
kids start being teenagers younger and younger every year.
True story: the Hebrew vernacular for teenager translates roughly to: dumbteen.
@AviD They are not twelve years old anymore, they turn tweenlve after eleven (or elevteen, maybe) ?
@ThomasPornin mine started from around 7 or 8.
What are these "Tee Nager" you keep talking about? Rodents eating tea?
@CodesInChaos Black people playing golf.
..... IIII'm sorry. that was probably too off color, even for here.
heh. off color.
@ScottPack I want one! Can Physics. SE have that as swag?
@RoryAlsop I'm not entirely sure I'm the one you should be talking to about getting things from NASA.
@ScottPack heh - I know. It was more of an untargeted want
Sounds like someone had too much rum.
@ScottPack I don't understand why they use x as multiplication sign
that's far too ugly
@ScottPack Classic.
@RoryAlsop They're widely available.
@CodesInChaos what is the alternative?
@Iszi at my local NASA outlet, right? :-)
Interesting. They're not quite as Google-able as I'd expected.
Funny. Use Google instead of Google Shopping and it pops right up. thespaceshop.com/itonrosc.html
@RoryAlsop Sorry, missed that - what'd you say?
@Iszi It's okay - @AviD already pointed out that tattoo story was a prank
@Iszi cool!
@RoryAlsop If you have troubles getting it shipped to your part of the world for some reason, let me know. I'm sure we can work something out.
@RoryAlsop Usual alternatives for multiplication involve a dot sign at mid-height ('·'), a star sign ('*'), a multiplication sign which visually differs from an 'x' ('×'), or simply nothing at all ('') (concatenation is an operator in its own right, which does not make the grammar ambiguous as long as function names are distinguished from variable names).
@ThomasPornin ahh - I know on a computer I would use an asterisk, but in the maths I did a dot had various different meanings. It has been some time since I used serious maths in anger. (1992 was the last time I properly used Fourier Transforms for example)
A dot or nothing at all would be the most common choices here
I first read the x as a cross-product, but that didn't fit the formulas
@CodesInChaos which means NASA is deliberately dumbing down the maths on the cup so that the undereducated can read it, at the expense of making it harder to read for mathematicians :-)
hello gentlemen
@LucasKauffman evenin' squire
and cheerio - got to take kids to TKD and Parkour
@RoryAlsop that means I need to take care of your horse
in your case that would be the subaru
please give me the keys :3
@LucasKauffman I don't like the insinuating tone you use when you say you need to take care of @RoryAlsop's horse.
@Iszi that's what squires do
@RoryAlsop I presume TKD = Tae Kwon Do. Parkour? They've got kids' leagues for that now, or something?
@RoryAlsop Shame on you...
A: Surfing anynomously

Rory AlsopPlease check out these related questions already posted, could be some useful info there for you: Different strategies for online anonymity How much can I trust Tor

^ Should totally be a comment.
@RoryAlsop Did I just see that your kids are taking parkour classes?
@ScottPack That's what I just said.
@Iszi @Rory's kids? They're probably taking the advanced classes for adults.
Can you get a black belt in Parkour?
@AviD Oh, right. This is @RoryAlsop we're talking about - don't you mean classes for seniors?
@Iszi Seniors classes are even easier than kids classes.
Go ahead, LEAP onto that eggcarton!
my krav maga class is mostly old people, most older than me. He takes it pretty easy on us...
some are actually in really good shape, regardless of age. I am not one of those.
@AviD Wow. Never new there was a Jewish martial arts form.
The only thing I don't like about krav maga is sometimes the amount of movements
put a kickboxer against someone doing krav maga and the kickboxer will probably win just because of the simplicity of movement
@LucasKauffman other way around.
@AviD how so?
I'm still having a hard time typing after my rock climbing session this morning
That's my contribution.
kickboxing is a lot more showy, wide angles. one of the core precepts of krav maga is economy of motion.
and, it's pretty adapative.
@AviD not really
how is kickboxing showy
that is, it adapted some of the best of other arts, and simplified them.
@LucasKauffman the big, wide kicks, mostly.
Any martial art will be very effective by someone who practices it a lot
then again, most of what I know about kickboxing is from Van Damme.
Even bridge, to some extent
@ThomasPornin true that.
@ThomasPornin lol
@AviD wide kicks are almost never used unless you have a perfect moment, if you fail to land them you're going to get punished really hard
Like Gambit, from the xmen.
vandamme is not really the example for real kickboxing
@Iszi more israeli than jewish, but yeah.
it seems to be popular in hollywood - they mention it on a few shows lately.
Bridge is recognized by IOC as an "olympic sport".
@ThomasPornin I hope you mean like suspension bridge, not card bridge
@ThomasPornin As is Chess, if I'm not mistaken?
... oh, just thought of another context to take that in
on the other hand, if you googled youtube for krav maga clips, what you turned up is probably not such great examples either.
Olympic sports are sports contested in the Summer and Winter Olympic Games. The 2012 Summer Olympics included 26 sports, with two additional sports due to be added to the 2016 Summer Olympics. The 2014 Winter Olympics will include seven sports. The number and kinds of events may change slightly from one Olympiad to another. Each Olympic sport is represented by an international governing body, namely an International Federation (IF). The International Olympic Committee (IOC) establishes a hierarchy of sports, disciplines, and events. or figure skating and speed skating (disciplines of Sk...
btw @Iszi some US special forces also train in krav maga.
So, yes, bridge with cards, and chess too.
it's actually one of the popular self defense schools for militaries and police
@AviD have you seen the russian SYSTEMA?
@LucasKauffman only on wikipedia.
I still think you should be a bit mentally challenged if you join the spetznatz
@LucasKauffman looks like an amalgam of TKD, judo, maybe a bit of kung fu thrown in, and all covered with a dollop of good ol' russian sadism.
@AviD especially that last part
Well, this is interesting. A sport in which teams are explicitly required to have an even distribution of genders.
Korfball () is a mixed gender team sport, with similarities to netball and basketball. A team consists of eight players; four female and four male. A team also includes a coach. It was founded in the Netherlands in 1902 by Nico Broekhuysen. In the Netherlands there are around 580 clubs, and over 100,000 people playing korfball. The sport is also very popular in Belgium and Taiwan, and is played in 54 other countries. History Korfball has Dutch origins. In 1902 Nico Broekhuysen, a Dutch school teacher from Amsterdam, was sent to Nääs, a town in Sweden, to follow an educational course a...
@LucasKauffman there were a few really hard throws on the concrete. And this is training?
@AviD this is a demo
@Iszi heh, I know another sport like that, but it's not an olympic sport
but systema has some really "weird" moves
@AviD We should petition for it. Just remember that it cannot include "elements of motorization".
@Iszi maybe in the sex olympics.
Haha. The international organization for TKD is WTF.
The World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) is the International Federation (IF) member of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) for the competition events of the martial art of taekwondo. International Federations (IFs) are international non-governmental organisations recognised by the IOC as administering one or more sports at world level. The WTF was established in South Korea on May 28, 1973, at its inaugural meeting held at the Kukkiwon with participation of 35 representatives from the world. The WTF, which only governs the function of Taekwondo competitions and related support serv...
@AviD also you ever watched powerrangers?
@LucasKauffman god no.
okay, maybe I've seen a little.
@AviD Apparently enough to wish you hadn't.
Q: Mobile Broadband, e-Fraud & Anonymousity Against My Website

LexI was wanting to know if the blend in the title of this post provides e-criminals an open field to explore. What I mean is this: say a fraudster goes and buys a pay-as-go SIM card from a certain Mobile Broadband Network, and tops it up with $10; pays for it with cash - or even, pays someone to g...

@Iszi agreed
@ScottPack yes
@AviD one of the pen testers in my team at EY used to go over to Russia each year for advanced Krav Maga classes. His photos always scared me.
@RoryAlsop yeah, the advanced stuff is pretty wild.
wait, he went to russia for that?
@Iszi well - it is one of two. There is also the ITF. There was an acrimonious split. My kids do ITF TKD :-)
@AviD don't think they had classes at that level in London
think it was russia
@RoryAlsop isnt there always?
@RoryAlsop ok, so why not US?
@LucasKauffman I blame them for my kids getting into TKD at a young age
though I guess it would make sense there are good schools for that in russia, too.
@AviD from UK it is cheap to go to eastern eurpoe, expensive to go to the US
@RoryAlsop hahaha, okay now I get @LucasKauffman's comment.
@RoryAlsop Yup
Speaking of which, tickets to London have been booked and I'm working on getting myself a moto to ride up to Scotland.
@JeffFerland dont forget to eat a fresh portion of hagis when you are there!
Haggis in the morning. Haggis in the evening. Haggis at supper time! When haggis' on the plate you can have haggis any time.
@ScottPack Reminds me of a commercial for Bagel Bites.
@Iszi As well it shoudl.
fucking iphone
half through my run it dies
Can anyone recommend a technical book on web application security - the ones on amazon seem a bit flaky/old. I'm looking for something that answers questions like "the following variables can be modified by browsers and client side applications in an http post request..." and then demonstrates how this can be done
@Andrew All of them. 14.99, direct sale right here.
@JeffFerland excellent!
@Andrew I can even recommend you a free one
England is a strange place.
So it seems that pubs used to have rifle ranges. That's right, shooting rifles over the heads of customers. These were banned, but not for the reason you'd think.
@AviD what?
@LucasKauffman the rifle shooting ranges were banned from pubs because these would encourage gambling. England.
actually still are a few pubs that still have rifle ranges.
@AviD those English folks are crazy
@AviD nothing bad about a drink after shooting down the range all day
@LucasKauffman or shooting a few rounds after having a few rounds.
@AviD I have seen a couple of really old pubs with bowling, like the Sheeps Heid (thesheepheidedinburgh.co.uk) but never seen a rifle range
@RoryAlsop did you ever watch QI?
@AviD aye - it's one of the ones I have on series record
its fantastic.
better than wikipedia.
they were just talking about the shooting pubs on one of the episodes.
just grabbed a couple episodes, actually quite interesting. :)
@AviD but sometimes wrong - they made a small mistake about the shortest flight in the world, so I had to correct them :-)
@RoryAlsop woot
@AviD that's the only mistake I have identified so far, but then I had inside knowledge: travel.stackexchange.com/a/5070/1381
but thats cheating ;-)
@RoryAlsop excellent
so @RoryAlsop, I see it really runs in your family, eh?
I don't mean the awesomeness, I mean the short "flight time"
@AviD what, having a bit of fun with life? Definitely
My father is my role model
@RoryAlsop You consider your father as if he was your father ?
@ThomasPornin heh, absolutely! And my hero.
cmooon, NObody is gonna acknowledge my premature jibe?
@AviD ahhh - that wasn't there when I responded
how odd
@AviD that one has sailed and gone, like ...
@RoryAlsop Britten Normander is one of my favorite planes after the PC-6 and DHC-6

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