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@Ward Quick! Douse the flames with beer!
@Ward What burns even worse is that pathetic attempt at a gravatar above where the gravatar sits on top of the image instead of behind it
love the new firefox 13 new tab tile view. porn, porn, gizmodo, porn, woot, google, porn
@MarkHenderson If I cared more, I'd spend more time adjusting the colour of the BOFH phone to better match his. But the whole point was to show more of his because of the cool, evil colours.
@Tacticus Suit up!
Oh again with the weird transparency.
Wait what why
i'm slightly confused right now
@Tacticus welcome to the internet
@Mario I hate its scrolling
I give up. Computer are too hard.
@WesleyDavid Now if you would just put more of the person's base gravatar overlapping the BOFH, it'd be simpler...
So why are we all evil phones today?
and danke @WesleyDavid
should update soon
Q: BOFH Gravatar Week

WardThis is your chance to show your true colours... Use the (semi-) official Bastard Operator From Hell Gravatar for a week or a while. I don't think there's any particular reason, it just seemed like a good idea.

@Ward Nah, just paste in the original gravatar as a new layer, move it below the bofh, then scale the background layer.
It's so easy, even a fully zipped GIMP could do it.
@WesleyDavid just likes stirring shit up
(he's also a communist, thats why the phones are red)
"Will iOS6 come with support for Adobe Flash too? I hope so. Apple always puts its customers first so I know they will make me happy and include Flash. The internet just doesn't feel the same on my iPhone as it does on my sister's Android." at news.cnet.com/8301-13579_3-57450493-37/… haha. haha. ha
I have uninstalled flash on my android phones
a website i just did needed an embedded video - so i did it in html 5 - 2 separate encodings - mp4 for ie / safari - ogg vorbis for everything. worked fine and tested back to IE8 (ipad, chrome, safari, firefox included) - no reason for flash anymore (other than games) and html5 / apps are taking that over slowly

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