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@TomOConnor I just suspended his account for two weeks (this was just before project deadline on his course), got his teachers "on side" with telling him it was his own fault he was gonna miss his deadlines and just enjoyed the show...
8817 rep points ^.^
yeah, much more organised
@RobMoir It's been a pretty...exciting transition as they move from the local segments up to a central location. Having to reverse engineer the way the licenses are actually managed, what firewall rules need configured, etc. Fun stuff.
I bought my first 16GB in october 2009...£40 it cost me. Now, it's a fraction of that for 16GB.
for sure @ScottPack - its not like they document any of this stuff because they're worried about pirates reverse engineering it
I did something similar and left it in the back of a server on my first project
so what happens is you end up buying from their more trusting competitor and they go out of business. Still at least no one stole their software
In my defence I planned to go back for a last hand over week, but it was a secondment and my real job demanded me back.
@RobMoir I've just learned to have no faith in vendor documentation. I always do a text search for 'firewall considerations' just in case, but typically only because that gives me 50-60% of the necessary rules.
@RobMoir The only thing piracy protection does is make life hard work for legit people
@RobMoir Some of the more enterprising lower school students have found a version of Halo:CE Portable that can be played over LAN. The head of the ict department is happy to let them play it at break as it "keeps them busy", regardless of the fact it's a pirate copy and the fact that all are under the age limit for the game.
Block halo.exe running from usb > done.
@dan agreed
too true scott
tombull, I'll keep an eye out for that when I'm back at work
@Dan also the argument about gun control.
@tombull89 How would you enforce that? Netsupport?
@BartDeVos Yeah, we have Ranger Remote Control, which is a (pretty much idential) version of NetSupport.
@PeterGrace I don't think that's a valid or equal point, to be honest
Although I'm British - so a gun control debate between us would be pretty moot
@RobMoir I've noticed Minecraft from USB is also a popular one (can't go through the filtering to play online, but it's still present on a lot of USB's)
well you're never going to stop it all. We just disable their accounts if we catch them
@tombull89 Tunnels ahoy! :)
Block USB mass storage devices.
@RobMoir You going to BETT 2012?
@TomOConnor I recommend epoxy. It's a great method of disabling usb devices.
@TomOConnor I want to, but they do use them for "legit" purposes most of the time.
probably not, Tom
@ScottPack We use rmmod usb-mass-storage here
@RobMoir fair enough. Otherwise a pint would've been a requirement.
for sure
@RobMoir I'd love to do that, but unfortunately as soon as we do that we'd get a teacher bleating how they need the computer for learning and we don't have the backup to enforce it. Yet.
I've got the week after that off and a lot of 'crunch' time for various projects so I need to spend my time at work at work
@tombull89 ah... we do have the support. Which isn't to say we don't work with teachers and aren't open to compromise, but we have senior management support for whatever we decide being the final word
@RobMoir I've known too many people not in that situation. I feel sorry for those guys.
true true
we're lucky in that regard
Urgh, I should've have eaten that Mince Pie
i like a good mince pie
Me too - that's the problem
actually, back in a bit, just remembered that sitting here chatting isn't the best way to get cards posted!
who knew?
It's not the best way to get anything done, tbh
@RobMoir meh, if you were Chopper you'd have someone to do it for you...like a butler. or a pfy.
@tombull89 Or a wife.
has he been back since his...resignation?
not afaik
I haven't seen him either :(
Nor I
Speaking of lazy bastards..@Peter. I notice you're hatless. Dude. Seriously.
Aww. If @PeterGrace had a hat it would have been the whole first row having haturday.
This is the first I'm seeing it!
@PeterGrace We recommend you, you know, GET YOUR HAT ON!
oh boo
Is there a recommended hat graphic?
We need to replace the first hat with the transparent png version.
Yeah, I was a bit annoyed that I had to fire up Photoshop just to add a hat to my van
Going back in the chat transcript to find it would be a freaking nightmare on the laptop I'm using now. Anyone else want to take a crack at it?
Apparently my highway toll transponder died in the middle of last month, but somehow the light letting you know your toll was paid kept turning green...So I have a $50 fine for each day I went to work since 11/16. On top of that, since my transponder is from out of state, there is a gigantic clusterfuck of paperwork that I need to do instead of just calling them and saying that my transponder died.
Whoever made these things without a battery life indicator should be destroyed.
@MDMarra I heard from someone else that that happened to them for like 3 months before they found out.
Im lazy and kept my MA transponder when I moved to PA 4 years ago
Now it's fucking me...hard
I knew there was a reason I don't use those highway ez pass things.
How much do they say you owe, @MDMarra?
I have to establish a "traffic pattern" by giving them old statements to prove that they should only be deducting $1.10 a day for all of those days instead of $50
@BartSilverstrim $50/day
Yeah, but what total? :-p
Max toll + administrative fee
I dont know
She said it takes a few weeks to process
so only like half of the violations have been processed
They just told you you owe "$50/day" plus fee? Not even a bottom line fine??
Oh lord.
meaning this will probably require dozens more calls over the next month or so
@BartSilverstrim I have three individual $50.50 fines
but there are dozens more queued up in processing apparently
I just had erie insurance send our old account to collections without telling us for a bill we didn't owe.
Dude :(
It sounds like I'll only have to pay $1.10 for each violation (which is the actual toll) it's just a fuckton of paperwork
If I had an in-state transponder (i.e. EZPass instead of Fast Lane) it could have been taken care of with a phone call
but since it's out-of-state it's a nightmare
I sent a loud barking bitch session on their website...twice...and their twitter account...until I went to the old agent to tell them to fix it, THEN they finally got ahold of me. Although it's still unclear if it's been fixed. Now I'm fighting with a collections company jackal along with getting erie to stop pretending it's all good.
ok, ok, I'll install gimp.
why don't they just do ANPR?
why have a transponder at all?
automatic numberplate recognition
This is America.
machine-vision reads your tag and then checks against a central database of known tags.
That's why.
@MDMarra: I think it's a system in Europe (and in the US, but not for this) that records your whereabouts like big brother.
it's how congestion charging works in london
congestion charging?
ANPR is also used in gas stations
London has traffic issues.
Driving in there incurs a fee.
so that if you drive off without paying, the local law enforcement know where to find you.
The London congestion charge is a fee charged for some categories of motor vehicle to travel at certain times within the Congestion Charge Zone (CCZ), a traffic area in London. The charge aims to reduce congestion, and raise investment funds for London's transport system. The zone was introduced in central London on 17 February 2003, and extended into parts of west London on 19 February 2007. Though not the first scheme of its kind in the United Kingdom, it was the largest when introduced, and it remains one of the largest in the world. Several cities around the world have referenced Lon...
how does HOV lane enforcement work?
Europe is where show writers for CSI and NCIS get their script ideas, only they pretend the technology works well :-)
yesterday, by Ben Pilbrow
user image
@tombull89 Oh wow. Glad we don't have that. haha
The standard charge is £10 for each day, for each non-exempt vehicle that travels within the zone between 07:00 and 18:00 (Monday-Friday only); a penalty of between £60 and £180 is levied for non-payment. HUURK. I'm glad I don't live in London...
@tombull89 i do, i just don't drive here ;)
@MDMarra: no, we're having a slow economic collapse. They just had a collapse of privacy.
@BartSilverstrim Potato, potahto
Anyone hear from Chopper3 lately?
@BartSilverstrim He'll be back
@BartSilverstrim nope...not in chat at least.
Give him a break over christmas...He probably needs it.
@tombull89 He said 10 days off :)
@BartDeVos [citation-needed]
@tombull89 Mail he sent me
Oh, fair enough.
"I may have a day or ten off the site anyway, then come back and have a go at answering some questions - sick of being second in the rep table anyway, not my style."
Wow! I found that incredibly small intersection of time where a question sufficiently narrow in my field has been asked, but not immediately jumped on by everyone else!
A: vmware esx 4.1 cant see existing SAN storage

BasilStart off by triple checking your zoning and LUN masking. I know you did it already, but if you made a typo or something, that would do this. You need to ensure that your switch has a zone containing all the front end ports for your EVA as well as the HBA for your new VMWare server. Most FC pl...

I should probably go too. Wouldn't want to give more people reason to validate how worthless chat is as was indicated in the meta. Wonder if that was updated at all...I haven't looked at the question since it first started getting all rabbley rousey.
Honestly, I only come here for the boobs and cussing.
when did the answer order change? I thought it was always "accepted" followed by "highest voted"
@Alnitak Sortable
@Alnitak You can choose yourself
above the first answer, to the right
np :)
Honestly - we "agreed" to stop the "boobs" meme as some was offended by it :)
Pretty much all you have left is the cussing, @Basil
@pauska Did we? What about the sock one? That's worse that the boobs one, in my eyes.
The sock stays
@tombull89 I'm probably the only one (who should be) offended
@jcolebrand that wasn't a flag that brought you in, was it?
I just set a date in the work tech calendar for 14/12/2031. When one of our internal CA roots expires.
no, I'm just getting to the office. this is one of my lurk rooms
@TomOConnor :D
quit being paranoid, unless you need a ban for some reason
I'm handy with the bans, and with my back aching, I'm ready to dish them out.
cowers in the corner
@pauska I missed the memo.
have you seen this guy in /review?
282 rep, but he does more editing than we all do combined
@pauska Ah, the editmonster.
if anyone here is from the domain names with spaces in debate from earlier, the last edit in my answer at [serverfault.com/a/342303/216] is for @Tomtom's benefit ;-)
It's good edits aswell
@pauska Jep EditMan
Oh yeah, editing.
@jcolebrand: Only hats allowed here! That goes for blue's aswell!
that goes for you aswell basil
Q: It's Santa Time!

HolocrypticLet's do this. What with the DramaLlama being out in full force, I think it's time to take a breather and bring the funny back. To wit: I propose the Santification of your gravatars till after the new year. Some of us have already gotten started. You can use the image as your baseline. or ...

hey, why can't I edit my chat about... uh... socks?
Also, what's a drama llama?
@pauska 'whatever bloody nonsense you're on about, it does not bode well for you to taunt a blue who has already threatened bans for everybody.
@Basil Can only edit/delete for two minutes after it's posted.
@jcolebrand I'm a viking, taunting people is in my DNA
@Basil It's from a children's book. Llama Llama Red Pajamas.
@Basil who SF got vistied by last week.
@pauska Can you photoshop some horns on too?
@ScottPack Who let you near children?
I can't, but I bet @Iain can
@pauska he's fixing up all the Mercurial questions/answers as he's a core developer
@MDMarra This is Merrka. If you make it, they don't take it away unless you use them as a stirstick in your meth lab.
ahhhh of course, why didn't I see that
Hooray! @ChrisS is on board!
@MDMarra In fact, I've got one siting at my feet watching Clifford right now.
@pauska I'm not that good
My evil plan is wurking
@ScottPack You have a child with a TV under your desk?
Yep... Lurking about...
time to watch a movie :)
@MDMarra At this point, in this google index chat session, I should probably point out that I'm working from home this morning.
So I'm working on writing an RFP for our next storage refresh :)
This is the first time I get to sit at the cool side of the table.
@Iain Poor guy doesnt get much upvotes either, so I gave him some.. well deserved, all his answers are great
@Basil Not incredibly not exciting for you!
@Basil Did you decide on vendor yet?
I remember we talked about EMC with its fast cache etc
nope- we're letting 6 people bid
@ScottPack He's a storage guy. He's probably got a nerdboner about it
@MDMarra just about.
@Basil I've been on the client side of bunches of RFPs, and I've never seen it as anything except a necessary evil.
OK, I changed my gravatar just for you guys. Dunno how long it'll take to change in chat tho.
@PeterGrace 5-10 min, I've found
Also, the jibjab was pretty f'n funny. Kudos.
Depends on your perspective, I guess. I have to manage whatever we buy for the next 5 years, and I enjoy being able to have an influence on what that ends up consisting of
@PeterGrace you can thank @Iain for that
So far, we're evaluating EMC, HDS, HP, IBM, Netapp, and Compellent.
@Basil Oh, I can definitely relate. We're about to award on our 2nd SIEM RFP, and I got tagged as the primary on a MultiFactor one. As much as I like seeing all kinds of different products, it's still not something I enjoy :)
why is the size field of an ls -l not the size of a file on disk ?
@Basil Try asking IBM for the price of SSD disks, it's actually quite entertaining
@ScottPack What's SIEM?
(unless they've stopped the "only 300GB disks" bs)
@Iain I think it's the total size of the inodes consumed
@Iain Because the size of the file on disk is metadata that you don't really care about unless you specifically do.
Or, what @MikeyB said.
@pauska They have a minimum of 16 disks, but that's how many we'd need anyways
The problem with IBM is that they don't scale up enough
@MikeyB I don't follow you
@Basil, where is your holiday flair, mister?
They're rabid about it.
I got an e-mail today from eBuyer offering a 3TB WD Caviar Green 3.5" 5,400RPM disk for £150...o.O
@TylerShads It's against my religion to ever edit the default avatar on the web.
@PeterGrace nice hat
@MDMarra @PeterGrace, seconded.
michael@challenger:/tmp$ ls -al sparsefile
-rw-r--r-- 1 michael users 1048576 2011-12-19 09:47 sparsefile
michael@challenger:/tmp$ du -k sparsefile
0 sparsefile
@Basil Security Information and Event Manager. Basically a big honkin log and such collector with extra bells and whistles for turning network&system data into information.
Hah, did it change for you? It's still my old gravatar for me.
@PeterGrace have to refresh
@MikeyB ok but for non sparse files ?
That photo, incidentally, is the one that's going on the about page for serverfault, once it goes through customs.
@ScottPack Thanks- I'm filing that acronym away :)
sans-hat, of course.
@Basil Depends on the vendor you'll see SIEM, SEIM, SIM, SEM. Cuz, you know, standardization is stupid.
Who needs it.
@ScottPack Also probably "SIM", "SIM ", " SIM"
@Iain occupied space on disk and actual file size is two different things
@Iain For non-sparse files, that's just the way it is.
michael@challenger:~$ du -k .xsession-errors.old
752	.xsession-errors.old
michael@challenger:~$ du --apparent-size -k .xsession-errors.old
739	.xsession-errors.old
michael@challenger:~$ ls -alk .xsession-errors.old
-rw------- 1 michael users 739 2011-12-17 11:58 .xsession-errors.old
@Iain: Put a 50K file on a file system with 64K blocks and you've lost 14K
@MikeyB du -b is easier
du -b step
@Iain du -b --step
@Iain Oh! Yes, yes it is.
@ScottPack pwned.
du: unrecognized option '--step'
What OS is that?
(derp derp derp)
I would have had it had I not accidentally hit '1' instead of '`'
Oh. NVM.
OK, you got me.
Ima gonna go build me some servers.
Yes we did.
@MikeyB For your penance, you can only work with Sun hardware today.
Sun ∄
Q: Graphical Ping utility with logging

Daniel MošmondorI need to continuously test the quality of the connection between hosts, and I would like to use ping for that, in order to see WHEN the problem occurs. It should provide LOG of the pinging, with timestamps of each ping. Any suggestions for such utility? Yeah, sorry, Windows! Preferably insta...

@MDMarra You know the best thing about SPARC?
Bus Error, bitches!
@ScottPack Do tell
@ScottPack Yeah, the only thing that matters about connection quality is packet loss.
@MikeyB I keep forgetting how insanely useless Solaris ping is.
The only Sun hardware that I can get behind with my workload is a T1000.
@ScottPack It's ALIVE!
And that's strictly because of the name.
@MDMarra My CS program up here was pretty much an entirely Sun shop. Having to learn to do systems programming on that shit was epic.
".. defender Scott Dann has been ruled out of action for six weeks after he ruptured a testicle."
R U P T U R E D.....
That happens somewhat often in soccer
Now that's what I call a sticky situation.
can you imagine a cleat to the nuts? That's gotta hurt like crazy.
@ScottPack I did my CS programming on Sun, but back then it was call SunOS, not Solaris...
There was a baseball player that took a foul ball off of the sack and ruptured a testicle a few years ago. Talk about brutal.
Turns out, there is more than one way to bust a nut.
@Alnitak Then these kids nowadays do it on Intel. Phaw.
And a foul ball it is.
kids nowadays don't do CS - they "learn" Office and HTML
@pauska Aaaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhhh

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