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@ScottPack Pfft. What should I use, Linux? That's the OS that can't even beat out Microsoft in market share, right?
I prefer to use OSX as a desktop. Hardware's expensive, but it sure lasts a long time.
@JourneymanGeek Thats from stack exchange themselves :p
I've had a few packages like that. Some of them signed by Joel or Jeff themselves
One time the note had semen on it too
That was a pleasant surprise
@ScottPack: well, my hardware tends to outlast ... well their usefulness
/me has an ex-office PIV 1.6 that still runs
@ScottPack The only company to outdo both IBM and Microsoft in monopolistic dickishness, IP asshattery and general evil? Pass.
and the only reason it isn't running right now is lack of space
I just bought a $100 adapter to use the 30" Apple monitor at work with my laptop
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, now that you mention it, my 700Mhz slot Athlon PC still runs. Or would, if I turned it on for the first time in ~5 years.
@HopelessN00b: old office had a 'run em till they break' policy. Totally gave me nightmares.
@WesleyDavid There isn't a single Good answer on that question...
Evenin' Gents. Miller Time here in Cascadia.
/me does love him his whiteboxes on small deployments
@HopelessN00b Meh. I just recently dumped my 1.5 year old Lenovo to go back to a 4 year old Macbook and was happy for the performance an battery life boost.
@JourneymanGeek I feel your pain. I'm still weaning these folks off that.
@ScottPack Well, that would because it was a Lenovo. IBM's "not good enough to meet our low standards" laptop line.
@Adrian: we dumped most of those. I 'try' to go on a 5 + 2 year cycle on home gear (which makes sense to me in terms of maintainability)
/me runs a x220 ;p
solid little thing, great battery life. Service when my USB port broke was a let down
@HopelessN00b True, but still works better, and with battery battery life, than the other corporate option of Dell.
@JourneymanGeek Oh. Home gear is run it till it drops. It's mostly 2nd hand or 3rd hand anyway.
Might have to change that if I get consulting stuff going.
@Adrian: Home gear needs to game. Also, the maintainability factor
@ScottPack So far, OSSEC is a nutroll to set up. Take that with a grain of salt though, because I might be a moron
I can't get afforable replacements for the PIV 1.6's parts - DDR1 ram, IDE hard drives
@JoelESalas I always leave that as an option.
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, no time here for gaming. I don't have the reaction time for it, and I get my adrenaline rush from motorcycling anyway
@ScottPack HP? Not that I'm sure what all the Dell-hate's about. I've always had great luck with them and could make their hardware perform so much better than any Mac...
the 'current' generation stuff is 2007 era, which is ok, but once again, parts are getting obsolete. Hard drives arn't an issue (tho, I can't throw in a 4tb drive and expect it to work ;p), and they use DDR2 (which are at the bitter spot of high prices)
@HopelessN00b HPs aren't on our purchase list.
next refresh is starting once I get enough money scraped up ;p
but that still means I have an additional system I can dust off, and throw into use if i needed to
@HopelessN00b I've also just never felt comfortable using Windows. Honestly, if it wasn't for vSphere and 'Active Directory Users and Computers' I wouldn't have any use for it at all.
@ScottPack So get an overpowered Dell and put Linux on it.
@HopelessN00b: Dell hate? They used to make crap, and their cases are a nightmare ;p
now, not so sure. I'm currently running an old dell c2d desktop I pulled from a dumpster, and its pretty OK
@JourneymanGeek Not any moreso than I've found to be true of every other OEM out there.
@HopelessN00b: OTOH, my friend had a dell that kept zapping him
@HopelessN00b Let me preface this by saying that I'm not necessarily a fanboi, but I'm not going to bother taking out so my effort to get, and keep functional, a Linux desktop when I can have an equally functional Mac that lasts several years longer, has better battery life.
@JourneymanGeek The office is looking at moving to HP. We'll see. Probably cheaper servers than IBM.
@Adrian That's not exactly difficult to do.
@Adrian: servers would be a different matter
/me would think they'd be less likely to cut corners on those
I started seeing a lot of Dell hate around the time Michael donated gobs of money to the Bush campaign. It annoys me to think that people would be making technical purchasing decisions on political matters.
@ShaneMadden I hope they're as reliable as our IBM boxen. Those things have been awesome.
@ScottPack Fair enough. But if you're gonna go Mac, you may as well move up a little in the world and go Windows instead. :o
My x3550 has barely been ticking over with 10% usage with 11 VMs on it.
@HopelessN00b VMWare Fusion. best of both worlds
@ScottPack I only hate Dell for being overpriced and occasionally not very good
@HopelessN00b You're awful cute for a fanboi. ;)
I posted this answer today:
A: Block Websites at Work

Mark HendersonThis sounds like a terrible setup to maintain: Windows Vista Home and Windows 7 Home are installed on the PCs. Is there any software can do this? This means that your users are not joined to a domain. This means that you have no centralised management over them, and would need to go from ...

@Adrian My experience is they're about the same. Both have crappy management systems and interfaces, and can be ignored for years without complaining much.
which contains the blasphemy of running IE on OSX
@JoelESalas See, now that's a good reason. I honestly don't have enough experience with them to say either way.
@HopelessN00b Oh, that's good. We don't manage the things for shit anyway. The boss would never notice that.
@JoelESalas Our Dell prices are consistantly 20-25% lower than HP's
I'd say you don't squeeze your rep enough, or you're comparing RRP
We've historically run shit until it crashed and then replaced it.
@MarkHenderson You live in Opposite Land. Also purchasing hardware isn't my problem anymore mufuckaaaas
@JoelESalas I like speccing up hardware. It's sort of fun balancing budget with requirements with what you actually want
@MarkHenderson If I had to buy a bunch of hardware, I'd go supermicro across the board and get two of everything. Especially that cute little blade enclosure they have!
Especially when you come in under-budget and as a result can do something ridiculous like put in 10-core processors or something (just make sure you're not licensing software by-core)
@MarkHenderson Exactly my expereince with Dell. Cheaper than HP, same quality hardware, MUCH better management features, especially for enterprise-scale deployments.
@JoelESalas I like some of their enclsures. Especially the one with 24x SFF drive bays in 2U
@MarkHenderson I license by core. On GPL terms.
Oh, and before I miss my chance... also, talking to Dell support is very unlike talking to HP's support, which always makes me want to smash my face against something really hard so I have a passable excuse to get out of doing it.
A: Replacing sick NTP server source and re-synching (with internal time currently 2 minutes late)

Paul Gear(I was going to make this a comment on vortaq7's answer, but i think it deserves repeating in its own right, since many people make this mistake.) You need at least 3 (preferably 4-6) time sources for NTP's algorithm to accurately converge on the correct time. If NTP has only two primary source...

Is that antiquated shit like I think, or is there actually any validity to it these days?
@Zoredache It made me sad.
@HopelessN00b His statement is somewhat true.
Oh, how so?
Doesn't NTP work by comparing the time signatures between multiple servers, throwing away the outliers and then averaging between them, based on the latency of each round trip to each NTP server
Or something like that
Well if you are pointed at two, and both are off, how would you know which is wrong?
If you are pointed at one, no problem. If you are pointed at three you basically take a vote.
In day-to-day usage though most people don't really need care about a lot of precision, and are just looking to get to the nearest second or two.
Well, couldn't/shouldn't you avoid that issue by using a reliable, respected ntp source? pool.ntp.org [region appropriate], NIST, US Navy, and so on?

Is unreliable ntp sources actually a problem these days?
@HopelessN00b I have seen a couple in pool return bad data in rare occasions.
@Zoredache Well, I'd hope that if you need more precision than a second or two, you'd be not using ntp... but I see your point.
@HopelessN00b It is when you're only referencing internal NTP stratums that don't sync their times from anywhere trustworthy
Like, virtually every AD domain in existance
They will get kicked out of the pool in an hour or two once they start giving out bad time. But clients that don't restart could still be pointed at the bad servers.
But it is all pretty rare.
NTP when configured properly supposedly can be accurate within ~50ms.
@Zoredache Apprently there's a new NTP proposal to increase NTP to a 128-bit timestamp, 64-bits for the seconds and 64-bits for the factions of a second
My monitoring from Nagios never shows time varations above 20ms. on my network.
Accurate to something like 0.00002 picoseconds
@MarkHenderson Ugh, really? People, SAs, really ever do that? I've *always* used an exernal, trustworthy ntp source. Guess I'm just super-talented and just didn't know it.

Hell, even the monstrously bad environments I've found myself in managed to at least do that right, pointing something (in some cases, too many somethings) at an external, public ntp server.
@HopelessN00b Well, for time synchronisation, every workstation in the network references its time from its domain controllers
And most of the networks I've inherited had a manually set clock with no time synchronisation
Monitoring question...
@MarkHenderson Yeah, it's much better that all your clients be in sync with the controllers than in sync with reality.
Which is a real fuckbitcharsecuntmotherfucker when you go and change the time on the ESXi box underneath because all the DCs then change their time and Kerebos fucking explodes and everyones computers lose 16 hours.
@HopelessN00b Yeah. My ex-boss loved internal NTP time sources. Duh, 1024 seconds between checks isn't a major throughput challenge. I set ours up to have 2 local masters and the rest check with them as a ccourtesy to the pool servers.
so new job has a piece of monitoring software that does everything
@MarkHenderson Isn't it easier to just run NTP client on ESXi?
@ewwhite Sounds good so far
and it must cost a shitload... but it's the first thing that I've ever seen that handles everything
@Adrian Sure, if they do it, but ESXi does not ship with any NTP enabled by default, and an empty pool, so it actualyl requires work
@ewwhite Which software?
@MarkHenderson Odd. I never considered configuring NTP a challenge. But I suppose if you don't know about those things already it could be a shock.
@MarkHenderson I thought the idea was to have your DCs, or at least the PDC emulator, sync with an outside source? That's how I've always done it.
@Adrian Vnware recommends that NTP be enabled in the guest and you should not use the time sync feature of the tools.
@Zoredache Ah. Didn't know that. Thanks.
BRB. The Ladyfriend needs the laptop again. sigh
@Zoredache Really? They sure made time sync enough of a pain in the ass to disable..
@Zoredache They recently made that change in recommendation too. What was it, 2009ish?
@Adrian I didnt say it was a challenge, I said it required work :P Which a lot of people don't bother with
@ShaneMadden It is. But I've seen so many that don't
I see a lot of ESXi servers that literallty have their default install and then never configured again
@MarkHenderson That is true.
The entire thing running on a single NIC on a single subnet on a single vlan
One thing to point out. Do NOT set a cronjob for 'ntpdate pool.ntp.org' every 24 hours, or something similar. I've seen several people take this approach.
@ScottPack I think so. Just before or near the release of ESX 4, IIRC, so yeah, 2009 ish. I've always just synced with an outside time source and assumed that's what any SA with two IQ points to rub together did, though.
@ewwhite So what does em7 do that others don't?
@ShaneMadden I am mostly running Linux VMs. I am almost certain they don't get enabled by default on Linux. See: kb.vmware.com/kb/1006427 and kb.vmware.com/kb/1318
@HopelessN00b I don't actually know what our admins were doing back then. I remember having lunch with on eof the Unix team members when we discussed VMware's reversal.
@MarkHenderson All of the reporting, log collection, parsing, inventory and asset management, beautiful graphs, ticketing, notifications and escalations...
custom application monitoring.
@ewwhite So it's monitoring, alerting, trending, SIEM, log aggregation, etc? That's awesome
@ewwhite Sounds good
Yeah, I have log aggregators at all of the locations... and remote pollers.
@ScottPack haha that's good
I wonder how long they've had that for, I've never 404'd on imdb before
@MarkHenderson Keep refreshing
@ScottPack Yeah it got stuck on "Dude..." (Hurley from Lost) for a while but its moved on now
@Zoredache I keep seeing it trying on RHEL VMs with the base tools install. I've had serious problems with it the couple times I've run an NTP server on the VM where the tools sync disrupts ntpd and makes it re-do the init process with peers. Needed to set the vmx options to completely stop sync here: kb.vmware.com/kb/1189
@JoelESalas So this means it can be done... but one has to pay.
no more cobbling together Nagios/Monit/ Munin/ Cacti/OpenNMS
@ewwhite The quest is over. But we lost our innocent pursuit of the perfect FOSS tool ;_;
@Zoredache "These options do not disable one-time synchronizations done by VMware Tools for events such as tools startup, taking a snapshot, resuming from a snapshot, resuming from suspend, or VMotion. These events synchronize time in the guest operating system with time in the host operating system even if VMware Tools periodic time sync is disabled,"
omg I'm on hold to a real estate agent at the moment and their hold announcements is repeated announcemnets from their agents about why they're so awesome and why they love working there
It's cringe-worthy
@MarkHenderson "Read this script or you're FIRED"
Ah, fuckass. A bunch of servers just crashed, and I blame @ewwhite for mentioning monitoring systems.
@JoelESalas OpsView, right?
@ewwhite So far yes. The nutroll factor is down by about 80% compared to competing monitoring tools. Still pretty crap though.
Interestingly, they're using Opsview at $NEWJOB.
@HopelessN00b you broke it
@JoelESalas again, you took a new job?
@ewwhite Yes! A small team inside of a larger host corporation. Like B2B phagocytosis.
@ewwhite Maybe I did. I left only 15 minutes late today.... and now all the VMs on one blade are down. Might just be coincidental, though.
@JoelESalas is it your DREAM job?
@MarkHenderson Got no use for unconstructively lazy.
@ewwhite NO! But that's okay.
On a related note, how does one "nominate" someone for consideration of a crime against humanity charge? I'd like to nominate the guy who set the vShpere logging defaults.
Ten minutes of clicking show next 2048 lines in today's vSphere log to get me to the most recent %#$@ log entries, which strangely, might be among the first things an admin's looking for when diving through the logs. >:/
@HopelessN00b Got it sorted strange? Mine always default to newest first..
Maybe. I'm kind of assuming this is default behavior, because based on what I know about the admin who set it up, default behavior was kind of his thing. changing defaults requires know-how or effort.
@JoelESalas so where is this?
If not default, then "effed up." Usually the Show all button actually does something, too.
And nothing in the vSphere logs anyway. What are the odds some nitwit powered them all off instead of logging out of all of them? :/
OK, so sanity check... an ESX host can be set to auth with LDAP against AD, right?
What did the Pirate use to troubleshoot his network?
ESX 4/5
@Adrian What do pirates use for statistical analysis?
What's black and white and bounces?
A rubber nun!
No, I don't know either.
Goddamnit I'd like to go one fucking hour without a new iPhone 5 rumour "news" article showing up
@MarkHenderson Be like me, and be 100% clueless to all current events
@HopelessN00b Yup, sure can.
4.1 minimum, if I remember right?
@ShaneMadden Thanks. I was 100% sure, but with some of the other stuff I'm seeing, absolute certainty isn't certain enough. Hold on for screenshot of latest WTFF moment.
@HopelessN00b My neckbeard is tingling
Oh, we're going up to new ESX soon... does it have to auth against AD, or only if you want multiple users / centralised user management?
@Andrew You can do local authentication all you want, peasant
@Andrew It's an option for direct auth to the ESX(i) host. No change to auth to vCenter.
curious, we were quoted "you need windows server for auth" or some such
@Andrew You need Windows server running AD to auth against AD.
You do need an AD server to auth to AD :)
I present, for your amusement, and irrefutable proof that God hates me...
@HopelessN00b Underprovisioned VM?
SQL server with 256 MB of RAM.
I'm supposed to look into why Sharepoint's been "so slow" "recently" when I "get time."

@HopelessN00b You're running sharepoint on that??
The conifg on that VM hasn't been modified since 2010. sigh
@ShaneMadden Not our main Sharepoint site, but one of the departmental ones. It's running slow, for some reason. :/
@HopelessN00b I'm shocked!
Yeah me too. I mean, 256 MB of RAM's been overkill since at least 1998, right?
@HopelessN00b We used to have an SQL with 1Gb, users complaining that it was sooo slow (no shit). Upped the RAM and it now does this:
That poor VM must have been suffocating
Yeah, well I'm gonna make the CTO's head explode tomorrow when I say "and by the way, we need at least 4 GB more RAM. For this one VM. You can probably multiply that number by about 4 dozen to get our other VMs working at anywhere near an acceptable response rate."
@HopelessN00b 4GB of RAM is a big deal??
@ShaneMadden I'm sure the x48 multiplicand is the issue
@ShaneMadden This is the guy who recently upgraded about a dozen remote sites to full T1's, and won't pay $100 a month for business-class broadband to add redundancy and speed to said remote sites.
@HopelessN00b Ouch
@HopelessN00b T1s? Slow down, hotshot, or you'll get pulled over for B-B-B-BLAZIN' SPEEDS
@JoelESalas Oh, that's not even the worst of it... our monitoring software is set to alert when network utilization exceeds 85% of any pipe. I have to turn my fucking BB off to get any sleep, or I get alerted every 10 minutes all night. Crap, someone's loading a webpage from a remote site! Better alert the IT Operations team.
just quit and let the business fail
if they are serious about the whole "capitalism" thing, fair is fair
@ShaneMadden I spec'd our upgrade this year at 288GB N+1; We're memory starved right now and I'd rather not be again until we're close to the next refresh.
@HopelessN00b Erm, wouldn't it be cheaper to do a 1/2 T1 and DOCSIS Cable to each site??
@Andrew I would, but they're paying my a lot of money to not listen to my advice, and at an hourly rate, so... that's not gonna happen unless things get a lot worse.
@HopelessN00b I too am completely okay with being constantly ignored at a high rate
I hate when candy get stuck in your teeth and you can taste it just enough to constantly remind you of how good more would taste.
@ChrisS Probably. We got a network admin, an infrastructure architect and only God knows how many consultants singing the same tune ("you're paying way too much for shit bandwidth"), but the man in the big chair for the IT department won't listen. Maybe he gets kickbacks on the T1s or something.
Oh, and me saying that too, but I gave up after having it ignored for a couple months
I'm not sure I ever really got "permission" to do all the telecomm overhauls I did last year. But the bills are $600+ cheaper month after month, and the Internet is 10x+ faster..... So nobody has yet asked to see the "signoff" paperwork.
@ChrisS I wish that would work here, but upper-management sign off is required on any infrastructure change and/or new bill.

Honestly, for 12 sites x several hundred a month, I'd be tempted to divert the savings into an account I could run off with if no one noticed after a year or two. Hell, I could add a bunch of other stuff to that list, pocket the savings and retire to a non-extradition country by the end of the year, I suspect. I'm having a harder and harder time reminding myself why that's a really bad idea, actually.
Ninja-admining is one thing... people get all lawyery and policey when you start ninja-accounting, though. :(
I did have to get one of the owners to signoff on two contracts, so I guess that counts. But I guess there's a lot of trust there... I just told them "here's what's happening, on this date, blah blah blah"
I ended up getting a good size raise last year, and I'm sure that was pretty easy for them to do after the telecomm budget got chopped in half (nearly).
Yeah, this guy's an exec who micromanages the IT techs, and a world-class asshat, though, so that's not gonna work here.

Which is a real pity, because nothing makes it easier to get a fat bonus and/or raise than being able to say "I saved you x hundred thousand dollars and improved quality doing so."
Bah, and the vSphere system logs are freaking useless, of course. Power event on one of the blades, and nothing about it. What a waste of space.
Ugh, I'd really forgotten how bad VMWare is with logging, being away from a large deployment for a while. shudder Time to bust out the old log aggregation scripts, I'm thinking.
@HopelessN00b syslog?
@ShaneMadden Yeah, an even better idea... now I just gotta find disk space to put them on, and my laptop's already running low from similar nonsense. Maybe I should just threaten to go on vacation until they get around to approving me to set up the new SAN that's been sitting in a rack for a month now...
@JoelESalas Mmmmm T1s...
Aug 2 at 15:24, by MikeyB
Wow… just discovered a customer of ours is paying $400/mo for a 1.5Mb T1 link in Toronto. 1.5Mb down, .3 up.
And they just renewed for 3 more years.
@MikeyB What are they running over this T1?
Voice or data?
@MarkHenderson Data.
What are they doing with this data?
@MikeyB Call the provider, see if they'll at least bump it to a full T1; then it'd only be mildly overpriced.
@ChrisS Meh - we've told them before they're paying too much. It's their money to burn.
That's just sad.
@MikeyB "Someone's gotta make the next repayment on the provider's CEO's mercededs!"
I actually said that to my wifes obstetrician when she gave us a $3000 bill - "Well, now I know who is making the next repayment on your BMW Z4 out the front". She just laughed "Oh, I bought that outright, this is going to my holiday house"
@MarkHenderson Nothing special. Just small-office email & web.
@MikeyB Crazy then. I could justify a T1 price of that much for mission critical shit, but jsut for office internet? How are you meant to consume the 20TB that @ewwhite installed at brazzers?
Yeah, roadrunner business all the way. Though, maybe Canada's broadband landscape is still in the awful state it was when I was there last. Rogers cable, FTS (for the suck)!
I donno if thats supposed to be better ;p
Someone null-routed Heh.
@MichaelHampton Best comment I've ever read: TL;DR - "herp derp I accidentally the whole router"
Amazon did the same thing in their first huge EC2 outage.
@MichaelHampton route this motherfuckers!
and that is why everyone should host their own DNS rite?
@Andrew ayup.
capitalism is broken.
the market can't be trusted.
@Andrew Trust No DNS Server!
@voretaq7 Speaking of, I think I need an update for the hosts file. Mind sending the USB stick my way?
@ShaneMadden You know the rules - you have to wait until the token comes back around!
Token Ring Hosts File!
@Andrew What's confusing about that?
time to meet the new boss, same as the old boss I suppose
You're invited to the Hurricane Electric Carrier Networking Event, September 27th. In Fremont? Nobody goes to Fremont.
@ShaneMadden Nice. If I get bored at work on Friday, I'm so gonna try that. See if our CCNA network admin guy can figure it out. :)
@Andrew Welcome to politics.
gack. no wonder the world is broken.
So, is anyone that I'm actually interesting in meeting going to the SE Denver grand opening thing? @KyleBrandt @Zypher @PeterGrace @BartSilverstrim @RebeccaChernoff ?
@Andrew Right, just like every US election since long before I was born. (Hell, on second thought, not just US elections...)
@ShaneMadden at least one of those people will be there.
@RebeccaChernoff Well that clears things up a bit :p
@RebeccaChernoff Good enough!
@MarkHenderson I'm here to help! (;
I'd go, if I was anywhere near Denver... though it give me hope to see a good IT shop setting up an office in a city I'd like to live in, and maybe even relocate to one of these days.
(hope I'm not remembering incorrectly there) heh
So whatrs so great about Denver?
Why Denver?
Just a flip of a coin, or are there a lot of sales targets for you in Colorado?
Seems like Boulder actually has a good number of companies that are using careers.SE for their postings
(which is just up the road a bit from Denver)
It's certainly no silicon valley, though.
@MarkHenderson The question should be "what's not so great about Denver?" You've got a beach and skiing within easy driving distance, nice year-round climate, a professional sports team in every sport, yuppy ultra-rich neighborhoods nearby for looting in the event of civil unrest, plus all the other amenities you find in any big city.
So, like Sydney then?
@HopelessN00b Sounds like where I live. SE should open an office in Sydney
I know some people here who would disagree on the climate thing ;)
@Andrew Thought you were from SA ;) But I actually like your beaches, very family friendly. No waves and you can wade 50m out and still only be up to your testicals
Mornings where it's -10F bother some people a lot more than they bother me, though.
@MarkHenderson bit of a drive from here to snow though.
@ShaneMadden Pfft, wimps. It doesn't get blazingly hot or brutally cold and isn't cloudy and raining year-round, therefore nice climate.
@ShaneMadden Fuck. That. Shit. When I was talking to the guys at Fog Creek about going to NY, I asked them "So, is it cold?" and they said "Oh, it's not too bad". LIARS. LIARS. Anything below 10c is cold. Anything below 0c is fucking cold. When you have a maximum temps below 10c that's just absurd.
@HopelessN00b I agree.
@Andrew Same from Sydney. Closest snow fields are a 6 hour drive
@MarkHenderson Heh, it's like you're from Australia or something. ;)
@MarkHenderson yeah but Canberra isn't close to beaches
@RebeccaChernoff Lies, you're hear to lock @WesleyDavid in his litter box!
@MarkHenderson Oh, bah, if it never gets below 0 degrees C, how do you ever expect to partake of fun in the snow?
and Melbourne is... well, Melbourne
@ShaneMadden Give me 40c+ and 10% humidity please
@HopelessN00b Thats what short trips are for. Not every day.
@Andrew Canberra isn't close to anything. It was a stupid place to build a city.
@MarkHenderson so what are teh Sydney heatwaves like?
@HopelessN00b @ShaneMadden QQMore - we went from 97 degrees and 90% humidity to high 60s and 30-40% humidity in one day.
I grew up in the mountains in Colorado; -40F (which is also -40C, incidentally) was normal in the depths of winter.
@Andrew Not as bad as yours
@MarkHenderson Fuck that. low humidity and high temperatures are what you're supposed to use for cooking food, not for living in.
@voretaq7 That's pretty cool.
@ShaneMadden mhmm, we'll probably go back above 80 at least once before fall truly arrives
@voretaq7 I think we were above 80 today.. it'll be at least a couple weeks before it snows, though.
@ShaneMadden I suspect if it were like that constantly I could deal with it. I remember when I went to the swiss alps, I flipped out because it was -20 and people were wearing shirts with no sweaters or coats. But after we went up the mountain and it was -35, coming down to -20 was warm. Everything's relative.
@MarkHenderson Yeah, exactly.
I remember going through Switzerland in August, rained every evening without fail.
@ShaneMadden I'm from the Canadian prairies. -40 in the winter (before windchill), +30 in the summers (~100 degrees F), and enough rain on a regular basis to breed legions of mosquitoes.

I've had enough extreme temperatures and bloodsucking insects to last a lifetime.
@HopelessN00b Haha, fair enough.
@voretaq7 Guess what kitty kitty is doing tonight?
@WesleyDavid . . . ummmmm
Makin Meatballs?
@voretaq7 Kitty Kitty is moving all his business emails off of client SBS Exchange and onto Rackspace Hosted Exchange. You're welcome.
email / contact /calendar, etc.
@WesleyDavid ewwwwwwwww sexchange
Word of the day: Skeuomorph
Plus $2 a month for Outlook 2011 access.
A skeuomorph , or skeuomorphism (—vessel or tool, —shape), is a object that retains ornamental design cues to a structure that was necessary in the original. Skeuomorphs may be deliberately employed to make the new look comfortably old and familiar, such as copper cladding on zinc pennies or computer printed postage with a circular town name and cancellation lines. An alternative definition is "an element of design or structure that serves little or no purpose in the artifact fashioned from the new material but was essential to the object made from the original material". This definitio...
@voretaq7 Oh hush you.
@ewwhite That came up in here the other day
People arguing over at apple...
@ewwhite about apples?
@ewwhite I think I saw something about it in an Ars Technica article about Linux GUIs?
@ewwhite meh it's a waste of bits IMHO
80x25 4 lyf!
@voretaq7 I just walked around this neighborhood.
It's crazy, @voretaq7
@WesleyDavid Kitty is being smart. I love hosted Exchange. Let someone else deal with that headache, just gimmie teh emailz!!!1
I guess I'm the weirdo for running a 1-user Exchange install.
@HopelessN00b Exactly.
@vore people are out partying... running wild int he streets! I'm in Soho, but was in Noho walking around. Do you ever come this way?
@ewwhite I'm a Microsoft Partner, and could get Exchange for my own purposes, but no way I want to host that myself. Someone else can deal with it.
@ewwhite PSSSSTT @voretaq7 He wants to kill and eat you!!
What's to do? I log onto the Exchange system directly once every three months...
@ewwhite That's a good one. That is a joke, right? It's more of a pain in the ass to administer than it's worth for my 1000 users, let alone any small business. OR single user.
I don't mind Exchange too much. It's certainly bloated with the "include ALL THE FEATURES" syndrome that's hit every Office-related product.. but it's not bad. Especially when you compare it to, say, Word.
@ewwhite occasionally
@ewwhite also that's normal :)
@HopelessN00b No, not joking... it's a one-user install. Hands-off.
Or Sharepoint. shudder
@ewwhite shudder Well, whatever floats your boat, I suppose.
@ShaneMadden I'll share a point with you
A shiv (possibly from the Romani word chivomengro, "knife") is a slang term for any sharp or pointed implement used as a knife-like weapon. The Oxford English Dictionary suggests shive, a razor, documented in 1915, as the root word. The word in practical usage is frequently used when referring to an improvised bladed weapon. Shivs are commonly made by inmates in prisons across the world. A shiv can be anything from a glass shard with fabric wrapped around one end to form a handle, to a razor blade stuck in the end of a toothbrush. Synonyms include shank, chiv, and chib (from Scottish ...
@ewwhite You know, I was at a really awesome bar in SoHo last weekend... had such a good time I have no idea what the place was called. But you oughta be careful getting in on the partying in the streets scene... I've read a lot about NYC cops ticketing minorites disproportionately for the open container violations that all the white folk get away with as a matter of course.
@HopelessN00b or...yanno.... don't walk around with an open container of booze?
Kinda.. that seems to make sense.
I'm not a party-type
@voretaq7 That's pretty much fair.
@ShaneMadden Hurts less than the MS option.
@voretaq7 Why the hell not? Nothing wrong with drinking in public, and skin color certainly shouldn't factor into the moral calculus either way.
Oh, damn you Avamar... not respecting local machine time. Gah, backup files last modified 4 hours in the future. :/
@HopelessN00b I agree with the latter part. The former is between you and the NY Blue Laws.
@voretaq7 Yes, it certainly does.
Enh, what's so bad about Sharepoint anyway? About the same level of pain in the ass as any *AMP stack, at least as far as I've found.
@HopelessN00b Sharepoint is good when it's use appropriately
The problem is that some companies thing "Oh no! We're unorganised and we have a lot of tacit knowledge that we can't lose!" and they throw a sharepoint at it
@HopelessN00b Ick.
And when they end up is an un-organised sharepoint that might contain some tacit information but nobody ever finds it
@MarkHenderson Yeah, we have that big time. But, like you say, seems to be limitation of the people using the product rather than the product itself. As far as what is essentially an *AMP stack in functionality, it's probably the best choice for throwing up a disorganized clusterfuck masquerading as a knowledgebase.
@HopelessN00b Well you can drag and drop into a webdav folder and contribute to the clusterfuck directly from winword, so yeah, that's pretty good
Right, if you're gonna clusterfuck it up, being able to do so in a convenient, user-friendly manner is key.
@HopelessN00b Damn straight

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