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@Chopper3 All of my woes with the ESXi upgrade today are probably due to a bad or loose CX4 Infiniband cable.
Finally bit the bullet and added a SSD and 4GB to my personal laptop.... so long overdue... how did I live on a platter drive?
Anyone have any good stocks/funds to buy before another recession hits?
we're out of the last one?
@ChrisS Hmm, VMWare ;)
evenin' gents.
1 hour later…
Hi all. Would you mind to introduce some websites which talks about the lower level of computer in a comprehensive way? Especially I would like learn about how the computer partitioning and boot works. I don't mind some other comprehensive tutorials about the overall linux. I tried to google about "partitioning", and most of the results are about "How to partition a harddisk" only. Thanks in advance.
IDK, why is it that people don't think error messages are important enough to put in their questions and more importantly read and attempt to understand them serverfault.com/questions/397456/…
Indeed. Deal with enough of that at the office from semi-educated social workers. Shouldn't have to deal with the from other sysadmins.
Sadly I don't think we get many real sysadmins here anymore
@MarkHenderson nice gravitar ;)
For awhile I even had a post-it note with 'BOFH' in Sharpie stuck on my nameplate after my name.
Mostly as a response to all the pretentious little shits with 'MSW' after their names.
what does MSW mean?
@JourneymanGeek It's a short acronym; it means many things. Municipal Solid Waste? Master of Social Work? Microsoft Word? Maximum Shipping Weight? Magneto-Static Wave?
precisely >_>
@Iain - I saw the meta thread earlier today :p
Figured I may as well join in
Public Holiday here at the moment; didn't realise I was still logged in here :p
@MarkHenderson have a good one
I'm off to do some decidedly non sysadminy stuff on a marsh - laters
Yeah, master of social work. Entitles young idealistic social workers to spend $150k on 6-7 years of school to make half what I do.
1 hour later…
What the... 2003?
Q: How can I deploy Windows Server 2003 with the latest service packs across my forest?

JamesI have a number of servers running different NOS and I would like to get them all running the same standard platform. I have chosen Windows Server 2003 as I have some spare licences for it and it seems mature enough now. I have had issues with Windows Server 2008. Is there a way to get an instal...

Lots of weekend crap if you want to use some close votes:
Did this guy really put his phone number in the question??
Q: Folder Permission Issue on Windows Server 2008-R2

MafeerGood Day! I want to share one folder to users with different permissions like some one need to have only read permission as well as some people will have read, write and modify except DELETION. so i created TWO group as well and put users by their grade. Read only permission i could give, but mo...

Morngin all
@BartDeVos Why u no BOFH ?
Q: BOFH Gravatar Week

WardThis is your chance to show your true colours... Use the (semi-) official Bastard Operator From Hell Gravatar for a week or a while. I don't think there's any particular reason, it just seemed like a good idea.

Just saw it, getting my Photoshop on :)
There, should pop up in a few min.
There :D
Now go yell at someone for being stupid.
@BartDeVos You should make sure @KennyRasschaert has a nice tie on his BOFH
@Ward Someone is bugging him with a stupid question
something about 'top' and writing the results to file
He has his 'you're doing it wrong face' up
@BartDeVos The BOFH response would be to delete all the stupid person's files.
@Ward No, the BOFH response would be to set them on fire.
Oh joy. My dad forgot his password for the hosting service he uses, asked for a change of password 5 days before it lapsed...
today, e mail is out, website is out... and i e mailed the hosts asking them if we can fix it
1 hour later…
^ epic act
1 hour later…
Oh god, I'm surrounded by bofhs.
can we shit this one into space please; serverfault.com/q/397546/1435
@Chopper3 burn it with fire pls
I hate when people keep adding to the question...
Q: ssh: No route to host

BetaRideI'm failing to set-up an ssd on port 9922. With standard configuration on port 22 everything works fine. Then I change the port to 9922 by adding this line to ths sshd_config file: Port 9922 I can connect to the server in the LAN on port 22 without prolems. After switching to port 9922 I get t...

Making everyone guess...
this one's not much better - serverfault.com/q/397541/1435
I want to make this one go away, too...
Q: Disk IO slow on ESXi, even slower on a VM (freeNAS + iSCSI)

varesaI have a server with ESXi 5 and iSCSI attached network storage. The storage server has 4x1Tb SATA II disks in Raid-Z on freenas 8.0.4. Those two machines are connected to each other with Gigabit ethernet, isolated from everything else. There is no switch in between. The SAN box itself is a 1U sup...

@chopper3 - basic VMWare question... Let's say I'm not using block storage... NFS-only. What's the best way to configure a number (20+) of NFS datastores onto a new host?
I don't have access to host profiles in this case.
what about autodeploy?
if not then I'd just boot from SD card and DD the card to new ones, changing hostname and IP
The hosts exist and are running. I am going from an iSCSI/NFS mix to all NFS... and didn't want to have to input things manually in the vSphere client.
Although, I guess I could script it... wanted to know if there was some trick, perhaps in datastore view, to add a datastore to multiple hosts.
you could just do it via powercli or the API/vMA commands and just change the hostnames
no, not as far as I'm aware sorry
posted on June 11, 2012 by SysAdmin1138

I've been talking about this one for a while around the new .xxx top-level-domain. Simply put, some organizations such as my old employer consider a certain string of characters to be their trademark regardless of what follows the . in...

that reminds me, I'd meant to buy pauskasock.xxx
@Chopper3 what does an xxx domain cost these days?
$78.88/yr - FFS!
Yikes, I didn't realise they'd be that much.
no, me neither
@JourneymanGeek I believe there's a good chance there's an outright depression on the way.. That or a few year of recession still. But to directly answer, no, I don't think we're out of the last "recession" yet.
@ChrisS: part of the issue as i see it is no one's really willing to rock the boat
(recessions happen, then boom, bust, boom, bust, BIG BOOM)
@JourneymanGeek It doesn't especially matter why for the little peons we are... just that we're as prepared as possible for the most likely outcomes.
@ChrisS: I'm hoping for the one year of rececession over a depression
I graduate then ;p
I think everyone's hoping that we'll pull out of the nose dive... But Everyone's on such shaky ground, US, Europe, and much of the rest of the world.... Doesn't leave much room for growth.
i think its all bullshit. theres work out there. so it may not be in the field you graduated in, or exactly your comfort zone. maybe you have to work 2 jobs and not 1. what ever it takes to get by. people still go out to dinner. people still by houses and people still go see movies.
they only countries with any vague sense of stability are the ones with either a) lots of natural resources, b) strong manufacturing bases or c) were very careful about their debt exposure - everyone else (90% of countries) are fucked one way or another
my uncle took a 40k hit in pharmaphuticals. he still has a job, he still pays the bills and he still lives in the same house. so he had to take a step down back to sales for a couple years. shit happens
better than a zombie apocalypse...
@Chopper3: in other words, they had strong fundamentals
parts of the US will survive stronger than they were (hell, you're getting small manufacturing again)
singapore? We're bringing people in to artificially increase our GDP
with little or no trickle down effect
Britain has good natural resources. There's many a rich seam of copper just under the ground (or sometimes suspended above it) with a very strong export market.
@SmallClanger: the brits need to learn to be crazy engineers again
there's nothing that a brit in a shed with a sufficient supply of old junk cannot do
(sadly they've forgotten that)
I mean, you guys did the harrier, made some of the awesomest cars ever made...
We just need another war. We came out of the last (proper) one with a wealth of engineering talent at our disposal.
careful what you wish for
Yeah, really.
Doesn't have to be a war proper... Look what the cold war did for technology.
It's "rivalry" more than "war"... We've lost our will to compete.
wait until oil comes closer to running out. that'll cause a war
and hopefully better solar / hydrogen processes come out of it.
The West is happy to play angry birds and let fear-monger statesmen herd wealth to the rich.
I don't think hydrogen will ever be much of a power source. It's too hard to store. It's incredibly hard to use in an efficient manor (yeah I know about fuel cells, they'll never be "cheap" to manufacture). Production is less than efficient as well.
i think hydrogen is a perfect source. it can be "pumped" like gasoline; its everywhere and plentiful. like science channel teaches me every night - the universe is made of the shit. people wont want to wait at mcdonalds to charge their batteries in their car on a cross country trip to six flags or some shit
@ChrisS nice gravatar
Q: BOFH Gravatar Week

WardThis is your chance to show your true colours... Use the (semi-) official Bastard Operator From Hell Gravatar for a week or a while. I don't think there's any particular reason, it just seemed like a good idea.

All I can say about today is... I hope it dies a fiery death
I has new evil avatar
Word up ladies
I approve of the BOFH gravatar, but don't have time to change right now
@Dan Took me about the time it's taking me to write this sentence.
@Dan By the by, I added a random reboot script to half your servers for your insolence regarding the logo. Enjoy your week. -BOFH
Remember, motivations is key!
i'm going to run through the call center floor screaming "OMG THE APPLE STORE IS DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
it'll be fun.
I just got this from a client's ISP...
Scheduled Network Maintenance 6/11/2012 10:00 PM CST - 6/12/2012 5:00 AM CST
Service Affecting:                     Yes
Date & Time:                             June 11, 2012 at 22:00 CST
Date & Time (Backup):               June 12, 212 at 5:00 CST
Event Duration:                         7 Hours
Expected Down Time:               Up to 7 Hours
This is the second time in two months that they've scheduled a 6+ hour outage window.
Granted, I'm happy with the Elfiq link balancer in use there, but this is a fixed-wireless ISP. Shouldn't they have some internal redundancies?
@Adrian I only make production changes on Fridays :)
/me waits impatiently for his bastardized gravatar to refresh...
@Basil Oh, that's deep.
I was thinking of trying to get him in here, but I can't even get them to return the calls of family I've referred
they're always complaining about how hard it is to hire, and they never call anyone back for an interview.
what's up with the devilphone avatars?
I believe everyone else has morphed into bastard operators from Hell....
I'm too nice for that :)
I was born a brown snowflake and I'll die a brown snowflake.
@Basil there's probably a reason for that dude's situation, might be a proper fuck-up
how do you allow things to become so bad as to become homeless
@Chopper3 It's easier than you think- if you come here from the states on a contract, you have absolutely no protection without a visa or something
@ewwhite s/too nice/not involved with the users enough/
go work retail, go work fast food. wtf.
@Mario It's a lot easier than you think - 2 retail jobs at minimum wage would not pay for my living expenses
Companies can cancel contracts any time they want, if that's written into the contract, and it doesn't count as firing because you were never an employee
@voretaq7 i agree i minimum wage here isn't 1/4 of my pay. but there are ways to survive on less
@Basil or a well-written contract with 3-month termination clauses :)
@Mario Minimum wage is around $6/hr in most places. Retail will give you like 20-30 hours a week tops usually? So that's a max of $180/wk pre-tax
Roughly $720/month, which wouldnt even cover my rent, nevermind food, car, etc
@voretaq7 If you're a local, it doesn't matter what is written on the contract. Quebec law supersedes in all cases, and the law really protects workers
@MDMarra In Montreal, it's 12 an hour
Ya, but isn't Monteal also fuckshit expensive?
@voretaq7 I'm very much involved with users... like the client who decided to expand their Windows VMDK's because they saw that "Provisioned Storage" == "Used Storage" in the vSphere client. They ran the datastore out of space.
And you can still find appartments for 500$ a month
So they're trying to get minimum wage here up to $10/hr.
What's a BOFH?
@Basil It's an @voretaq7
... you poor uneducated man...
(Bastard Operator From Hell)
@Mario my minimum expenses are about $2000/month (food, fuel, mortgage, phone, internet, power) - If they raised minimum wage to $10 I would just gross that. Again I could shed some of that too, but I'd be hard pressed to get it below $1700/mo in NY with the price of... well, everything :-/
clickety click
I think there's a need to market skills and get a little hustle. No company will really take care of you.
@Basil I had a glint of sympathy until I noticed his username is "fsdragon"... I really don't expect much out of people on reddit, or most of the rest of the net; but tend to think of professionality as pervasive/invasive personal quality that people generally do or do not have.
@Basil Even at $12 an hour, if you can get 40 hours a week in retail (good luck, two jobs probably), that's about $1900 pre-tax. Post tax, that's what for you guys? Like $1000? So best case scenerio, you get a shithole apartment that takes up over half of your earnings and you couldnt afford a car probably
so if I lost my job today (and did not elect COBRA for my insurance) I would have... probably about 6 months on my savings before I went tits up. Because I'm a paranoid little squirrel and stash money everywhere
More than likely, you'd only get 20-30 hours a week, which would make an apartment almost out of the question
@voretaq7 I could ride out my 403.b for a while
But the penalties would make me cry
@MDMarra More than likely you'd get 19-20 hours a week at each job (so they're not required to offer you insurance)
@MDMarra I could tap my IRA and get another ~9-12 months but not having anything to retire on would make me cry
@voretaq7 I'm at about 18 month's reserves just because things have been rocky. I've lost trust in employers.
@voretaq7 minimum here is just under $8 and i'm about $2500 - $2700 expenses / month (mortgage, car, credit cards, etc...) - i'm not questioning that the poor guy posted on reddit or hes looking for help. i'm questioning how someone becomes homeless; take the shit hole apt, work retail, work fast food - get by till you find something else.
@ewwhite I have no trust in employers -- I don't think my current place would actively screw me, but I'm a cog in a wheel and I know it
And this post on Slashdot is apt. It's what I would do if I had no income source.
just cause you take a job doesn't mean you have t keep it.
@Mario It's easy for things to spiral. I have $6-7k in monthly expenses... But all it takes is a couple of emergencies, a lost job, a health issue...
Or some bad combination of all of those...
@ChrisS What does fsdragon mean?
@MDMarra at minimum wage, your tax bracket is in the 15% range
@voretaq7 Assuming normal/minimal unemployment and that I'd cut back on everything possible, I could sustain the loss of both my job and my wife's, for roughly 2.5-4 years (assuming no "unexpected" expenditures; medical/trauma/disasters).
@Mario: I know a guy whose wife left him, dad died, went to live with an uncle who died...
bad luck might do it
@iain I never knew NTK was stilll up.
right, but he didnt say that
he lost his job and friends ditched him - no wife, no kids - family is in the usa
@Basil It means he goes by some "dragon" name online.... I should read into that less than I do, but I'm an a-hole that way (I've been told plenty of times by sympathetic people anyway).
@ChrisS I assume he's just a gamer like many other sysadmins.
@Basil My gamer name is "Dirk Hahn"... I guess I'm just odd?
i'm just not as understanding of people that let stuff like that happen. its 2012. there is homeless shelters. there are job boards, there are ways to find work. people that let it happen wanted it to happen. IF the wife / gf had some illness, kids had problems, stuff like that - yeah, shit happens, but theres help for those issues as well
@Mario You can easily fall through the cracks if you're not a citizen in canada.
then he needs to call mom and dad - catch a flight back to the usa and get back on his feet
no kids / wife - no ties to montreal
@Mario Homeless shelters are always full, which means people get left out all the time. 99%+ of employers will not hire a homeless person; it's not fair, but life isn't. Lots of people have good reasons they don't call on family (though the most common is pride, which should be the first casualty of financial loss).
@SmallClanger I don't think it does much if anything but it's the bofh link I've had for a while now
It's odd. No updates for 5+ years and it's still just sitting there. I've still got two of their t-shirts, I think
Does anyone here know Check Point firewalls well?
[root@xt ~]# ftp ftp.BOFH.com
Connected to ftp.BOFH.com.
220 Check Point FireWall-1 Secure FTP server running on fwhq01
421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
No control connection for command: Bad file descriptor
KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type
@ewwhite Log entries?
It looks like the Check Point is not a fan of kerberos-enabled ftp clients running on Linux.
The firewall is the destination. I have no control over it. FTP from Mac and Windows works...
@ewwhite I get NXDOMAIN for ftp.bofh.com
Due to that issue I just linked, is there a quick way to disable kerberos attempts from a Linux FTP client, or should I try to get the remote party to modify their side?
@Iain Fake URL... :) In light of the week's theme.
Try: ftp.artizone.com
Easy fix... Use /usr/bin/ftp instead of the default, which uses /usr/kerberos/bin/ftp
(at least on RHEL)
There is apparently a 1 in 256 chance that any old password will work for accessing MySQL... not per password, mind you, but per attempt.
anyone know of a good program to make network diagrams? something maybe that can turn off showing and hiding ip addresses? i've always done it in illustrator but its a pain. windows / os x doesn't matter.
@Mario Visio + PFY
What's up with the devil phones?
Nvm, I can read.
Anyone with experience using LessFS?
i still struggle to understand why an auditor wants to see the network diagram (without ip addresses) - it would be easier for me to just show them the various firewalls and dmz's
Anyone know if it is possible to find out memory rank (or model) via Windows?
Dell Openmanage doesn't return this information
@KyleBrandt CPU-Z?
Nope tried that
@KyleBrandt doesn't crucial have an app for that ?
Well, Dell says I should be buying dual rank... but you know... not sure I trust it
Anyone familiar with HP LTO drives?
@Mario Why does he care that the IP addresses are missing?
@SmallClanger Yep. I know them well.
@SmallClanger Somewhat. Have a few in production here.
Every image for the first link shows the HH LTO in the external case, but the literature says 1U rackmount.
we care - we remove them so they dont see them. i question why he wants to see it in the first place other than the fact that we have it documented. but whats that of his concern.
@ChrisS Damn, I thought I was squirrely
@SmallClanger Pretty much. The 1U rackmount case accepts internal drives.
@SmallClanger Are you in the US?
UK, that was just the first link I found.
@SmallClanger our LTO drives are internal. Though if I remember correctly, they are huge enough that it took some work to find a case that fit them (but ours are older models)
CVE-2012-2122 independently confirmed. Motherfucker.
If you are running MySQL, your user auth is broken; anybody who can reach the server can login!!! community.rapid7.com/community/metasploit/blog/2012/06/11/…
@JeffFerland Apparently depending on the exact way it was compiled. Nice.
@SmallClanger So the first link just has bad product images.
@ewwhite Yeah, if was just that one, I'd just assume an image cock-up, but it seems that every retailer uses the same image for that part number. (It's a conspiracy, I tells ye)
@SmallClanger Word of advice on the 1U rackmount unit. It has a soft power button. It does not return to power-on state after a power outage. This used to cause trouble in the parallel SCSI days.
But I'm fairly sure that AE459B + EH957A = EJ014A
@ewwhite Interesting. I'll make a note of that.
@ewwhite just make sure that if you go with the internal drive (EH957A) to put in your machine, you check the mechanical specs to ensure it'll fit...
@derobert Oh, it works. It's just a 5.25" unit.
@ewwhite Our experience (admittedly, with a much older model) was that a bunch of cases that supposedly took such a thing, didn't really.
trying to google visio + pfy not returning anything. then just did pfy and came back to bofh. fml.
I've had similar trouble with the depth. The drive will always fit, but some are deeper than others and you end up with a 2mm gap between the drive and the fan housing.
@SmallClanger Wait, are you trying to put this in a server?
No, not this one.
I have a pile of modules that allow these to fit in DL380 G6 and G7 units.
I need an LTO5 external SAS, but I also want something that will house an LTO4 internal, once I've recovered it from a storage box I'm retiring.
The 1u box looks ideal since I can just slot it into the second bay.
Yeah, go for that enclosure.. or see if the full-height enclosure is still available...
@KyleBrandt CPUz will tell you all the model info you'll want. But doesn't include rank information, which you'd have to get by looking up the chip's information.
Is there any actual benefit on the full-height models? I never saw the point myself.
@ChrisS: I don't see any model information
@SmallClanger they're faster
@KyleBrandt Really? I've never had that happen before... Must be a Dell thing. ;]
There is no field for it in CPU-Z
@SmallClanger A hard power button. After 5-6 years, the fan in the power supply dies and the enclosure shuts off. I sold/built about 20 of them over the years. Just had one die last week.
posted on June 11, 2012 by Matt Simmons

I have a sneaking suspicion (and this stems from my experiences at PICC and seeing other conferences) that there is a latent interest in Windows training by people who have previously only received UNIX or Linux-specific training. I could be wrong, though. To help me out, you can fill out this super-short survey that I [...]

@Basil Are they? I have the FH and HH LTO5s pegged at 280MB/s
@ewwhite I can see that would be worth the extra U, though.
@KyleBrandt there are 12 models, 5 live in secret
@SmallClanger Last I checked, they were faster. That was a year ago
morning suckers
Is there something I'm missing about the red telephone icons?
@Basil Ah you're right. I think. Same transfer rate, but the motor is quicker on the FH. (Shorter average file access time)
What is the deal with the devil phones?
@KyleBrandt my god we are all bastards!
Oh in meta
@KyleBrandt It's to promote the new emergency services number: 0118 999 881 999 119 7253
@JeffFerland ...is that an IPv6 address or something?
anyone watching wwdc coverage and where?
Oh yeah, new Macs coming, right?
Ah, doesn't even start for another 30 minutes
probably new macs
new os
definitely new iOS (announcement at least), probably new laptops, possibly new macs, possibly new OS X, possibly new iPhone
I hate mac.
probably not new iPad
My wife is making me buy her one.
I wish they'd stop migrating to the iOS / walled garden / appstore thing
It was the openness of OS X and built-in bash that got me using it
This nonsense is going to take me away from it.
I wish they'd just start selling hardware for the same price as we can get it from other manufacturers, and selling the OS for the difference.
i'm all for a little convergence - but if they keep pushing the pro users to the side (me) we're going to get very very pissed and gasp, go back to windows or even linux (maybe, it'll have to get really bad to goto windows)
@Basil thats such a bullshit arguement - it needs to die
@Mario @Basil Apple will never decouple OS X, because as sucky as it is having it tightly coupled to the hardware is how they can keep the vast unwashed masses of users happy
it's lots of new macs, no new non-mac/appleTV products
@Mario Designer goods are a huge scam where people put a name on something and sell it for more than it's worth. Macs are designer computers.
i think siri gets api's finally and apple tv gets apps - but no new atv or tv with it built in + new mac's + ios6 (with aformentoned apis / apps)
@Chopper3 I count iOS as a non-mac product
I have no remaining faith in our species
how can so many people be so god damn dumb?
@Basil show me a windows laptop with an i7 / 15 inch screen made out of aluminum (not shit plastic) and you'll have a laptop the same price as a macbook pro 15 inch
@Basil I know I'm overpaying for comparable hardware, but honestly? Not by that much (unless you buy your RAM upgrades from Apple)
@Mario sheeple use mac.
the problem with apple is they have no low end (other than mac mini and the small imac) - so everything being high end is perceived to be expensive because its high end
A 10% markup isn't going to break me
pros use macs.
@Basil Yes, look at me, I'm a follower who doesn't understand technical merits. By the way, how big of a mac do I need to check my email?
@JeffFerland A massive one. It's actually quite small, however I assure you it's very fast.
Apple's refresh cycle prevents it from really being "high end" these days...
And pros might use mac workstations (I do), but they exited the serious server market when they killed the XServe...
@Basil She said you're small and fast? I'm sorry.
whats also funny is when we call in certified exchange admin or cisco admin for help and they roll in with macbook pros. into a windows shop.
Probably wearing ray-bans too
of course the counter-argument to Apple's refresh cycle is "they can integration test and make sure the hardware works with OS X flawlessly" (for suitable definitions of "flawlessly")
A: Mac OS X from an IT Security Practitioners' Perspective?

Jeff FerlandFirst there was one... Below is a shot of the network management table at Shmoocon this year. That one IBM? That's my work-issued machine that was powered on for an hour because I needed to get some things done while away. It didn't do anything else all weekend. Every single one of us did the ...

mac os = designer unix.
Mac hardware = designer intel
@Basil Have you noticed how people don't all drive hand-built race cars or Hyundais? Some drive Mercs/BMWs/Volvos - there's quite a market for products that are reliable, well designed, easy to own - even if there are faster and cheaper alternatives...
mornin' gents.
its a moot arguement - i sit in front of both; i use both side by side - for my serious work, its done on my mac. i use the PC for testing websites in IEx. its my personal preference - i can afford it - i choose to.
@Basil Mac OS = Unix with commercial applications and functional day-to-day tools (browser, calendar, mail)
@voretaq7 Hey. Ubuntu functions. Mostly.
If Linux (or hell, any of the BSDs) worked as well on the desktop as OS X I'd use it
@Adrian until the SECOND REBOOT
@voretaq7 I dunno. Doing 2 reboots on an xSeries server is liable to take all day long.....
@Adrian I would not run Ubuntu on a server. Not even for money.
@Adrian It functions long enough for you to download a Debian disc, and install that :-P
That shit is too unstable - any OS where I'm actually fearful about doing updates stays the hell away from critical systems.
How can you people defend a computer that ships with a single mouse button? I need to go for a walk. I'm too angry to type.
@voretaq7 To be honest, it's fairly stable. But I've never worked one very hard either.
@Basil my trackpad supports 3 buttons, 2 scroll directions, and a bunch of gestures I don't use often. I see no problem here :)
@Basil I agree, how could apple do that...a decade ago when your point was valid
@derobert Exactly every time you turn around they're dropping support and you have to get your Devs to test their app against the new one.
@Basil Deep breaths, amigo. That or stop off for a beer while you're out.
@Adrian my experience supporting Ubuntu on our field units has been absolutely miserable - probably because I don't do it every day and every time I go to do something I have to re-learn how because they moved my cheese and didn't document anything
I could put up with it all if the best source of documentation wasn't freaking AskUbuntu
@voretaq7 Yeah, it's usable for me because it's what I use every single day, all day.
@Chopper3 Possibly, Google doesn't work in his region of the world.

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