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7:01 PM
woohoo! almost time for my lunch break.
@Wesley Little concerned. Considering talking with Insight Global. =/
@Magellan What vile alignment of the stars would make you do such a thing!
@MikeyB Construction isn't a season here
it happens in all seasons
@voretaq7 It's a way of life!
@Wesley A paycheck.
you'll see them fixing potholes while it's snowing
(that's "Job Security")
7:03 PM
@voretaq7 Do they still have to do construction at night as when Pataki was Governer?
@Magellan Ruby. Adsense. SaaS.
@Wesley Can't do Adsense. For some reason I'm blacklisted by Google for that program. Since it's Google, you never find out why either.
@Magellan I can hook you up.
But yeah, there are better ad networks too.
@Wesley I'd probably get that all sorted out the moment I sign up for Google Apps though. Paying customers at least have some leverage.
country without goverment.
7:06 PM
@DanilaLadner Who are you kidding? We've been without a properly functioning government since Bush 43.
@Magellan Yeahhh, maybe. Adsense is okay, but you can get higher CPM if you use a more niche ad network. Adsense is great for "cheap and easy" but also some of their rules are inane. I'd look into getting listed on buysellads.com.
@Magellan All speaking in theory - no idea what kind of a web app you'd make that would get traficked. So many APIs that I'd like to mash up have a clause that doesn't allow for commercial use of them, so not even ads on the mashup you make.
@Magellan there is no such thing as properly functioning government.
@Magellan no, we do it all the fucking time now
At least not on this planet.
7:07 PM
@voretaq7 do what?
@Magellan I was going to say since Eisenhower, but okay... =p
eisenhower is the one who sat on rich people
@Wesley Perhaps. things kinda-sorta worked during Bush 41, I think. And things weren't that big of a mess during the first 6 years of the Clinton administration.
like morgan and carnegie?
@Magellan Construction
7:14 PM
@voretaq7 I remember that year that Howard Stern ran for governor. Was pretty damn funny. Vowed to resign from office after signing a death penalty bill and a bill requiring that road construction be done at night. Pataki invited Stern to appear for the ceremony where he signed the bill re: construction at night.
@Cole in the world?
@MattBear And they're all at his office.
@Magellan road construction at night... that would be nice
@Magellan I've never even seen an NT4 domain...
@MattBear Ours here tend to run all weekend from Friday night straight through Monday morning most of the time. But due to geography here, there's almost no route around that doesn't take hours.
7:16 PM
even in 2001 we were running server 2000
@MattBear I have, but that was in 1997.
(Note: groups of dbags can be described using a few commonly accepted terms: “flock of cocks,” “kindling of fucksticks,” or “those stupid cunts who think their online game/to-do list/social-media-monitoring tool is changing the world.”)
@Magellan that sucks
@MattBear Is what we put up with for living in a pretty city.
@MattBear @MattBear We do it all day - 24x7x365, at time-and-a-half for overtime, and night differential
7:17 PM
@voretaq7 Who pissed in your cheerios this morning?
they stop between 7AM and about 10:30AM for rush hour, and 4pm-7pm for evening rush
mmm piss cheerios
@Magellan My fucking government is shut down, I'm allowed to be bitter and hate the world!
@voretaq7 no... that's a chance to be happy for once
@Magellan (Alternative answer: "The goddamn fucking United States Congress")
7:19 PM
wish they would just shut it down completely
@Magellan That's from this thing though - "What your profile picture says about you"
@MattBear So do I.
Everything, including "essential services".
figure out what's really important
One day with ZERO federal services, and Congress would be collectively lynched.
@voretaq7 oh, and if they cant pass a budget on time, the first thing axed is their paycheck, for the entire fiscal year
@MattBear Just fire them.
7:20 PM
with the interwebs, we could just vote online, we don't need em anyway
Seriously, most countries dissolve the government if they can't pass a simple budget
so if Congress can't do it - clean sweep. Everyone out.
not allowed to run again for 10 years either - make it real punishment.
How did I end up on that page?!?
Radiator view
@voretaq7 I like the 10 year figure. That will mean most of them will be dead before they can rerun.
@ewwhite God loves you and wants your environment to be stable?
@ScottPack That's what I was aiming for :-) 5 seemed a little too short.
@MattBear at my work
7:25 PM
@voretaq7 You in the city?
I'm leaning toward introducing a little true democracy... Yes, people are stupid as a whole and believe the crap the media feeds them, but theres some shit that we all need to be able to just vote on and pass, that would never make it past congress or the senate
@voretaq7 Less "what you're profile picture says about you" and more "some loser has enough time to think up all these reactions and write an extended rant in the guise of a blog post discussing as much"
or the president
internet voting
1. Vote in punishments for god damn congress and senate
2. Don't pay congressmen or senators
What's up with the gov. shutdown? Why is what shutting down?
@MathiasR.Jessen OK, it's really simple
this half of Congress doesn't like that half of Congress
so they both collectively stamp their feet and scream "NO! I WANT IT MY WAY"
and they keep doing that until the deadline for passing a federal budget is a distant memory
so now our government has no operating budget, and can't do anything
7:28 PM
2. FREE air time for campaign ads, equal time to each party. EACH party. 3.Campaign contributions = bribary and accepting them = treason
@ChrisS Agreed, but I liked the ways of describing a collection of Dbags.
eh missed a number
@voretaq7 makes sense. That being said, it's probably the lamest thing I've ever witnessed
@MattBear I have no problem paying them. However they should not be able to accept compensation from any other sources.
@MathiasR.Jessen Clearly you don't watch C-Span much.
Our government sucks dude.
@voretaq7 they can decide on their own pay...
7:29 PM
Like seriously - if you want to set up a system of government don't do what we did.
@MattBear that's a problem, but they still have to be paid
@voretaq7 Eh, the liberal profanity removes the significance of the more creative insults...
otherwise they HAVE to accept outside money (for things like, ya know, eating)
@voretaq7 oh it worked pretty good for awhile, just needs to be rebuilt every 100 years or so
@ChrisS What the fuck do you mean the fucking profanity detracts from the goddamn argument? :-)
7:31 PM
@MattBear The typical lifespan of a democracy is ~200 years. Then they collapse under their own corruption.
So we're about at that "collapse" point.
@voretaq7 fuck the fuck steak with a fuck stick in the fuck meat to make a fuck burger
@voretaq7 Introducing: The 2 party system - twice the inefficiency of a single-party state
@MattBear . . . I think you just suggested I fornicate with my dinner?
@MathiasR.Jessen Meh, it works OK if both parties are interested in governing
but neither party wants to govern. They want to beat the other guy.
@voretaq7 yuuup, which is why you do "format government:"
@MathiasR.Jessen It's not about inefficiency... It's that any 2-party system will inevitably be controlled by those with economic resources.. So our congress has degraded into puppets publicly fighting over the issues their monetary backers actually want.
7:33 PM
@ChrisS ...their monetary backers would like to see legislation passed
then "install new-government"
as opposed to the current system of calling each other names
@voretaq7 If the monetary backers agreed, so would congress
and doing nothing while Rome DC burns.
our government was built for a time when we didn't have the ability to instantly communicate across the country
hence the representative system
7:34 PM
Well i sure as h*ll don't want a pure democracy! HALF the population has a double-digit IQ
@ChrisS true, cause people are stupid,
@ChrisS There's no government like no government. ANARCHY FOR ALL!
@ChrisS Collectively, Congress has a single-digit IQ.
(Zero is a digit, right?)
@MattBear Representative democracy is fine, but if you're only allowed to trust your vote with Option A or Option B, then democracy is no more
@voretaq7 yeah... except most people are too stupid to survive
@MattBear GOOD.
7:36 PM
@voretaq7 oh yeah, we aren't gonna have a government who's whole goal is to protect people from their own stupidity
@MattBear A representative system is necessary for a modern government. A pure "Everyone votes on every issue every day" democracy would collapse in a week
@MattBear wait a minute...
@MathiasR.Jessen It's not that democracy disappears... But you're method of interacting with the system becomes a strategy to avoid what you dislike the most
people simply can't govern themselves at that level of granularity
@ChrisS I dislike the system...
@voretaq7 but do need a way to directly vote on certain issues, there are things that need to be fixed/changed that will never even make it to the floor
such as anti-corruption measures
7:38 PM
@voretaq7 We have the knowledge to fix the system... It's all been figured out. Just have to do it.
@ChrisS That is neither governing nor is it equal representation aka. it's not democracy anymore
@RyanRies @MDMarra - sanity check...this is right, right? serverfault.com/questions/543058/… - I'm trying to prove myself wrong, but I think that's right.
@TheCleaner Yeah, sounds about right.
@ChrisS we will not fix this system.
I'd sure like to... =/
7:40 PM
the system is designed so it can only be fixed from within (by Congress), and because of the current degree of brokenness that can't happen.
@voretaq7 The last time i watched C-SPAN on senator was pointing out that US gave the contractor to handle a buy of hygiene accessories for troops and ended up paying 32$ for a box fo napkins.
@ChrisS OK, thanks Chris. I was second guessing myself only because I was trying to find situations on our file servers where that wasn't true, but still haven't found any.
@DanilaLadner sounds legit
7:41 PM
exactly and reasonable.
@voretaq7 Well it can be fixed by the states via Constitutional Convention (which has never happened...)
@TheCleaner Spot on, although his description in the question is a bit vague
@voretaq7 we fall victim to our own greed, and self preservation...
@ChrisS state level is just as corrupt
@ChrisS and never will. that would demolish what's left of the "full faith and credit of the United States"
now if we have a debt default maybe we can do that.... seriously at this point I'm wishing for a major disaster.
@voretaq7 ditto
7:42 PM
@MathiasR.Jessen thank ya
@voretaq7 I wouldn't say never... Congress might damage the Government's reputation enough that it could happen.
@DanilaLadner Well, reasonable is relative. That - probably not so reasonable. But then again...
@MattBear Mine's doing pretty darn good right now... Probably the exception, but it's certainly refreshing.
@ChrisS yeah - we basically need Congress to default on the debt and actually destroy the government's international credit/credibility
@ChrisS Wanna trade? My state is just as bad as Congress at this whole "pass a budget on time" thing...
7:43 PM
Two years ago... But the past two budgets have been similar.
reformat and install an up to date version of government, instead of patching something that's 200 years old, and full of legacy apps, fragmented programs, and corrupted registry
and spyware
@ChrisS Well, strictly speaking, it must have happened at least once :P
@ChrisS Montana?
@MathiasR.Jessen No, there were Conventions to enact the Constitution. But we've never had a Convention to Amend the Constitution.
@MattBear Michigan. See linked story
I like the user accounts that are created, ask a question, and then never return. As in "last seen" is prior to any answer on their question. What's the point of even asking? (unless they are coming back without logging in?)
7:46 PM
sigh Recruiter can't do timezone math.
Under the previous Governor we had our State Government Shutdown twice. The next year, new Governor actually sets a record for getting the budget passed. The two budgets since then were very quick as well, though not record breaking.
@ChrisS Yeah well you still have Detroit.
So don't go feeling TOO superior there, Lake-Boy.
@ChrisS that's a bad sign... when you want extra credit for doing what your supposed to do?
@voretaq7 Detroit is damn lucky the people of the state repealed the Emergency Manager law which allowed our Governor to kick out the elected officials and instate his own pick of leadership. 4 other cities who were going under got that done to them. They're all better off now for it too. I don't think that proposal would have passed except it was worded backward (something that should be illegal).
@ChrisS can I have a warehouse?
ill give you $20
or a factory..
factory I'll give you $30
7:49 PM
@MattBear "extra credit"?? What are you talking about?
@TheCleaner Internet justice
@ChrisS their job is to pass a budget, they haven't been doing their job, and now they are... So they aren't as ate up as before
its like saying "I never used to pay my electric bill on time, but I did this time"
cool, you did what you were supposed to
@MattBear I'm not sure where you're getting "extra credit" out of that. I was simply pointing out that at least it's possible to get government to responsibly do their job.
7:52 PM
@voretaq7 Yeah... That's pretty common apparently. Same idea happened here with those 4 cities.
@ChrisS this is NOT a new thing. Nassau County has been in varying degrees of "bankrupt" since before I was born.
So if you want to see what's going to happen to our country....
I suspect whatever has been done in the past to mitigate the financial problems hasn't been a solution so much as a bandage...
@ChrisS Because you cannot indefinitely spend more money than you bring in without resulting in an economic collapse, gridlock, or hyper-inflation?
Goes another NT4 domain
3 to go.
7:55 PM
@Cole Nice. How many'd you start with? 6?
@JoelESalas I think you mean "Merica"
@ChrisS F'ck Yeah, Brau.
@Magellan 15
7:57 PM
@Cole Jumpin' Jesus on a See-Saw. No wonder you were wanting to hurt people.
@Bsilverstrim77 A MEERKAT! FUCK YEAH!!!! http://t.co/1CaevoAf
@Magellan now the UK is fighting us on the last 2 of the 3 remaining
I've even been shutting down 2000 and 2003 domains
@Cole Tell them your government is shut down, which means you can kill them all and there's no state department to stop you from creating an international incident
Wat? Someone has a Chef cookbook that's built to bootstrap debian clients and pass them to FAI which uses CfEngine?
Because Dev is High.
@Magellan that deserves a MacGyver meme
8:02 PM
@Magellan I have that but for rhel
@DanilaLadner Why in creation would you use a Chef cookbook to deploy VMs using a system that also requires CfEngine?
well, actually it is a vagrant box.
just to test my cfengine shit locally on laptop.
cobbler->puppet. done.
foreman->puppet. done.
@dawud Yeah, not a huge fan of Puppet. I've always found Puppet much more difficult to integrate with on the command line.
8:04 PM
@DanilaLadner yeah, that way too
@Magellan more difficult than CFEngine? or Chef?
because CFEngine (even in recent incarnations) is just painful
not more difficult than cfengine, that's for sure
i think puppet is the best in my opinion of these 3
@dawud I don't have much CfEngine experience. And compared to Chef, yes. The command line tools were very flexible. Meant I didn't have to keep my node and role declaration in the code repository and could spawn new nodes and roles as needed.
Puppet is pretty terrible
8:05 PM
but i do not have very extensive chef cookbooks writing experience
rest of my team like chef more than puppet as well
I think it depends on what do you use it for. Most people only use the "pull" functionality of puppet, and never get to know mco, which is quite a good tool to have
fuck my life
serverfault.com/users/21307/jakobud is obviously a smart guy...so what's up with the clandestine website?
@JoelESalas So's your mom.
Wow. Exchange has mangled my brain. I won, but I'm not sure at what cost.
8:15 PM
@TheCleaner ?
I was just curious...he asked a basic question here: serverfault.com/questions/543082/… and I figured he was an SO guy and looked at his profile. Saw his "website" in the profile, went there, and saw just an email address. Just thought it was interesting.
I think its some mobile phone development thing.
his website has an /img and /css directories that are indexed.
ugh. on hold with recruiter.....
lol what? hang up on them
8:35 PM
@Magellan I thought the govt was shut down. You joining the infantry? ;)
Boehners lasting longer than 4 hours should immediately seek medical attention. #govtshutdownpickuplines
@TheCleaner heh.
@TheCleaner Insight Global talking to me about a contract-to-hire position.
@NathanC I'm guessing TMFFinancials is a business twitter account...and if so, kudos to them for such a "personal" tweet.
@TheCleaner Motley Fool.
Heh. City is advertising for a Unix Admin that's "highly proficient in installing, configuring, and maintaining" Tivoli Storage Manager. No wonder the previous one left.
8:49 PM
@mfinni makes sense now with the avatar.
how is everyone?
<-- writing from sunny NYC.
@ewwhite It's sunny here now. And likely to remain so for at least another 10 minutes.
I have no idea what's up with the damn weather the past couple years. We normally don't get weather, we just get climate.
The weather looks nice outside, but I'm stuck in a cube with no view of the outside, and it's cold in here.
@ewwhite I'm getting "Chassis Enclosure Serial Number blablah requires minimum firmware revision 03.10. It is currently 02.60."
The OA firmware is "3.60 Jul 02 2012"
9:05 PM
Time to hire me.
@JoelESalas There's a ritual of firmware updates for these things.
Shall I fly out?
@ewwhite so you're saying you have a wizard way to make these blades not bitch?
I'm just reading the CVs we got for our open Sysadmin position. First one: "Biggest achievement: Lead developer at X" - uhh? wtf?
9:17 PM
@ewwhite I drank all weekend in Brooklyn.
The government shut down? About damn time. We should have decommissioned that piece of shit long ago.
#TSA agents are working without paychecks during #governmentshutdown, so feel free to give them a tip. JUST THE TIP.
@MichaelHampton Try shutting down Netflix + Facebook + Google/Youtube for a day and see what the difference is in the amount of discussion/outrage/concern. ;)
@MichaelHampton They're only decommissioning the parts that help normal people. The parts that blow up other countries can't be shut down for a second.
9:48 PM
@freiheit Don't forget the part that abuse normal people are operating just fine too.
@TheCleaner well yeah, those actually do something usefull
Well my aunt that works as a Network Ops Sr. Manager for a military base says she got furloughed. So, I guess even IT in the federal arena, even those with higher than TS clearance, aren't immune.
@TheCleaner I think they furloughed pretty much all civilians.
@TheCleaner Yeah, I still bet the NSA people are working though.
I'll need to check with my next door neighbor with Fish and Wildlife then
9:57 PM
probably working overtime
10:21 PM
The receptionist at my doctor is really cute. "Do you not carry health insurance? 'cause you got FINE written all over you!"
The only nonessential about you is those pants!
@Wesley I don't get it
What does a fine have to do with health insurance?
@MarkHenderson Obama is twisting company's arms to buy into his IMO bullshit attempt at state funded healthcare (better ways to do it than he devised). If a company doesn't provide something that adheres to some relatively arbitrary standards... then they get a daily fine.
As usual, the US government takes a good idea, fucks it up, and then SUCK MY FREEDOM OR DIE, CITIZENRY!!
@Wesley it is bullshit
@Wesley Ah
And with that, I need my afternoon weightlifting. LEG DAY!!
10:26 PM
Just as long as you realise that your health system is the long standing joke of the rest of the western world
I work on it... indirectly
And that even an imperfect system is at least better than people dying because of bickering over details
Would make for less interesting television though
@MarkHenderson eh, they should of thought of that before they had kids/got sick/got old etc...
@MattBear FREEDOM!!1!
10:27 PM
@MattBear Not sure if trolling or you actually believe that
your failure to purchase health insurance, and provide for your family does not = an emergency on my part
@MattBear Thats an incredibly simplistic view of the issue
@MarkHenderson somewhere in between :p
@MattBear Under the "old" system, it's exceedingly difficult for individuals to buy health insurance. The health insurance rates for individual buyers are based on the assumption you want it because you're high risk of needing a lot of insurance.
@MarkHenderson it comes down to this.. I pay X per month for other people who don't have health care, PLUS Y per month for myself and my family
If I'm paying Y, why do I pay for X, but cant use it?
10:31 PM
@MattBear Thats what I do. I have private health insurance at ~ 1500/year. I also pay 1% in tax to pay for everyone elses publically provided health care
I don't have to take private health insurance, but if I don't I will pay an extra 1% in tax
@MattBear Because thats how taxes work!
You're also paying for roads you don't drive on
@MarkHenderson If I don't take private insurance, I don't get insurance
Libraries you don't use
though I'm paying for it for other people
Politicians you don't agree with
@MichaelHampton Exactly
Your taxes already pay for things you don't like, don't want, and even oppose
10:33 PM
Oh, and the real reason we have to have taxes, so that the government can continue spying on everyone and bombing the shit out of foreign countries.
So complaining that you're going to pay for something that someone else is going to use and not you is a dumb argument
Taxes are the price of civilization empire.
@MarkHenderson complaining that I'm paying for something that I CANT use, is not though
@MattBear Fairly sure you are already paying for things you can't use. Your taxes probably pay for womens health clinics. Last I heard you're a dude
Your taxes also paid for your politicians new Mercedes S-Class and driver. You can't use those either.
which is why I don't like taxes period...
10:35 PM
Your taxes also paid for the hooker he fucked last night
Can't share in that
@MarkHenderson thought I am the one that gets fucked....
@MattBear You realise that most people get more value from their taxes than they pay?
Imagine if you had to pay-per-mile for every road you drove on
@MarkHenderson you do
well, we do
Every time someone damaged public property, everyone in the district got a bill
If you asked for a a pothole repaired, you got a $3,000 bill
@MarkHenderson that's actually what happens, at least where I am
If you wanted to visit the library, you had to take out a $300/month membership
non-county roads
@MattBear Then your system of governance is fundamentally broken
@MarkHenderson yes, it is
@MattBear The problem though is not with taxes, it's with how your tax system works and what the people in charge do with it
10:38 PM
@MarkHenderson yes
@MattBear So stop complaining about how you hate tax
I wouldn't mind paying 1% for health care, or 2%
and actually be able to use it
and have it optional to go private for a higher level
@MattBear Have you evaluated what the different health plan options would actually cost you?
@freiheit yes I have, at one point that's what I did for living, oddly enough
basically I make a little too much for medical, but the private insurance that is my only option is 30%+ of my take home pay.
I blame Richard Nixon.
10:45 PM
@TheCleaner Haven't poked around with Exchange for a while, does this make sense:
A: Sending unauthenticated mail through MS Exchange with powershell (Windows Server 2008 R2)

Mathias R. JessenWhen you submit an email through telnet and choose not to authenticate, the server assumes that you are anonymous (aka the well-known NT AUTHORITY\Anonymous logon or S-1-5-7). When Send-MailMessage submits an email, it will ALWAYS try to authenticate the session. If a set of credentials is not ...

11:17 PM
I must say, I'm enjoying this whole scratching my own itch and owning the copyright to my own code thing. Just wish it paid a little better.
@Magellan code makes you itchy? I have a powder for that
@RyJones Other way around. My code is a wondrous salve applied to a million irritable things.
@Magellan ah, good
@Magellan Make a thing. Monetize a thing.
@Wesley Building the infrastructure to make a thing. Ditched my other hobbies. Making better progress now.
11:24 PM
@Magellan Yay! (And yes, I'm going to annoy the piss out of you over this. =P )
Learned a metric F-load about KVM the past couple days too.
@Wesley That's cool too.
@Magellan KVM is value++
@JoelESalas I've come across a surprising number of companies lately that are moving to KVM from VMWare. I had heard people predict that it would happen, didn't really believe it. Then again, I've never been the one to have the pay the invoices for VMWare.
@Magellan VMware adds no value to the majority of VMware installations
it's just babby's first virtualization platform
it's not simple enough to merit the continued bloodletting, you may as well learn something more maintainable.
@JoelESalas Frankly, I think they've shot themselves in the foot. Very high pricing and some serious problems in recent history.
11:39 PM
@Magellan It's a weird strategy in general. the people that put them on the map are the sysadmins/engineers/whoever that started out on vmware workstation a thousand years ago are pissed off
with overcomplicated deployments, compatibilty issues and pricing that goes head-to-head with microsoft in sheer complexity
but they're elbow-deep in the enterprise
@JoelESalas And probably figuring they've got the gripping hand now. The whole selling it to the Execs business model works for IBM, after all.
And IBM pushes KVM, after all...
@MichaelHampton Hmm. I tend to ignore most of their stuff. I haven't worked for a company lately that's large enough to be a prospective IBM customer.
@Magellan IBM has been selling KVM for years, long before it was on most people's radars.
@MichaelHampton Interesting. Of course, IBM's so big that it's pretty easy to hear nothing about something that a different part of the company is doing. Last I check it was well over 420k staff worldwide.
11:51 PM
Considering that these days you can get near to feature parity with VMware's stuff for absolutely free, KVM is pretty compelling. And even IBM's licensed KVM offering is cheaper than VMware or RHEV.
VMware's only significant advantage these days is that it was first to market. But they seem to be changing their marketing strategy, cutting off the long tail and going after customers with more money than sense. And unfortunately for them, there aren't THAT many of those.
@MichaelHampton Taking the IBM route. Incredible sales organization that happens to drop ship mainframes.

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