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@Alnitak worse -- they're taught computer science on Java.
@Alnitak Depends on your program and year. The program I did hasn't appreciably changed. Of course, it's in the Engineering school.
@PeterGrace that has been common in Norway for the last 20 years or so..
sure, if you're talking about degree level CS
I do fear for the people who learn in a CS program and never have to worry about memory management.
this is the new boobs? Ruptured gonads?
the problem is that younger kids don't do real computer stuff in school anymore
finding young developers today who're good at C# is next to impossible
At the very least, jokes like this will fall upon deaf earsjJOIOIUH!@O*(&^(*&TOLGUSJBVK<JSDFLIUGPQ(&U!@T$)*&TYRO
@PeterGrace What kind of mad scheme is that?
I was lucky enough to have a high school that taught programming. Basic first, then pascal, then C, then AP C++
@ScottPack I think he just had an aneurysm.
Wait, you guys don't know the joke about buffer overflow?
Right. Time to take this kid out of the house. Someone needs to run for a while to get ready for bedtime.
@PeterGrace The problem is that I didn't see a noop slide anywhere in there :)
In C you have to make sure you end every string with null (\0) to make sure the program knows where the end of the variable is.
@PeterGrace I think you're using joke in the same way as sysadmins define "fun"
heh. True.
I started as a programmer and fell into systems administration
Realized I liked being a SysAdmin more than maintaining the same codebase day after day for 6 years.
@PeterGrace I could never professionally program, even if I were good enough
its all the same really
all we do day after day is to solve problems
when I was a kid, most of my friends and I had 8-bit micros that we could program (and maybe play some games on too). Most kids just don't do that any more.
@Alnitak I played drug wars on my TI-83 in stat class in high school. Same thing.
\o/ Validity
Not Before: Dec 19 14:56:46 2011 GMT
Not After : Dec 14 14:56:46 2031 GMT
I'm going to buy both of my kids a Raspberry Pi as soon as they come out
@TomOConnor wtf
@Alnitak that's cool, I'd like to get ahold of one of those too.
My 3 year old, Nate, he loves playing minecraft.
tiny little ARM board with Ethernet, USB and HDMI for less than 25 quid
@MDMarra Internal CA
When I come home, he screams, "Daddy, Daddy, Multiplayer?"
@Alnitak Ooooh Wanty. That's going on the Xmas List.
not sure when they'll be out yet - due imminently, though
I figure minecraft is good because of the freeform building aspect to it.
I think they're a little delayed, just like the BBC Micro was :)
@TomOConnor CRL? Online Responders? Psh. 30 year validity? FUCK YEAH!
@TomOConnor Is this the CA's own certificate, or something you got from the CA?
@MDMarra Pfft. It's for OSX Directory server. We've got bigger problems.
@pauska This is the CA's certificate
The old one expires tomorrow. At midnight. Why is it always midnight?
@TomOConnor ah, that makes sense. The latter would not, and I would surely trash you for it.
Reboot print server. Check event log. Every printer generates an error saying that it can't be shared.
@Dan hrm, fishy link.. it redirects me to *.b3ta.com...
That should work itself out, right?
@MDMarra stop the spooler, clear the spool folder and start the spooler
I bet..
@pauska Printing is for losers anyway
Go out to buy the last christmas presents.. or go home and play BF3 until bedtime... can't decide
But that's cos I HATE buying presents
(Not to say I'm right, just hate the process)
@pauska if you don't have that person's present yet, you probably don't give much of a shit
just let the present slide altogether
@user Welcome to the chat room! Please read the text on the top-right corner, and feel free to hang around!
@MDMarra Dude - I only purchased my brother and sister in laws present on Saturday
I still don't have anything for my mom and dad
Q: How do I get my HP servers to email me when a drive fails?

DrZaiusApeLordIdeally, with as simple of install as possible and without requiring rebooting the servers. Mostly for GL380 G5's if it helps. Thanks.

@Dan haha
bites finger
Q: My business computer doesnt connect to any ethernet device outside business lan

Åžansal BirbaÅŸMy computer which i use at work is within a domain. And our internet connection is through some kind of filter. So in Internet Explorer, there is a configured lan setting. When i try to connect any other ethernet device with this computer, i cant even ping the device. How can i solve this issue? ...

Christmas spirit got to you all?
@user funny, how'd you guess? ;)
@MDMarra It'll be fine..
@tombull89 Love that he has a cheek to ask on a sysadmin site
One day someone is going to do that and their sysadmin will see it
Don't migrate crap to SU, close it here as off topic
"How do I get around my work filtering policies" - "lol, no. not by asking us".
Yeah right,forgot! Ethics first.
Walking into a police station asking for directions on how to roll a joint is pretty similar
@user It's not really ethics - just a united front
Well not really, rather than working as a secretary in a police station and walking to another police station asking on how to breaking in
Would you want Joe Sysadmin telling your sales guys how to circumvent your security on your company hardware? I think that's the thought.
I took that metaphor a bit too far.
I suspect every sysadmin has engineered solutions around systems and policies, but y'know, you gotta work it out yourself :D
We must hide the forbidden knowledge for it reveals our weaknesses
yay! @Gigili! you did it!
^ ?
Are you losing it?
not bad, either.
@user Have you come just to pick a fight? Why would I help someone circumvent something that, effectively, my co worker has put in place?
nope - hats on his gravatar fingerpuppets.
All of us here spend our days avoiding preventing that kind of stuff
@Dan ?
@tombull89 Hihi. not bad means wonderful, or what?
He didn't ask that question
@Dan And kicking the collective arses of those who circumvent it.
Pretty sure he was just commenting on it.
Maybe it's me picking a fight :(
Sorry @user
@Gigili yeah, haha, looks like you've spent a bit more time on yours that I did on mine.
Well, carry on then.
/me tired
There's a switch I've not seen for a while
/ctcp #the-comms-room VERSION
Here's a switch I've not seen in a while.
Cut my teeth on those
I think I have one up the loft at home, actually
Oh no my fault @Dan
I threw one of those a few months back
lord they're heavy
@tombull89 Me? Neva eva! I can say I've spent a second on it as opposed to the time you've spent. But I like yours better. =)
@pauska But work forever
@Dan yeah, but when a 8-port d-link switch outperforms it..
@user (hug)
anyone typed "let it snow" into google recently? Almost as good as "do a barrell roll" or "tilt" (Chrome or FF req'd, not sure about IE)
@pauska Can't say I've ever had much aggro. It is a 2950, right?
@tombull89 Amazing on a tablet
@pauska Should've ebayed it.
@TomOConnor huh - why
@Dan (hug)
@pauska $$
or whatever your currency is :3
d'awww. feel the love in here tonig-today.
dude it was old as hell
@pauska shrug I think they're cheap and cheerful, solid 10/100 managed switches.
@sysadmin1138 where's your hat?!?!?! the internet will blow up without one!
ebay.co.uk/sch/… A good 20 quidsworth
with shipping from norway?
I'd actually pay the buyer to sell it..
@TylerShads I ralphed in this weekend, so it's in the laundry.
Oh, hang on, I know what's confusing me. I'm thinking of a specific project which was

A) Longer ago than a thought
B) 2960's
too much booze
@pauska Turns out the spooler squaking at me did fix itself
@Iain, how is your quest for a Skyrim card?
I had another round of updates to run so I rebooted again and BAM, everything works fine. Just the way I like it.
Just took a real look at my wiring closet for the first time. I may have done this once before and repressed the memory. Aie.
@TylerShads I think I'll get a GTX 550 Ti 1GB
@sysadmin1138 Close the door. Walk away.
@sysadmin1138 you are under dressed
@Iain awesome! good luck w that
@Dan I suspect I did that once before.
@Dan Also, SO TOTALLY GLAD we're getting a new office in 5 months.
@sysadmin1138 It's a tried and tested solution
heh the "security auditor is an idiot" question has 982 upvotes now..
@pauska It's a classic
@pauska I missed that link- where is it?
Q: Our security auditor is an idiot, how do I give him the information he wants?

samA security auditor for our servers has demanded the following within two weeks: A list of current usernames and plain-text passwords for all user accounts on all servers A list of all password changes for the past six months, again in plain-text A list of "every file added to the server from re...

or search for "security auditor"... or find the highest voted question
@pauska Was it you who said I'd like VMWare View?
@WesleyDavid: Is google bullying my brain since we're connected on Google+, or is your site really high on the rankings?
@Dan Yea.. atleast the broker, it's wonderful when you have users who both have VDI and RDP usage
@pauska Yeah....I'm liking it. I'm still totally in dev, so I'll have to see how it scales and who it's suitable for but yeah it's cool.
More appropiate for corporate than education, though - I think Citrix have got that sorted thanks to media offloading. There's so much flash video floating around and the likes that they insist on using
@JeffFerland That was awesome.
I love people who act like they're experienced and rely on years of experience of being a dumbass to intimidate people into doing what they want.
I think the amazing thing is that it has more favorites than upvotes
I think it was one of my first votes
I did both
@MDMarra 1-rep'ers can't vote afaik?
@pauska Interesting point
That wiring closet has 66-block in it.
@JeffFerland I met up with the OP from that a few weeks ago.
The madness is pretty common...
Q: Policy requirements of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)

wadesworldI'm hoping this question will be appropriate for this site. The ServerFault people didn't think it applied to system administrators. Certainly I think it can be answered from a security perspective, if nothing else. Ever since the passage of Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), IT departments around the US h...

Oh, yeah, we adopted your down-voted & closed question :)
@JeffFerland We hates the SOX questions, precious.
@voretaq7 PCI good, SOX bad?
That entire IT security SE scares me
I'm really glad I don't have to worry about that side of things beyond the normal stuff like Data Protection
I almost went into that as a career.
Crikey BBC, is this the most awkward double negative headline ever:

Permission refused in bid to challenge AG decision not to allow new inquest into Dr David Kelly death
SOX is fine, so is PCI.
It's the indivitual auditors that tend to be made of suck (as witness the other question you linked)
The advantage of PCI is it is actually sane and very clear as to what it wants.
If someone knowledgable follows the PCI guidance documents bullet-point by bullet-point and doesn't start embellishing with their own wild flights of fancy you'll wind up with sane policies and controls.
SOX by comparison is US Law - Vague and moronic, and filled with self-contradiction.
@voretaq7 I think it's actually rather simple... just been explained in over-complicated ways at the start. I've seen the same thing happen with PCI, mind you. "You must encrypt the entire university's network because of the registrar's office use of a 3rd party for handling credit cards."
Yes, they meant including student-owned machines in that.
Normally when I go to another SE, my account follows me. When I go to the security one, it asks me to log in. I don't remember how I created this account- facebook, google, openID, or whatever
Is there a way to find out what I used to create it?
@Basil We're secure! Actually, auto-login across the various Stack sites seems pretty hit & miss. I haven't figured it out.
@Basil View your account page and click on the "my logins" tab near the top (edit; pref; flair; my logins)
@JeffFerland It's fine :-P
@JeffFerland thanks
& Re: SOX, If you haven't you should read through the act some time -- It's a Greek comedy, wrapped in the great tragedy that is US Legislation.

Foreknowledge of other sections of US Law really brings out the self-contradictions - especially when doing business with companies in the financial sector *and* [insert other regulated sector here]. There's some lovely he-said-he-said in there.
(if two laws contradict eachother the government is declared void and we can do whatever we want, right? right??)
Huh. I guess you can't pass a 17mm kidney stone. Who knew?
@MikeyB Of course you can't pass a 17mm kidney stone. You play the run option.
@WesleyDavid Punt! 17mm - you might get some distance
Doc just gave me a script for 45 more percocet. I think I <3 him
For those curious, my honda's oil pan drain plug takes a 17mm wrench.
wh.gov/DfY <- If you haven't signed it yet, go sign the anti-SOPA petition so we can be appropriately disrespected by the White House.
imagine that trying to travel through your urethra.
@PeterGrace How about "no"
But I will imagine that trying to pass through @Holocryptic's urethra.
That still makes me cringe.
@PeterGrace My Mondeos oil filter takes a 36mm socket!
Though I might wish that pain on someone like jerry sandusky
Having passed a weensy 2mm one, I... ow. Just, ow.
@Holocryptic So how's it coming out? I'm assuming invasive surgery?
Exploding cannons...
@Holocryptic They're going to shoot you with heavy artillery? Can I light the fuse?
They're looking for a uroligist to see me sooner than jan. Probably have to do the ultrasound thingy
I've only just 'got' what's going. Dude, that sucks
ultrasonic, ya mean?
@wes think more aling the lines of imageryimagery.
I've previously suffered kidney issues and oh my god, the pain is like no other
So, dude, you have my every sympathy
@Holocryptic you should get it mounted on a piece of jewelery.
@Dan He'd rather have your leftover painkillers.
@voretaq7 I had morphine in hospital, my friend!
@Holocryptic Some kind of tool that crunches it up inside of you so you can pee the slag out?
@Dan Fuck yeah opium!
@Dan we tend not to prescribe that here.
Something about it being effective.
@voretaq7 Nor here, to be fair. I was an emergency job as nobody knew what the hell was going on and I was in more pain that I'd ever been in my life
@Dan Internal or external pain source?
@Dan oh yeah, our ERs will pump you up with it to shut you up
@WesleyDavid Internal. Actually, interestingly, they never did find out what happened. The pain subsided after 18 hours and neevr came back.
THey ran tests and scans, but I guess it's like IT - if you can't replicate it, you're sort of stuffed :D
@Dan Yeah, it's a tumor.
@WesleyDavid Cheers mate!
Nope it's lupus
I kid it's never lupus
@WesleyDavid It's nawt a too-mah!
@user Except that ONE time.
Is it weird that I've never seen House? The only thing I know about it is that they used a Massive Attack song as a theme - so I guess it must be cool.
Then again, I never watch TV. I watch the Weather Channel. That's it. =/
@WesleyDavid I stick my head out the window.
If I need more than that I call one of the transcribed weather broadcast numbers.
@voretaq7 I just look - that's why they're made of glass.
Weird... my blog host somehow chowned all symlinked files to root:root. Broke crap.
Generally I have about the same accuracy as the weather channel. And I don't have to listen to the weather weenies bitch.
@Dan mine are insulated - hard to determine temperature unless there are obvious indicators (trees on fire ; ice everywhere)
@voretaq7 But they're so cute.
@sysadmin1138 ImageMagick is still broken on mine.... all my thumbnails are broken.
@voretaq7 Har!
The only thing worse than dealing with one department of transportation is dealing with two departments of transportation
@WesleyDavid That just about makes me want to watch
Can mods delete tags or is it only a SE employee / developer thing?
@WesleyDavid I think the term you're looking for is "burninate".
Mods can delete tags
user image
We should elect Trogdor as SF's patron saint.
But yeah, there's about 14 imperial crap tonnes of tags that need burninating.
@Holocryptic Oo! I think I know how to solve your problem. First, you need a sonic screwdriver set to maximum....
mornin gents.
Mornin hat-less
I'm not entire sure where he would even put a hat, @Tyler.
on his head, of course
@WesleyDavid tags with no questions automagically delete
kinda tough to wear a hat under a helmet though.
I should re-post that image with the mileage marker in the photo, a tiny little hat would on there just fine.
Anyone use completely online banks like Orange or ING?
They kinda scare the crap out of me.
@MDMarra I've had an ING account since back when their interest rates weren't shit
never had a problem, but now their interest rate is sub-1% and I need to shop around again
anyone know why Warner went inactive?
@pauska I heard that he doesn't like hats
@pauska he got busy at work I think
@pauska His job title changed a while back, I think he's in a room without computers now
or at least somewhere where there's less access to them
gah, I'm using way too much time in this chat.. I have to close down chrome for a few hours to get something done :P Later guys
fixed it for you.
Getting a copy of the CT on CD now. Technology is awesome
Apparently my kidneys dont like me and are trying to roll multiple boulders down through my wank. I'm considering giving them up for adoption.
your kidneys or your wank?
Either or really. I dont like the one and the other never gets used anyways.
@Holocryptic drink moar water!
Looks like a MSFT employee is going through and resurrecting old threads about certificate services
Going apeshit on the tags.
@WesleyDavid Did they already have accepted answers?
Look at his activity tab.
@MDMarra From what I've seen, a lot of them do, yes.
Seems harmless, it's just that I saw a ton of cert services posts on the front page so I thought maybe an IT department hit a wall and is flooding us with questions.
More water does seem to be what the doctor ordered.
Then I saw that it was one user bring the threads back up to the top.
@Holocryptic And not merely as carrier medium for more whiskey, either. DAMHIK
He's been here for a year, so not like a sudden spammer. Just odd that he started now.
@Holocryptic Yes, drink more water. I try to get about 3 litres a day in me. Works wonders.
tag all the windows things, I suppose. If it makes him happy, more power to him. That way he's not thinking of ways to make hardware vendors break my linux drivers.
@Holocryptic There's water in beer,.
@tombull89 yes. users flag to escalate to mods. mods escalate to staff. (:
@tombull89, what is wrong with that answer? Public keys are public, and that is all that I see posted.
@RebeccaChernoff And do the staff complain about us the way we complain about OUR users? =)
Tomtom for pwned in the comments here
A: Does Active Directory support DNS names with spaces?

TomTomAh - sorry to be snippy, but you have a wag the dog here. It is not that AD does not support DNS names with spaces, but that DNS names per definition and RFC are not allowed to have spaces to start with. RFC 952 and 1123 both do not allow spaces as part of a DNS name. So, AD does not lack suppor...

@AdrianK well there is the darts wall of faces...but we don't need to talk about that...
Do you think this means that he isn't actually infallible?
@RebeccaChernoff Excellent. Quite reinforces my faith in the symmetry of the universe.
@RebeccaChernoff Do the powers that be find TomTom as amusing as the rest of us plebs do?
Ah, people are noticing my discussion with @TomTom again :)
@MDMarra Why would they even notice him?
@Zoredache He's been suspended more times than I've been upvoted.
I assume someone outside of chat has noticed that he exists.
aaaaaaaaaaand i'm back
gotta leech some knowledge from you .edu geeks
@MDMarra of course he's fallible. He's talking out of his ass in this particular comment thread.
@Alnitak You're pretty new to chat so you don't fully understand the TT meme
Snarkiness is measured on a scale from zero to one TomToms (or TT).
we're going to deploy 1600 installations of windows xp, and I've forgotten just about everything there is about deploying XP. Any advice on useful libraries/white papers/etc of what one should tweak/disable/enable on a stock XP install? We're going to use GPO extensively - so this is just a matter of the stuff that we can't do via GPO
Something that's about 1/2 as caustic as TT would normally say is .5TT
@MDMarra ah, right. He should pick his battles better.
@pauska Yeah, don't do it
@Alnitak Some of his posts are absolute classics
@MDMarra No choice, else i'd obviously deploy win7
Like a guy asking why his web server can't process 5k requests/day and TT offered to host the site on his cell phone for him
or something to that effect.
@MDMarra ha ha
what puzzles me is how come he got so many upvotes despite the pwning in the comment thread
You'll have to ask the people that upvoted him
Also, this should be easy rep for someone with more patience that I have:
Q: Stop DHCP Client from Requesting the same IP. Server 2008 R2

RuisuI have one DHCP server. It is configured with one Superscope which contains 5 member scopes. One scope for each one of my subnets. Here is the problem, if I am on VLAN 12 I get a VLAN 12 IP but if I disconnect my laptop and walk over to a port that is on VLAN 1 and reconnect nothing works. Mak...

@MDMarra that and the 5 people that thought his (incorrect) comment about SRV records was worthy
wish SO didn't hide some comments - makes the thread harder to follow :(
youtube.com/watch?v=EKibHjyuCr4 (Canadian, NSFW:Language)
Oh Canda - Our foul-mouthed native land.....
Commons is always like that
It's only news because it was trudeau
@Basil I think he called him a piece of shit in a most Canadian and polite way...
very quietly...
and I wish that my lawmakers had the balls to call each other pieces of shit.
I read the news when it came out- it was because the governing minister barred the opposition from attending something, and then asked them in front of cameras "Why weren't you there?"
@Basil that's my understanding as well
a bit of a dick move
Just stupid honestly
You want to block people from attending, fine. But then you don't get to call them out for not being there, 'cuz they'll call you out for blocking them and you look like a twit.
(futher, an ADDLE-BRAINED TWIT when you don't pay enough attention to realize you already got your apology from the guy that called you out)
meh, I can't seem to bring myself to care any more.
@Basil you best be careful. Such apathy, they may ship you to the south.
you guys arent apathetic- you're polarized and angry
posted on December 19, 2011 by SysAdmin1138

This morning's SANS blog-entry rang true with me.They're coming from an InfoSec point of view, but this fits into the overall IT framework rather well. I even remembered it in the chart I posted back in January:A discrete Security department is one of the last things to break out of the pack, and that's something the SANS diary entry addresses. Between one-gun IT and a discrete security departm

That said, is it warmer down there?
@Basil Not substantially. Also we don't know how to drive in snow.
and re our apathy: 38% voter turnout is kinda pathetic. If we were truly polarized and angry we'd be seeing 80-90% turnout and fights in the streets over which candidate is better
Instead we have people who don't know there's an election happening, much less who's running.
I <3 mainframes
@Basil We had one small town election near here where both candidates sucked so bad that the write-in candidate won. The polarized and angry is just what you see in the news because that draws eyeballs and sells advertising.
@AdrianK you see "polarized and angry" on the news?
What news be ye watchin' lad?
@voretaq7 Uh, yeah. OWS and Tea Party come immediately to mind.
@AdrianK MEH...
@voretaq7 Didn't say I think that qualifies, but that's how it's portrayed. The joke about newspapers really ought to be black & white and RED all over because it's blood in the streets that sells newspapers.
Personally, I just keep the barrels and actions clean and oiled, just in case.

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